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Tutkielman aiheena ovat vaikeasti aivovammaisen nuoren aikuisen sekä omaisen kokemukset hyvinvointipalveluista. Hyvinvointipalveluilla tutkielmassa viitataan julkisen sektorin järjestämiin lakisääteisiin sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluihin. Itsemääräämisoikeudella tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä yksilön moraalista oikeutta tehdä omaan elämään liittyviä valintoja ja päätöksiä ja toteuttaa niitä. Omaisen osallisuutta lähestytään osallisuutena vammautuneen läheisen hyvinvoinnin edistämiseen palvelujärjestelmän kontekstissa. Tutkielma kuuluu vammaistutkimukseen osana sosiaalipoliittista keskustelua. Se liittyy hyvinvointipalvelujen asiakkuutta koskevaan tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on, että kokemuksellinen tieto on tärkeää sosiaalityön toimintakäytäntöjen kehittämisen kannalta. Keskeisimmät tutkimukset tutkielman kannalta ovat Heli Valokiven (2008), Eija Jumiskon (2008) ja Anna Metterin (2004) tutkimukset. Aineiston hankintamenetelmänä tutkielmassa on käytetty puolistrukturoitua haastattelua. Tutkielmaa varten on haastateltu neljää 27 - 36 -vuotiasta nuorta aikuista. Kaikilla haastateltavilla on vaikea aivovamma. He ovat työkyvyttömyyseläkkeellä ja asuvat vaikeavammaisten palveluasumisyksikössä Etelä-Suomen alueella. Tutkielmaa varten on haastateltu neljää omaista, joista osa on haastateltujen vammautuneiden omaisia. Aineiston analyysin välineenä on käytetty fenomenologis-hermeneuttista tutkimusotetta ja tarinallista lähestymistapaa.Vaikeavammaisten palveluasumisyksikköä lähestytään tutkielmassa vammautuneen arjen sosiaalisena näyttämönä yksityisen ja julkisen tilan välimaastossa. Vaikean aivovamman saanut henkilö toteuttaa itsemääräämistään asumisen arjessa monin eri tavoin. Hän luotaa suhdettaan vammaisuuteensa ja antaa sille eri merkityksiä. Hän arvioi omaa toimijuuttaan suhteessa vammaisuuden kokemukseen. Muistivaikeuksien johdosta vammautunut voi tarvita tarinallista tukea toimijuutensa edistämiseksi. Luottamus on keskeinen voimavara vammautuneen elämässä, sillä luotetut toiset voivat tukea vammautuneen toimijuutta ja haastaa valtadiskurssien määritelmiä hänen tilanteestaan. Vaikeasti vammautuneen omaisella voi olla tärkeä rooli vammautuneen arjessa. Omaisen osallisuutta lähestytään tutkielmassa kokemuksena ja toimintana. Tutkielmassa erotetaan kolme osallisuuden kokemuksellista ja toiminnallista ulottuvuutta, jotka ovat olemassaolon kipu, taistelu ja pyrkimys tasapainoon. Omaisen toimijarooleja esitaistelijana ja hoivaajana tarkastellaan sosiaalityön ja sosiaalipolitiikan toimintaympäristöä vasten. Omainen suhteuttaa palvelujärjestelmää koskevia odotuksiaan hyvinvointivaltion lupaukseen, mutta saattaa päätyä kohtuuttomaan tilanteeseen. Omaisen institutionaalisen luottamuksen kokemusta lähestytään turvautuvan, tukeutuvan ja menetetyn luottamuksen näkökulmasta. Sosiaalityön ja sosiaalipolitiikan toimintaympäristö on muuttunut monin tavoin ja asiakkaalta odotetaan enenevässä määrin kykyjä toimia markkinoistuneessa yhteiskunnassa. Vammaispolitiikan keinoin pyritään edistämään vaikeavammaisten itsemääräämistä ja yhdenvertaisuutta. Itsemääräämisen eetos voi kuitenkin tukea jo ennestään vahvojen ja aktiivisten toimijoiden toimijuutta. Sosiaalityön haasteena on tukea heikoimmassa asemassa olevien mahdollisuuksia päättää omaa arkea koskevista asioista. Omaisen osallisuuden tukeminen voi mahdollistaa osaltaan vammautuneen itsemääräämistä arjessa. Tasapaino on kuitenkin herkkä, ja sosiaalityön ammatillisena haasteena on hakea tasapainoa asiakkaan itsemääräämisoikeuden ja omaisen osallisuuden välillä.


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The evacuation of Finnish children to Sweden during WW II has often been called a small migration . Historical research on this subject is scarce, considering the great number of children involved. The present research has applied, apart from the traditional archive research, the framework of history-culture developed by Rüsen in order to have an all-inclusive approach to the impact of this historical event. The framework has three dimensions: political, aesthetic and cognitive. The collective memory of war children has also been discussed. The research looks for political factors involved in the evacuations during the Winter War and the Continuation War and the post-war period. The approach is wider than a purely humanitarian one. Political factors have had an impact in both Finland and Sweden, beginning from the decision-making process and ending with the discussion of the unexpected consequences of the evacuations in the Finnish Parliament in 1950. The Winter War (30.11.1939 13.3.1940) witnessed the first child transports. These were also the model for future decision making. The transports were begun on the initiative of Swedes Maja Sandler, the wife of the resigned minister of foreign affairs Rickard Sandler, and Hanna Rydh-Munck af Rosenschöld , but this activity was soon accepted by the Swedish government because the humanitarian help in the form of child transports lightened the political burden of Prime Minister Hansson, who was not willing to help Finland militarily. It was help that Finland never asked for and it was rejected at the beginning. The negative response of Minister Juho Koivisto was not taken very seriously. The political forces in Finland supporting child transports were stronger than those rejecting them. The major politicians in support belonged to Finland´s Swedish minority. In addition, close to 1 000 Finnish children remained in Sweden after the Winter War. No analysis was made of the reasons why these children did not return home. A committee set up to help Finland and Norway was established in Sweden in 1941. Its chairman was Torsten Nothin, an influential Swedish politician. In December 1941 he appealed to the Swedish government to provide help to Finnish children under the authority of The International Red Cross. This plea had no results. The delivery of great amounts of food to Finland, which was now at war with Great Britain, had automatically caused reactions among the allies against the Swedish imports through Gothenburg. This included the import of oil, which was essential for the Swedish navy and air force. Oil was later used successfully to force a reduction in commerce between Sweden and Finland. The contradiction between Sweden´s essential political interests and humanitarian help was solved in a way that did not harm the country´s vital political interests. Instead of delivering help to Finland, Finnish children were transported to Sweden through the organisations that had already been created. At the beginning of the Continuation War (25.6.1941 27.4.1945) negative opinion regarding child transports re-emerged in Finland. Karl-August Fagerholm implemented the transports in September 1941. In 1942, members of the conservative parties in the Finnish Parliament expressed their fear of losing the children to the Swedes. They suggested that Finland should withdraw from the inter-Nordic agreement, according to which the adoptions were approved by the court of the country where the child resided. This initiative failed. Paavo Virkkunen, an influential member of the conservative party Kokoomus in Finland, favoured the so-called good-father system, where help was delivered to Finland in the form of money and goods. Virkkunen was concerned about the consequences of a long stay in a Swedish family. The risk of losing the children was clear. The extreme conservative party (IKL, the Patriotic Movement of the Finnish People) wanted to alienate Finland from Sweden and bring Finland closer to Germany. Von Blücher, the German ambassador to Finland, had in his report to Berlin, mentioned the political consequences of the child transports. Among other things, they would bring Finland and Sweden closer to each other. He had also paid attention to the Nordic political orientation in Finland. He did not question or criticize the child transports. His main interest was to increase German political influence in Finland, and the Nordic political orientation was an obstacle. Fagerholm was politically ill-favoured by the Germans, because he had a strong Nordic political disposition and had criticised Germany´s activities in Norway. The criticism of child transports was at the same time criticism of Fagerholm. The official censorship organ of the Finnish government (VTL) denied the criticism of child transports in January 1942. The reasons were political. Statements made by members of the Finnish Parliament were also censored, because it was thought that they would offend the Swedes. In addition, the censorship organ used child transports as a means of active propaganda aimed at improving the relations between the two countries. The Finnish Parliament was informed in 1948 that about 15 000 Finnish children still remained in Sweden. These children would stay there permanently. In 1950 the members of the Agrarian Party in Finland stated that Finland should actively strive to get the children back. The party on the left (SKDL, the Democratic Movement of Finnish People) also focused on the unexpected consequences of the child transports. The Social Democrats, and largely Fagerholm, had been the main force in Finland behind the child transports. Members of the SKDL, controlled by Finland´s Communist Party, stated that the war time authorities were responsible for this war loss. Many of the Finnish parents could not get their children back despite repeated requests. The discussion of the problem became political, for example von Born, a member of the Swedish minority party RKP, related this problem to foreign policy by stating that the request to repatriate the Finnish children would have negative political consequences for the relations between Finland and Sweden. He emphasized expressing feelings of gratitude to the Swedes. After the war a new foreign policy was established by Prime Minister (1944 1946) and later President (1946 1956) Juho Kusti Paasikivi. The main cornerstone of this policy was to establish good relations with the Soviet Union. The other, often forgotten, cornerstone was to simultaneously establish good relations with other Nordic countries, especially Sweden, as a counterbalance. The unexpected results of the child evacuation, a Swedish initiative, had violated the good relations with Sweden. The motives of the Democratic Movement of Finnish People were much the same as those of the Patriotic Movement of Finnish People. Only the ideology was different. The Nordic political orientation was an obstacle to both parties. The position of the Democratic Movement of Finnish People was much better than that of the Patriotic Movement of Finnish People, because now one could clearly see the unexpected results, which included human tragedy for the many families who could not be re-united with their children despite their repeated requests. The Swedes questioned the figure given to the Finnish Parliament regarding the number of children permanently remaining in Sweden. This research agrees with the Swedes. In a calculation based on Swedish population registers, the number of these children is about 7 100. The reliability of this figure is increased by the fact that the child allowance programme began in Sweden in 1948. The prerequisite to have this allowance was that the child be in the Swedish population register. It was not necessary for the child to have Swedish nationality. The Finnish Parliament had false information about the number of Finnish children who remained in Sweden in 1942 and in 1950. There was no parliamentary control in Finland regarding child transports, because the decision was made by one cabinet member and speeches by MPs in the Finnish Parliament were censored, like all criticism regarding child transports to Sweden. In Great Britain parliamentary control worked better throughout the whole war, because the speeches regarding evacuation were not censored. At the beginning of the war certain members of the British Labour Party and the Welsh Nationalists were particularly outspoken about the scheme. Fagerholm does not discuss to any great extent the child transports in his memoirs. He does not evaluate the process and results as a whole. This research provides some possibilities for an evaluation of this sort. The Swedish medical reports give a clear picture of the physical condition of the Finnish children when arriving in Sweden. The transports actually revealed how bad the situation of the poorest children was. According to Titmuss, similar observations were made in Great Britain during the British evacuations. The child transports saved the lives of approximately 2 900 children. Most of these children were removed to Sweden to receive treatment for illnesses, but many among the healthy children were undernourished and some suffered from the effects of tuberculosis. The medical inspection in Finland was not thorough. If you compare the figure of 2 900 children saved and returned with the figure of about 7 100 children who remained permanently in Sweden, you may draw the conclusion that Finland as a country failed to benefit from the child transports, and that the whole operation was a political mistake with far-reaching consequenses. The basic goal of the operation was to save lives and have all the children return to Finland after the war. The difficulties with the repatriation of the children were mainly psychological. The level of child psychology in Finland at that time was low. One may question the report by Professor Martti Kaila regarding the adaptation of children to their families back in Finland. Anna Freud´s warnings concerning the difficulties that arise when child evacuees return are also valid in Finland. Freud viewed the emotional life of children in a way different from Kaila: the physical survival of a small child forces her to create strong emotional ties to the person who is looking after her. This, a characteristic of all small children, occurred with the Finnish children too, and it was something the political decision makers in Finland could not see during and after the war. It is a characteristic of all little children. Yet, such experiences were already evident during the Winter War. The best possible solution had been to limit the child transports only to children in need of medical treatment. Children from large and poor families had been helped by organising meals and by buying food from Denmark with Swedish money. Assisting Finland by all possible means should have been the basic goal of Fagerholm in September 1941, when the offer of child transports came from Sweden. Fagerholm felt gratitude towards the Swedes. The risks became clear to him only in 1943. The war children are today a rather scattered and diffuse group of people. Emotionally, part of these children remained in Sweden after the war. There is no clear collective memory, only individual memories; the collective memory of the war children has partly been shaped later through the activities of the war child associations. The main difference between the children evacuated in Finland (for example from Karelia to safer areas with their families) and the war children, who were sent abroad, is that the war children lack a shared story and experience with their families. They were outsiders . The whole matter is sensitive to many of such mothers and discussing the subject has often been avoided in families. The war-time censorship has continued in families through silence and avoidance and Finnish politicians and Finnish families had to face each other on this issue after the war. The lack of all-inclusive historical research has also prevented the formation of a collective awareness among war children returned to Finland or those remaining permanently abroad.. Knowledge of historical facts will help war-children by providing an opportunity to create an all-inclusive approach to the past. Personal experiences should be regarded as part of a large historical entity shadowed by war and where many political factors were at work in both Finland and Sweden. This means strengthening of the cognitive dimension discussed in Rüsen´s all-inclusive historical approach.


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Lipid analysis is commonly performed by gas chromatography (GC) in laboratory conditions. Spectroscopic techniques, however, are non-destructive and can be implemented noninvasively in vivo. Excess fat (triglycerides) in visceral adipose tissue and liver is known predispose to metabolic abnormalities, collectively known as the metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is the likely cause with diets high in saturated fat known to impair insulin sensitivity. Tissue triglyceride composition has been used as marker of dietary intake but it can also be influenced by tissue specific handling of fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that adipocyte insulin sensitivity correlates positively with their saturated fat content, contradicting the common view of dietary effects. A better understanding of factors affecting tissue triglyceride composition is needed to provide further insights into tissue function in lipid metabolism. In this thesis two spectroscopic techniques were developed for in vitro and in vivo analysis of tissue triglyceride composition. In vitro studies (Study I) used infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a fast and cost effective analytical technique well suited for multivariate analysis. Infrared spectra are characterized by peak overlap leading to poorly resolved absorbances and limited analytical performance. In vivo studies (Studies II, III and IV) used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), an established non-invasive clinical method for measuring metabolites in vivo. 1H-MRS has been limited in its ability to analyze triglyceride composition due to poorly resolved resonances. Using an attenuated total reflection accessory, we were able to obtain pure triglyceride infrared spectra from adipose tissue biopsies. Using multivariate curve resolution (MCR), we were able to resolve the overlapping double bond absorbances of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. MCR also resolved the isolated trans double bond and conjugated linoleic acids from an overlapping background absorbance. Using oil phantoms to study the effects of different fatty acid compositions on the echo time behaviour of triglycerides, it was concluded that the use of long echo times improved peak separation with T2 weighting having a negligible impact. It was also discovered that the echo time behaviour of the methyl resonance of omega-3 fats differed from other fats due to characteristic J-coupling. This novel insight could be used to detect omega-3 fats in human adipose tissue in vivo at very long echo times (TE = 470 and 540 ms). A comparison of 1H-MRS of adipose tissue in vivo and GC of adipose tissue biopsies in humans showed that long TE spectra resulted in improved peak fitting and better correlations with GC data. The study also showed that calculation of fatty acid fractions from 1H-MRS data is unreliable and should not be used. Omega-3 fatty acid content derived from long TE in vivo spectra (TE = 540 ms) correlated with total omega-3 fatty acid concentration measured by GC. The long TE protocol used for adipose tissue studies was subsequently extended to the analysis of liver fat composition. Respiratory triggering and long TE resulted in spectra with the olefinic and tissue water resonances resolved. Conversion of the derived unsaturation to double bond content per fatty acid showed that the results were in accordance with previously published gas chromatography data on liver fat composition. In patients with metabolic syndrome, liver fat was found to be more saturated than subcutaneous or visceral adipose tissue. The higher saturation observed in liver fat may be a result of a higher rate of de-novo-lipogenesis in liver than in adipose tissue. This thesis has introduced the first non-invasive method for determining adipose tissue omega-3 fatty acid content in humans in vivo. The methods introduced here have also shown that liver fat is more saturated than adipose tissue fat.


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Parkinson s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SN). Current therapies of PD do not stop the progression of the disease and the efficacy of these treatments wanes over time. Neurotrophic factors are naturally occurring proteins promoting the survival and differentiation of neurons and the maintenance of neuronal contacts. Neurotrophic factors are attractive candidates for neuroprotective or even neurorestorative treatment of PD. Thus, searching for and characterizing trophic factors are highly important approaches to degenerative diseases. CDNF (cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor) and MANF (mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor) are secreted proteins that constitute a novel, evolutionarily conserved neurotrophic factor family expressed in vertebrates and invertebrates. The present study investigated the neuroprotective and restorative effects of human CDNF and MANF in rats with unilateral partial lesion of dopamine neurons by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) using both behavioral (amphetamine-induced rotation) and immunohistochemical analyses. We also investigated the distribution and transportation profiles of intrastriatally injected CDNF and MANF in rats. Intrastriatal CDNF and MANF protected nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons when administered six hours before or four weeks after the neurotoxin 6-OHDA. More importantly, the function of the lesioned nigrostriatal dopaminergic system was partially restored even when the neurotrophic factors were administered four weeks after 6-OHDA. A 14-day continuous infusion of CDNF but not of MANF restored the function of the midbrain neural circuits controlling movement when initiated two weeks after unilateral injection of 6-OHDA. Continuous infusion of CDNF also protected dopaminergic TH-positive cell bodies from toxin-induced degeneration in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and fibers in the striatum. When injected into the striatum, CDNF and GDNF had similar transportation profiles from the striatum to the SNpc; thus CDNF may act via the same nerve tracts as GDNF. Intrastriatal MANF was transported to cortical areas which may reflect a mechanism of neurorestorative action that is different from that of CDNF and GDNF. CDNF and MANF were also shown to distribute more readily than GDNF. In conclusion, CDNF and MANF are potential therapeutic proteins for the treatment of PD.


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Having to do with residential areas, geographical image research in Finland has concentrated mainly on those areas with a relatively negative image, such as eastern parts of Helsinki. However, Kumpula and Toukola are former working class residential areas whose image nowadays is mainly positive. This research aims at understanding the process through which their image has gradually come to be that way. Theoretical background of the research relies on human geography and it s viewpoints on places, spaces and areas. Areas, in this research, are understood to be founded on discursive processes that form meanings in societies. This approach is useful because it provides a way to research newspapers and to see how they affect the society. In addition I lean on Sirpa Tani s research on place images to study image and it s formation process. Her point of view covers especially well the effect of media on images and their formation. Articles published in Helsingin Sanomat and Ilta-Sanomat between the years 1963 and 1999 form the data of the research. Methodologically I proceeded by using content analysis to see what kind of topics have been dominating the news feed from Kumpula and Toukola. Content analysis was followed by discourse analysis, which allowed me to focus on the ways of speaking about and representing Kumpula and Toukola. Discourse analysis also reveals whose viewpoint is being represented in media when it comes to publishing news from these parts of the city. It is clearly visible from the results of this research that the image of Kumpula and Toukola has gone through a significant change between 1963 and 1999. In the 1960s discussion in newspapers was dominated by the need for more effective city planning. This meant that Kumpula and Toukola were under a demolition threat in order for the city to built more effectively on those areas. At the same time there was discussion about wooden houses that were built in Kumpula and Toukola right after the second World War. Those houses were in a poor condition, it was even said in the newspapers that people were living in slum-like conditions in them. By the 1980s the image of Kumpula and Toukola gradually started to change. At this time gentrification process was affecting the areas and well-educated working force moved to Kumpula and Toukola. Already in the beginning of 1990s the image of the areas was highly positive. Throughout this decade newspapers published news on Kumpula and Toukola that commented favorably on the atmosphere and the feeling of togetherness among the residents. In addition Kumpula village carnivals, that were first held in 1991, brought a lot of positive publicity to the areas. This research has revelead that especially the active participationg of the residents to promote joint causes has positively affected the image of Kumpula and Toukola. Since the 1960s fighting for the preservation of the areas has provided a reason for a stronger feeling of communality and identifying in the community. This feeling of togetherness in a community has carried all the way to the 1990s, when the areas, having been affected by gentrification, could make good use of the positive image in order to promote joint causes. Keywords: Image, reputation, newspapers, discursive practices


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Tieteellinen tiivistelmä Common scab is one of the most important soil-borne diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in many potato production areas. It is caused by a number of Streptomyces species, in Finland the causal agents are Streptomyces scabies (Thaxter) Lambert & Loria and S. turgidiscabies Takeuchi. The scab-causing Streptomyces spp. are well-adapted, successful plant pathogens that survive in soil also as saprophytes. Control of these pathogens has proved to be difficult. Most of the methods used to manage potato common scab are aimed at controlling S. scabies, the most common of the scab-causing pathogens. The studies in this thesis investigated S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies as causal organisms of common scab and explored new approaches for control of common scab that would be effective against both species. S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies are known to co-occur in the same fields and in the same tuber lesions in Finland. The present study showed that both these pathogens cause similar symptoms on potato tubers, and the types of symptoms varied depending on cultivar rather than the pathogen species. Pathogenic strains of S. turgidiscabies were antagonistic to S. scabies in vitro indicating that these two species may be competing for the same ecological niche. In addition, strains of S. turgidiscabies were highly virulent in potato and they tolerated lower pH than those of S. scabies. Taken together these results suggest that S. turgidiscabies has become a major problem in potato production in Finland. The bacterial phytotoxins, thaxtomins, are produced by the scab-causing Streptomyces spp. and are essential for the induction of scab symptoms. In this study, thaxtomins were produced in vitro and four thaxtomin compounds isolated and characterized. All four thaxtomins induced similar symptoms of reduced root and shoot growth, root swelling or necrosis on micro-propagated potato seedlings. The main phytotoxin, thaxtomin A, was used as a selective agent in a bioassay in vitro to screen F1 potato progeny from a single cross. Tolerance to thaxtomin A in vitro and scab resistance in the field were correlated indicating that the in vitro bioassay could be used in the early stages of a resistance breeding program to discard scab-susceptible genotypes and elevate the overall levels of common scab resistance in potato breeding populations. The potential for biological control of S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies using a non-pathogenic Streptomyces strain (346) isolated from a scab lesion and S. griseoviridis strain (K61) from a commercially available biocontrol product was studied. Both strains showed antagonistic activity against S. scabies and S. turgidiscabies in vitro and suppressed the development of common scab disease caused by S. turgidiscabies in the glasshouse. Furthermore, strain 346 reduced the incidence of S. turgidiscabies in scab lesions on potato tubers in the field. These results demonstrated for the first time the potential for biological control of S. turgidiscabies in the glasshouse and under field conditions and may be applied to enhance control of common scab in the future.


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Wood-degrading fungi are able to degrade a large range of recalcitrant pollutants which resemble the lignin biopolymer. This ability is attributed to the production of lignin-modifying enzymes, which are extracellular and non-specific. Despite the potential of fungi in bioremediation, there is still an understanding gap in terms of the technology. In this thesis, the feasibility of two ex situ fungal bioremediation methods to treat contaminated soil was evaluated. Treatment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-contaminated marsh soil was studied in a stirred slurry-phase reactor. Due to the salt content in marsh soil, fungi were screened for their halotolerance, and the white-rot fungi Lentinus tigrinus, Irpex lacteus and Bjerkandera adusta were selected for further studies. These fungi degraded 40 - 60% of a PAH mixture (phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene and chrysene) in a slurry-phase reactor (100 ml) during 30 days of incubation. Thereafter, B. adusta was selected to scale-up and optimize the process in a 5 L reactor. Maximum degradation of dibenzothiophene (93%), fluoranthene (82%), pyrene (81%) and chrysene (83%) was achieved with the free mycelium inoculum of the highest initial biomass (2.2 g/l). In autoclaved soil, MnP was the most important enzyme involved in PAH degradation. In non-sterile soil, endogenous soil microbes together with B. adusta also degraded the PAHs extensively, suggesting a synergic action between soil microbes and the fungus. A fungal solid-phase cultivation method to pretreat contaminated sawmill soil with high organic matter content was developed to enhance the effectiveness of the subsequent soil combustion. In a preliminary screening of 146 fungal strains, 28 out of 52 fungi, which extensively colonized non-sterile contaminated soil, were litter-decomposing fungi. The 18 strains further selected were characterized by their production of lignin-modifying and hydrolytic enzymes, of which MnP and endo-1,4-β-glucanase were the main enzymes during cultivation on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) bark. Of the six fungi selected for further tests, Gymnopilus luteofolius, Phanerochaete velutina, and Stropharia rugosoannulata were the most active soil organic matter degraders. The results showed that a six-month pretreatment of sawmill soil would result in a 3.5 - 9.5% loss of organic matter, depending on the fungus applied. The pretreatment process was scaled-up for a 0.56 m3 reactor, in which perforated plastic tubes filled with S. rugosoannulata growing on pine bark were introduced into the soil. The fungal pretreatment resulted in a soil mass loss of 30.5 kg, which represents 10% of the original soil mass (308 kg). Despite the fact that Scots pine bark contains several antimicrobial compounds, it was a suitable substrate for fungal growth and promoter of the production of oxidative enzymes, as well as an excellent and cheap natural carrier of fungal mycelium. This thesis successfully developed two novel fungal ex situ bioremediation technologies and introduce new insights for their further full-scale application. Ex situ slurry-phase fungal reactors might be applied in cases when the soil has a high water content or when the contaminant bioavailability is low; for example, in wastewater treatment plants to remove pharmaceutical residues. Fungal solid-phase bioremediation is a promising remediation technology to ex situ or in situ treat contaminated soil.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää ja analysoida Tapio Puolimatkan käsitystä realistisen uskonnonopetuksen oikeutuksesta indoktrinaation ongelman valossa. Käytän tutkimuksessa neljää päälähdettä, jotka ovat Puolimatkan kirjat: Opetusta vai indoktrinaatiota? Valta ja manipulaatio opetuksessa (1997), Opetuksen teoria. Konstruktivismista realismiin (2002), Usko, tieto ja myytit (2009) sekä Usko, tiede ja evoluutio (2008). Tutkielman tutkimusmetodi on systemaattinen analyysi. Realistisella uskonnonopetuksella ymmärretään tässä yhteydessä tunnustuksellisen uskonnonopetuksen synonyymiä, jolloin opetuksen tehtäväksi nähdään uskonnollisten uskomusten opettaminen tosina sisältöinä. Indoktrinaation käsitteen Puolimatka määrittelee opetuksen alakäsitteeksi, jolla on negatiivinen merkitys. Näin ollen Puolimatka ymmärtää indoktrinaation käsitteen kasvatuksellisesti hyväksyttävän opetuksen vastakohtana. Esitän tutkimuksen johdantoluvussa (luku 1) työhypoteesin, jonka mukaan teistinen realismi liittyy Puolimatkan ajattelussa realistisen uskonnonopetuksen sisällön lisäksi siihen uskomusten oikeuttamisen rakenteeseen, jonka varassa Puolimatka pyrkii oikeuttamaan realistisen uskonnonopetuksen. Tästä syystä tarkastelen tutkielman taustaluvussa (luku 2) teismin käsitettä kiinnittämällä erityisesti huomiota reformoidun epistemologian käsitykseen teismistä ja sen oikeutuksesta, jolla on keskeinen vaikutus Puolimatkan ajatteluun. Tutkielman ensimmäisessä tutkimusluvussa (luku 3) analysoin lähemmin Puolimatkan käsitystä indoktrinaation käsitteestä, jota vasten realistisen uskonnonopetuksen oikeutusta on mahdollista arvioida. Puolimatka määrittelee indoktrinaation käsitteen humanistisen kasvatusihanteen perustalta, joka jakautuu yleissivistyksen ihanteeseen ja älyllisen vapauden ihanteeseen. Kun yleissivistyksen ihanne korostaa tosiksi tiedettyjen sisältöjen opettamista, älyllisen vapauden ihanne korostaa opetuksen tieteellisyyttä, rationaalisuutta, kriittistä avoimuutta sekä dialogisuutta. Vaikka edelliset kasvatusperinteet ovat keskenään jännitteiset, Puolimatka pyrkii ajattelussaan luomaan niistä synteesin, jonka puitteissa myös realistinen uskonnonopetus voidaan oikeuttaa. Toisessa ja kolmannessa tutkimusluvussa (luvut 4 ja 5) tarkastelen Puolimatkan käsitystä realistisen uskonnonopetuksen sisällöllisestä oikeuttamisesta. Puolimatka argumentoi yhtäältä perinteisen indoktrinaation sisältökriteerin muotoa vastaan ja toisaalta sen puolesta, että uskonnolliset uskomukset voivat olla tiedollisesti oikeutettuja uskomuksia, jotka eivät riko tieteellisyyden ihannetta. Osoitan tässä yhteydessä, että Puolimatkan oma sisältökriteeri vaatii korjausta, jotta sen varassa voidaan mielekkäästi arvioida realistisen uskonnonopetuksen oikeutusta. Osoitan myös, että Puolimatkan määritelmä perususkomuksesta ja kristillisten perususkomusten sisällöstä ovat keskenään ristiriitaisia, jonka seurauksena realistisen uskonnonopetuksen sisällöllinen oikeutus kyseenalaistuu. Koska kysymystä realistisen uskonnonopetuksen oikeutuksesta ei voida Puolimatkan mukaan ratkaista vain opetussisältöjen näkökulmasta, viimeisessä tutkimusluvussa (luku 6) analysoin Puolimatkan käsitystä realistisen uskonnonopetuksen muodollisesta oikeutuksesta. Tällöin huomio kiinnitetään kysymykseen, miten realistista uskonnonopetusta voidaan harjoittaa kasvatuksellisesti hyväksyttävällä tavalla. Tässä yhteydessä osoitan, että Puolimatkan käsitys realistisen uskonnonopetuksen muodollisesta oikeutuksesta voidaan ymmärtää rationaalisuuden, kriittisen avoimuuden ja dialogisuuden käsitteiden pohjalta. Tämän jälkeen osoitan analyysini perusteella, että Puolimatkan käsitys kriittisestä avoimuudesta ajautuu ristiriitaan realistisen uskonnonopetuksen perustehtävän kanssa, jolloin sen mielekkyys kyseenalaistuu myös muodollisesta näkökulmasta. Taustaluvussa (luku 7) vedän yhteen tutkielman keskeisiä tutkimustuloksia osoittaen samalla työhypoteesin oikeaksi.


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Männyn laatuun vaikuttavista tekijöistä tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, mitkä tekijät aiheuttavat nuorissa männyissä oksikkuutta, mutkaisuutta käsittäen myös lenkouden ja haaraisuutta. Jokaiselle laatuvialle laadittiin kolme eritasoista mallia. Eniten keskityttiin tutkimaan oksikkuutta aiheuttavia tekijöitä, koska oksikkuus vaikuttaa männyn sisäiseen oksaisuuteen, joka on yleisin sahatavarakappaleen laatuluokan määräävä ominaisuus. Lisäksi mutkaisuus ja erityisesti haaraisuus osoittautuivat melko sattumanvaraisesti esiintyviksi laatuvioiksi, minkä takia niiden kehittymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä on vaikea määritellä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen taimikoiden inventointikokeiden (TINKA-kokeet) aineiston ensimmäisen ja kolmannen mittauskerran tuloksia. Näiden mittauskertojen väli oli 15 vuotta. Tutkimuksen perustuminen useampaan kuin yhteen mittauskertaan erottaa tämän tutkimuksen monista muista mäntyjen laatua käsittelevistä tutkimuksista, jotka ovat perustuneet yhden mittauskerran poikkileikkausaineistoon. Laadittujen kolmen eritasoisen mallin perusteella voidaan todeta, että oksikkuuden ja mutkaisuuden kehittymistä mäntyihin pystytään arvioimaan kohtalaisesti jo metsikön perustietojen (syntytapa, kasvupaikka, lämpösumma) avulla, jotka metsänomistajalla on tiedossaan jo taimikkoa perustaessaan. Puutason mittauksilla pystytään selvästi tarkentamaan arviota siitä, tuleeko männystä oksikas vai ei. Sitä vastoin puutason mittaukset parantavat vain vähän arviota mutkaisuuden kehittymisestä. Haaraisuuden esiintymistä luotettavasti ennustavaa mallia ei pystytty tekemään. Oksikkuutta lisääviä tekijöitä mallien mukaan olivat mm. männyn suuri läpimitan kasvu, suuri suhteellinen pituus saman metsikön muihin puihin verrattuna, alhainen kasvatustiheys männyntaimikon alkukehitysvaiheessa ja taimikonhoidon tekemättä jättäminen. Mutkaisuutta lisääviä tekijöitä olivat mm. suuri lämpösumma eli männikön sijainti Etelä-Suomessa, männyn suuri läpimitan kasvu, pieni suhteellinen pituus, alhainen kasvatustiheys männyntaimikon alkukehitysvaiheessa ja taimikonhoidon tekemättä jättäminen. Eri uudistamistavoista kylvö osoittautui parhaimmaksi laadun kannalta sekä oksikkuutta että mutkaisuutta tarkasteltaessa. Haaraisuutta lisääviä tekijöitä olivat mm. pieni lämpösumma eli männikön sijainti Pohjois-Suomessa, männyn suuri läpimitan kasvu ja alhainen kasvatustiheys männyntaimikon alkukehitysvaiheessa.


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In this thesis a manifold learning method is applied to the problem of WLAN positioning and automatic radio map creation. Due to the nature of WLAN signal strength measurements, a signal map created from raw measurements results in non-linear distance relations between measurement points. These signal strength vectors reside in a high-dimensioned coordinate system. With the help of the so called Isomap-algorithm the dimensionality of this map can be reduced, and thus more easily processed. By embedding position-labeled strategic key points, we can automatically adjust the mapping to match the surveyed environment. The environment is thus learned in a semi-supervised way; gathering training points and embedding them in a two-dimensional manifold gives us a rough mapping of the measured environment. After a calibration phase, where the labeled key points in the training data are used to associate coordinates in the manifold representation with geographical locations, we can perform positioning using the adjusted map. This can be achieved through a traditional supervised learning process, which in our case is a simple nearest neighbors matching of a sampled signal strength vector. We deployed this system in two locations in the Kumpula campus in Helsinki, Finland. Results indicate that positioning based on the learned radio map can achieve good accuracy, especially in hallways or other areas in the environment where the WLAN signal is constrained by obstacles such as walls.


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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus are organelles that produce, modify and transport proteins and lipids and regulate Ca2+ environment within cells. Structurally they are composed of sheets and tubules. Sheets may take various forms: intact, fenestrated, single or stacked. The ER, including the nuclear envelope, is a single continuous network, while the Golgi shows only some level of connectivity. It is often unclear, how different morphologies correspond to particular functions. Previous studies indicate that the structures of the ER and Golgi are dynamic and regulated by fusion and fission events, cytoskeleton, rate of protein synthesis and secretion, and specific structural proteins. For example, many structural proteins shaping tubular ER have been identified, but sheet formation is much more unclear. In this study, we used light and electron microscopy to study morphological changes of the ER and Golgi in mammalian cells. The proportion, type, location and dynamics of ER sheets and tubules were found to vary in a cell type or cell cycle stage dependent manner. During interphase, ER and Golgi structures were demonstrated to be regulated by p37, a cofactor of the fusion factor p97, and microtubules, which also affected the localization of the organelles. Like previously shown for the Golgi, the ER displayed a tendency for fenestration and tubulation during mitosis. However, this shape change did not result in ER fragmentation as happens to Golgi, but a continuous network was retained. The activity of p97/p37 was found to be important for the reassembly of both organelles after mitosis. In EM images, ER sheet membranes appear rough, since they contain attached ribosomes, whereas tubular membranes appear smooth. Our studies revealed that structural changes of the ER towards fenestrated and tubular direction correlate with loss of ER-bound ribosomes and vice versa. High and low curvature ER membranes have a low and high density of ribosomes, respectively. To conclude, both ER and Golgi architecture depend on fusion activity of p97/p37. ER morphogenesis, particularly of the sheet shape, is intimately linked to the density of membrane bound ribosomes.


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This thesis explores migration and the attractiveness of urban living in the Greater Helsinki region. The aim of the thesis is to explore the attractiveness of the city of Helsinki in terms of regional migration and to identify what characterizes migration to Helsinki. The study focuses in particular on housing, which is a key factor influencing migration decisions in the region. Other central themes in the study are housing policy and regional competition among municipalities. This study focuses solely on households moving within Finnish borders excluding international migration. Migration is examined by comparing in- and out-migration in Helsinki, as well as studying migration to the city s inner and outer areas. The primary research material in the study is a questionnaire data collected by the National Consumer Research Centre. In this thesis the data is used for studying migrants aged 25 45. The main research method is analyzing the data statistically using the SPSS software. Methods include frequency analysis, cross tabulation, factor analysis and descriptive analysis. Additionally, statistical data is used to complement the questionnaire data. The research results indicate that Helsinki s in- and out-migration differs both in terms of the type of households that migrate as well as in the reasons why they migrate. Furthermore, differences can also be detected between migration to the inner and outer parts of Helsinki. According to the research results, a household s current phase of life is crucial in determining where and why they move within the Greater Helsinki region. A household s set of values on the other hand, seems to have a lesser impact on migration within the region, even though households moving to Helsinki seem to value a somewhat more urban lifestyle than the ones moving out of the city. The research also shows a direct correlation between the values of migrants and their current phase of life. Decisions of migrating are heavily influenced by wider societal issues. In the Greater Helsinki region the labor and housing market appear to have a great influence on the direction of migration streams. According to the results, households move to and from Helsinki for different reasons. The primary reasons for moving to Helsinki are related to the city s diverse labor market and to the working careers of households. Issues related to urban living and an urban lifestyle seem to be relevant although not the main reason why people move to Helsinki. The research material indicates that Helsinki s urban environment is both a pull and a push factor affecting the decisions of migrants. The city attracts those seeking urban living, but on the contrary does not appeal to households seeking more space and wishing to live closer to nature. According to the research, Helsinki with its densely built urban environment mainly attracts singles and childless couples, whereas the city region s other municipalities are more attractive for families with children. Housing policy is one of the main reasons determining where people move within the Helsinki region. As for the city of Helsinki, improving the city s attractiveness seems to be closely linked to how well the city manages to execute its future housing policies and how well alternative living preferences can be taken into account in planning.


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Perimän eri kohdissa sijaitsevat genotyypit ovat assosioituneita, jos niiden välillä on tilastollinen riippuvuus. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään ja vertaillaan menetelmiä kromosomien välisten genotyyppiassosiaatioiden etsintään. Saatavilla olevista genotyyppiaineistoista voidaan muodostaa miljardeja kromosomien välisiä ehdokkaita mahdollisesti assosioituneiksi genotyyppipareiksi. Etsintätehtävä voidaan jakaa kolmeen erilliseen osaan: assosiaation voimakkuutta kuvaavan tunnusluvun valinta, tuloksen merkitsevyyden laskeminen sekä tarpeeksi merkitsevien tulosten valinta. Tunnusluvun valintaan ja merkitsevyyden laskemiseen liittyen tutkielmassa esitellään pari alleeliassosiaation mittaamiseen tarkoitettua perinteistä alleeliassosiaatiomittaa sekä yleisempiä riippumattomuustestejä kuten khii-toiseen-testi, G-testi ja erilaisia satunnaiseen näytteenottoon perustuvia testaustapoja. Lisäksi ehdotetaan kahta menetelmää tarkkaan merkitsevyyden laskemiseen: genotyyppikohtaista tarkkaa testiä ja maksimipoikkeamatestiä. Merkitsevien tulosten valintaan liittyen tutustutaan koekohtaista virhetodennäköisyyttä rajoittavaan Bonferroni-korjaukseen, hylkäysvirheastetta rajoittavaan FDR-kontrollointiin sekä näiden muunnelmiin. Lopuksi kokeillaan muutamaa esiteltyä menetelmää sekä keinotekoisesti tuotetulla että aidolla genotyyppiaineistolla ja analysoidaan löydettyjä assosiaatioita. Koetuloksista on havaittavissa joukko vahvasti merkitseviä assosiaatioita kromosomien välillä. Osa näistä on selitettävissä populaation sisäisillä osapopulaatioilla, ja muutamat näyttäisivät olevan seurausta aineistossa väärin sijoitelluista markkereista. Suuri osa riippuvuuksista aiheutuu kolmesta sukupuolen kanssa vahvasti assosioituneesta perimän kohdasta. Näiden lisäksi jäljelle jää joukko assosiaatioita, joiden syyt ovat tuntemattomia.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen soluautomaatteja ja niiden yleisesti käytettyj ä keskivertokenttä- ("mean field") ja pariapproksimaatioita. Määrittelen soluautomaatin käsitteen yleisellä tasolla ja kuvailen kolme eri tyypillisesti käytettyä soluautomaattityyppiä, joista kahdesta esimerkkeinä mainitsen John Conwayn tunnetun "Game of Life" -soluautomaatin sekä epidemiologian alalla yleisesti käytetyn hilakontaktiprosessin. Tutkielman toisessa osassa esittelen eri tapoja, joilla soluautomaattien käyttäytymistä voidaan analyyttisesti approksimoida ja karakterisoida, mukaanlukien niin kutsuttu soluautomaatin aktiviteetti (λ) sekä yllämainitut keskivertokenttä- ja pariapproksimaatiot. Kahta jälkimmäistä sovellan hilakontaktiprosessiin, ja vertailen näin saatuja tuloksia.


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IBD- ja reumasairaudet ovat elämänlaatua merkittävästi heikentäviä, kroonisia tulehduksellisia sairauksia, joiden keskivaikeiden ja vakavien muotojen hoidossa suoneen annettava biologinen TNF-alfa -tulehdustekijän vasta-aine infliksimabi (Remicade®) on vankassa asemassa. Infliksimabin hyvän tehon kääntöpuolena esiintyy yleisesti haittoja, joista infuusion aikana tai pian sen jälkeen ilmenevät allergistyyppiset reaktiot ovat hoitoa hankaloittava ja jopa vaarallinen alaluokka. Infuusioreaktioiden estoon ei nykyisellään ole todistettavasti tehokkaita keinoja. Parasetamoli ja setiritsiini osoittautuivat tässä käyttötarkoituksessa tehottomiksi. HUS:n Lasten ja nuorten sairaalassa aloitettiin 11.3.2009 hoitokokeilu asetosalisyylihapolla (ASA, Disperin®), annosteltuna painonmukaisesti per os, päämääränä selvittää prospektiivisesti ASA:n käyttömahdollisuudet infuusioreaktioiden ehkäisyssä. Tämän tutkielman aineisto kerättiin esilääkekokeilun alun ja 24.6.2010 välisellä ajalla (yhteensä 67 viikkoa) infliksimabi-infuusiossa Lasten ja nuorten sairaalan osasto 2:lla käyneiden IBD- ja reumapotilaiden asiakirjoista. Vain 1 (0,2 %) ASA:n kanssa annetuista infuusioista johti infuusioreaktioon kun aiemmin parasetamolin ja setiritsiinin kanssa todettiin 11 (2,9 %) reaktiota. GraphPad Prism 5 -ohjelmistolla tehdyn tilastoanalyysin perusteella tulokset osoittavat ASA:n olevan erittäin lupaava infuusioreaktioiden estolääke.