995 resultados para Stage play


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A recent phase 2 study of metastatic colorectal carcinoma (CRC) patients showed that mismatch repair gene status was predictive of clinical response to PD-1-targeting immune checkpoint blockade. Further examination revealed strong correlation between PD-L1 protein expression and microsatellite instability (MSI) in stage IV CRC, suggesting that the amount of PD-L1 protein expression could identify late stage patients who may benefit from immunotherapy. To assess whether the clinical associations between PD-L1 gene expression and MSI identified in metastatic CRC are also present in stage II/III CRC, we used in silico analysis to elucidate the cell types expressing the PD-L1 gene. We found a significant association of PD-L1 gene expression with MSI in early stage CRC (P < 0.001) and show that unlike in non-CRC tumors, PD-L1 is derived predominantly from the immune infiltrate. We demonstrate that PD-L1 gene expression has positive prognostic value in the adjuvant disease setting (PD-L1low v PD-L1high HR = 9.09; CI, 2.11-39.10). PD-L1 gene expression had predictive value, as patients with high PD-L1 expression appear to be harmed by standard-of-care treatment (HR = 4.95; CI,1.10-22.35). Building on the promising results from the metastatic CRC PD-1-targeting trial, we provide compelling evidence that PD-L1high/MSI/immunehigh stage II/III CRC patients should not receive standard chemotherapy. This conclusion supports the rationale to clinically evaluate this patient subgroup for PD-1 blockade treatment.


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BACKGROUND: The needs of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are complex and this is reflected in the number and diversity of outcomes assessed and measurement tools used to collect evidence about children's progress. Relevant outcomes include improvement in core ASD impairments, such as communication, social awareness, sensory sensitivities and repetitiveness; skills such as social functioning and play; participation outcomes such as social inclusion; and parent and family impact.

OBJECTIVES: To examine the measurement properties of tools used to measure progress and outcomes in children with ASD up to the age of 6 years. To identify outcome areas regarded as important by people with ASD and parents.

METHODS: The MeASURe (Measurement in Autism Spectrum disorder Under Review) research collaboration included ASD experts and review methodologists. We undertook systematic review of tools used in ASD early intervention and observational studies from 1992 to 2013; systematic review, using the COSMIN checklist (Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments) of papers addressing the measurement properties of identified tools in children with ASD; and synthesis of evidence and gaps. The review design and process was informed throughout by consultation with stakeholders including parents, young people with ASD, clinicians and researchers.

RESULTS: The conceptual framework developed for the review was drawn from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, including the domains 'Impairments', 'Activity Level Indicators', 'Participation', and 'Family Measures'. In review 1, 10,154 papers were sifted - 3091 by full text - and data extracted from 184; in total, 131 tools were identified, excluding observational coding, study-specific measures and those not in English. In review 2, 2665 papers were sifted and data concerning measurement properties of 57 (43%) tools were extracted from 128 papers. Evidence for the measurement properties of the reviewed tools was combined with information about their accessibility and presentation. Twelve tools were identified as having the strongest supporting evidence, the majority measuring autism characteristics and problem behaviour. The patchy evidence and limited scope of outcomes measured mean these tools do not constitute a 'recommended battery' for use. In particular, there is little evidence that the identified tools would be good at detecting change in intervention studies. The obvious gaps in available outcome measurement include well-being and participation outcomes for children, and family quality-of-life outcomes, domains particularly valued by our informants (young people with ASD and parents).

CONCLUSIONS: This is the first systematic review of the quality and appropriateness of tools designed to monitor progress and outcomes of young children with ASD. Although it was not possible to recommend fully robust tools at this stage, the review consolidates what is known about the field and will act as a benchmark for future developments. With input from parents and other stakeholders, recommendations are made about priority targets for research.

FUTURE WORK: Priorities include development of a tool to measure child quality of life in ASD, and validation of a potential primary outcome tool for trials of early social communication intervention.

STUDY REGISTRATION: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42012002223.

FUNDING: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme.


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Identificar, analisar e interpretar as citações do texto de Eurípides na Medeia de Mário Cláudio como um expediente dramatúrgico eficaz de reconfiguração da personagem trágica é o objectivo central desta dissertação, que se divide em três partes fundamentais: I. Medeia em cena; II. As (re)citações de Eurípides na Medeia de Mário Cláudio; III. Medeia, uma actriz falhada. Na primeira parte, a autora contextualiza a peça de Mário Cláudio e retoma os principais tópicos da caracterização da figura de Medeia na tragédia homónima de Eurípides. Na segunda parte, identificam-se as citações da peça euripidiana na peça de Mário Cláudio e apresenta-se uma análise deste processo de criação dramatúrgica na peça de Mário Cláudio. Na terceira parte, pretendeu-se demonstrar como as (re)citações do texto euripidiano sustentam uma recriação mitificada da personagem de Medeia. Da dissertação fazem ainda parte uma introdução e considerações finais, a bibliografia, repartida por edições e comentários e por estudos críticos, e ainda um índice geral.


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Este trabalho, desenvolvido por uma professora em contexto académico, movida por uma vontade de intervenção em contexto escolar para melhoria da qualidade do desempenho profissional e das aprendizagens dos alunos, assenta: por um lado, num entendimento de desenvolvimento profissional (DP) enquanto processo contínuo que se articula com e inscreve na prática do quotidiano docente; e, por outro lado, num entendimento da educação em línguas como um processo que valoriza a diversidade e enfatiza o plurilinguismo como valor e competência, enriquecendo os repertórios linguístico-comunicativos dos sujeitos, de modo a facilitar a abertura ao Outro, num processo de construção e recriação de significado sobre o mundo e sobre si na relação com esse Outro. Pretendeu-se, neste estudo, compreender o processo de desenvolvimento profissional de professores de línguas, tentando identificar potencialidades e constrangimentos que se colocam a esse desenvolvimento profissional em contexto. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um projecto de formação para a educação plurilingue numa escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico com um grupo de cinco professoras ao longo de dois anos. A formação, promovida através de um Centro de Formação de Escolas e acreditada pelo Conselho- Científico da Formação Contínua desenvolveu-se em duas fases. A primeira fase (2004/2005), na modalidade Oficina de Formação com 10 sessões de formação num total de 50 horas, e a segunda fase (2005/2006), na modalidade Projecto com nove sessões de formação, num total de 50 horas. O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de cariz qualitativo e de inspiração interpretativa/fenomenológica, pretendendo colocar em evidência o sujeito e sublinhando a interacção que estabelece consigo e com os outros, a partir das práticas discursivas que vai construindo. A estratégia investigativa desenhou-se em torno do estudo de caso no qual procurámos analisar a (des/re)construção de conhecimento profissional no contexto de um grupo de professoras em formação. Esta análise assumiu duas vertentes, uma tomando a interacção entre o grupo como alvo de análise, outra olhando para o percurso de cada formanda na sua singularidade. Os dados recolhidos e analisados incluem um inquérito por questionário inicial, a transcrição das sessões de formação e as reflexões escritas ao longo das duas fases da formação, bem como um inquérito por entrevista semiestruturada, após o terminus da formação, em Julho de 2007. Os resultados da análise indicam que os processos formativos que promovem o questionamento de si e das suas práticas, ajudando a identificar representações e a analisar o modo como as representações interferem ou não nas práticas para, em seguida, estas poderem ser reconstruídas, são facilitadores de DP. Evidenciaram-se, nestes processos, dois tempos de formação distintos, mas complementares, o tempo da observação e da análise e o tempo da apropriação e da acção, que englobam espaços de trabalho individual e colectivo. Nestes dois tempos de formação identificámos quatro modos facilitadores da reconstrução do conhecimento profissional, nomeadamente: a articulação da teoria com a prática; a tomada do objecto de trabalho em objecto de análise e de experimentação, incluindo a visualização, a análise e a reflexão sobre as experiências realizadas; a colocação do aluno no centro do processo de ensino; e o alargamento da consciencialização do trabalho com as línguas e das suas finalidades educativas. Estes quatro modos constituem-se como impulsionadores ou inibidores de DP, dependendo a sua percepção de factores, tanto de carácter individual como de carácter colectivo. Os factores de carácter individual dizem respeito ao comprometimento, ao empenho, ao modo como cada sujeito se vê como pessoa e como profissional, bem como à fase da carreira em que se situa. Os factores de carácter colectivo dizem respeito aos contextos nos quais o sujeito se move, nomeadamente a cultura da escola em que exerce funções, às relações interpessoais e profissionais que estabelece com os colegas de trabalho e às possibilidades e espaços de formação que cada sujeito encontra com os outros. Tendo constatado que o desenvolvimento profissional é fruto da intersecção da acção individual com a acção colectiva, concluímos que, na constituição de ambientes facilitadores de DP, importa ter em conta seis componentes: a apropriação individual da construção do conhecimento profissional pelos sujeitos, a construção de oportunidades de desenvolvimento, a construção da capacidade de intervenção em contexto, a promoção da colegialidade, a monitorização e avaliação de processos e resultados do trabalho no âmbito do DP e a criação de espaços e tempos próprios para esse trabalho. Os resultados da análise indicam também que a formação em contexto permite iniciar um trabalho de DP porque cria condições de auto/hetero/eco e coformação que incluem um potencial de aprendizagem profissional transformativa. Enquanto constrangimentos ao DP em contexto destacam-se aspectos contextuais que se relacionam com o tempo e a sua gestão, bem como com a visibilidade, o reconhecimento e o impacto do trabalho realizado no contexto. Através da descrição e análise de uma experiência de formação contínua em contexto, este trabalho revela possibilidades de ultrapassar os constrangimentos contextuais, sublinhando as potencialidades de desenvolvimento profissional em contexto, pelo modo como professoras, predispostas à mudança e comprometidas com a profissão, onde os alunos têm um papel particular, são capazes de inscrever transformação nas suas práticas, evidenciando a urgência não só de um apoio concreto e explícito, mas também de reconhecimento do trabalho desenvolvido em cada sala de aula, com cada turma, à descoberta de si e do outro, através das línguas para a construção de um mundo mais plural.


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O presente trabalho de investigação apresenta um estudo que procurou observar comportamentos de literacia emergente numa língua estrangeira (Inglês) em contexto da educação pré-escolar. Procedeu-se à conceção e implementação de uma abordagem integrada ao ensino da língua inglesa, através numa abordagem metodológica inspirada no paradigma investigação-ação, percecionada como oportunidade de inovação pedagógica e de formação de professores. O estudo foi desenvolvido em simultâneo no 1ºCEB, tendo como principal objetivo comparar os comportamentos e atitudes dos alunos de outra faixa etária relativamente aos comportamentos de literacia em língua estrangeira. Os dados foram recolhidos através da observação, gravação de aulas, posteriormente transcritas, diários do investigador, questionários, portfolios dos alunos e entrevistas semi-estruturadas a especialistas na área da pedagogia de línguas estrangeiras, analisados através da aplicação de técnicas de análise de conteúdo como procedimento de análise do corpus. Os resultados demonstram a relevância de abordagens integradas de cariz lúdico na promoção de comportamentos de leitura e escrita emergente, estimulando assim motivação intrínseca nas crianças pela aprendizagem da língua e cultura-alvo. Por conseguinte, os comportamentos observados de literacia emergente em língua estrangeira permitem estabelecer uma analogia com as crianças bilingues, na medida em que ao aprenderem uma outra língua desenvolvem em sincronia a sua flexibilidade mental e estratégias de auto-regulação em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Os resultados permitem ainda concluir que estratégias promotoras de motivação intrínseca como o lúdico e o storytelling são vitais na sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural, por oposição aos resultados evidenciados pela estratégia nacional para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras no 1.ºCEB. As principais implicações deste estudo sugerem a possibilidade de generalização da língua estrangeira na educação pré-escolar, sendo esta etapa compreendida como um período privilegiado na prevenção de insucesso na leitura e escrita na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Deste modo, a educação pré-escolar pode ser considerada como um tempo fundador do futuro linguístico das crianças, numa perspetiva de educação linguística ao longo da vida.


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This thesis reports the application of metabolomics to human tissues and biofluids (blood plasma and urine) to unveil the metabolic signature of primary lung cancer. In Chapter 1, a brief introduction on lung cancer epidemiology and pathogenesis, together with a review of the main metabolic dysregulations known to be associated with cancer, is presented. The metabolomics approach is also described, addressing the analytical and statistical methods employed, as well as the current state of the art on its application to clinical lung cancer studies. Chapter 2 provides the experimental details of this work, in regard to the subjects enrolled, sample collection and analysis, and data processing. In Chapter 3, the metabolic characterization of intact lung tissues (from 56 patients) by proton High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HRMAS) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is described. After careful assessment of acquisition conditions and thorough spectral assignment (over 50 metabolites identified), the metabolic profiles of tumour and adjacent control tissues were compared through multivariate analysis. The two tissue classes could be discriminated with 97% accuracy, with 13 metabolites significantly accounting for this discrimination: glucose and acetate (depleted in tumours), together with lactate, alanine, glutamate, GSH, taurine, creatine, phosphocholine, glycerophosphocholine, phosphoethanolamine, uracil nucleotides and peptides (increased in tumours). Some of these variations corroborated typical features of cancer metabolism (e.g., upregulated glycolysis and glutaminolysis), while others suggested less known pathways (e.g., antioxidant protection, protein degradation) to play important roles. Another major and novel finding described in this chapter was the dependence of this metabolic signature on tumour histological subtype. While main alterations in adenocarcinomas (AdC) related to phospholipid and protein metabolisms, squamous cell carcinomas (SqCC) were found to have stronger glycolytic and glutaminolytic profiles, making it possible to build a valid classification model to discriminate these two subtypes. Chapter 4 reports the NMR metabolomic study of blood plasma from over 100 patients and near 100 healthy controls, the multivariate model built having afforded a classification rate of 87%. The two groups were found to differ significantly in the levels of lactate, pyruvate, acetoacetate, LDL+VLDL lipoproteins and glycoproteins (increased in patients), together with glutamine, histidine, valine, methanol, HDL lipoproteins and two unassigned compounds (decreased in patients). Interestingly, these variations were detected from initial disease stages and the magnitude of some of them depended on the histological type, although not allowing AdC vs. SqCC discrimination. Moreover, it is shown in this chapter that age mismatch between control and cancer groups could not be ruled out as a possible confounding factor, and exploratory external validation afforded a classification rate of 85%. The NMR profiling of urine from lung cancer patients and healthy controls is presented in Chapter 5. Compared to plasma, the classification model built with urinary profiles resulted in a superior classification rate (97%). After careful assessment of possible bias from gender, age and smoking habits, a set of 19 metabolites was proposed to be cancer-related (out of which 3 were unknowns and 6 were partially identified as N-acetylated metabolites). As for plasma, these variations were detected regardless of disease stage and showed some dependency on histological subtype, the AdC vs. SqCC model built showing modest predictive power. In addition, preliminary external validation of the urine-based classification model afforded 100% sensitivity and 90% specificity, which are exciting results in terms of potential for future clinical application. Chapter 6 describes the analysis of urine from a subset of patients by a different profiling technique, namely, Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Although the identification of discriminant metabolites was very limited, multivariate models showed high classification rate and predictive power, thus reinforcing the value of urine in the context of lung cancer diagnosis. Finally, the main conclusions of this thesis are presented in Chapter 7, highlighting the potential of integrated metabolomics of tissues and biofluids to improve current understanding of lung cancer altered metabolism and to reveal new marker profiles with diagnostic value.


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This co-written chapter was included in an edited book featuring invited authors from different countries and different areas of museum research and practice. The chapter uses a theory of play by Johan Huizinga (1938) to frame case studies of play-based interactive experiences in museums in various countries. The aim was to use theory to ground museum practice, in order to evaluate existing practical implementations as well as to inform the design of new ones. The book was nominated as one of the 10 best museum education books of 2011 by Museum Education Monitor, and the chapter led to a subsequent technology residency the author undertook in the Spike Island gallery, Bristol in 2012, funded by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, Arts and Humanities Research Council and Arts Council England. It also informed his subsequent postgraduate teaching, an example of which is a recent MA project, which deconstructs play from a computational perspective. Collaborations have continued with the co-author, which have resulted in a number of invited lectures. In this chapter the authors explore play as a structure for supporting visitor learning, drawing from international research in museums and interaction design. Four aspects of play first proposed by Huizinga are explored – the free-choice aspect of play, play as distinct from real life, play as an ordering structure, and the role of play in bridging communities. The chapter argues that play provides museums with ready-made structures and concepts, which can help planning for visitor learning. The research was equally divided between the co-authors, who developed the conceptual and theoretical aspects of the article by drawing on their own research alongside key examples of museum design and digital media.


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In the UK stroke is the third most common cause of death for women and the incidence in African Caribbean women is higher than the general population. Stroke burden has major consequences for the physical, mental and social health of African Caribbean women. In order to adjust to life after stroke individuals affected employ a range of strategies which may include personal, religious (church) or spiritual support (i.e. prayer), individual motivation, or resignation to life with a disability. This study explored these areas through the coping mechanisms that African Caribbean women utilised post stroke in the context of stroke recovery and lifestyle modification efforts needed to promote healthy living post stroke. A qualitative approach using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was adopted. Eight women were recruited into the study. Semi structured in-depth interviews were audio recorded and were transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using a four-stage framework: familiarisation, sense making, developing themes and data refinement and analysis. Three main themes on coping emerged: the need to follow medical rules to manage stroke, strength and determination, and the use of religion and faith to cope with life after stroke. These findings illustrate both a tension between religious beliefs and the medical approach to stroke and highlight the potential benefits that religion and the church can play in stroke recovery. Implications for practice include acknowledgement and inclusion of religion and church based health promotion in post stroke recovery.


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In his introduction, Pinna (2010) quoted one of Wertheimer’s observations: “I stand at the window and see a house, trees, sky. Theoretically I might say there were 327 brightnesses and nuances of color. Do I have ‘327’? No. I have sky, house, and trees.” This seems quite remarkable, for Max Wertheimer, together with Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Koehler, was a pioneer of Gestalt Theory: perceptual organisation was tackled considering grouping rules of line and edge elements in relation to figure-ground segregation, i.e., a meaningful object (the figure) as perceived against a complex background (the ground). At the lowest level – line and edge elements – Wertheimer (1923) himself formulated grouping principles on the basis of proximity, good continuation, convexity, symmetry and, often forgotten, past experience of the observer. Rubin (1921) formulated rules for figure-ground segregation using surroundedness, size and orientation, but also convexity and symmetry. Almost a century of research into Gestalt later, Pinna and Reeves (2006) introduced the notion of figurality, meant to represent the integrated set of properties of visual objects, from the principles of grouping and figure-ground to the colour and volume of objects with shading. Pinna, in 2010, went one important step further and studied perceptual meaning, i.e., the interpretation of complex figures on the basis of past experience of the observer. Re-establishing a link to Wertheimer’s rule about past experience, he formulated five propositions, three definitions and seven properties on the basis of observations made on graphically manipulated patterns. For example, he introduced the illusion of meaning by comics-like elements suggesting wind, therefore inducing a learned interpretation. His last figure shows a regular array of squares but with irregular positions on the right side. This pile of (ir)regular squares can be interpreted as the result of an earthquake which destroyed part of an apartment block. This is much more intuitive, direct and economic than describing the complexity of the array of squares.


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La présente étude a comme objectif d'évaluer l'impact du stage pratique comme situation d'apprentissage dans le développement de l'identité professionnelle. Le cadre conceptuel fait référence à une perspective interactionniste où transige une dialectique entre le sujet et le monde de la socialisation professionnelle: donc, d'une identité négociée en fonction des valeurs du milieu d'éducation et des intérêts de l'individu. Des mesures de ce construit sont prises en compte avant et après la réalisation du stage, puis sont comparées au construit collectif associé aux milieux de stage. Le choix méthodologique s'est porté vers la méthode Q qui s'avère une approche compatible avec l'étude des systèmes de valeurs des individus (Stephenson, 1953). Ainsi, la technique du Q-Sort consiste en une priorisation impliquant un tri d'énoncés de nature qualitative. Le traitement statistique permet ensuite d'examiner l'interrelation d'attitudes individuelles privilégiées par un groupe de répondants. L'échantillon se compose de stagiaires en milieux de garde du collégial (n= ll), de niveau universitaire (n=12) et d'éducatrices (n=81 ) provenant du Québec, de la France, de la Belgique et du Mali. Le Q-sort se compose de 79 énoncés distribués selon une répartition quasi-normale à choix forcés dans sept catégories. L'analyse statistique porte sur les matrices inversées de données afin d'évaluer le degré de rapprochement entre les individus dans la priorisation des valeurs en se basant sur les corrélations et les analyses factorielles. Les résultats mettent en évidence le degré de rapprochement entre les systèmes de valeurs des éducatrices québécoises et ceux des intervenants des autres pays. Quant à l'impact du stage sur les étudiantes, celui-ci se traduit par un éloignement, un rapprochement ou un maintien aux valeurs des éducatrices des milieux de garde. L'étude démontre qu'il s'avère possible d'évaluer l'impact de la formation pratique sur les valeurs liées à l'identité professionnelle tant sur le plan qualitatif que quantitatif.


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Understanding heart development on a molecular level is a requirement for uncovering the causes of congenital heart diseases. Several genes have been implicated as critical for heart development. However, the inducers of these genes as well as their targets and pathways, remain largely unknown. We have identified a promoter element of chick cCer able to drive EGFP expression in a population of cells that consistently exit from the anterior primitive streak region, from as early as stage HH3+, and that later will populate the heart. Using this promoter element as a tool allowed us to identify novel genes previously not known to potentially play a role in heart development. In order to identify and study genes expressed and involved in the correct development and differentiation of the vertebrate heart precursor cell (HPC) lineages, a differential screening using Affymetrix GeneChip® system technologies was performed. Remarkably, this screening led to the identification of more than 700 transcripts differentially expressed in the heart forming regions (HFR). Bioinformatic tools allowed us to filter the large amount of data generated from this approach and to select a few transcripts for in vivo validation. Five genes were selected for further characterization by whole mount in situ hybridization leading to the validation of their expression in the HPC. From those, Adtk1 and Ccbe1 were selected for functional analysis. Regarding to ccbe1, a more detailed WISH analysis was performed and showed that Ccbe1 is expressed specifically on the cardiac progenitors regions at HH4, more specifically in primary heart field and at later stages is present in the second heart field. Further functional analyses by knockdown and overexpression revealed an important role for Ccbe1 in early heart tube formation. Moreover, the results presented in this thesis suggested that Ccbe1 is a key gene during heart development and might be limited to multipotent and highly proliferative progenitors and downregulated upon cellular commitment into more specific cardiac phenotypes. Other of the genes identified, Adtk1 was also subjected to further functional studies. Knockdown of Adtk1 using morpholino oligonucleotides suggested that it might be necessary for the migration and fusion of the heart tube as well as for neural tube closure.


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Les différentes postures des enseignantes et des enseignants dans l'application de la démarche d'évaluation, la place qu'occupe l'objectivité versus la subjectivité lors d'un jugement évaluatif font en sorte que de multiples interrogations sont soulevées quant aux aspects éthiques. Sachant que l'équité et la qualité de l'évaluation font partie des attentes des étudiantes et des étudiants, il devient donc indispensable de mieux comprendre les principes éthiques qui régissent les gestes professionnels des enseignantes et des enseignants. Ces constats nous ont amenés à rédiger l'objectif général de la recherche, soit l'évaluation d'une compétence, le jugement professionnel pour ensuite discuter de leur rapport à l'éthique. On y retrouve également des notions théoriques au regard d'une évaluation éthique des apprentissages selon différents auteurs. De cette recension est née notre cadre opérationnel des principes éthiques liés à l'évaluation certificative d'une compétence.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014