998 resultados para ex vitro plantlets
L’estudi parteix d’un repàs de la literatura, 11 entrevistes a experts, 25 a ex-interns o interns i l’anàlisi de dades sòcio-demogràfiques, penitenciàries i d’activitats d’inserció i trajectòria laboral de 3.225 ex-interns espanyols que han sortit en llibertat definitiva a Catalunya entre l’1 de gener 2004 i el 31 de desembre 2007 Es constata que el 43,6% d’ex-interns obté ocupació amb alta a la Seguretat Social un cop en llibertat definitiva. La inserció laboral sol ser fràgil: contractes temporals, feines manuals, poc qualificades i de breu duració, la qual cosa els fa constituir-se com a un col·lectiu vulnerable. En general participen d’una cultura del treball no arrelada i de trajectòries laborals prèvies a la reclusió breus o inexistents. D’aquí, que existeixi una línia de continuïtat entre els vincles amb el mercat de treball abans i després de la reclusió. El treball productiu a presons repercuteix moderadament en més inserció laboral. Però treball productiu i formació professional són poc professionalitzadors, més útils per als que no han treballat, sense estudis ni habilitats laborals. Els estudis són un factor clau en la inserció laboral; també els vincles socials, sobretot els més propers, parella per als homes, fills per a les dones. La major predisposició de les dones per a la inserció no reverteix en altes a la S.S., explicable per factors culturals, dificultats d’obtenció de feina regularitzada o de conciliació d’horaris laborals i familiars. Finalment, l’estudi constata que els joves accedeixen més a una ocupació, no tant per motivació personal sinó per tenir més fàcil accés que els adults.
El estudio analiza –a partir de datos de la Seguridad Social- el impacto del trabajo productivo y la formación profesional en la inserción laboral de los exinternos de nacionalidad española que, en Catalunya, han obtenido la libertad definitiva entre el 2004 y el 2007.
There is a clinical need to enhance functional recovery of injured peripheral nerves. Local administration of neurotrophic factors (NTFs) after surgical repair has been proposed for this purpose. Little is known, however, on the optimal local dose and dosing frequency of NTFs in a peripheral nerve defect. For increasing our knowledge on biologically relevant local NTFs concentrations and for making available an in vitro assay for assessing the bioactivity of NTFs in connection with implantable localized delivery systems, we developed in this study a bioassay for NTFs, which is based on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) explants from E9 (9 days old) chicken embryos. Axonal elongation and extent of axonal branching was analyzed microscopically after addition of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF), each alone and in combination. GDNF significantly promoted axonal elongation, but only little axonal branching, whereas NGF induced extensive axonal branching with modest axonal elongation. The combination of GDNF and NGF exerted a synergistic effect on the axonal elongation, axonal branching and growth kinetics. GDNF and NGF also enhanced the expression of their respective functional receptors Ret and TrkA on the DRG neurons. This information should be relevant for the development of implants containing NTFs and on drug therapy of damaged peripheral nerves.
Estudi observacional i prospectiu que analitza la eficàcia de l’Ex-press mini glaucoma shunt en 20 ulls que presenten un control deficient de la PIO amb el tractament mèdic i es practica cirurgia. El període de seguiment és d’un any i s’analitza el descens de la PIO a la setmana, al mes, als 6 mesos i a l’any en relació amb la PIO prèvia. Al mateix temps analitzarem la necessitat d’utilitzar tractament mèdic posterior a la intervenció quirúrgica i les complicacions derivades de la utilització de l’implant.
An in vitro translation system has been prepared from Plasmodium falciparum by saponin lysis of infected-erythrocytes to free parasites which were homogeneized with glass beads, centrifuged to obtain a S-30 fraction followed by Sephadex G-25 gel filtration. This treatment produced a system with very low contamination of host proteins (<1%). The system, optimized for Mg2+ and K+, translates endogenous mRNA and is active for 80 min which suggests that their protein factors and mRNA are quite stable.
Infection of non-adherent TG180 murine sarcoma cells with Toxoplasma gondii was compared, at the ultrastructural level, in both in vivo and in vitro conditions. Suspensions of 3.0 x 10(6) TG180 cells infected in vitro with 1.0 x 10(6) parasites of the RH strain were harvested between the first and 6th day post-infection and processed for transmission electron microscopy. In vivo infection was made by intraperitoneal inoculation in mice of 1.0 x 10(6) TG180 cells, that were co-inoculated with a parasite suspension at the same cell concentration. Cells were harvested 10, 20, 30 min and 24, 48 h post-inoculation and processed for transmission electron microscopy at the same conditions of the in vitro culture. It was observed TG180 murine sarcoma cells with intense and equivalent intracellular parasitism in both conditions. Host cells with parasitophorous vacuoles containing up to 16 parasites, as well as parasites undergoing mitoses or presenting a bradyzoite-like morphology, were frequently seen in both culture methods.
The malarial GBP 130 protein binds weakly to intact human erythrocytes; the binding sites seem to be located in the repeat region and this region's antibodies block the merozoite invasion. A peptide from this region (residues from 701 to 720) which binds to human erythrocytes was identified. This peptide named 2220 did not bind to sialic acid; the binding site on human erythrocyte was affected by treatment with trypsin but not by chymotrypsin. The peptide was able to inhibit Plasmodium falciparum merozoite invasion of erythrocytes. The residues F701, K703, L705, T706, E713 (FYKILTNTDPNDEVERDNAD) were found to be critical for peptide binding to erythrocytes.
Despite a wealth of data on the neurotoxic effects of lead at the cellular and molecular levels, the reasons for its development-dependent neurotoxicity are still unclear. Here, the maturation-dependent effects of lead acetate were analyzed in immature and differentiated brain cells cultured in aggregates. Markers of general cytotoxicity as well as cell-type-specific markers of glial and neuronal cells showed that immature brain cells were more sensitive to lead than the differentiated counterparts, demonstrating that the development-dependent neurotoxicity of lead can be reproduced in aggregating brain cell cultures. After 10 days of treatment, astrocytes were found to be more affected by lead acetate than neurons in immature cultures, and microglial cells were strongly activated. Eleven days after cessation of the treatment, lead acetate caused a partial loss of astrocytes and an intense reactivity of the remaining ones. Furthermore, microglial cells expressed a macrophagic phenotype, and the loss of activity of neuron-specific enzymes was aggravated. In differentiated cultures, no reactive gliosis was found. It is hypothetized that the intense glial reactions (microgliosis and astrogliosis) observed in immature cultures contribute to the development-dependent neurotoxicity of lead.
In vitro tests were carried out to assess the activity of 26 Brazilian isolates of predatory fungi of the genus Arthrobotrys on a free-living nematode (Panagrellus sp.) and on infective larvae of Haemonchus placei, a parasitic gastrointestinal nematode of cattle. The results showed that the free-living nematode Panagrellus sp. was the most preyed upon, compared to H. placei, for all the fungal treatments. Also, variable predatory capacity was observed for different fungal isolates belonging to the same genus when applied to different nematode species.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Stanford University, EEUU, entre 2007 i 2009. El present projecte es basa 1) en la síntesi de cadenes d'ARN dirigides a la inhibició de l'expressió gènica per un mecanisme d'ARN d'interferència (siRNAs o short interefering RNAs) i 2) en l'avaluació de l'activitat in vitro d'aquests oligonucleòtids en cultius cel•lulars. Concretament, la meva recerca ha estat enfocada principalment a l'estudi de cadenes de siRNA modificades amb nucleobases 5-metil i 5-propinil pirimidíniques. Es tractava d'avaluar l'efecte que exerceixen els factors estèrics en el major groove (solc major) dels siRNAs sobre la seva activitat biològica. En aquest sentit, he dut aterme síntesi de fosforamidits de nucleòsis pirimidínics modificats a la posició C-5 de la nucleobase. A continuació he incorporat aquestes unitats nucleosídiques en cadenes d'ARN emprant un sintetitzador d’ADN/ARN i he estudiat l'estabilitat dels corresponents dúplexs d'ARN mitjançant experiments de desnaturalització tèrmica. Finalment he dut a terme experiments d'inhibició de l'expressió gènica en cèl.lules HeLa per tal d'avaluar l'activitat biològia d'aquests siRNAs modificats. Els resultats d'aquests estudis han posat de manifest que la presència de grups voluminosos com el propinil a l'extrem 5' del dúplex de siRNA (definit per la cadena guia o antisense) influeix de forma molt negativa en la seva activitat biològica. En canvi, grups menys voluminosos com el metil hi influeixen positivament, de manera que algunes de les cadenes sintetitzades han resultat ser més actives que els corresponents siRNAs naturals (wild type siRNAs). A més, aquest tipus de modificació contribueix positivament en l'estabilitat de cadenes de siRNA en sèrum humà. Aquest treball ha estat publicat (Terrazas, M.; Kool, E.T. "Major Groove Modifications Improve siRNA Stability and Biological Activity" Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, in press).
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is involved in a wide variety of biological and toxicological responses, including neuroendocrine signaling. Due to the complexity of neuroendocrine pathways in e.g. the hypothalamus and pituitary, there are limited in vitro models available despite the strong demand for such systems to study and predict neuroendocrine effects of chemicals. In this study, the applicability of the AhR-expressing rat hypothalamic GnV-3 cell line was investigated as a novel model to screen for neuroendocrine effects of AhR ligands using 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) as reference compound. The qRT-PCR analyses demonstrated the presence of several sets of neurotransmitter receptors in the GnV-3 cells. TCDD (10nM) altered neurotransmitter signaling by up-regulation of glutamate (Grik2), gamma-amino butyric acid (Gabra2) and serotonin (Ht2C) receptor mRNA levels. However, no significant changes in basal and serotonin-evoked intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) or serotonin release were observed. On the other hand, TCDD de-regulated period circadian protein homolog 1 (Per1) and gonadotropin releasing hormone (Gnrh) mRNA levels within a 24-h time period. Both Per1 and Gnrh genes displayed a similar mRNA expression pattern in GnV-3 cells. Moreover, the involvement of AhR in TCDD-induced alteration of Neuropeptide Y (Npy) gene expression was found and confirmed by using siRNA targeted against Ahr in GnV-3 cells. Overall, the combined results demonstrate that GnV-3 cells may be a suitable model to predict some mechanisms of action and effects of AhR ligands in the hypothalamus.
The purpose of this study was to test melanoma vaccines consisting of peptides and immunological adjuvants for optimal immunogenicity and to evaluate laboratory immune monitoring for in vivo relevance. Forty-nine HLA-A2 positive patients with Melan-A positive melanoma were repeatedly vaccinated with Melan-A peptide, with or without immune adjuvant AS02B (QS21 and MPL) or IFA. Peptide-specific CD8 T cells in PBLs were analyzed ex vivo using fluorescent HLA-A2/Melan-A multimers and IFN-gamma ELISPOT assays. The vaccines were well tolerated. In vivo expansion of Melan-A-specific CD8 T cells was observed in 13 patients (1/12 after vaccination with peptide in AS02B and 12/17 after vaccination with peptide in IFA). The T cells produced IFN-gamma and downregulated CD45RA and CD28. T-cell responses correlated with inflammatory skin reactions at vaccine injection sites (P < 0.001) and with DTH reaction to Melan-A peptide (P < 0.01). Twenty-six of 32 evaluable patients showed progressive disease, whereas 4 patients had stable disease. The two patients with the strongest Melan-A-specific T-cell responses experienced regression of metastases in skin, lymph nodes, and lung. We conclude that repeated vaccination with Melan-A peptide in IFA frequently leads to sustained responses of specific CD8 T cells that are detectable ex vivo and correlate with inflammatory skin reactions.
PURPOSE: To determine whether bovine corneal endothelial (BCE) cells and keratocytes express the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) after exposure to cytokines and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and to study the regulation of NOS by growth factors. METHODS: Cultures of bovine corneal endothelial cells and keratocytes were exposed to increasing concentrations of LPS, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). At selected intervals after exposure, nitrite levels in the supernatants were evaluated by the Griess reaction. Total RNA was extracted from the cell cultures, and messenger RNA levels for inducible NOS (NOS-2) were measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). RESULTS: Exposure of BCE cells and keratocytes to LPS and IFN-gamma resulted in an increase of nitrite levels that was potentiate by the addition of TNF-alpha. Analysis by RT-PCR demonstrated that nitrite release was correlated to the expression of NOS-2 messenger RNA in BCE cells and keratocytes. Stereoselective inhibitors of NOS and cycloheximide inhibited LPS-IFN-gamma-induced nitrite release in both cells, whereas transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) slightly potentiated it. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) inhibited LPS-IFN-gamma-induced nitrite release and NOS-2 messenger RNA accumulation in keratocytes but not in BCE cells. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that in vitro activation of keratocytes and BCE cells by LPS and cytokines induces NOS-2 expression and release of large amounts of NO. The high amounts of NO could be involved in inflammatory corneal diseases in vivo.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Alemanya, entre novembre i desembre del 2007. En aquest treball es presenta el protocol a seguir per a dur a terme el cultiu d’embrions sencers in vitro (Whole Embryo Culture, WEC). Amb aquest protocol es pretén implementar la tècnica del WEC en el laboratori de la Unitat de Toxicologia de la Facultat de Farmàca (UB), seguint la metodologia apresa durant l’estada i deixant per escrit tots els passos seguits i el material i la metodologia concreta de cadascun d’ells. En el WEC es cultiven embrions de rata de 9.5 dies durant 48h en ampolles rotatòries en un medi líquid i amb una fase gasosa controlats. Durant el cultiu, tenen lloc dos processos principals: el plegament de l’embrió i l’organogènesi. Els embrions durant els dos dies que dura el cultiu es pleguen en els plans transversal i sagital, passant d’un embrió pla a un altre de cilíndric en forma de “C”. En aquest període, a més, es produeixen importants processos d’organogènesi com la neurulació, la formació de la cresta neural, dels somites, dels vasos sanguinis - el cor inclòs- i de la sang. Es comencen a formar la placoda nasal, la vesícula oftàlmica, la vesícula òtica, les extremitats superiors i inferiors i la cua. En la memòria adjunta es descriuen amb detall els processos d'aparellament dels animals, preparació del material i del medi de cultiu, el procés d'aïllament del embrions en el dia 9.5, les condicions de cultiu i l'avaluació dels embrions en el dia 11.5. Finalment es presenten resultats d'embrions en situació control amb un correcte desenvolupament i es mostra com, al final de l'estada, es va aconseguir el cultiu d’embrions control amb un desenvolupament correcte i estadísticament sense diferències respecte als diferents paràmetres mesurats en comparació amb els embrions control de la Charité-Universitätsmedizin de Berlin.
Cefotaxime, given in two doses (each 100 mg/kg of body weight), produced a good bactericidal activity (-0.47 Deltalog(10) CFU/ml. h) which was comparable to that of levofloxacin (-0.49 Deltalog(10) CFU/ml. h) against a penicillin-resistant pneumococcal strain WB4 in experimental meningitis. Cefotaxime combined with levofloxacin acted synergistically (-1.04 Deltalog(10) CFU/ml. h). Synergy between cefotaxime and levofloxacin was also demonstrated in vitro in time killing assays and with the checkerboard method for two penicillin-resistant strains (WB4 and KR4). Using in vitro cycling experiments, the addition of cefotaxime in sub-MIC concentrations (one-eighth of the MIC) drastically reduced levofloxacin-induced resistance in the same two strains (64-fold increase of the MIC of levofloxacin after 12 cycles versus 2-fold increase of the MIC of levofloxacin combined with cefotaxime). Mutations detected in the genes encoding topoisomerase IV (parC and parE) and gyrase (gyrA and gyrB) confirmed the levofloxacin-induced resistance in both strains. Addition of cefotaxime in low doses was able to suppress levofloxacin-induced resistance.