964 resultados para Tissue repair


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In this article, we report the mechanical and biocompatibility properties of injection-molded high-density polyethylene (HDPE) composites reinforced with 40 wt % ceramic filler [hydroxyapatite (HA) and/or Al2O3] and 2 wt % titanate as a coupling agent. The mechanical property measurements revealed that a combination of a maximum tensile strength of 18.7 MPa and a maximum tensile modulus of about 855 MPa could be achieved with the injection-molded HDPE20 wt % HA20 wt % Al2O3 composites. For the same composite composition, the maximum compression strength was determined to be 71.6 MPa and the compression modulus was about 660 MPa. The fractrography study revealed the uniform distribution of ceramic fillers in the semicrystalline HDPE matrix. The cytocompatibility study with osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells confirmed extensive cell adhesion and proliferation on the injection-molded HDPE20 wt % HA20 wt % Al2O3 composites. The cell viability analysis with the 3(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay revealed a statistically significant difference between the injection-molded HDPE20 wt % HA20 wt % Al2O3 composites and sintered HA for various culture durations of upto 7 days. The difference in cytocompatibility properties among the biocomposites is explained in terms of the difference in the protein absorption behavior. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012


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RAD51C, a RAD51 paralog, has been implicated in homologous recombination (HR), and germ line mutations in RAD51C are known to cause Fanconi anemia (FA)-like disorder and breast and ovarian cancers. The role of RAD51C in the FA pathway of DNA interstrand cross-link (ICL) repair and as a tumor suppressor is obscure. Here, we report that RAD51C deficiency leads to ICL sensitivity, chromatid-type errors, and G(2)/M accumulation, which are hallmarks of the FA phenotype. We find that RAD51C is dispensable for ICL unhooking and FANCD2 monoubiquitination but is essential for HR, confirming the downstream role of RAD51C in ICL repair. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RAD51C plays a vital role in the HR-mediated repair of DNA lesions associated with replication. Finally, we show that RAD51C participates in ICL and double strand break-induced DNA damage signaling and controls intra-S-phase checkpoint through CHK2 activation. Our analyses with pathological mutants of RAD51C that were identified in FA and breast and ovarian cancers reveal that RAD51C regulates HR and DNA damage signaling distinctly. Together, these results unravel the critical role of RAD51C in the FA pathway of ICL repair and as a tumor suppressor.


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Composite-patching on cracked/weak metallic aircraft structures improves structural integrity. A Boron Epoxy patch employed to repair a cracked Aluminum sheet is modeled employing 3D Finite Element Method (FEM). SIFs extracted using ''displacement extrapolation'' are used to measure the repair effectiveness. Two issues viz., patch taper and symmetry have been looked into.


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Regenerating codes are a class of recently developed codes for distributed storage that, like Reed-Solomon codes, permit data recovery from any subset of k nodes within the n-node network. However, regenerating codes possess in addition, the ability to repair a failed node by connecting to an arbitrary subset of d nodes. It has been shown that for the case of functional repair, there is a tradeoff between the amount of data stored per node and the bandwidth required to repair a failed node. A special case of functional repair is exact repair where the replacement node is required to store data identical to that in the failed node. Exact repair is of interest as it greatly simplifies system implementation. The first result of this paper is an explicit, exact-repair code for the point on the storage-bandwidth tradeoff corresponding to the minimum possible repair bandwidth, for the case when d = n-1. This code has a particularly simple graphical description, and most interestingly has the ability to carry out exact repair without any need to perform arithmetic operations. We term this ability of the code to perform repair through mere transfer of data as repair by transfer. The second result of this paper shows that the interior points on the storage-bandwidth tradeoff cannot be achieved under exact repair, thus pointing to the existence of a separate tradeoff under exact repair. Specifically, we identify a set of scenarios which we term as ``helper node pooling,'' and show that it is the necessity to satisfy such scenarios that overconstrains the system.


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A current injection pattern in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) has its own current distribution profile within the domain under test. Hence, different current patterns have different sensitivity, spatial resolution and distinguishability. Image reconstruction studies with practical phantoms are essential to assess the performance of EIT systems for their validation, calibration and comparison purposes. Impedance imaging of real tissue phantoms with different current injection methods is also essential for better assessment of the biomedical EIT systems. Chicken tissue paste phantoms and chicken tissue block phantoms are developed and the resistivity image reconstruction is studied with different current injection methods. A 16-electrode array is placed inside the phantom tank and the tank is filled with chicken muscle tissue paste or chicken tissue blocks as the background mediums. Chicken fat tissue, chicken bone, air hole and nylon cylinders are used as the inhomogeneity to obtained different phantom configurations. A low magnitude low frequency constant sinusoidal current is injected at the phantom boundary with opposite and neighboring current patterns and the boundary potentials are measured. Resistivity images are reconstructed from the boundary data using EIDORS and the reconstructed images are analyzed with the contrast parameters calculated from their elemental resistivity profiles. Results show that the resistivity profiles of all the phantom domains are successfully reconstructed with a proper background resistivity and high inhomogeneity resistivity for both the current injection methods. Reconstructed images show that, for all the chicken tissue phantoms, the inhomogeneities are suitably reconstructed with both the current injection protocols though the chicken tissue block phantom and opposite method are found more suitable. It is observed that the boundary potentials of the chicken tissue block phantoms are higher than the chicken tissue paste phantom. SNR of the chicken tissue block phantoms are found comparatively more and hence the chicken tissue block phantom is found more suitable for its lower noise performance. The background noise is found less in opposite method for all the phantom configurations which yields the better resistivity images with high PCR and COC and proper IRMean and IRMax neighboring method showed higher noise level for both the chicken tissue paste phantoms and chicken tissue block phantoms with all the inhomogeneities. Opposite method is found more suitable for both the chicken tissue phantoms, and also, chicken tissue block phantoms are found more suitable compared to the chicken tissue paste phantom. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a positive stranded RNA virus belonging to the genus Sobemovirus. Construction of an infectious clone is an essential step for deciphering the virus gene functions in vivo. Using Agrobacterium based transient expression system we show that SeMV icDNA is infectious on Sesbania grandiflora and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba plants. The efficiency of icDNA infection was found to be significantly high on Cyamopsis plants when compared to that on Sesbania grandiflora. The coat protein could be detected within 6 days post infiltration in the infiltrated leaves. Different species of viral RNA (double stranded and single stranded genomic and subgenomic RNA) could be detected upon northern analysis, suggesting that complete replication had taken place. Based on the analysis of the sequences at the genomic termini of progeny RNA from SeMV icDNA infiltrated leaves and those of its 3' and 5' terminal deletion mutants, we propose a possible mechanism for 3' and 5' end repair in vivo. Mutation of the cleavage sites in the polyproteins encoded by ORF 2 resulted in complete loss of infection by the icDNA, suggesting the importance of correct polyprotein processing at all the four cleavage sites for viral replication. Complementation analysis suggested that ORF 2 gene products can act in trans. However, the trans acting ability of ORF 2 gene products was abolished upon deletion of the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of polyprotein 2a and 2ab, suggesting that these products necessarily function at the replication site, where they are anchored to membranes.


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This paper presents studies on the use of carbon nanotubes dispersed in an insulating fluid to serve as an automaton for healing open-circuit interconnect faults in integrated circuits. The physics behind the repair mechanism is the electric-field-induced diffusion limited aggregation. On the occurrence of an open fault, the repair is automatically triggered due to the presence of an electric field across the gap. We perform studies on the repair time as a function of the electric field and dispersion concentrations with the above application in mind.


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About a third of the human population is estimated to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Emergence of drug resistant strains and the protracted treatment strategies have compelled the scientific community to identify newer drug targets, and to develop newer vaccines. In the host macrophages, the bacterium survives within an environment rich in reactive nitrogen and oxygen species capable of damaging its genome. Therefore, for its successful persistence in the host, the pathogen must need robust DNA repair mechanisms. Analysis of M. tuberculosis genome sequence revealed that it lacks mismatch repair pathway suggesting a greater role for other DNA repair pathways such as the nucleotide excision repair, and base excision repair pathways. In this article, we summarize the outcome of research involving these two repair pathways in mycobacteria focusing primarily on our own efforts. Our findings, using Mycobacterium smegmatis model, suggest that deficiency of various DNA repair functions in single or in combinations severely compromises their DNA repair capacity and attenuates their growth under conditions typically encountered in macrophages. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a comprehensive numerical study of spiral-and scroll-wave dynamics in a state-of-the-art mathematical model for human ventricular tissue with fiber rotation, transmural heterogeneity, myocytes, and fibroblasts. Our mathematical model introduces fibroblasts randomly, to mimic diffuse fibrosis, in the ten Tusscher-Noble-Noble-Panfilov (TNNP) model for human ventricular tissue; the passive fibroblasts in our model do not exhibit an action potential in the absence of coupling with myocytes; and we allow for a coupling between nearby myocytes and fibroblasts. Our study of a single myocyte-fibroblast (MF) composite, with a single myocyte coupled to N-f fibroblasts via a gap-junctional conductance G(gap), reveals five qualitatively different responses for this composite. Our investigations of two-dimensional domains with a random distribution of fibroblasts in a myocyte background reveal that, as the percentage P-f of fibroblasts increases, the conduction velocity of a plane wave decreases until there is conduction failure. If we consider spiral-wave dynamics in such a medium we find, in two dimensions, a variety of nonequilibrium states, temporally periodic, quasiperiodic, chaotic, and quiescent, and an intricate sequence of transitions between them; we also study the analogous sequence of transitions for three-dimensional scroll waves in a three-dimensional version of our mathematical model that includes both fiber rotation and transmural heterogeneity. We thus elucidate random-fibrosis-induced nonequilibrium transitions, which lead to conduction block for spiral waves in two dimensions and scroll waves in three dimensions. We explore possible experimental implications of our mathematical and numerical studies for plane-, spiral-, and scroll-wave dynamics in cardiac tissue with fibrosis.


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This paper presents a compliant end-effector that cuts soft tissues and senses the cutting forces. The end-effector is designed to have an upper threshold on cutting forces to facilitate safe handling of tissue during automated cutting. This is demonstrated with nonlinear finite element analysis and experimental results obtained by cutting inhomogeneous phantom tissue. The cutting forces are estimated using a vision-based technique that uses amplified elastic deformation of the compliant end-effector. We also demonstrate an immersive tele-operated tissue-cutting system together with a haptic device that gives real-time force feedback to the user. DOI: 10.1115/1.4007638]


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DNA Ligase IV is responsible for sealing of double-strand breaks (DSBs) during nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). Inhibiting Ligase IV could result in amassing of DSBs, thereby serving as a strategy toward treatment of cancer. Here, we identify a molecule, SCR7 that inhibits joining of DSBs in cell-free repair system. SCR7 blocks Ligase IV-mediated joining by interfering with its DNA binding but not that of T4 DNA Ligase or Ligase I. SCR7 inhibits NHEJ in a Ligase IV-dependent manner within cells, and activates the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. More importantly, SCR7 impedes tumor progression in mouse models and when coadministered with DSB-inducing therapeutic modalities enhances their sensitivity significantly. This inhibitor to target NHEJ offers a strategy toward the treatment of cancer and improvement of existing regimens.


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Erasure codes are an efficient means of storing data across a network in comparison to data replication, as they tend to reduce the amount of data stored in the network and offer increased resilience in the presence of node failures. The codes perform poorly though, when repair of a failed node is called for, as they typically require the entire file to be downloaded to repair a failed node. A new class of erasure codes, termed as regenerating codes were recently introduced, that do much better in this respect. However, given the variety of efficient erasure codes available in the literature, there is considerable interest in the construction of coding schemes that would enable traditional erasure codes to be used, while retaining the feature that only a fraction of the data need be downloaded for node repair. In this paper, we present a simple, yet powerful, framework that does precisely this. Under this framework, the nodes are partitioned into two types and encoded using two codes in a manner that reduces the problem of node-repair to that of erasure-decoding of the constituent codes. Depending upon the choice of the two codes, the framework can be used to avail one or more of the following advantages: simultaneous minimization of storage space and repair-bandwidth, low complexity of operation, fewer disk reads at helper nodes during repair, and error detection and correction.


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Erasure codes are an efficient means of storing data across a network in comparison to data replication, as they tend to reduce the amount of data stored in the network and offer increased resilience in the presence of node failures. The codes perform poorly though, when repair of a failed node is called for, as they typically require the entire file to be downloaded to repair a failed node. A new class of erasure codes, termed as regenerating codes were recently introduced, that do much better in this respect. However, given the variety of efficient erasure codes available in the literature, there is considerable interest in the construction of coding schemes that would enable traditional erasure codes to be used, while retaining the feature that only a fraction of the data need be downloaded for node repair. In this paper, we present a simple, yet powerful, framework that does precisely this. Under this framework, the nodes are partitioned into two types and encoded using two codes in a manner that reduces the problem of node-repair to that of erasure-decoding of the constituent codes. Depending upon the choice of the two codes, the framework can be used to avail one or more of the following advantages: simultaneous minimization of storage space and repair-bandwidth, low complexity of operation, fewer disk reads at helper nodes during repair, and error detection and correction.