980 resultados para Vírus Dengue
v. 18, n. 1, jan./mar. 2016.
El virus dengue pertenece a la familia Flaviviridae, es transmitido entre humanos en general por mosquitos del género Aedes. Uruguay estuvo libre de la enfermedad de adquisición autóctona en los últimos 100 años. En febrero del año 2016 se produjo la confirmación de los primeros casos autóctonos en Montevideo y con ello evidencia de un brote local. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los aspectos prácticos del manejo clínico de los pacientes con dengue presuntivo o confirmado, contribuyendo así a la discusión del tema y a la formación del equipo de salud en nuestro país. Se revisan desde un punto de vista práctico los aspectos clínicos de presentación de la infección, clasificación, diagnóstico de laboratorio, manejo inicial, y situaciones especiales como embarazo y comorbilidades.
El fracaso en controlar la expansión del Aedes aegypti en el mundo y de evitar la diseminación de enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos, entre ellas el dengue, otorga relevancia al abordaje detallado de este tema. El dengue, una patología de inicio agudo y sintomatología sumamente variada pero con un patrón de fases bien definido, ha sido protocolizado para su manejo. La clasificación actual en dengue y dengue grave, la identificación de los signos clínicos que anticipan el agravamiento: signos de alarma, y la identificación de las condiciones o factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de una enfermedad severa, otorgan herramientas esenciales para el manejo clínico de los casos. El desafío consiste en reconocerlo inicialmente entre las patologías comunes de la infancia, a pesar de presentar signos clínicos inespecíficos y tomar la decisión oportuna cuando existe riesgo de severidad. El diagnóstico de la enfermedad puede ser establecido dentro de los cinco primeros días por la detección directa de componentes virales en el suero. El tratamiento es de soporte, con un estrecho monitoreo de la evolución, dado que no existe una terapéutica especifica. La vacuna podría ser el elemento clave para disminuir la carga de la enfermedad.
Dengue fever is one of the most important mosquito-borne diseases worldwide and is caused by infection with dengue virus (DENV). The disease is endemic in tropical and sub-tropical regions and has increased remarkably in the last few decades. At present, there is no antiviral or approved vaccine against the virus. Treatment of dengue patients is usually supportive, through oral or intravenous rehydration, or by blood transfusion for more severe dengue cases. Infection of DENV in humans and mosquitoes involves a complex interplay between the virus and host factors. This results in regulation of numerous intracellular processes, such as signal transduction and gene transcription which leads to progression of disease. To understand the mechanisms underlying the disease, the study of virus and host factors is therefore essential and could lead to the identification of human proteins modulating an essential step in the virus life cycle. Knowledge of these human proteins could lead to the discovery of potential new drug targets and disease control strategies in the future. Recent advances of high throughput screening technologies have provided researchers with molecular tools to carry out investigations on a large scale. Several studies have focused on determination of the host factors during DENV infection in human and mosquito cells. For instance, a genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen has identified host factors that potentially play an important role in both DENV and West Nile virus replication (Krishnan et al. 2008). In the present study, a high-throughput yeast two-hybrid screen has been utilised in order to identify human factors interacting with DENV non-structural proteins. From the screen, 94 potential human interactors were identified. These include proteins involved in immune signalling regulation, potassium voltage-gated channels, transcriptional regulators, protein transporters and endoplasmic reticulum-associated proteins. Validation of fifteen of these human interactions revealed twelve of them strongly interacted with DENV proteins. Two proteins of particular interest were selected for further investigations of functional biological systems at the molecular level. These proteins, including a nuclear-associated protein BANP and a voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3, both have been identified through interaction with the DENV NS2A. BANP is known to be involved in NF-kB immune signalling pathway, whereas, Kv1.3 is known to play an important role in regulating passive flow of potassium ions upon changes in the cell transmembrane potential. This study also initiated a construction of an Aedes aegypti cDNA library for use with DENV proteins in Y2H screen. However, several issues were encountered during the study which made the library unsuitable for protein interaction analysis. In parallel, innate immune signalling was also optimised for downstream analysis. Overall, the work presented in this thesis, in particular the Y2H screen provides a number of human factors potentially targeted by DENV during infection. Nonetheless, more work is required to be done in order to validate these proteins and determine their functional properties, as well as testing them with infectious DENV to establish a biological significance. In the long term, data from this study will be useful for investigating potential human factors for development of antiviral strategies against dengue.
Em Portugal, e no resto da Europa, têm sido identificados casos de Zika de importação, no entanto o risco de emergência de casos autóctones existe tanto para a ilha da Madeira, onde Aedes aegypti está presente, como para a costa mediterrânica pois em vários países como Itália, França e Espanha o Ae. albopictus está presente e mantem as suas caraterísticas invasivas. Sem sabermos bem o que o futuro nos reserva e as implicações em saúde pública é importante conhecer a epidemiologia, a transmissão, as caraterísticas clínicas e realizar um diagnóstico laboratorial com elevada sensibilidade e especificidade dos casos de infeção por Zika.
The investigation of pathogen persistence in vector-borne diseases is important in different ecological and epidemiological contexts. In this thesis, I have developed deterministic and stochastic models to help investigating the pathogen persistence in host-vector systems by using efficient modelling paradigms. A general introduction with aims and objectives of the studies conducted in the thesis are provided in Chapter 1. The mathematical treatment of models used in the thesis is provided in Chapter 2 where the models are found locally asymptotically stable. The models used in the rest of the thesis are based on either the same or similar mathematical structure studied in this chapter. After that, there are three different experiments that are conducted in this thesis to study the pathogen persistence. In Chapter 3, I characterize pathogen persistence in terms of the Critical Community Size (CCS) and find its relationship with the model parameters. In this study, the stochastic versions of two epidemiologically different host-vector models are used for estimating CCS. I note that the model parameters and their algebraic combination, in addition to the seroprevalence level of the host population, can be used to quantify CCS. The study undertaken in Chapter 4 is used to estimate pathogen persistence using both deterministic and stochastic versions of a model with seasonal birth rate of the vectors. Through stochastic simulations we investigate the pattern of epidemics after the introduction of an infectious individual at different times of the year. The results show that the disease dynamics are altered by the seasonal variation. The higher levels of pre-existing seroprevalence reduces the probability of invasion of dengue. In Chapter 5, I considered two alternate ways to represent the dynamics of a host-vector model. Both of the approximate models are investigated for the parameter regions where the approximation fails to hold. Moreover, three metrics are used to compare them with the Full model. In addition to the computational benefits, these approximations are used to investigate to what degree the inclusion of the vector population in the dynamics of the system is important. Finally, in Chapter 6, I present the summary of studies undertaken and possible extensions for the future work.
Influência do vírus da hepatite G (GBV-C) na resposta imune frente à infecção por Leishmania chagasi
GB virus type C (GBV-C) appears to promote a Th1 response and is associated with prolonged survival in HIV-infected people. L. chagasi causes a spectrum of illness that varies from severe visceral leishmaniasis, a disease that in the majority of cases is fatal if not treated, to self resolution of infection and development of positive DTH response that is protective against symptomatic disease. To determine if GBV-C viremia might influence the outcome of Leishmania infection, we characterized GBV-C status in a cohort of subjects residing in a L. chagasi endemic area in Brazil. GBV-C viremia was more prevalent in blood donors from urban than in periurban regions of Natal, Brazil (16% and 7.5% respectively). Evidence of prior GBV-C (anti-E2 antibodies) was detected in 24% and 12%of these groups respectively. Anti-E2 increased with age (p= 0.0121). No difference in GBV-C viremia was found in the DTH+ and VL groups (p= 0.269); however, subjects with visceral leishmaniasis were more likely to have anti-E2 than DTH+ subjects (p=0.0012), and DTH induration was smaller in subjects with E2 antibodies (4.5 mm) compared those without (7.12 mm) (p= 0.002). Furthermore, the size of the Leishmania DTH response was greater in GBV-C viremica subjects (6.8 mm) compared to non-viremic subjects (3.3 mm; p= 0.0054). There findings suggest that GBV-C virus may promote a type 1 immune response that could influence the outcome of Leishmania infection
Analisa às discussões no Parlamento, indicando que, mais do que pulverizar as ações e os recursos públicos em miríade de iniciativas e projetos nas mais diversas áreas de atuação, o País precisa concentrar seus recursos em ações de saneamento básico e resíduos sólidos. Algumas das áreas em que o Estado tem devotado singular atenção são os programas que visam massificar a internet, digitalizar a televisão aberta e ampliar a oferta de telefonia celular. E o Poder Público tem conseguido grandes avanços nesse sentido, ao contrário do saneamento, que se encontra estagnado.
Dissertação de Mestrado realizada apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica em Clínica
Chitinases are enzymes involved in degradation of chitin and are present in a range of organisms, including those that do not contain chitin, such as bacteria, viruses, plants and animals, and play important physiological and ecological roles. Chitin is hydrolyzed by a chitinolytic system classified as: endo-chitinases, exo-chitinases and N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidases. In this study a Litochitinase1 extracted from the cephalotorax of the shrimp Litopenaeus Schmitt was purified 987.32 times using ionexchange chromatography DEAE-Biogel and molecular exclusion Sephacryl S-200. These enzyme presented a molecular mass of about 28.5 kDa. The results, after kinetic assay with the Litochitinase1 using as substrate p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-b-Dglucosaminideo, showed apparent Km of 0.51 mM, optimal activity at pH ranging from 5.0 to 6.0, optimum temperature at 55°C and stability when pre-incubated at temperatures of 25, 37, 45, 50 and 55°C. The enzyme showed a range of stability at pH 4.0 to 5.5. HgCl2 inhibited Litochitinase1 while MgCl2 enhances its activity. Antimicrobial tests showed that Litochitinase1 present activity against gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli in the 800 μg/mL concentration. The larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti was investigated using crude extracts, F-III (50-80%) and Litochitinase1 at 24 and 48 hours. The results showed larvicidal activity in all these samples with EC50 values of 6.59 mg/mL for crude extract, 5.36 mg/mL for F-III and 0.71 mg/mL for Litochitinase1 at 24 hours and 3.22 and 0.49 mg/mL for the F-III and Litochitinase1 at 48 hours, respectively. Other experiments confirmed the presence of chitin in the midgut of Aedes aegypti larvae, which may be suffering the action of Litochitinase1 killing the larvae, but also the absence of contaminating proteins as serine proteinase inhibitors and lectins in the crude extract, F-III and Litochitinase1, indicating that the death of the larvae is by action of the Litochitinase1. We also observed that the enzymes extracted from intestinal homogenate of the larvae no have activity on Litochitinase1. These results indicate that the enzyme can be used as an alternative to control of infections caused by Escherichia coli and reducing the infestation of the mosquito vector of dengue.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
El dengue es una infección viral autolimitada transmitida en humanos por mosquitos, siendo una enfermedad infecciosa sistémica y dinámica. Enfermedad compleja en sus manifestaciones donde la mayoría son asintomáticas o cursar de una manera leve a grave e incluso mortal. Siendo la miositis una forma de presentación no frecuente en la enfermedad que evoluciona con la elevación de la creatinfosfoquinasa. El involucramiento muscular tiene diferentes grados de intensidad según el tipo de fibra muscular y el grupo de músculos comprometidos. Sin embargo la miositis observada en el curso del dengue tiene una evolución benigna y no requiere tratamiento y tiene una corta duración. Objetivo: Describir la epidemiología de la miositis aguda benigna por dengue en pacientes de 5 a 18 años de edad evaluados en la Unidad de Emergencia del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom en un período comprendido de Enero 2012 a Diciembre 2013. Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, observacional y transversal, de pacientes de 5 a 18 años de edad diagnosticados clínica y serológicamente con fiebre por dengue en la Unidad de Emergencia en el Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom en el periodo comprendido entre Enero del 2012 a Diciembre del 2013. Se realizó revisión de expedientes clínicos buscando las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, sociodemográficas de los pacientes y a quienes se les realizaron las mediciones de los niveles séricos de CPK en dos tomas con diferente intervalo. El total de pacientes a quienes se les realizó dicho seguimiento fueron un total de 200 pacientes, siendo la muestra a estudiar. Resultados: La elevación de los niveles séricos de Creatininfosfoquinasa por encima de su valor esperado se observa con mayor frecuencia después de 3 días del inicio de los síntomas de la enfermedad con un total de 60 pacientes (30.2%): cuyos rangos de elevación oscilaron entre 141 a 500 mg/dl. Sin embargo cabe mencionar una menor frecuencia de 40 pacientes (20.1%) que elevaron dicha enzima antes de las 72 horas manteniendo el mismo intervalo de elevación. Con una menor proporción se encuentra los pacientes que incrementaron dicha enzima entre 501 a 1000 mg/dl y mayor de 1000 mg/dl Si hacemos una comparación con los pacientes que no elevaron CPK en ninguna de las muestras realizadas podemos observar que a pesar de ser la mayoría con un valor porcentual entre el 64.8% - 77.9% , existe una proporción considerable de pacientes que si elevaron dicho valor serológico con un porcentaje entre el 22.1% - 35.2%, constituyendo un dato importante para el diagnostico de Miositis Aguda Benigna en los pacientes que dieron Ig M positivo para Fiebre por Dengue.
Shrimp farming is one of the activities that contribute most to the growth of global aquaculture. However, this business has undergone significant economic losses due to the onset of viral diseases such as Infectious Myonecrosis (IMN). The IMN is already widespread throughout Northeastern Brazil and affects other countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and China. The main symptom of disease is myonecrosis, which consists of necrosis of striated muscles of the abdomen and cephalothorax of shrimp. The IMN is caused by infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV), a non-enveloped virus which has protrusions along its capsid. The viral genome consists of a single molecule of double-stranded RNA and has two Open Reading Frames (ORFs). The ORF1 encodes the major capsid protein (MCP) and a potential RNA binding protein (RBP). ORF2 encodes a probable RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and classifies IMNV in Totiviridae family. Thus, the objective of this research was study the IMNV complete genome and encoded proteins in order to develop a system differentiate virus isolates based on polymorphisms presence. The phylogenetic relationship among some totivirus was investigated and showed a new group to IMNV within Totiviridae family. Two new genomes were sequenced, analyzed and compared to two other genomes already deposited in GenBank. The new genomes were more similar to each other than those already described. Conserved and variable regions of the genome were identified through similarity graphs and alignments using the four IMNV sequences. This analyze allowed mapping of polymorphic sites and revealed that the most variable region of the genome is in the first half of ORF1, which coincides with the regions that possibly encode the viral protrusion, while the most stable regions of the genome were found in conserved domains of proteins that interact with RNA. Moreover, secondary structures were predicted for all proteins using various softwares and protein structural models were calculated using threading and ab initio modeling approaches. From these analyses was possible to observe that the IMNV proteins have motifs and shapes similar to proteins of other totiviruses and new possible protein functions have been proposed. The genome and proteins study was essential for development of a PCR-based detection system able to discriminate the four IMNV isolates based on the presence of polymorphic sites