1000 resultados para frutos climatéricos


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The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).


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The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).


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Campomanesia adamantium and Campomanesia pubescens are morphologically similar, occur in the same regions of the Cerrado, are difficult to differentiate and exhibit naturally slow growth and development. The objectives of this study were to analyze fruit and seed biometric data, emergence capacity and seedling growth characteristics. Fruit from both species was collected and used to measure biometric data of the fruit and seeds and to set up two emergence and two seedling growth experiments. C. adamantium fruit is round and has wider, pale yellow seeds while C. pubescens fruit is ellipsoidal to pyriform with yellow gold seeds. C. adamantium’s greater fresh fruit mass and biometric variability favors selection of promising material for commercialization. Seed drying reduced the speed and rate of seedling emergence of C. adamantium, but had no effect on C. pubescens. Leaf number, height, shoot dry weight and the ratio of shoot dry weight to root dry weight were greater in C. adamantium than in the slower growing C. pubescens. Increases in substrate volume favor seedling development. Slow-release fertilizer application at 1g per 115 cm3 substrate increased leaf formation, plant height and shoot dry weight of seedlings of both species and lateral budding in C. adamantium. Until 120 days after transplant, lateral budding was not observed in C. pubescens seedlings. For all traits evaluated in this experiment, C. adamantium seedling growth was greater than that of C. pubescens.


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Las respuestas de los componentes del rendimiento y de la calidad del aceite a la temperatura aún no han sido estudiadas en olivo ni en otras oleaginosas que acumulan aceite principalmente en mesocarpo (cerca de 95 por ciento del total en el caso de olivo). La información disponible en olivo se basa en correlaciones ligadas a variaciones en ubicación geográfica, altitud y años en los que pudieron covariar con la temperatura otros factores (radiación, disponibilidad hídrica, nutrición, etc). El objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar el rol de la temperatura durante el crecimiento de frutos de olivo sobre el peso seco de los mismos, su contenido y concentración de aceite y las proporciones de ácidos grasos del aceite. Se realizaron experimentos manipulativos aplicados a ramas fructíferas creciendo a campo, utilizando cámaras transparentes con control y registro de temperatura. Los rangos de temperaturas medias alcanzados (entre 15-32 ºC) fueron mucho mayores a los rangos de 1 y 4 ºC logrados en estudios correlativos y permitieron generar relaciones funcionales para el peso seco del fruto, su concentración de aceite, y la proporción de ácidos grasos en el aceite. El contraste entre aplicaciones de temperaturas mayores o menores al ambiente durante períodos largos (114 días) y cortos (30 días) demostraron que tanto la proporción de aceite del fruto como la de ácido oleico en el aceite de fruto entero (mesocarpo + semilla) disminuye al aumentar la temperatura. Si bien en ambas estructuras del fruto la temperatura tuvo un efecto negativo sobre la concentración de aceite, las respuestas a la temperatura de la proporción de ácidos grasos de la semilla y el mesocarpo, medidos en forma separada, difirieron entre sí. Los patrones de respuesta de las proporciones de ácidos grasos en el aceite de semilla mostraron similitudes con las conocidas para especies oleaginosas de semilla como girasol. Por contraste, en el aceite de mesocarpo de olivo la proporción de ácido oleico disminuyó con el aumento de la temperatura, patrón opuesto a lo manifestado en semillas de olivo y en las de oleaginosas anuales. En esta tesis también se evaluó el efecto de la temperatura mínima nocturna sobre el crecimiento de los frutos y la calidad del aceite. Los resultados sugieren que la temperatura mínima nocturna y la amplitud térmica diarias son las dimensiones del régimen térmico diario con los que mejor se asociaron los cambios en el peso seco del fruto, la proporción de aceite y las proporciones de ácidos grasos en el mismo. Los resultados de esta tesis sirven para guiar la selección de sitios de plantación de nuevos olivares basados en los registros térmicos zonales, y para explicar los desajustes de la proporción de ácidos grasos del aceite de oliva producido en el NOA y la normativa del Consejo Oleícola Internacional (COI). Las relaciones funcionales entre las variables respuesta y la temperatura definidas podrán incorporarse en modelos de simulación del rendimiento y calidad que se desarrollen en el futuro. Tomados en conjunto con la tendencia al aumento de la temperatura, producto del calentamiento global, los resultados permitirán estimar la magnitud de los impactos negativos que podrían afectar el rendimiento del cultivo y la calidad del aceite.


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El método se basa en la transferencia y expresión del gen LFY de Arabidopsis thaliana en plantas transgénicas de tomate. Los frutos de las plantas transgénicas con el gen LFY mantienen el mismo tamaño y peso que los del cultivar original, pero carecen de semillas, tienen más carne, menos pulpa y una forma ligeramente apuntillada. El análisis de calidad refleja un incremento del 60 % en el contenido en sólidos solubles (la media alcanza 6,12 ºBrix) y del 60 % en ácidos valorables (la media llega al 0,72 %), lo que indica una mejora de la calidad organoléptica de los frutos en comparación con los del cultivar original no transgénico. Además, los frutos de las plantas transgénicas tienen otros atributos que indican una mayor calidad, tales como un mayor contenido en azúcares (sobre todo glucosa y fructosa) y licopeno, una sustancia que tiene propiedades antioxidantes.


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De abril a diciembre de 2012, en un ensayo ya establecido se realizó un estudio en el cultivo de café variedad pacas, con el objetivo de determinar las curvas de crecimiento, acumulación de biomasa seca y acumulación de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca y Mg) en los frutos de café uva. El ensayo fue establecido en el año 2000 en el Jardín Botánico hoy conocido como Centro Nacional de Educación y Cooperativis mo (CENECCOP), Masatepe, Nicaragua. Se seleccionaron cuatro parcelas grandes con combinación de árboles de sombra maderables y de servicio y una parcela a pleno sol. Los tratamientos en estudio fueron a) Inga laurina y Simaruba glauca, b) Samanea saman y Tabebuia rosea, c) Samanea saman e Inga laurina, d) Tabebuia rosea y Simaruba glauca y e) una parcela a pleno sol. Las parcelas fueron distribuidas en un diseño de bloques completos al Azar (BCA). Las variables evaluadas en los frutos de café fueron diámetro polar, diámetro ecuatorial y peso seco. Los frutos se secaron en el horno a 70 °C y posteriormente se utilizó un molino Foss Tecator Cyclotec para obtener una muestra fina. De la muestra molida de los frutos, en el laboratorio de suelo y agua de la UNA se determinaron las concentraciones de N, P, K, Ca y Mg. Los datos fueron colectados cada 30 días. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó SAS 9.1. Las curvas de crecimiento del fruto y la acumulación de peso seco se ajustaron a regresiones no lineales simples y dobles exponenciales. Se realizó una correlación entre el diámetro polar y diámetro ecuatorial de los frutos dando un coeficiente de determinación r de 98% (Pr>F= 0.0001). Para el ajuste de la curva de aumento de peso seco se utilizó el modelo Probit normal. El mayor crecimiento de los frutos se dio durante los primeros 90 días y la mayor acumulación de nutrientes se dio entre los 90 y 210 días. La combinación de árboles leguminosos presentó el diámetro polar y ecuatorial más alto. También la acumulación de biomasa seca fue mayor en el tratamiento con sombra de leguminosas.


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To design strategies for the conservation and use of genetic resources of tree species such as jaboticaba tree, it is essential to make the characterization. In southwestern Paraná region, there are several forest fragments containing native jaboticaba tree (Plinia cauliflora), whose materials have broad potential for commercial orchards or breeding programs. As is the potential genetic diversity of a population to produce different genotypes, it would be able to start in such a characterization one of these fragments. The aim was to characterize fruits of jaboticaba tree (P. caulifora) of forest fragment kept in Clevelândia - PR for the presence of phenotypic variability, seeking to identify those superiors named for future selection as farming or male parent, as well as estimate genetic divergence between them, as a complementary tool for this purpose. Also, verify the regeneration and spatial distribution of the species. For the study was defined portion of a hectare (10.000 m²), with all individuals identified, mapped, with local coordinate system, and measured height and diameter. Fruits were characterized by sensory and biochemical characteristics in two years, 70 genotypes at 2013 and 56 at 2014, and of these 33 genotypes in both years. As a pre-selection criteria was adopted the choice of 20% of the genotypes that showed the highest frequency of superiority in the evaluated characteristics of the fruit. Genetic divergence among 33 genotypes per year was analyzed. The distribution pattern and spatial association was evaluated by Ripley's K function. It was classified for the first time the following ontogenetic stages of jaboticaba tree, by plant height, seedling (from 0.01 to 0.99 m), juvenile (1.0 to 4.99 m), immature (> 5.0 m, non-reproductive), adult (reproductive). It was also have been describe for the first time the naturally occurring juxtaposed seedlings, indicating polyembryony. The number of regenerating identified in the population (seedlings: n = 2163; juveniles: n = 330; immature: n = 59) was much larger than the number of adults (n = 132). The species showed reverse J-shaped size structure standard, with high concentration of regenerating. The regeneration distribution occurs in aggregate pattern and there is seedling-adult dependence, due seed dispersal and seedling emergence closest to mothers. The jaboticaba tree regeneration is sufficient to maintain the species for long term in this population, which should serve as reference to regeneration success for other studies of this important fruiting species from Ombrofile Mixed Forests. Has been pre-selected the jaboticaba trees 7, 42, 43, 47, 54, 91, 97, 104, 105, 118, 134, 153, 154, 157, 163, 169, 177, 186, 212, J7-01 and J7- 02, and 16 and 194 the ones that can now be selected by the superior characteristics of both cycles. It was recommended to carry out hybridization between genotypes 79 and 119, and 96 to 148. The quality of fruit analyzed showed potential for use as a dual purpose serving both in natura market or processing.


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A qualidade dos alimentos é um conceito que tem vindo a despertar o interesse das indústrias e dos consumidores, daí a preocupação em conservar os produtos sob condições adequadas, evitando alterações físicas e químicas que ponham em causa a integridade dos alimentos, bem como as suas propriedades nutricionais e sensoriais. Deste modo, foi realizado um estudo para avaliar os efeitos do armazenamento sob certas condições de temperatura e diferentes tipos de embalagens sobre as propriedades dos miolos de nozes, avelãs e amêndoas com pele, embora no caso das amêndoas também se tenha estudoa do uma amostra sem pele. As amostras utilizadas eram originárias de Portugal, mas também de outros países, Chile, Espanha, Turquia, Roménia e Estados Unidos. O armazenamento das nozes durou 90 dias, e as condições testadas foram: temperatura ambiente; estufa a 30 e 50 °C, refrigeração (2 °C) e congelamento(15 °C). Os dois tipos de embalagem de plástico utilizados foram o polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e polietileno de baixa densidade linear (PEBDL), comparando com as amostras armazenadas sem qualquer embalagem. No caso das amêndoas, uma das amostras apresentava-se sem pelicula. Foram avaliadas várias características dos frutos: a atividade de água (medida por um higrómetro), o teor de humidade (secagem em estufa até massa constante), a cor (com um colorímetro) e a textura (utilizando-se um texturómetro). A partir dos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que as amostras de diferentes origens são diferentes no que diz respeito ao teor de humidade, atividade de água e cor, independentemente das condições de armazenamento e tipo de embalagem. Os resultaram mostraram que as condições de armazenagem que melhor preservam as características estudadas dos frutos secos foram os de baixa temperatura, sendo observadas maiores alterações nos frutos armazenados a temperaturas elevadas, nomeadamente na cor. Assim verificou-se que os processos de refrigeração e congelação têm uma influência mínima nas características dos frutos, particularmente na humidade, na actividade da água, na dureza e friabilidade. Os resultados indicaram também que os frutos apresentam valores de aw inferiores a 0,6, para todas condições testadas, garantindo alguma estabilidade a nível das estabilidade microbiana e enzimática. A presença da pele no miolo de amêndoa, para todos os tratamentos, tem uma influência significativa na textura e cor. Finalmente, em relação ao tipo de embalagem, foi observado que o uso de sacos de plástico testados não parece contribuir para a melhoria das características dos produtos em relação às amostras não embaladas.


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The common Mediterranean ornamental strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) produces an edible reddish sweet berry that is found to be bland and tasteless unless it is consumed overripe, otherwise it is discarded or used as basic agricultural sub residue. The bioactive properties of this fruit have been reported and related with phenolic compounds, mainly flavan-3-ols, such as catechin and procyanidins, which has opened the opportunity to exploit their extraction from alternative sources.The common Mediterranean ornamental strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) produces an edible reddish sweet berry that is found to be bland and tasteless unless it is consumed overripe, otherwise it is discarded or used as basic agricultural sub residue. The bioactive properties of this fruit have been reported and related with phenolic compounds, mainly flavan-3-ols, such as catechin and procyanidins, which has opened the opportunity to exploit their extraction from alternative sources. This study compares and optimizes the maceration, microwave and ultrasound extraction techniques in the recovery of a catechin extract from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and evaluate the stability of flavan-3-ols during storage and application processes. To obtain conditions that maximize the catechin extraction yield, a response surface methodology was used. Maceration and microwave extractions were found to be the most effective methods, capable of yielding 1.38±0.1 and 1.70±0.3 mg of catechin/g dry weight (dw) in the corresponding optimal extraction conditions. The optimal conditions for maceration were 93.2±3.7 min, 79.6±5.2 ºC and 23.1±3.7 % of ethanol, while for the microwave extraction were 42.2±4.1 min, 137.1±8.1 ºC and 12.1±1.1 % of ethanol. The microwave system was a quicker solution, conducting to slightly higher yields of catechin than maceration, but this one needed lower temperatures to reach similar yields. The ultrasound method was the least effective solution in terms of catechin yield extraction (0.71±0.1 mg/g at 42.4±3.6 min, 314.9±21.2 W and 40.3±3.8 %. ethanol). The stability was tested with of the catechin-enriched extract (60% flavan-3-ols and 22% catechin), obtained under the best maceration conditions, was tested. Therefore, catechin-enriched extracts were submitted to physical and chemical stability studies, considering the main affecting variables (time, temperature and pH): i) a stability study of the extracts during storage as powder system; and ii) a stability study of the extracts in simulated food environment (aqueous solution system). The measured responses were the flavan-3-ols and catechin contents, determined by HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts evaluated by hydrophilic assays. Mechanistic and phenomenological equations were used to describe the responses, and the optimal conditions for flavan-3-ols (including catechin) stability as powder extract during a month were pH= 5.4 and T= -20ºC; while its stability in aqueous solution remained during the 24 h of application at pH<4 and T<30ºC. This study compares and optimizes the maceration, microwave and ultrasound extraction techniques in the recovery of a catechin extract from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and evaluate the stability of flavan-3-ols during storage and application processes. To obtain conditions that maximize the catechin extraction yield, a response surface methodology was used. Maceration and microwave extractions were found to be the most effective methods, capable of yielding 1.38±0.1 and 1.70±0.3 mg of catechin/g dry weight (dw) in the corresponding optimal extraction conditions. The optimal conditions for maceration were 93.2±3.7 min, 79.6±5.2 ºC and 23.1±3.7 % of ethanol, while for the microwave extraction were 42.2±4.1 min, 137.1±8.1 ºC and 12.1±1.1 % of ethanol. The microwave system was a quicker solution, conducting to slightly higher yields of catechin than maceration, but this one needed lower temperatures to reach similar yields. The ultrasound method was the least effective solution in terms of catechin yield extraction (0.71±0.1 mg/g at 42.4±3.6 min, 314.9±21.2 W and 40.3±3.8 %. ethanol). The stability was tested with of the catechin-enriched extract (60% flavan-3-ols and 22% catechin), obtained under the best maceration conditions, was tested. Therefore, catechin-enriched extracts were submitted to physical and chemical stability studies, considering the main affecting variables (time, temperature and pH): i) a stability study of the extracts during storage as powder system; and ii) a stability study of the extracts in simulated food environment (aqueous solution system). The measured responses were the flavan-3-ols and catechin contents, determined by HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts evaluated by hydrophilic assays. Mechanistic and phenomenological equations were used to describe the responses, and the optimal conditions for flavan-3-ols (including catechin) stability as powder extract during a month were pH= 5.4 and T= -20ºC; while its stability in aqueous solution remained during the 24 h of application at pH<4 and T<30ºC.


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Fragaria vesca L., morango silvestre, pertence à família das Rosaceae e é comumente encontrada nas bermas e taludes [1]. Os seus frutos pequenos e de sabor doce podem ser consumidos em fresco como uma fonte de vitamina C, ou em infusões muito utilizadas no tratamento de vários transtornos intestinais [2]. No presente trabalho, os frutos de F. vesca silvestre foram caracterizados em termos de valor nutricional (hidratos de carbono, proteínas, gordura, cinzas e valor energético), teor em fibra alimentar e perfil em ácidos gordos. Para além disso, os frutos e respetivas infusões foram também caracterizados pelo seu conteúdo em açúcares solúveis, ácidos orgânicos, folatos e tocoferóis por técnicas de HPLC acoplada a detectores de índice de refração, fotodíodos e fluorescência, respetivamente, e também pela sua composição mineral avaliada por espectroscopia de absorção atómica. Os hidratos de carbono foram os macronutrientes maioritários nos frutos, seguidos pela gordura total, cinzas e proteínas. Também demonstraram teores elevados em fibra alimentar, maioritariamente fibra solúvel. Os ácidos linolénico (C18:3n3) e γ-linolénico (C18:3n6) foram os ácidos gordos maioritários, havendo uma prevalência de ácidos gordos polinsaturados. Os frutos e as respetivas infusões apresentaram sacarose, seguida da frutose, como sendo os açúcares maioritários. O ácido cítrico foi o ácido orgânico mais abundante em ambas as amostras, enquanto os ácidos oxálico e ascórbico foram detetados nas infusões em concentrações vestigiais. Em termos de microelementos, o manganês foi o mais abundante em ambas as amostras; o potássio e o cálcio foram os macroelementos maioritários encontrados nos frutos e nas suas infusões, respetivamente. Em termos de vitaminas, ambas as amostras apresentaram folatos (vitamina B9) e tocoferóis (vitamina E), sendo o γ-tocoferol a isoforma mais abundante, seguido de α-tocoferol. É de referir que nas infusões foi somente encontrada a isoforma de α-tocoferol. Apesar dos frutos de F. vesca silvestre serem normalmente consumidos em fresco, este estudo prova a potencialidade das suas infusões como uma fonte de moléculas bioativas.


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Vaccinum myrtillus L. pertence à família Ericaceae, sendo comumente conhecida pelos seus pequenos frutos e doces: os mirtilos. Largamente consumidos em fresco, estes frutos também são usados em compotas e marmeladas, devido à suas propriedades digestivas e hipoglicémicas bem como, devido à presença de vários compostos bioativos [1]. Portanto, tornou-se uma matriz muito apelativa para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos funcionais que, para além das suas propriedades nutricionais, adicionam um efeito benéfico fisiológico e para a saúde de longo prazo [2]. No presente trabalho, três novos produtos desenvolvidos pela RBR Foods Company (Portugal) tendo como base o mirtilo, foram caracterizados pelas suas propriedades nutricionais e químicas: hidratos de carbono, cinzas, proteínas, gordura e valor energético (seguindo métodos oficiais de análise de alimentos AOAC), perfil de ácidos gordos (por GC-FID), açúcares solúveis (por HPLC-RI), ácidos orgânicos (por HPLC-DAD) e tocoferóis (por HPLC de fluorescência). Os produtos resultam de uma mistura dos frutos com pétalas de rosa (P1), pétalas de calêndula (P2) e bagas goji e maçã (P3). Os frutos de mirtilo foram utilizados como amostra de controlo. O perfil nutricional dos novos produtos mostrou-se muito semelhante ao da amostra controlo: os hidratos de carbono foram os macronutrientes mais abundantes, seguido de proteínas e de gordura total. Em relação aos açúcares, frutose, glucose e sacarose foram identificados em todas as amostras. P1 e P2 não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao controlo, no entanto, P3 revelou uma menor concentração de açúcares. Em termos de composição de ácidos gordos, todas as amostras estudadas apresentaram maiores teores em ácidos gordos polinsaturados, especialmente devido à contribuição dos ácidos linoléico e alfa-linolénico. Os resultados de tocoferóis revelaram que a amostra controlo apresentou apenas duas isoformas de tocoferóis, α- e γ-tocoferol, sendo a mesmo observado em P3. No entanto, P1 revelou a presença de todas as isoformas de tocoferóis, enquanto P2 não apresentaou δ-tocoferol; Estes resultados estão relacionados com a contribuição das pétalas de rosa e calêndula, respetivamente. A isoforma α-tocoferol foi a mais abundante em todas as amostras estudadas. Em geral, este trabalho contribuiu para a caracterização de novos produtos nutricionais com base de mirtilo sendo parte de um projecto mais abrangente que tem por objetivo o estudo detalhado destes produtos, para serem utilizados como alimentos funcionais.