991 resultados para implicit emotional strategies
The variation in nitrogen use strategies and photosynthetic pathways among vascular epiphyte families was addressed in a white-sand vegetation in the Brazilian Central Amazon. Foliar nitrogen and carbon concentrations and their isotopic composition (δ15N and δ13C, respectively) were measured in epiphytes (Araceae, Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae) and their host trees. The host tree Aldina heterophylla had higher foliar N concentration and lower C:N ratio (2.1 ± 0.06% and 23.6 ± 0.8) than its dwellers. Tree foliar δ15N differed only from that of the orchids. Comparing the epiphyte families, the aroids had the highest foliar N concentration and lowest C:N ratios (1.4 ± 0.1% and 34.9 ± 4.2, respectively). The orchids had more negative foliar δ15N values (-3.5 ± 0.2) than the aroids (-1.9 ± 0.7) and the bromeliads (-1.1 ± 0.6). Within each family, aroid and orchid taxa differed in relation to foliar N concentrations and C:N ratios, whereas no internal variation was detected within bromeliads. The differences in foliar δ15N observed herein seem to be related to the differential reliance on the available N sources for epiphytes, as well as to the microhabitat quality within the canopy. In relation to epiphyte foliar δ13C, the majority of epiphytes use the water-conserving CAM-pathway (δ13C values around -17), commonly associated with plants that live under limited and intermittent water supply. Only the aroids and one orchid taxon indicated the use of C3-pathway (δ13C values around -30).
Transplantation of mobilized peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) for rescue of bone marrow function after high-dose chemo-/radiotherapy is widely used in hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. Mobilization of stem cells to the peripheral blood can be achieved by cytokine treatment of the patients. The main advantage of autologous PBSC transplantation over bone marrow transplantation is the faster recovery of neutrophil and platelet counts. The threshold number of PBSC required for adequate rescue of bone marrow is thought to be about 2 x 106 CD34+ cells/kg, if the stem cells are collected by leukapheresis and subsequently cryopreserved. We show that this critical number could be further reduced to as few as 0.2 x 106 cells/kg. In 30 patients with multiple myeloma and 25 patients with bad risk lymphoma 1 liter of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-mobilized unprocessed whole blood (stored at 4oC for 1-3 days) was used for transplantation. Compared to a historical control group, a significant reduction in the duration of neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and the length of hospital stay was documented. Furthermore, the effect of stem cell support was reflected by a lower need for platelet and red cell transfusions and a reduced antibiotic use. Considering the data as a whole, a cost saving of about 50% was achieved. To date, this easy to perform method of transplantation is only feasible following high-dose therapies that are completed within 72 h, since longer storage of unprocessed blood is accompanied by a substantial loss of progenitor cell function. Ongoing investigations include attempts to prolong storage times for whole blood
Väitöskirjani tarjoaa laajasti tietoa sotamuistomerkeistä koko Suomen alueelta. Työ purkaa suomalaisten sotamuistomerkkien ilmaisutapoja ja modaalisia keinoja, joilla taideteokset sovittelevat voitetun tai hävityn sodan tarinaa ja kokemuksellisia jännitteitä toisiinsa. Suurin osa analyysin kohteena olevista taideteoksista on pystytetty Suomen itsenäisyyden ajalla vapaudenpatsaiksi tai sankarihautojen, taisteluiden ja vakaumuksensa puolesta kuolleiden muistomerkeiksi. Tutkimus painottuu voiton ideologian vaikutukseen sotakuvaston muotoutumisessa. Avainkysymyksiä ovat, miten sotamuistomerkki viestittää poliittis-ideologisia tavoitteita tai miten muistomerkkien figuurien asennot, eleet ja attribuutit välittävät sotatarinan yhteisöllisiä sisältöjä. Tutkimus tarkentuu teosten modaalisiin piirteisiin ja merkityksenmuodostuksen vuorovaikutteisuuteen. Erikoishuomion kohteena ovat aiheiden sisällölliset ristiriidat ja ilmaisun murtumakohdat. Suurten teosmäärien ja aihetyyppien jaottelussa ja analysoimisessa on hyödynnetty ikonografian, kuvaretoriikan ja eleiden tutkimusta. Suomalaisen aineiston vertailukohtina ovat antiikin sotilasaiheinen taide, keskiaikainen Kristuksen kärsimyskuvasto sekä sotamuistomerkkiperinne Saksassa, Ranskassa, Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa ja Amerikan yhdysvalloissa. Sotien muistokultin merkitysten avaamisessa käytetään diskurssianalyysin välineitä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että sotamuistomerkit rakentavat yhteisön turvallisuudentunnetta ja muokkaavat sotilasimagoa maskuliinisten ideaalien ja implisiittisen vihollis- tai vastakuvan varassa. Kansallisen paatoksen ohessa sotamuistomerkit vahvistavat sotilaiden aseveliaatetta ja luovat kuvaa rikkumattomasta yhteishengestä sekä kotirintamasta. Teokset tulkitsevat valmistumisaikansa usein ristiriitaista tunneilmapiiriä ja tulevaisuuden odotuksia sekä neuvottelevat paikallisesta erityisyydestä ja valtakysymyksistä. Veistosten modaaliset keinot suhteessa toimijarooleihin, kuten autonomisuuden korostus, tunteenomainen toiseen tukeutuminen tai sodan velvoitteisiin suuntautuminen perustuvat yleensä figuurien asentoihin. Sen sijaan figuurien eleet ja attribuutit, tärkeimpinä kypärä, ase, univormu ja lumipuku, tarkentavat suuntautumisen tavoitetta ja ideologista sanomaa. Koska sodassa on kyse vaikeasti käsiteltävistä väkivaltakulttuurin ilmiöistä, muistomerkeillä on hämärretty ja muokattu kuvaa historian tapahtumista. Siten teosten välittämät ideat uhrivalmiudesta ja tunteiden hillinnän velvoitteesta auttavat sotatraumojen ja surun kanavoimisessa sekä purkavat tapahtumiin liittyvää häpeää.
Stimulation of the mammalian immune system by administration of plasmid DNA has been shown to be an important approach for vaccine development against several pathogens. In the present study we investigated the use of DNA vaccines to induce immune responses against an enteric bacterial pathogen, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Three plasmid vectors encoding colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I), an ETEC fimbrial adhesin, were constructed. Eukaryotic cells transfected with each of these plasmids expressed the heterologous antigen in different compartments: bound to the cytoplasmic membrane (pRECFA), accumulated in the cytoplasm (pPolyCFA) or secreted to the outside medium (pBLCFA). BALB/c mice were intramuscularly (im) inoculated with purified plasmid DNA and the systemic, cellular and secreted CFA/I-specific immune responses were analyzed. The results showed that all three DNA vaccine formulations could elicit CFA/I-specific immune responses. Moreover, cellular location of the plasmid-encoded CFA/I seems to have an important role in the induced immune response. Taken together, these results indicate that DNA vaccines also represent a promising approach against enteric bacterial pathogens.
The induction of systemic (IgG) and mucosal (IgA) antibody responses against the colonization factor I antigen (CFA/I) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) was evaluated in mice primed with an intramuscularly delivered CFA/I-encoding DNA vaccine followed by two oral immunizations with a live recombinant Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain expressing the ETEC antigen. The booster effect induced by the oral immunization was detected two weeks and one year after the administration of the DNA vaccine. The DNA-primed/Salmonella-boosted vaccination regime showed a synergistic effect on the induced CFA/I-specific systemic and secreted antibody levels which could not be attained by either immunization strategy alone. These results suggest that the combined use of DNA vaccines and recombinant Salmonella vaccine strains can be a useful immunization strategy against enteric pathogens.
The possibility of the presence of inter-individual emotional differences and the memory performance of rats was examined in the elevated T-maze. Two kinds of aversively motivated behaviors, inhibitory avoidance and escape learning, were measured. Based on the number of trials to achieve a learning criterion, rats were divided into two subgroups with either low or high avoidance reactivity (LAR or HAR, respectively). Retention test avoidance latencies showed that HAR animals had better avoidance memory (Mann-Whitney rank sum test, P = 0.0035). No such differences were found for the escape component of this test. These data suggest that individual emotional differences affect inhibitory avoidance performance, which may help to explain the dispersion of the data observed in other studies using this paradigm.
The primary purpose of this research is to develop an enhanced understanding of how consumption values influence environmentally responsible consumption of print and digital media. Theoretical elaboration considers the associations of functional, social and emotional consumption values, green consumer segmentation and media consumption. Additionally, the purpose is to identify consumer perceptions of print and digital media’s environmental responsibility. Empirical analysis was based on qualitative interviews with a sample of 20 Finnish consumers categorized in two segments: young adults and middle aged consumers. Primary data collection was conducted through individual, semi-structured interviews. To analyze the respondents’ approach on the topic, the interviews disclosed themes of media consumption, perceived environmental friendliness of media, norms of behavior and consumers’ general consumption patterns. The results implicate functional value dominated the consumption decision-making process both in a general level and in media consumption. In addition to functional value, environmental responsibility does provide consumers with both emotional and social values. Analysis on perceived environmental responsibility of media demonstrated consumers generally perceive digital media as an environmentally responsible alternative because it does not create physical paper waste. Nevertheless, the perceptions of environmental responsibility and media consumption patterns lacked a consistent connection. Though, both theory and empirical results indicated an average consumer lacks a comprehensive understanding of digital and print media’s life-cycle and hence their environmental advantages and disadvantages.
Salivary cortisol is an index of plasma free cortisol and is obtained by a noninvasive procedure. We have been using salivary cortisol as a tool for physiological and diagnostic studies, among them the emergence of circadian rhythm in preterm and term infants. The salivary cortisol circadian rhythm in term and premature infants was established between 8 and 12 postnatal weeks. In the preterm infants the emergence of circadian rhythm was parallel to the onset of sleep rhythm. We also studied the use of salivary cortisol for screening for Cushing's syndrome (CS) in control and obese outpatients based on circadian rhythm and the overnight 1 mg dexamethasone (DEX) suppression test. Salivary cortisol was suppressed to less than 100 ng/dl after 1 mg DEX in control and obese patients. A single salivary cortisol measurement at 23:00 h and again after 1 mg DEX above the 90th percentile of the obese group values had sensitivity and specificity of 93 and 93% (23:00 h), and 91 and 94% (after DEX), respectively. The sensitivity improved to 100% when we combined both parameters. We also studied 11 CS children and 21 age-matched primary obese children for whom salivary cortisol sensitivity and specificity were 100/95% (23:00 h), and 100/95% (1 mg DEX), respectively. Similar to adults, sensitivity and specificity of 100% were obtained by combining 23:00 h and 1 mg DEX. The measurement of salivary cortisol is a useful tool for physiological studies and for the diagnosis of CS in children and adults on an outpatient basis.
Adrenocortical carcinoma is a highly malignant neoplasm with an incidence of two per million people per year. Several treatment strategies have resulted in temporary or partial tumor regression but very few cases have attained long survival. Surgical resection of the primary tumor and metastases is most effective. Several chemotherapeutic protocols have been employed with variable success. Mitotane (o,p'-DDD) is an adrenalytic drug effective in inducing a tumor response in 33% of patients treated. Mitotane requires metabolic transformation for therapeutic action. Tumors may vary in their ability to metabolize mitotane and the ability of tumors to transform mitotane may predict the clinical response to the drug. Preliminary data show a possible correlation between metabolic activity of neoplastic adrenocortical tissue and response to mitotane. We have attempted to develop mitotane analogs with enhanced adrenalytic effect. Compared to mitotane, a di-chloro compound, the bromo-chloro and di-bromo analogs appear to have a greater effect. Future approaches to the treatment of adrenocortical carcinoma are likely to be based on blocking or reversing the biological mechanisms of tumorigenesis. Angiogenic and chemotactic mechanisms may play a role in adrenal tumor growth and inhibition of these mechanisms may result in inhibition of tumor growth. New mitotane analogs with greater adrenalytic potential could be a promising approach to developing more effective and selective therapies for adrenal cancer. Alternative approaches should attempt to suppress tumor growth by means of compounds with anti-angiogenic and anti-chemotactic activity.
Several studies have documented that emotional arousal may enhance long-term memory. This is an adaptation of a paradigm previously used in North American and European samples in investigations of the influence of emotion on long-term retention. A sample of 46 healthy adults of high and low educational levels watched a slide presentation of stories. A randomly assigned group watched a story with an arousing content and another group watched a neutral story. The stories were matched for structure and comprehensibility and the set and order of the 11 slides were the same in both conditions. Immediately after viewing the slide presentation, the participants were asked to rate the emotionality of the narrative. The arousing narrative was rated as being more emotional than the neutral narrative (t (44) = -3.6, P<0.001). Ten days later subjects were asked to remember the story and answer a multiple-choice questionnaire about it. The subjects who watched the arousing story had higher scores in the free recall measure (t (44) = -2.59, P<0.01). There were no differences between groups in the multiple-choice test of recognition memory (t (44) = 0.26). These findings confirm that an emotional arousing content enhances long-term declarative memory and indicate the possibility of applying this instrument to clinical samples of various cultural backgrounds.
This article is a transcription of an electronic symposium in which active researchers were invited by the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC) to discuss the advances of the last decade in the neurobiology of emotion. Four basic questions were debated: 1) What are the most critical issues/questions in the neurobiology of emotion? 2) What do we know for certain about brain processes involved in emotion and what is controversial? 3) What kinds of research are needed to resolve these controversial issues? 4) What is the relationship between learning, memory and emotion? The focus was on the existence of different neural systems for different emotions and the nature of the neural coding for the emotional states. Is emotion the result of the interaction of different brain regions such as the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens, or the periaqueductal gray matter or is it an emergent property of the whole brain neural network? The relationship between unlearned and learned emotions was also discussed. Are the circuits of the former the underpinnings of the latter? It was pointed out that much of what we know about emotions refers to aversively motivated behaviors, like fear and anxiety. Appetitive emotions should attract much interest in the future. The learning and memory relationship with emotions was also discussed in terms of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, innate and learned fear, contextual cues inducing emotional states, implicit memory and the property of using this term for animal memories. In a general way it could be said that learning modifies the neural circuits through which emotional responses are expressed.
The exposure of fish to air is normally expected to interfere with the nitrogen excretion process. Hoplias malabaricus and Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, two teleost species, display distinct behaviors in response to decreases in natural reservoir water levels, although they may employ similar biochemical strategies. To investigate this point, plasma levels of ammonia, urea, uric acid, and the two urea cycle enzymes, ornithine carbamoyl transferase (OCT) and arginase (ARG), as well as glutamine synthetase (GS) were determined for both species after exposure to air. Plasma ammonia increased gradually during exposure to air, but only H. malabaricus showed increased concentrations of urea. Plasma uric acid remained very low in both fish. Enzymatic activities (mean ± SD, µmol min-1 g protein-1) of H. malabaricus showed significant increases (P<0.05, N = 6) in OCT from 0.84 ± 0.05 to 1.42 ± 0.03, in ARG from 8.07 ± 0.47 to 9.97 ± 0.53 and in GS from 1.15 ± 0.03 to 2.39 ± 0.04. The OCT and ARG enzymes remained constant in H. unitaeniatus (N = 6), but GS increased from 1.49 ± 0.02 to 2.06 ± 0.03. Although these species are very closely related and share the same environment, their biochemical strategies in response to exposure to air or to increased plasma ammonia are different.
To inhibit an ongoing flow of thoughts or actions has been largely considered to be a crucial executive function, and the stop-signal paradigm makes inhibitory control measurable. Stop-signal tasks usually combine two concurrent tasks, i.e., manual responses to a primary task (go-task) are occasionally countermanded by a stimulus which signals participants to inhibit their response in that trial (stop-task). Participants are always instructed not to wait for the stop-signal, since waiting strategies cause the response times to be unstable, invalidating the data. The aim of the present study was to experimentally control the strategies of waiting deliberately for the stop-signal in a stop-task by means of an algorithm that measured the variation in the reaction times to go-stimuli on-line, and displayed a warning legend urging participants to be faster when their reaction times were more than two standard deviations of the mean. Thirty-four university students performed a stop-task with go- and stop-stimuli, both of which were delivered in the visual modality and were lateralized within the visual field. The participants were divided into two groups (group A, without the algorithm, vs group B, with the algorithm). Group B exhibited lower variability of reaction times to go-stimuli, whereas no significant between-group differences were found in any of the measures of inhibitory control, showing that the algorithm succeeded in controlling the deliberate waiting strategies. Differences between deliberate and unintentional waiting strategies, and anxiety as a probable factor responsible for individual differences in deliberate waiting behavior, are discussed.
Concept of crisis is the subject of many studies and publications in specialized articles and in journalistic publications. The thesis includes next key objectives: concept of the crisis is defined, disclosed external and internal factors affected company’s strategy, shown specific characteristics of Russian market and their influence on the foreign companies. The Master’s Thesis identifies successful foreign companies’ strategies on the Russian market during crises in 2008 and 2014. The study is qualitative and it is based on integrative analysis of literature, secondary data and results of the interview, conducted among foreign companies that operates on the Russian market Findings of the thesis show an effect of the crisis on the company’s strategy. It provides information about specific external and internal factors that affects on company’s strategy during the crisis. Theoretical findings help to understand complex concept of crisis and its main aspects in context of strategy. Analysis of specific characteristics of Russian market provides a base for assessment of efficiency of chosen strategy. Comparison between Russian cresses and companies behaviors in these periods shows how different is strategy because of the nature of the crisis. Results of the thesis could be used as a guideline for foreign companies in Russian market during the crisis period