980 resultados para Surface samples
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) distribution and dynamics are investigated at the DYFAMED site (central Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean) in relation to hydrological and biological contexts, using a 4-year time-series dataset (1991-1994). The DYFAMED site is regarded as a one-dimensional station where simple hydrological mechanisms prevail and where the ecosystem is quite well understood. An average vertical profile of DOC concentration ([DOC]) indicates that maximal concentrations and variability are concentrated in the surface layers. For depths >800 m, the annual variations are on average similar to the analytical standard deviation (~2 µM). The "composite" [DOC] distribution (average distribution over a typical year, integrating about 40 monthly profiles) for surface waters (0-200 m) is closely related to hydrological and phytoplanktonic forcings. It exhibits summer DOC accumulation in surface waters, due to spring-summer stratification and successive phytoplanktonic events such as spring and summer blooms, and winter DOC removal to deeper waters, due to intense vertical mixing. The analysis of vertical [DOC] gradient at 100-m depth as a function of the integrated DOC content in the 0-100-m layer makes it possible to objectively distinguish three specific periods: the winter vertical mixing period, the period of stratification and spring phytoplankton bloom, and the period of stratification re-inforcement and summer-fall phytoplankton bloom. We recalculate the vertical DOC fluxes to deep waters using a larger original dataset, after the first direct calculation (Deep-Sea Res. 40 (10) (1993) 1963, 1972) that was reproduced for other oceanic areas. The seasonal variations of the "composite" [DOC] distribution in surface waters are significantly correlated to the apparent oxygen utilization distribution, but the biogeochemical significance of such a correlation is still under examination. The global significance of our local findings is presented and the role of the oceanic DOC in the global carbon cycle is emphasized, especially with respect to several current issues, such as the oceanic "missing sink" and the equivalence between new production and exported production.
B/Ca ratios in Cibicides mundulus and Cibicides wuellerstorfi have been shown to correlate with the degree of calcite saturation in seawater (D[CO32-]). In the South Pacific, a region of high importance in the global carbon cycle, these species are not continuously present in down-core records. Small numbers of epibenthic foraminifera in samples present an additional challenge, which can be overcome by using laser ablation-inductively coupled-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). We present a laser ablation based core-top calibration for Cibicides cf. wuellerstorfi, a C. wuellerstorfi morphotype that is abundant in the South Pacific and extend the existing global core top calibration for C. mundulus and C. wuellerstorfi to this region. B/Ca in C. cf. wuellerstorfi are linearly correlated with D[CO32-] and possibly display a higher sensitivity to calcite saturation changes than C. wuellerstorfi. Trace element profiles through C. wuellerstorfi and C. mundulus reveal an intra-shell B/Ca variation of ±36% around the mean shell value. Mg/Ca and B/Ca display opposite trends along the shell. Both phenomena likely result from ontogenetic effects. Intra-shell variability equals intra-sample variability, mean sample B/Ca values can thus be reliably calculated from averaged spot results of single specimen. In the global B/Ca-D[CO32-] range, we observe an inverse relationship between water mass age and D[CO32-].
Core top samples from Atlantic (Little Bahama Banks (LBB)) and Pacific (Hawaii and Indonesia) depth transects have been analyzed in order to assess the influence of bottom water temperature (BWT) and aragonite saturation levels on Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in the aragonitic benthic foraminifer Hoeglundina elegans. Both the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in H. elegans tests show a general decrease with increasing water depth. Although at each site the decreasing trends are consistent with the in situ temperature profile, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in LBB are substantially higher than in Indonesia and Hawaii at comparable water depths with a greater difference observed with increasing water depth. Because we find no significant difference between results obtained on "live" and "dead" specimens, we propose that these differences are due to primary effects on the metal uptake during test formation. Evaluation of the water column properties at each site suggests that in situ CO3 ion concentrations play an important role in determining the H. elegans Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios. The CO3 ion effect is limited, however, only to aragonite saturation levels ([DeltaCO3]aragonite) below 15 µmol/kg. Above this level, temperature exerts a dominant effect. Accordingly, we propose that Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in H. elegans tests can be used to reconstruct thermocline temperatures only in waters oversaturated with respect to the mineral aragonite using the following relationships: Mg/Ca = (0.034 ± 0.002)BWT + (0.96 ± 0.03) and Sr/Ca = (0.060 ± 0.002)BWT + (1.53 ± 0.03) (for [DeltaCO3]aragonite > 15 µmol/kg). The standard error associated with these equations is about ±1.1°C. Reconstruction of deeper water temperatures is complicated because in undersaturated waters, changes in Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios reflect a combination of changes in [CO3] and BWT. Overall, we find that Sr/Ca, rather than Mg/Ca, in H. elegans may be a more accurate proxy for reconstructing paleotemperatures.
Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2), spanning the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (CTB), represents one of the largest perturbations in the global carbon cycle in the last 100 Myr. The d13Ccarb, d13Corg, and d18O chemostratigraphy of a black shale-bearing CTB succession in the Vocontian Basin of France is described and correlated at high resolution to the European CTB reference section at Eastbourne, England, and to successions in Germany, the equatorial and midlatitude proto-North Atlantic, and the U.S. Western Interior Seaway (WIS). Delta13C (offset between d13Ccarb and d13Corg) is shown to be a good pCO2 proxy that is consistent with pCO2 records obtained using biomarker d13C data from Atlantic black shales and leaf stomata data from WIS sections. Boreal chalk d18O records show sea surface temperature (SST) changes that closely follow the Delta13C pCO2 proxy and confirm TEX86 results from deep ocean sites. Rising pCO2 and SST during the Late Cenomanian is attributed to volcanic degassing; pCO2 and SST maxima occurred at the onset of black shale deposition, followed by falling pCO2 and cooling due to carbon sequestration by marine organic productivity and preservation, and increased silicate weathering. A marked pCO2 minimum (~25% fall) occurred with a SST minimum (Plenus Cold Event) showing >4°C of cooling in ~40 kyr. Renewed increases in pCO2, SST, and d13C during latest Cenomanian black shale deposition suggest that a continuing volcanogenic CO2 flux overrode further drawdown effects. Maximum pCO2 and SST followed the end of OAE2, associated with a falling nutrient supply during the Early Turonian eustatic highstand.
Reconstructing terrestrial water budgets is of prime importance for understanding past climate and environment. To shed more light on how plant-wax derived n-alkanes may be used for this purpose we investigated the distribution and stable isotopic compositions of hydrogen (dD) and carbon (d13C) of plant-wax derived n-C29 and -C31 alkanes in terrestrial, coastal and offshore surface sediments in relation to hydrology along a NW-SE transect east of the Italian Apennines from the Po River to the Eastern Gulf of Taranto. The plant wax average chain length increases southward and may relate to increasing temperature and/or aridity. The plant wax dD of the terrestrial and coastal samples also increases southward and mainly reflects changes in the dD of precipitation. The d13C of plant waxes is primarily interpreted in terms of C3 vegetation changes rather than varying contributions by C4 plants. The plant wax d13C-dD composition of the Po River and Apennine rivers differs considerably from that in southern Italy, and suggests a mainly southern source for plant waxes in marine sediments of the Gulf of Taranto. This calibration provides a basis for the reconstruction of past changes in the Italian water balance and n-alkane source areas.
Water samples were collected from pre-dawn CTD casts at 5 depths corresponding to 55%, 20%, 7%, 5% and 1% of surface irradiance. 1 litre water samples wrapped with optical filters to replicate light levels. Spiked with 200 µL of 13C labelled sodium bicarbonate. After 24 hourse filtered through ashed 25mm GF/F (Whatman) filters, rinsed with HCl solution (1-2%) and stored at -20oC. On shore encapsulated in tin capsules and analysed for 13C isotopic enrichment. Carbon uptake rates calculated using the equations of Fernandez et al. (2005).