981 resultados para citizens
Female gender and low income are two markers for groups that have been historically disadvantaged within most societies. The study explores two research questions related to their political representation: 1) Are parties ideologically biased towards the ideological preferences of male and rich citizens? 2) Does the proportionality of the electoral system moderate the degree of underrepresentation of women and poor citizens in the party system? A multilevel analysis of survey data from 24 parliamentary democracies indicates that there is some bias against those with low income and, at a much smaller rate, women. This has systemic consequences for the quality of representation, as the preferences of the complementary groups differ. The proportionality of the electoral system influences the degree of underrepresentation: specifically, larger district magnitudes help closing the considerable gap between rich and poor.
In most democracies voting Advice Applications (VAAs) advising citizens which candidate or party they should vote for become more and more popular. It is therefore crucial to know more about the functioning and the effects of such tools. After some general remarks about the spread of these tools and their possible effects gathered so far in various studies, this paper presents the latest results from a research conducted in the course of the 2011 Swiss national elections. They confirm that VAAs can lead to better informed voters and are likely to have a positive impact on electoral turnout. Additionally it can be shown that the Swiss VAA smartvote made voters change their voting intention and that they voted for a different party. This was particularly advantageous for the Green Liberal Party. At the moment, only a minority of voters rely on the voting recommendation by smartvote. This might change dramatically with the introduction of e-voting. Once people can vote electronically, there are hardly any possibilities to prevent voters from transferring their selection of candidates based on the recommendation given by a VAA into the official electronic ballot paper. If this is possible, e-voting will become more popular than postal voting.
BACKGROUND: Literature on the disease profile of prisoners that differentiates by age and gender remains sparse. This study aimed to describe the health of correctional inmates in terms of substance abuse problems and mental and somatic health conditions, and compare it by gender and age. METHODS: This study examined cross-sectional data from the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland on the health conditions of detainees who were in prison on January 1, 2011 or entered prison in 2011. Health conditions validated by physician examination were reported using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) version 10. The analyses were descriptive by groups of prisoners: the entire sample (All), Men, Older adults and Women. RESULTS: A total of 1,664 individuals were included in the analysis. Men comprised 91.5 % of the sample and had a mean age of 33 years. The other 8.5 % were women and had an average age of 39. Older adults (i.e., age 50 and older) represented 7 % of the total sample. Overall, 80 % of inmates were non-Swiss citizens, but the proportion of Swiss prisoners was higher among the older adults (51 %) and women (29 %). Overall, 41 % of inmates self-reported substance abuse problems. Of those, 27 % were being treated by psychiatrists for behavioral disorders related to substance abuse. Chronic infectious diseases were found in 9 % of the prison population. In addition, 27 % of detainees suffered from serious mental health conditions. Gender and age had an influence on the disease profile of this sample: compared to the entire prison population, the older inmates were less likely to misuse illegal drugs and to suffer from communicable infections but exhibited more problems with alcohol and a higher burden of chronic health conditions. Female prisoners were more disposed to mental health problems (including drug abuse) and infectious diseases. In terms of chronic diseases, women suffered from the same conditions as men, but the diseases were more prevalent in women. CONCLUSION: It is important to understand the different disease profiles of prisoners by gender and age, as it helps identify the needs of different groups and tailor age-and gender-specific interventions.
The paper analyses the link between human capital and regional economic growth in the European Union. Using different indicat The importance of effective and efficient mobility in large cities is becoming essential for planners and citizens due to its impact in terms of social, economic and geographic development. The aim of this research is to determine factors explaining urban transport systems by estimating aggregate supply and demand equations for 45 large European cities. Supply and Demand equations are separately and jointly determined using OLS and SUR estimation models. On one hand, our findings suggest the importance of economic variables on the supply of public transport. On the other, we highlight the role of those factors influencing the generalized cost of transport as main drivers of demand for public transit. Additionally, regional variables are introduced to capture institutional heterogeneity in this service, and we find that regional patterns are powerful explanatory determinants of urban transportation systems in Europe.
L’objecte d’aquest estudi rau en plantejar si els ciutadans de la província de Girona, concretament de la ciutat de Figueres, tenen una percepció d’indiferència vers el seu patrimoni militar i en si aquesta percepció ha influït en el desenvolupament turístic d’aquest patrimoni
El informe que a continuación presentamos recoge 18 experiencias, proyectos, actividades,investigaciones o políticas más significativas que se realizan en Europa relacionadas con la alfabetización mediática en el contexto de los videojuegos (ludoliteracy). La ludoliteracy tiene como finalidad potenciar las capacidades y competencias analíticas, reflexivas y creativas alrededor del juego digital. Se trata, en conjunto, de propuestas que permiten al ciudadano (joven o adulto, profesional o usuario) y a la sociedad en general ser más conscientes de nuestros propios placeres, tener capacidad crítica y competencia creativa en el campo específico de los juegos digitales.El objetivo final del informe es ofrecer recomendaciones en un campo socialmente controvertido y económicamente situado a la cabeza de las industrias culturales pero institucionalmente emplazado en los márgenes de las políticas educativas estatales y europeas.
[spa] Actualmente, nos encontramos inmersos en un proceso de globalización y tecnificación al que las Administraciones públicas, como parte integrante de l a sociedad, no pueden permanecer ajenas. Todas las Administraciones, en sus distintos niveles y ámbitos de actuación, han introducido en su actividad las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y han puesto en marcha un proceso transformación de carácter cultural, organizativo y jurídico que ha fructificado en un nuevo modelo de gestión de la actividad pública conocido bajo el nombre de Administración electrónica. El uso de las nuevas tecnologías y la transición de una Administración «en pa pel» a una Administración electrónica han conllevado una serie de reformas de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico: nuevas normas y reforma de otras ya existentes que regulan los aspectos técnicos derivados de la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías por parte de la Administración, así como los derechos y garantías de los que están revestidos los ciudadanos cuando se relacionan con la Administración por medios telemáticos. Con este telón de fondo, podemos definir un elenco de principios que regirán la actuación de la Administración electrónica y en los que se erigen como protagonistas aquellos que persiguen garantizar la igualdad y la no discriminación de los ciudadanos, combatiendo la denominada brecha digital.
[spa] Desde principios de los noventa, nuestra sociedad está sufriendo una serie de cambios asociados al uso masivo de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). En este nuevo modelo social, conocido bajo el nombre de sociedad de la información, las Administraciones públicas han tenido que adaptarse, introduciendo las nuevas tecnologías en su actividad cotidiana. No obstante, la transformación de las Administraciones públicas va más allá del uso de las TIC, pues supone una auténtica transformación de una administración en papel a una verdadera administración electrónica. Todo ello conlleva modificaciones en el ordenamiento jurídico, así como en las relaciones entre la Administración con los ciudadanos. En este trabajo, analizamos el desarrollo de este proceso en las Administraciones públicas españolas.
Tässä työssä kehitetään yleiskäyttöinen palvelupyyntömalli, jonka avulla Lahden kaupungin Lahti Fenix –projektin Kuntalaistilijärjestelmän palveluväylän kautta voidaan kutsua järjestelmän tietokantatasoa tai muita palveluväylän avulla integroituja järjestelmiä. Työn tavoitteena oli suoraviivaistaa järjestelmäintegraatioihin liittyvien palveluiden kehittämistä suunnittelemalla sellainen palvelupyyntömuodostin, joka ei sisällä staattisia viittauksia jossakin tietyssä palvelussa käytettäviin luokkiin tai muihin ominaisuuksiin. Työssä hyödynnettiin Java-kielen kehittyneitä ominaisuuksia; reflektiivistä ohjelmointia, geneeristä ohjelmointia ja Java-virtuaalikoneen metodipinon lukemista. Tavoitteen saavuttamista mitattiin käyttäen avuksi McCaben syklomaattista kompleksisuutta ja metodeissa käytettyä rivimäärää. Työ aloitettiin joulukuussa 2008 ja saatiin valmiiksi helmikuussa 2009. Työn tuloksena syntyi toimiva, syklomaattiselta kompleksisuudeltaan matala ja helppokäyttöinen palvelukutsumuodostin.
This article focuses on the analysis of the regulatory framework of citizen participation in the local government, which organises direct and participatory democracy at the local level, and identifies the laws and mechanisms through which the constitutional requirements for participation are accomplished. Mu nicipalities, the authority closest to citizens, are the best level of government since they directly involve civil society in the decision-making process experiencing the scope and appropriateness of the instruments by which it is channeled.
[spa]Con la internacionalización del mercado inmobiliario de las ciudades, originariamente local, se han generado nuevos flujos de capital que han reforzado a nivel mundial el segundo circuito. Barcelona, por lo menos desde 1992 no ha sido ajena a ello. Los últimos capitales llegados proceden de antiguos países socialistas, especialmente de la República Popular de China y de Rusia, con estrategias distintas de localización, más concentradas las chinas. Las consecuencias de estas nuevas apropiaciones del espacio urbano se sienten en la restricción del acceso al mercado de la vivienda por parte de los ciudadanos y en la formación de una Chinatown de modelo europeo.
Tässä työssä kuvataan Lahti Fenix Kuntalaistilijärjestelmän ja Tekla Xcity-järjestelmän välille toteutetun järjestelmäintegraation eri vaiheet. Kuntalaistilijärjestelmä on Lahden kaupungin Fenix-hankkeessa kehitteillä oleva sähköinen palvelualusta, jota pitkin kuntalaisille tarjotaan erilaisia kunnallisia palveluja, kuten vastaanottoaikoja hammaslääkärille. Tekla Xcity on kuntien ja kaupunkien käyttöön tarkoitettu järjestelmä, josta on mahdollista hakea esimerkiksi henkilö- ja paikkatietoja. Aluksi työssä esitellään lyhyesti erilaisia tapoja toteuttaa järjestelmäintegraatioita. Seuraavaksi kiinnitetään erityistä huomiota niin sanottuihin web-palveluihin, joiden etuja ja haittoja arvioidaan käytännön esimerkin kautta. Tässä pidetään viitekehyksenä Kuntalaistilijärjestelmää ja siinä käytettyä palvelukeskeistä arkkitehtuuria. Arkkitehtuurin ja viestiliikenneratkaisujen arvioinnin jälkeen siirrytään käytännön osuuteen, jossa itse järjestelmäintegraatio toteutetaan. Järjestelmäintegraatio toteutetaan käyttäen avoimen lähdekoodin palveluväylää ja sille saatavissa olevia viestintäkehyksiä. Integraation eri vaiheissa tutustutaan erilaisiin viestiliikenneprotokolliin ja niiden käyttöön valittujen viestintäkehysten kanssa. Kunkin protokollan toimivuus varmennetaan analysoimalla integraatioon liittyvien komponenttien ja päätepisteiden välistä tietoliikennettä.
Training of highly qualified personnel is the most transversal axis among those identified in the document "Mobilizing Axes in Chemistry", published by SBQ, in 2002, which demands to deep the discussions, initiated in the symposium "The Chemist's Education", whose main objective was to discuss the repercussions of that training in the teaching and in the industrial section. After the publication of an initial paper, a couple of meetings and workshops held in Rio de Janeiro, in December 2003, involving the national chemist community, discussed the "The role of the graduate degrees in the Chemist's Education" and "The Chemist's Education", and confirmed the need to invest in the formation of qualified human resources in profusion and in all levels. Actions to be taken were delineated. Presently, the graduate programs in Chemistry are showing expressive results. However, although these professionals are mostly absorbed by the academy (the absorption of the industry is less significant), only a few programs give special attention to the didactical and pedagogical training. The regional decentralization is actually a tendency in most programs, but the interaction academy-economic activities is still a challenge. It is necessary to establish with the industrial section, the highly qualified professional's profile in Chemistry that the industry can absorb. The undergraduation is growing in number and quality, however still excessively concentrated in the Southeast area. The national "Curricula Guidelines" for Chemistry Courses, through its flexible approach, propitiate the integral, interdisciplinary (non compartmentalized) and critical-reflexive training of the professionals as citizens and as entrepreneurs. However, deficiencies are still recognized. The evaluation system of undergraduate courses has been able to identify the most fragile modalities of courses and other indicators. It was also verified that Brazilian chemistry industry absorbs minimally the highly qualified professionals, which is attributed to the fact that the Federal Council of Chemistry is vertically organized and does not recognize the graduate degrees as professional qualification. In the conclusion, it stands out, among other aspects, the importance of the effective implantation of the national curricula guidelines, bringing out courses whose didactical and pedagogical projects may offer a solid formation in Chemistry, but comprehensive and general enough to enable the Chemistry professionals to develop varied skills.