961 resultados para Time-dependent Analysis
This paper proposes a test statistic for the null hypothesis of panel stationarity that allows for the presence of multiple structural breaks. Two different speci¿cations are considered depending on the structural breaks affecting the individual effects and/or the time trend. The model is ¿exible enough to allow the number of breaks and their position to differ across individuals. The test is shown to have an exact limit distribution with a good ¿nite sample performance. Its application to a typical panel data set of real per capita GDP gives support to the trend stationarity of these series
Background- An elevated resting heart rate is associated with rehospitalization for heart failure and is a modifiable risk factor in heart failure patients. We aimed to examine the association between resting heart rate and incident heart failure in a population-based cohort study of healthy adults without pre-existing overt heart disease. Methods and Results- We studied 4768 men and women aged ≥55 years from the population-based Rotterdam Study. We excluded participants with prevalent heart failure, coronary heart disease, pacemaker, atrial fibrillation, atrioventricular block, and those using β-blockers or calcium channel blockers. We used extended Cox models allowing for time-dependent variation of resting heart rate along follow-up. During a median of 14.6 years of follow-up, 656 participants developed heart failure. The risk of heart failure was higher in men with higher resting heart rate. For each increment of 10 beats per minute, the multivariable adjusted hazard ratios in men were 1.16 (95% confidence interval, 1.05-1.28; P=0.005) in the time-fixed heart rate model and 1.13 (95% confidence interval, 1.02-1.25; P=0.017) in the time-dependent heart rate model. The association could not be demonstrated in women (P for interaction=0.004). Censoring participants for incident coronary heart disease or using time-dependent models to account for the use of β-blockers or calcium channel blockers during follow-up did not alter the results. Conclusions- Baseline or persistent higher resting heart rate is an independent risk factor for the development of heart failure in healthy older men in the general population.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligate symbionts with most terrestrial plants. They improve plant nutrition, particularly phosphate acquisition, and thus are able to improve plant growth. In exchange, the fungi obtain photosynthetically fixed carbon. AMF are coenocytic, meaning that many nuclei coexist in a common cytoplasm. Genetic exchange recently has been demonstrated in the AMF Glomus intraradices, allowing nuclei of different Glomus intraradices strains to mix. Such genetic exchange was shown previously to have negative effects on plant growth and to alter fungal colonization. However, no attempt was made to detect whether genetic exchange in AMF can alter plant gene expression and if this effect was time dependent. Here, we show that genetic exchange in AMF also can be beneficial for rice growth, and that symbiosis-specific gene transcription is altered by genetic exchange. Moreover, our results show that genetic exchange can change the dynamics of the colonization of the fungus in the plant. Our results demonstrate that the simple manipulation of the genetics of AMF can have important consequences for their symbiotic effects on plants such as rice, which is considered the most important crop in the world. Exploiting natural AMF genetic variation by generating novel AMF genotypes through genetic exchange is a potentially useful tool in the development of AMF inocula that are more beneficial for crop growth.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) (alpha, beta/delta and gamma) are lipid sensors capable of adapting gene expression to integrate various lipid signals. As such, PPARs are also very important pharmaceutical targets, and specific synthetic ligands exist for the different isotypes and are either currently used or hold promises in the treatment of major metabolic disorders. In particular, compounds of the class of the thiazolinediones (TZDs) are PPARgamma agonists and potent insulin-sensitizers. The specific but still broad expression patterns of PPARgamma, as well as its implication in numerous pathways, constitutes also a disadvantage regarding drug administration, since this potentially increases the chance to generate side-effects through the activation of the receptor in tissues or cells not affected by the disease. Actually, numerous side effects associated with the administration of TZDs have been reported. Today, a new generation of PPARgamma modulators is being actively developed to activate the receptor more specifically, in a cell and time-dependent manner, in order to induce a specific subset of target genes only and modulate a restricted number of metabolic pathways. We will discuss here why and how the development of such selective PPARgamma modulators is possible, and summarize the results obtained with the published molecules.
We have studied domain growth during spinodal decomposition at low temperatures. We have performed a numerical integration of the deterministic time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation with a variable, concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient. The form of the pair-correlation function and the structure function are independent of temperature but the dynamics is slower at low temperature. A crossover between interfacial diffusion and bulk diffusion mechanisms is observed in the behavior of the characteristic domain size. This effect is explained theoretically in terms of an equation of motion for the interface.
We have employed time-dependent local-spin density-functional theory to analyze the multipole spin and charge density excitations in GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots. The on-plane transferred momentum degree of freedom has been taken into account, and the wave-vector dependence of the excitations is discussed. In agreement with previous experiments, we have found that the energies of these modes do not depend on the transferred wave vector, although their intensities do. Comparison with a recent resonant Raman scattering experiment [C. Schüller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2673 (1998)] is made. This allows us to identify the angular momentum of several of the observed modes as well as to reproduce their energies
Time-dependent correlation functions and the spectrum of the transmitted light are calculated for absorptive optical bistability taking into account phase fluctuations of the driving laser. These fluctuations are modeled by an extended phase-diffusion model which introduces non-Markovian effects. The spectrum is obtained as a superposition of Lorentzians. It shows qualitative differences with respect to the usual calculation in which phase fluctuations of the driving laser are neglected.
We have employed time-dependent local-spin-density theory to analyze the far-infrared transmission spectrum of InAs self-assembled nanoscopic rings recently reported [A. Lorke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (to be published)]. The overall agreement between theory and experiment is fairly good, which on the one hand confirms that the experimental peaks indeed reflect the ringlike structure of the sample, and on the other hand, asseses the suitability of the theoretical method to describe such nanostructures. The addition energies of one- and two-electron rings are also reported and compared with the corresponding capacitance spectra
The effects of a disordered medium in the growth of unstable interfaces are studied by means of two local models with multiplicative and additive quenched disorder, respectively. For short times and large pushing the multiplicative quenched disorder is equivalent to a time-dependent noise. In this regime, the linear dispersion relation contains a destabilizing contribution introduced by the noise. For long times, the interface always gets pinned. We model the systematics of the pinned shapes by means of an effective nonlinear model. These results show good agreement with numerical simulations. For the additive noise we find numerically that a depinning transition occurs.
We provide analytical evidence of stochastic resonance in polarization switching vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). We describe the VCSEL by a two-mode stochastic rate equation model and apply a multiple time-scale analysis. We were able to reduce the dynamical description to a single stochastic differential equation, which is the starting point of the analytical study of stochastic resonance. We confront our results with numerical simulations on the original rate equations, validating the use of a multiple time-scale analysis on stochastic equations as an analytical tool.
We study the effects of time and space correlations of an external additive colored noise on the steady-state behavior of a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model. Simulations show the existence of nonequilibrium phase transitions controlled by both the correlation time and length of the noise. A Fokker-Planck equation and the steady probability density of the process are obtained by means of a theoretical approximation.
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare, acquired stem cell disorder, with its primary clinical manifestations being hemolytic anemia, marrow failure and thrombophilia. Chronic hemolysis, failures of the fibrinolytic system, increased leukocyte-derived tissue factor levels in plasma, procoagulant microparticles generated through complement-mediated damage of platelets and venous endothelium are related to the acquired hypercoagulable state. Visceral thrombosis (including hepatic veins and mesenteric veins), cerebrovascular events and pulmonary embolism predict a poor outcome. Thrombosis is also associated with significant morbidity during pregnancy. Depending on the sites of thrombosis, a score-based probability to predict outcome can be assigned. Abdominal vein thromboses account for the majority of morbidity and mortality related to thrombosis, and time-dependent trends suggest that mortality rates tend to decline, with the advent of evolution of therapeutic and diagnostic strategies. In contrast, mortality rates from cerebrovascular events display no significant decline. Prompt diagnosis requires both clinical suspicion and sophisticated imaging techniques, along with multidisciplinary therapeutic intervention. In the eculizumab era, a significant reduction of thrombotic events was observed during therapy, and long-term follow up is needed to establish any benefit in rates and pattern of this complication. However, up to now, only bone marrow transplantation permanently abolishes the coagulation defect.
Poincar-Cartan intregral invariant and canonical trasformation for singular Lagrangians: an addendum
The results of a previous work, concerning a method for performing the canonical formalism for constrained systems, are extended when the canonical transformation proposed in that paper is explicitly time dependent.
Convective flows of a small Prandtl number fluid contained in a two-dimensional cavity subject to a lateral thermal gradient are numerically studied by using different techniques. The aspect ratio (length to height) is kept at around 2. This value is found optimal to make the flow most unstable while keeping the basic single-roll structure. Two cases of thermal boundary conditions on the horizontal plates are considered: perfectly conducting and adiabatic. For increasing Rayleigh numbers we find a transition from steady flow to periodic oscillations through a supercritical Hopf bifurcation that maintains the centrosymmetry of the basic circulation. For a Rayleigh number of about ten times that of the Hopf bifurcation the system initiates a complex scenario of bifurcations. In the conductive case these include a quasiperiodic route to chaos. In the adiabatic one the dynamics is dominated by the interaction of two Neimark-Sacker bifurcations of the basic periodic solutions, leading to the stable coexistence of three incommensurate frequencies, and finally to chaos. In all cases, the complex time-dependent behavior does not break the basic, single-roll structure.
We derive analytical expressions for the excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole and quadrupole resonances in finite nuclei, by using the scaling method and the extended ThomasFermi approach to relativistic mean-field theory. We study the ability of several nonlinear σω parameter sets of common use in reproducing the experimental data. For monopole oscillations the calculations agree better with experiment when the nuclear matter incompressibility of the relativistic interaction lies in the range 220260 MeV. The breathing-mode energies of the scaling method compare satisfactorily with those obtained in relativistic RPA and time-dependent mean-field calculations. For quadrupole oscillations, all the analyzed nonlinear parameter sets reproduce the empirical trends reasonably well.