966 resultados para gravitational redshift
Oceanic Near-inertial internal waves generation, propagation and interaction with mesoscale dynamics
Oceans play a key role in the climate system, being the largest heat sinks on Earth. Part of the energy balance of ocean circulation is driven by the Near-inertial internal waves (NIWs). Strong NIWs are observed during a multi-platform, multi-disciplinary and multi-scale campaign led by the NATO-STO CMRE in autumn 2017 in the Ligurian Sea (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). The objectives of this work are as follows: characterise the studied area at different scales; study the NIWs generation and their propagation; estimate the NIWs properties; study the interaction between NIWs and mesoscale structures. This work provides, to the author’s knowledge, the first characterization of NIWs in the Mediterranean Sea. The near-surface NIWs observed at the fixed moorings are locally generated by wind bursts while the deeper waves originate in other regions and arrive at the moorings several days later. Most of the observed NIWs energy propagates downward with a mean vertical group velocity of (2.2±0.3) ⋅10-4 m s-1. On average, the NIWs have an amplitude of 0.13 m s-1 and mean horizontal and vertical wavelengths of 43±25 km and 125±35 m, while shorter wavelengths are observed at the near-coastal mooring, 36±2 km and 33±2 m, respectively. Most of the observed NIWs are blue shifted and reach a value 9% higher than the local inertial frequency. Only two observed NIWs are characterised by a redshift (up to 3% lower than the local inertial frequency). In support of the in situ observations, a high resolution numerical model is implemented using NEMO (Madec et al., 2019). Results show that anticyclones (cyclones) shift the frequency of NIWs to lower (higher) frequencies with respect to the local inertial frequency. Anticyclones facilitate the downward propagation of NIW energy, while cyclones dampen it. Absence of NIWs energy within an anticyclone is also investigated.
The discovery of scaling relations between the mass of the SMBH and some key physical properties of the host galaxy suggests that the growth of the SMBH and that of the galaxy are coupled, with the AGN activity and the star-formation (SF) processes influencing each other. Although the mechanism of this co-evolution are still a matter of debate, all scenarios agree that a key phase of the co-evolution is represented by the obscured accretion phase. This phase is of the co-evolution is the least studied, mostly due to the challenge in detecting and recognizing such obscured AGN. My thesis aims at investigating the AGN-galaxy co-evolution paradigm by identifying and studying AGN in the obscured accretion phase. The study of obscured AGN is key for our understanding of the feedback processes and of the mutual influence of the SF and the AGN activity. Moreover, these obscured and elusive AGN are needed to explain the X-ray background spectrum and to reconcile the measurements and the theoretical prediction of the BH accretion rate density. In this thesis, we firstly investigate the synergies between IR and X-ray missions in detecting and characterizing AGN, with a particular focus on the most obscured ones. We exploited UV/optical emission lines to select high-redshift obscured AGN at the cosmic noon, where the highest SFR density and BH accretion rate density are expected. We provide X-ray spectral analysis and UV-to-far-IR SED-fitting. We show that our samples host a significant fraction of very obscured sources; many of these are highly accreting. Finally, we performe a thoughtful investigation of a galaxy at z~5 with unusual and peculiar features, that lead us to identify a second extremely young population of stars and hidden AGN activity.
In this Thesis, we present a series of works that encompass the fundamental steps of cosmological analyses based on galaxy clusters, spanning from mass calibration to deriving cosmological constraints through counts and clustering. Firstly, we focus on the 3D two-point correlation function (2PCF) of the galaxy cluster sample by Planck Collaboration XXVII (2016). The masses of these clusters are expected to be underestimated, as they are derived from a scaling relation calibrated through X-ray observations. We derived a mass bias which disagrees with simulation predictions, consistent with what derived by Planck Collaboration VI (2020). Furthermore, in this Thesis we analyse the cluster counts and 2PCF, respectively, of the photometric galaxy cluster sample developed by Maturi et al. (2019), based on the third data release of KiDS (KiDS-DR3, de Jong et al. 2017). We derived constraints on fundamental cosmological parameters which are consistent and competitive, in terms of uncertainties, with other state-of-the-art cosmological analyses. Then, we introduce a novel approach to establish galaxy colour-redshift relations for cluster weak-lensing analyses, regardless of the specific photometric bands in use. This method optimises the selection completeness of cluster background galaxies while maintaining a defined purity threshold. Based on the galaxy sample by Bisigello et al. (2020), we calibrated two colour selections, one relying on the ground-based griz bands, and the other including the griz and Euclid YJH bands. In addition, we present the preliminary work on the weak-lensing mass calibration of the clusters detected by Maturi et al. (in prep.) in the fourth data release of KiDS (KiDS-1000, Kuijken et al. 2019). This mass calibration will enable the cosmological analyses based on cluster counts and clustering, from which we expect remarkable improvements in the results compared to those derived in KiDS-DR3.
This PhD thesis focuses on studying the classical scattering of massive/massless particles toward black holes, and investigating double copy relations between classical observables in gauge theories and gravity. This is done in the Post-Minkowskian approximation i.e. a perturbative expansion of observables controlled by the gravitational coupling constant κ = 32πGN, with GN being the Newtonian coupling constant. The investigation is performed by using the Worldline Quantum Field Theory (WQFT), displaying a worldline path integral describing the scattering objects and a QFT path integral in the Born approximation, describing the intermediate bosons exchanged in the scattering event by the massive/massless particles. We introduce the WQFT, by deriving a relation between the Kosower- Maybee-O’Connell (KMOC) limit of amplitudes and worldline path integrals, then, we use that to study the classical Compton amplitude and higher point amplitudes. We also present a nice application of our formulation to the case of Hard Thermal Loops (HTL), by explicitly evaluating hard thermal currents in gauge theory and gravity. Next we move to the investigation of the classical double copy (CDC), which is a powerful tool to generate integrands for classical observables related to the binary inspiralling problem in General Relativity. In order to use a Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) like prescription, straight at the classical level, one has to identify a double copy (DC) kernel, encoding the locality structure of the classical amplitude. Such kernel is evaluated by using a theory where scalar particles interacts through bi-adjoint scalars. We show here how to push forward the classical double copy so to account for spinning particles, in the framework of the WQFT. Here the quantization procedure on the worldline allows us to fully reconstruct the quantum theory on the gravitational side. Next we investigate how to describe the scattering of massless particles off black holes in the WQFT.
Le galassie passive sono sistemi dominati da popolazioni stellari vecchie, non mostrano tracce di formazione stellare (spettri compatibili con assenza di righe in emissione e caratterizzati da righe in assorbimento), e ci sono evidenze osservative che indicano che le galassie passive abbiano iniziato ad assemblare la loro massa stellare a z. Gli spettri delle galassie passive conservano traccia dei meccanismi fisici ed evolutivi della loro popolazione stellare. Laddove si hanno a disposizione spettri di buona qualità, ovvero che abbiano un rapporto segnale-rumore elevato, l’informazione contenuta in tali spettri può essere dedotta dalla misura dell’intensità di alcune righe in assorbimento. Burstein et al. (1984) hanno costruito un insieme di indici spettroscopici, chiamato sistema di indici di Lick, i quali misurano l’intensità delle principali righe in assorbimento (nella regione di lunghezze d’onda ottiche tra 4000-6000 Å), in termini di larghezza equivalente. in questa tesi è stato adottato il metodo degli indici di Lick per stimare i parametri evolutivi di un campione di galassie passive. Gli obiettivi principali di questa tesi sono due: 1.) studiare l’evoluzione col redshift dei parametri di età, metallicità totale e abbondanze relative di elementi α rispetto al ferro di un campione di galassie estratto spettroscopicamente dalla SDDS (Moresco et al., 2011). L’obiettivo finale è quello di dedurre informazioni sulla storia di formazione stellare delle galassie del campione. 2.) realizzare una simulazione per valutare la possibilità di misurare gli indici di Lick negli spettri di galassie passive che verranno osservate con la missione futura Euclid. Da questo studio è emerso un chiaro andamento evolutivo del campione in linea con quello previsto dallo scenario evolutivo del mass-downsizing, per il quale la SFH di una popolazione stellare è fortemente vincolata dalla massa della popolazione stessa, nel senso che al crescere della massa la formazione delle galassie passive si colloca in epoche progressivamente più remote, e l’assemblaggio della loro massa stellare avviene in tempi scala via via inferiori. Dalla simulazione è emerso un risultato molto importante che deriva dalla robustezza delle misure del D4000 e riguarda la possibilità di determinare il redshift di galassie a z ≥ 1.5 con Euclid.
In this Thesis work we investigate some of different cosmological background scenarios using one of the main probes used in cosmology: the halo mass function. The observed abundance of galaxy clusters (or similarly DM haloes) can indeed be compared to its theoretical predictions to derive fundamental constrains on the cosmological scenario assumed. Given the importance of exploring and constraining models degenerate with the ΛCDM one, we test the applicability of some notable halo mass function models to these scenarios. To this purpose, we made use of the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder N-body simulations, which assume cosmological scenarios that include modified gravity in the form of f(R) models and massive neutrinos. We carried on the analysis of 3 simulation snapshots at different redshifts, z = 0, 0.5, 1, building multiple samples of dark matter haloes by applying different overdensity thresholds during the procedure of halo identification. We started our analysis by considering the halo mass function model introduced by Despali et al. (2016), who proposed a parametrization that encapsulates the effect of the different halo mass definitions and the relative evolution with the redshift. We calibrated the main parameters of this relation by using the ΛCDM halo catalogues extracted from the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder simulations, fitting the measured halo abundances at all redshifts and density thresholds. Afterwards we tested the same model parametrization with halo catalogues extracted from the simulations implementing both modified gravity and massive neutrinos. We repeated therefore the calibration procedure on these data to search for discrepancies with respect to the ΛCDM model. Finally we focused the analysis on the cosmological models implementing modified gravity only. We took our ΛCDM calibrated halo mass function and we modified it with the additional f (R) gravity form proposed by Gupta et al. (2022).
We present a new quantum description for the Oppenheimer-Snyder model of gravitational collapse of a ball of dust. Starting from the geodesic equation for dust in spherical symmetry, we introduce a time-independent Schrödinger equation for the radius of the ball. The resulting spectrum is similar to that of the Hydrogen atom and Newtonian gravity. However, the non-linearity of General Relativity implies that the ground state is characterised by a principal quantum number proportional to the square of the ADM mass of the dust. For a ball with ADM mass much larger than the Planck scale, the collapse is therefore expected to end in a macroscopically large core and the singularity predicted by General Relativity is avoided. Mathematical properties of the spectrum are investigated and the ground state is found to have support essentially inside the gravitational radius, which makes it a quantum model for the matter core of Black Holes. In fact, the scaling of the ADM mass with the principal quantum number agrees with the Bekenstein area law and the corpuscular model of Black Holes. Finally, the uncertainty on the size of the ground state is interpreted within the framework of an Uncertainty Principle.
In this thesis project, I present stationary models of rotating fluids with toroidal distributions that can be used to represent the active galactic nuclei (AGN) central obscurers, i.e. molecular tori (Combes et al., 2019), as well as geometrically thick accretion discs, like ADAF discs (Narayan and Yi, 1995) or Polish doughnuts (Abramowicz, 2005). In particular, I study stationary rotating systems with a more general baroclinic distribution (with a vertical gradient of the angular velocity), which are often more realistic and less studied, due to their complexity, than the barotropic ones (with cylindrical rotation), which are easier to construct. In the thesis, I compute analytically the main intrinsic and projected properties of the power-law tori based on the potential-density pairs of Ciotti and Bertin (2005). I study the density distribution and the resulting gravitational potential for different values of α, in the range 2 < α < 5. For the same models, I compute the surface density of the systems when seen face-on and edge-on. I then apply the stationary Euler equations to obtain rotational velocity and temperature distributions of the self-gravitating models in the absence of an external gravitational potential. In the thesis I also consider the power-law tori with the presence of a central black hole in addition to the gas self-gravity, and solving analytically the stationary Euler equations, I compute how the properties of the system are modified by the black hole and how they vary as a function of the black hole mass. Finally, applying the Solberg-Høiland criterion, I show that these baroclinic stationary models are linearly stable in the absence of the black hole. In the presence of the black hole I derive the analytical condition for stability, which depends on α and on the black hole mass. I also study the stability of the tori in the hypothesis that they are weakly magnetized, finding that they are always unstable to this instability.
The goal of this thesis was the study of an optimal vertical mixing parameterization scheme in a mesoscale dominated field characterized from a strong vorticity and the presence of a layer of colder, less saline water at about 100 m depth (Atlantic Waters); in these conditions we compared six different experiments, that differ by the turbulent closure schemes, the presence or not of an enhanced diffusion parameterization and the presence or not of a double diffusion mixing parameterization. To evaluate the performance of the experiments and the model we compared the simulations with the ARGO observations of temperature and salinity available in our domain, in our period of interest. The conclusions were the following: • the increase of the resolution gives better results in terms of temperature in all the considered cases, and in terms of salinity. • The comparisons between the Pacanovski-Philander and the TKE turbulent closure schemes don’t show significant differences when the simulations are compared to the observations. • The removing of the enhanced diffusion parameterization in presence of the TKE turbulent closure submodel doesn’t give positive results, and show limitations in the resolving of gravitational instabilities near the surface • The k-ϵ turbulent closure model utilized in all the GLS experiments, is the best performing closure model among the three considered, with positive results in all the salinity comparison with the in situ observation and in most of the temperature comparisons. • The double mixing parameterization utilized in the k-ϵ closure submodel improves the results of the experiments improving both the temperature and salinity in comparison with the ARGO data.
A broad sector of literature focuses on the relationship between fluid dynamics and gravitational systems. This thesis presents results that suggest the existence of a new kind of fluid/gravity duality not based on the holographic principle. The goal is to provide tools that allow us to systematically unearth hidden symmetries for reduced models of cosmology. The focus is on the field space of these models, i.e. the superspace. In fact, conformal isometries of the supermetric leave geodesics in the field space unaltered; this leads to symmetries of the models. An innovative aspect is the use of the Eisenhart-Duval’s lift. Using this method, systems constrained by a potential can be treated as free ones. Moreover, charges explicitly dependent on time, i.e. dynamical, can be found. A detailed analysis is carried out on three basic models of homogenous cosmology: i) flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker’s isotropic universe filled with a massless scalar field; ii) Schwarzschild’s black hole mechanics and its extension to vacuum (A)dS gravity; iii) Bianchi’s anisotropic type I universe with a massless scalar field. The results show the presence of a hidden Schrödinger’s symmetry which, being intrinsic to both Navier-Stokes’ and Schrödinger’s equations, indicates a correspondence between cosmology and hydrodynamics. Furthermore, the central extension of this algebra explicitly relates two concepts. The first is the number of particles coming from the fluid picture; while the second is the ratio between the IR and UV cutoffs that weighs how much a theory has of “classical” over “quantum”. This suggests a spacetime that emerges from an underlying world which is described by quantum building blocks. These quanta statistically conspire to appear as gravitational phenomena from a macroscopic point of view.
La seguente tesi ha l'obiettivo di inquadrare le grandezze che descrivono l'Universo, i parametri cosmologici, e successivamente presentare alcuni dei metodi per derivarli. Il primo capitolo tratterà le equazioni di Friedmann, introdotte grazie alla metrica di Robertson-Walker, il parametro di espansione a(t), fondamentale per la determinazione dei parametri cosmologici, e infine le geometrie possibili dell'Universo. Il secondo è incentrato sui parametri cosmologici veri e propri, su come vengono ricavati matematicamente e sul modello cosmologico che attualmente riproduce molto bene le osservazioni, il modello Lambda-CDM. Infine, il terzo tratterà di come possono essere ricavati alcuni parametri, dando più spazio alla costante di Hubble, in quanto è al centro di una grande discussione per via della tensione tra le misure ottenute nell'universo locale e quelle che vengono da dati ad alto redshift.
The internal dynamics of elliptical galaxies in clusters depends on many factors, including the environment in which the galaxy is located. In addition to the strong encounters with the other galaxies, we can also consider the gravitational interaction with the ubiquitous Cluster Tidal Field (CTF). As recognized in many studies, one possible way in which CTF affects the dynamics of galaxies inside the cluster is related to the fact that they may start oscillating as “rigid bodies” around their equilibrium positions in the field, with the periods of these oscillations curiously similar to those of stellar orbits in the outer parts of galaxies. Resonances between the two motions are hence expected and this phenomenon could significantly contribute to the formation of the Intracluster Stellar Population (ISP), whose presence is abundantly confirmed by observations. In this thesis work, we propose to study the motion of an elliptical galaxy, modelled as a rigid body, in the CTF, especially when its center of mass traces a quasi-circular orbit in the cluster gravitational potential. This case extends and generalizes the previous models and findings, proceeding towards a much more realistic description of galaxy motion. In addition to this, the presence of a further oscillation, namely that of the entire galaxy along its orbit, will possibly increase the probability of having resonances and, consequently, the rate of ISP production nearly to observed values. Thus, after reviewing the dynamics of a rigid body in a generic force field, we will assess some physically relevant studies and report their main results, discussing their implications with respect to our problem. We will conclude our discussion focusing on the more realistic scenario of an elliptical galaxy whose center of mass moves on a quasi-circular orbit in a spherically symmetric potential. The derivation of the fundamental equations of motion will serve as the basis for future modelling and discussions.
The High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites (HERMES) is a new mission concept involving the development of a constellation of six CubeSats in low Earth orbit with new miniaturized instruments that host a hybrid Silicon Drift Detector/GAGG:Ce based system for X-ray and γ-ray detection, aiming to monitor high-energy cosmic transients, such as Gamma Ray Bursts and the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events. The HERMES constellation will also operate together with the Australian-Italian SpIRIT mission, which will house a HERMES-like detector. The HERMES pathfinder mini-constellation, consisting of six satellites plus SpIRIT, is likely to be launched in 2023. The HERMES detectors are based on the heritage of the Italian ReDSoX collaboration, with joint design and production by INFN-Trieste and Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and the involvement of several Italian research institutes and universities. An application-specific, low-noise, low-power integrated circuit (ASIC) called LYRA was conceived and designed for the HERMES readout electronics. My thesis project focuses on the ground calibrations of the first HERMES and SpIRIT flight detectors, with a performance assessment and characterization of the detectors. The first part of this work addresses measurements and experimental tests on laboratory prototypes of the HERMES detectors and their front-end electronics, while the second part is based on the design of the experimental setup for flight detector calibrations and related functional tests for data acquisition, as well as the development of the calibration software. In more detail, the calibration parameters (such as the gain of each detector channel) are determined using measurements with radioactive sources, performed at different operating temperatures between -20°C and +20°C by placing the detector in a suitable climate chamber. The final part of the thesis involves the analysis of the calibration data and a discussion of the results.
The corpuscular model describes black holes as leaky bound states of gravitons. To account for the role of matter, a coherent state is built and a semiclassical description is given to the gravitational field by connecting the classical source with the quantum state for gravitons. The properties of this state can be analysed with the help of an Unruh-DeWitt detector, coupled to the quantum state of the system. The presence of a detector in general regularises the usual diverging behaviour of the field in the deep ultraviolet region, and will allow us to probe the coherent state structure and the graviton emission. In particular, a Newtonian analogue of the Unruh effect will be discussed and the coherent state will be modified to properly account for the spherical symmetry of the potential at the level of the quantum state. This correction will ensure that vacuum contributions responsible for the Unruh thermal spectrum are present in a coherent state emission process.
Nel presente lavoro di tesi viene selezionato e analizzato un campione di galassie passive estratte dalla survey VANDELS, con cui condurre uno studio cosmologico basato sul metodo dei cronometri cosmici. Tale metodo rappresenta una sonda cosmologica non standard, che consente di misurare il parametro di Hubble in maniera indipendente dalla cosmologia valutando l’invecchiamento di una popolazione di galassie molto massive e in evoluzione passiva in un dato intervallo di redshift. Per applicare il metodo viene selezionato un campione di cronometri cosmici incrociando diversi criteri complementari, sia fotometrici che spettroscopici, tali da minimizzare la contaminazione da formazione stellare attiva. Il campione ottenuto ha ⟨log(M⋆/M⊙)⟩=10.86±0.03, ⟨log(sSFR/yr−1)⟩=-11.9±0.1 e ⟨EW[OII]⟩=3.3±0.2 Å. Dallo studio delle proprietà spettroscopiche, in particolare degli indici sensibili all’età, esso mostra un progressivo invecchiamento al diminuire del redshift ed evidenza di mass-downsizing. Per la stima delle età si adotta la tecnica del full-spectral fitting, sia sugli spettri che sulla fotometria disponibili, utilizzando il codice Bagpipes. Dai risultati del fit emerge che le galassie individuate hanno, come atteso, metallicità mediamente sotto-solari (⟨Z/Z⊙⟩=0.44±0.01), bassa estinzione da polvere (⟨AV,dust⟩=0.43±0.02 mag) e una fase di formazione stellare breve (⟨τ⟩=0.28±0.02 Gyr). A partire da questi viene costruita la relazione età-redshift mediana per il campione finale di 39 galassie, esplorandone la robustezza con diverse assunzioni di prior e binnaggio. Fittata con un modello fΛCDM, essa permette di ricavare una stima per la costante di Hubble pari a H0 = 67^+14_−15 km/s/Mpc. Infine, con la stessa relazione si applica il metodo dei cronometri cosmici, ottenendo una nuova stima del parametro di Hubble, H(z=1.26) = 135±62 km/s/Mpc. Nell’errore si è tenuto conto anche degli effetti sistematici introdotti dalla scelta del binning e della SFH nel modello di fit.