956 resultados para TIROS satellites


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Las lesiones musculares del muslo tienen una gran incidencia en el fútbol. El objetivo del estudio ha sido desarrollar un nuevo procedimiento para evaluar el efecto de las lesiones de isquiotibiales en los golpeos con el pie s en el fútbol utilizando los principios de la dinámica inversa. El trabajo se ha centrado en la evaluación de la diferencia entre sujetos que habían sufrido la lesión en los últimos 5 años y los que no. Se analizaron 17 jugadores de fútbol profesionales realizando cinco tiros con el empeine y cinco con el interior del pie. Los movimientos se registraron mediante una plataforma de fuerza y un sistema de captura de movimiento Vicon funcionando a 500Hz. Los participantes también tomaron parte en una prueba de isocinético en la que se midió el torque isocinético en 60 º/s y 120 º/s. Se observaron diferencias significativas en los parámetros cinemáticos y cinéticos entre los dos grupos (lesionados y no lesionados) en la fase posterior del golpeo y en el instante de máxima flexión de cadera. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos en la prueba isocinética tradicional. Estos resultados indican que el procedimiento empleado probablemente podría ser muy útil en la evaluación del efecto de las lesiones de isquiotibiales en el fútbol.


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O princípio do posicionamento por GNSS baseia-se, resumidamente, na resolução de um problema matemático que envolve a observação das distâncias do utilizador a um conjunto de satélites com coordenadas conhecidas. A posição resultante pode ser calculada em modo absoluto ou relativo. O posicionamento absoluto necessita apenas de um recetor para a determinação da posição. Por sua vez, o posicionamento relativo implica a utilização de estações de referência e envolve a utilização de mais recetores para além do pertencente ao próprio utilizador. Assim, os métodos mais utilizados na determinação da posição de uma plataforma móvel, com exatidão na ordem dos centímetros, baseiam-se neste último tipo de posicionamento. Contudo, têm a desvantagem de estarem dependentes de estações de referência, com um alcance limitado, e requerem observações simultâneas dos mesmos satélites por parte da estação e do recetor. Neste sentido foi desenvolvida uma nova metodologia de posicionamento GNSS em modo absoluto, através da modelação ou remoção dos erros associados a cada componente das equações de observação, da utilização de efemérides precisas e correções aos relógios dos satélites. Este método de posicionamento tem a designação Precise Point Positioning (PPP) e permite manter uma elevada exatidão, equivalente à dos sistemas de posicionamento relativo. Neste trabalho, após um estudo aprofundado do tema, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação PPP, de índole académica, com recurso à biblioteca de classes C++ do GPS Toolkit, que permite determinar a posição e velocidade do recetor em modo cinemático e em tempo real. Esta aplicação foi ensaiada utilizando dados de observação de uma estação estática (processados em modo cinemático) e de uma estação em movimento instalada no NRP Auriga. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma exatidão para a posição na ordem decimétrica e para a velocidade na ordem do cm/s.


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Portugal tem uma das maiores Zonas Económicas Exclusivas a nível mundial, encerrando este espaço marítimo uma riqueza que ainda não se encontra devidamente aferida, mas que se julga ser enorme. Por ela passam anualmente milhares de navios, com os mais diversos destinos e transportando as mais variadas cargas. A posição geostratégica do país coloca-o no centro de algumas das mais movimentadas rotas marítimas, sendo por isso de extrema importância vigiar e monitorizar as águas portuguesas, por forma a garantir que as leis e regulamentos de direito internacional marítimo são cumpridos e que o interesse nacional é devidamente salvaguardado. Deste modo, a presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo os sistemas de vigilância e monitorização marítimos, pretendendo constituir-se como um contributo para a melhoria do atual sistema de vigilância e monitorização dos espaços marítimos sob soberania ou jurisdição portuguesa, focando-se, para tal, nos sistemas aéreos e espaciais para a deteção de meios de superfície. Para tal, numa primeira parte considera-se estudar o ambiente marítimo e as ameaças que o afetam. Na segunda parte estudam-se os atuais sistemas que contribuem para o conhecimento situacional marítimo em Portugal culminando na terceira parte com o estudo dos meios e sensores que permitem melhorar a cobertura do espaço marítimo, com o objetivo final de garantir a segurança no mar. Através do estudo realizado foi possível concluir-se que as aeronaves não tripuladas afiguram-se como o futuro mais imediato para o esclarecimento do panorama marítimo, sendo que os satélites surgem numa segunda linha, pois apesar dos seus custos mais elevados, poderão também dar um enorme contributo para o conhecimento situacional marítimo ao serem capazes de cobrir maiores áreas e mais rapidamente.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the technical performance profile of the four-time Costa Rican Senior Basketball League championship team. A total of 142 games was recorded throughout the 2007, 2008 and 2009 seasons. Performance indicators selected were: two and three-point shots (converted, missed, effectiveness rates), free throws (converted, missed, effectiveness rates), points, offensive and defensive rebounds, fouls, turnovers, assists and ball steals. The information was described based on absolute and relative frequency values. Data was compared by season and by playing period based on the following non-parametric techniques: U-test, Friedman test and Chi-square. In all cases, SPSS version 15.0 was used with a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. Results showed a better profile of technical performance in the 2008 season, characterized by better percentages of two-point shots, free throws, fewer turnovers and more ball steals and assists. In relation to the playing period, the team showed a better technical performance profile during the second half of the matches. In general, the effectiveness rate of two-point shots and free throws was above 60% in both playing periods, while the three-point shot percentage ranged between 26.4% and 29.2%. In conclusion, the team showed a similar technical performance profile to that reported in the literature, as well as a clear evidence of the importance of recording and following up on technical performance indicators in basketball.


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The new generation of artificial satellites is providing a huge amount of Earth observation images whose exploitation can report invaluable benefits, both economical and environmental. However, only a small fraction of this data volume has been analyzed, mainly due to the large human resources needed for that task. In this sense, the development of unsupervised methodologies for the analysis of these images is a priority. In this work, a new unsupervised segmentation algorithm for satellite images is proposed. This algorithm is based on the rough-set theory, and it is inspired by a previous segmentation algorithm defined in the RGB color domain. The main contributions of the new algorithm are: (i) extending the original algorithm to four spectral bands; (ii) the concept of the superpixel is used in order to define the neighborhood similarity of a pixel adapted to the local characteristics of each image; (iii) and two new region merged strategies are proposed and evaluated in order to establish the final number of regions in the segmented image. The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the results provided by the original method when both are applied to satellite images with different spectral and spatial resolutions.


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The Hungarian Revolution is often analysed in a national context or from the angle of Hungarian-Soviet relations. From this perspective, the Eastern European satellites seem mere puppets and the Soviet bloc a monolith. Archival evidence nevertheless shows that the Kremlin actually attempted to build a new kind of international relations after Stalin’s death in 1953, in which the Eastern European leaders would gain more scope for manoeuvre. This attempt at liberalisation even facilitated the uprisings in Hungary in 1956. Avoiding a teleological approach to the Hungarian Revolution, this article argues that the Soviet invasion was neither inevitable, nor wholly unilateral. Khrushchev even sought to legitimise the invasion in bilateral and multilateral consultations. There was a mutual interest in sacrificing Hungary’s sovereignty to safeguard the communist monopoly on power. This multilateralisation of Soviet bloc security is an important explanatory factor in an analysis of the Revolution and its repercussions in Eastern Europe.


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In this issue...Coach Charlie Armey, Veterans, Marcus Daly, Campus Pollution, Satellites, Campus Parking, Elks National Foundation, Kieth Strom, International Club


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Every space launch increases the overall amount of space debris. Satellites have limited awareness of nearby objects that might pose a collision hazard. Astrometric, radiometric, and thermal models for the study of space debris in low-Earth orbit have been developed. This modeled approach proposes analysis methods that provide increased Local Area Awareness for satellites in low-Earth and geostationary orbit. Local Area Awareness is defined as the ability to detect, characterize, and extract useful information regarding resident space objects as they move through the space environment surrounding a spacecraft. The study of space debris is of critical importance to all space-faring nations. Characterization efforts are proposed using long-wave infrared sensors for space-based observations of debris objects in low-Earth orbit. Long-wave infrared sensors are commercially available and do not require solar illumination to be observed, as their received signal is temperature dependent. The characterization of debris objects through means of passive imaging techniques allows for further studies into the origination, specifications, and future trajectory of debris objects. Conclusions are made regarding the aforementioned thermal analysis as a function of debris orbit, geometry, orientation with respect to time, and material properties. Development of a thermal model permits the characterization of debris objects based upon their received long-wave infrared signals. Information regarding the material type, size, and tumble-rate of the observed debris objects are extracted. This investigation proposes the utilization of long-wave infrared radiometric models of typical debris to develop techniques for the detection and characterization of debris objects via signal analysis of unresolved imagery. Knowledge regarding the orbital type and semi-major axis of the observed debris object are extracted via astrometric analysis. This knowledge may aid in the constraint of the admissible region for the initial orbit determination process. The resultant orbital information is then fused with the radiometric characterization analysis enabling further characterization efforts of the observed debris object. This fused analysis, yielding orbital, material, and thermal properties, significantly increases a satellite’s Local Area Awareness via an intimate understanding of the debris environment surrounding the spacecraft.


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Staphylococcal pathogenicity islands (SaPIs), the prototype members of the family of phage inducible chromosomal islands (PICIs), are extremely mobile phage satellites, which are transferred between bacterial hosts after their induction by a helper phage. The intimate relationship between SaPIs and their helper phages is one of the most studied examples of virus satellite interactions in prokaryotic cells. SaPIs encode and disseminate virulence and fitness factors, representing a driving force for bacterial adaptation and pathogenesis. Many SaPIs encode a conserved morphogenetic operon, including a core set of genes whose function allows them to parasitize and exploit the phage life cycle. One of the central mechanisms of this molecular piracy is the specific packaging of the SaPI genomes into reduced sized capsid structures derived from phage proteins. Pac phages were classically thought to be the only phages involved in the mobilisation of phage-mediated virulence genes, including the transfer of SaPIs within related and non-related bacteria. This study presents the involvement of S. aureus cos phages in the intra- and intergeneric transfer of cos SaPIs for the first time. A novel example of molecular parasitism is shown, by which this newly characterised group of cos SaPIs uses two distinct and complementary mechanisms to take over the helper phage packaging machinery for their own reproduction. SaPIbov5, the prototype of the cos SaPIs, does not encode the characteristic morphogenetic operon found in pac SaPIs. However, cos SaPIs features both pac and cos phage cleavage sequences in their genome, ensuring SaPI packaging in small- and full-sized phage particles, depending on the helper phage. Moreover, cos-site packaging in S. aureus was shown to require the activity of a phage HNH nuclease. The HNH protein functions together with the large terminase subunit, triggering cleavage and melting of the cos-site sequence. In addition, a novel piracy strategy, severely interfering with the helper phage reproduction, was identified in cos SaPIs and characterised. This mechanism of piracy depends on the cos SaPI-encoded ccm gene, which encodes a capsid protein involved in the formation of small phage particles, modifying the assembling process via a scaffolding mechanism. This strategy resembles the ones described for pac SaPIs and represents a remarkable example of convergent evolution. A further convergent mechanism of capsid size-reduction was identified and characterised for the Enterococcus faecalis EfCIV583 pathogenicity island, another member of the PICI family. In this case, the self-encoded CpmE conducts this molecular piracy through a putative scaffolding function. Similar to cos SaPIs, EfCIV583 carries the helper phage cleavage sequence in its genome enabling its mobilisation by the phage terminase complex. The results presented in this thesis show how two examples of non-related members of the PICI family follow the same evolutionary convergent strategy to interfere with their helper phage. These findings could indicate that the described strategies might be widespread among PICIs and implicate a significant impact of PICIs mediated-virulence gene transfer in bacterial evolution and the emergence of pathogenic bacteria.


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Os espectrómetros instalados a bordo de satélites e à superfície da Terra têm desempenhado um papel fundamental na compreensão da química e dinâmica da atmosfera e na monitorização da poluição ambiental. O SPATRAM (SPectrometer for Atmosferic TRAcers Measurements) é um espectrómetro ultravioleta – Visível que compreende a região espectral entre 250-950nm e se encontra instalado no Instituto de Ciências da Terra (ICT) desde Abril de 2004. Enquanto isso, em 2012, um novo modelo do instrumento SPATRAM foi desenvolvido no ICT e foi chamado SPATRAM2. O objectivo do trabalho proposto é a calibração radiométrica do espectrómetro SPATRAM2, utilizando uma lâmpada de halogéneo e uma esfera de integração. A calibração radiométrica do sistema SPATRAM2 permitirá obter a radiação solar directa, com alta resolução espectral, o que actualmente não se encontra disponível. Este tipo de medição poderá ter um papel importante na investigação e desenvolvimento na área da energia solar e aplicações; Radiometric Calibration of Spectrophotometric Optical Instrumentation Abstract: Spectrometers installed aboard satellites and located on Earth’s surface have played a fundamental role to understand atmosphere’s chemistry and dynamic and to monitor environmental pollution. The SPATRAM (SPectrometer for Atmosferic TRAcers Measurements) instrument is an ultraviolet spectrometer – visible that covers spectral region between 250-950nm and it is installed in Instituto de Ciências da Terra (Institute of Earth Sciencies), ICT, since April 2004. Meanwhile, in 2012, a new model of SPATRAM instrument was developed in ICT and was called SPATRAM2. The goal of this project is the radiometric calibration of the SPATRAM2 spectrometer using a halogen lamp and an integrating sphere. Radiometric calibration of SPATRAM2 system will provide direct solar radiation, with high spectral resolution, that is not available nowadays. This type of measurement may play an important role in solar energy’s progress and investigation.