978 resultados para computer art


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We present a method of rapidly producing computer-generated holograms that exhibit geometric occlusion in the reconstructed image. Conceptually, a bundle of rays is shot from every hologram sample into the object volume.We use z buffering to find the nearest intersecting object point for every ray and add its complex field contribution to the corresponding hologram sample. Each hologram sample belongs to an independent operation, allowing us to exploit the parallel computing capability of modern programmable graphics processing units (GPUs). Unlike algorithms that use points or planar segments as the basis for constructing the hologram, our algorithm's complexity is dependent on fixed system parameters, such as the number of ray-casting operations, and can therefore handle complicated models more efficiently. The finite number of hologram pixels is, in effect, a windowing function, and from analyzing the Wigner distribution function of windowed free-space transfer function we find an upper limit on the cone angle of the ray bundle. Experimentally, we found that an angular sampling distance of 0:01' for a 2:66' cone angle produces acceptable reconstruction quality. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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Computer generated holography is an extremely demanding and complex task when it comes to providing realistic reconstructions with full parallax, occlusion, and shadowing. We present an algorithm designed for data-parallel computing on modern graphics processing units to alleviate the computational burden. We apply Gaussian interpolation to create a continuous surface representation from discrete input object points. The algorithm maintains a potential occluder list for each individual hologram plane sample to keep the number of visibility tests to a minimum.We experimented with two approximations that simplify and accelerate occlusion computation. It is observed that letting several neighboring hologramplane samples share visibility information on object points leads to significantly faster computation without causing noticeable artifacts in the reconstructed images. Computing a reduced sample set via nonuniform sampling is also found to be an effective acceleration technique. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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In the life of the Law School, focus on the “visual” can operate at three different levels: learning, teaching, and examining (legal concepts). My main interest in this paper is to explore the latter level, “examining”, broadly considered so as to encompass evaluation in general. Furthermore, that interest is pinned down here to the area of constitutional rights and human rights in general, even though the conclusions reached can (and should) likely be extrapolated to other areas of the law... In effect, the first logical step regarding the relevance of the visual approach has to do with using it yourself when you study —assuming that you came to the conclusion that you are a “visual learner”. As you know, VARK theorists propose a quadripartite classification of learners. The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that are used for learning information. This model was designed in the late 80s by Neil Fleming and it has received some acceptance and a lot of attention...


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Most simulations of random sphere packing concern a cubic or cylindric container with periodic boundary, containers of other shapes are rarely studied. In this paper, a new relaxation algorithm with pre-expanding procedure for random sphere packing in an arbitrarily shaped container is presented. Boundaries of the container are simulated by overlapping spheres which covers the boundary surface of the container. We find 0.4 similar to 0.6 of the overlap rate is a proper value for boundary spheres. The algorithm begins with a random distribution of small internal spheres. Then the expansion and relaxation procedures are performed alternately to increase the packing density. The pre-expanding procedure stops when the packing density of internal spheres reaches a preset value. Following the pre-expanding procedure, the relaxation and shrinking iterations are carried out alternately to reduce the overlaps of internal spheres. The pre-expanding procedure avoids the overflow problem and gives a uniform distribution of initial spheres. Efficiency of the algorithm is increased with the cubic cell background system and double link data structure. Examples show the packing results agree well with both computational and experimental results. Packing density about 0.63 is obtained by the algorithm for random sphere packing in containers of various shapes.


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A computer simulation was performed to explore the features and effects of sedimentation on rapid coagulation. To estimate the accumulated influence of gravity on coagulation for dispersions, a sedimentation influence ratio is defined. Some factors possibly related to the influence of sedimentation were considered in the simulation and analysed by comparing the size distribution of aggregates, the change in collision number, and coagulation rates at different gravity levels (0 g, 1 g and more with g being the gravitational constant).


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This paper argues in detail for the identification of Peftjauawybast, King of Nen-nesut (fl. 728/720 BC ), with Peftjauawybast, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis (fl. c. 790–780 BC2), known from the Apis stela of year 28 of Shoshenq III. This identification ties in with a significant lowering of the accepted dates for the kings from Shoshenq III, Osorkon III and Takeloth III to Shoshenq V, and the material culture associated with them. Such a shift seems to be supported by stylistic and genealogical evidence. As a consequence, it is further suggested that the Master of Shipping at Nen-nesut, Pediese i, was perhaps related by descent and marriage to the family of the High Priests of Memphis and King Peftjauawybast.


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El estudio de la falsa gnosis es algo de lo cual varios pensadores católicos ya han escrito y lo siguen haciendo. Sin embargo, la consideración de este argumento a la luz del pensamiento de Santo Tomás de Aquino no es algo común. El concepto de gnosis (gnw/sij, conocimiento), en sí mismo, no significa algo peyorativo. Por el contrario, Jesucristo hace referencia a los doctores de la ley que han quitado la llave de la ciencia (Lc 11, 52). Por su parte san Pablo confiesa que «no hay sino un solo Dios y Padre, de quien proceden todas las cosas, y nosotros estamos destinados hacia él; y un solo Señor Jesucrito, por quien son todas las cosas, y nosostros también por él. Pero no en todos se halla esa ciencia (h` gnw/sij)». Este conocimiento o gnosis que toma la Revelación en la fe por regla y guía es la gnosis verdadera Nos proponemos en este trabajo realizar una lectura del art. 1º de la Iª Pars de la Suma Teológica y compararlo ante todo con el fundamento mismo de aquello que san Pablo denomina como «la mal llamada ciencia»...


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Collisions of a particle pair induced by optical tweezers have been employed to study colloidal stability. In order to deepen insights regarding the collision-sticking dynamics of a particle pair in the optical trap that were observed in experimental approaches at the particle level, the authors carry out a Brownian dynamics simulation. In the simulation, various contributing factors, including the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek interaction of particles, hydrodynamic interactions, optical trapping forces on the two particles, and the Brownian motion, were all taken into account. The simulation reproduces the tendencies of the accumulated sticking probability during the trapping duration for the trapped particle pair described in our previous study and provides an explanation for why the two entangled particles in the trap experience two different statuses. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.