992 resultados para Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar), 1776-1832.


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The starting process of two-dimensional nozzle flows has been simulated with Euler, laminar and k - g two-equation turbulence Navier-Stokes equations. The flow solver is based on a combination of LUSGS subiteration implicit method and five spatial discretized schemes, which are Roe, HLLE, MHLLE upwind schemes and AUSM+, AUSMPW schemes. In the paper, special attention is for the flow differences of the nozzle starting process obtained from different governing equations and different schemes. Two nozzle flows, previously investigated experimentally and numerically by other researchers, are chosen as our examples. The calculated results indicate the carbuncle phenomenon and unphysical oscillations appear more or less near a wall or behind strong shock wave except using HLLE scheme, and these unphysical phenomena become more seriously with the increase of Mach number. Comparing the turbulence calculation, inviscid solution cannot simulate the wall flow separation and the laminar solution shows some different flow characteristics in the regions of flow separation and near wall.


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O primeiro volume foi editado em 1832 e o segundo em 1837, após a morte do autor, fato que contribuiu para a pouco acurada nomenclatura em português verificada no segundo volume, conforme afirma Borba de Moraes. A grande importância do trabalho de Pohl residiu na descrição de Goiás, à época, uma parte do Brasil quase desconhecida para os cientistas estrangeiros. Seu texto contém descrições sobre a arquitetura colonial e do século XIX. Pohl também produziu um atlas que complementou, por meio de belas ilustrações, o trabalho contido nesses dois volumes. Estes, especialmente se acompanhados do atlas, são um trabalho mais raro do que os relativos às viagens de Martins


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Obra atribuída a Quintino Bocaiúva, político brasileiro, adepto das idéias republicanas, membro preeminente da conspiração que depôs o último gabinete do império. A rendição de Uruguaiana é um episódio da Guerra do Paraguai ocorrido em 18/10/1865, no qual a localidade de Uruguaiana é ocupada pelo exército paraguaio e retomada pouco depois. Inclui transcrições de vários documentos oficiais (despachos, notas, ofícios), do Ministério de Relações Exteriores do Paraguai e da Legação Imperial do Brasil, assinados por José Berges, Cesar Sauvan Vianna de Lima e Carlos Caneiro de Campos.


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Segundo Richard R. Ramer, "Primeira edição. O autor, natural de Santos, SP, escreveu esta obra depois de ter feito um estudo cuidadoso em documentos contemporâneos...".


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After 4 months frozen storage at –18 °C cold smoked Atlantic salmon in consumer packages can hardly be differentiated from the freshly smoked product by sensory assessment by an expert panel and cannot be differentiated by consumers.


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A new concept for resource oriented federal research within the competence of the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection was implemented in 2008. The Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries is one of 4 newly established large scale federal research institutions. It comprises the former Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products and large parts of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre. The institute is named after Johann Heinrich von Thünen, a famous national economist and social reformer of the 19th century. He developed the first serious treatment of spatial economics (the so-called Thünen rings) and the basics of the theory of the natural pay.


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G-M制冷机是回热式的小型低温制冷机,它利用绝热放气膨胀原理(又称为西蒙膨胀法)获得低温,具有振动小、运行稳定、寿命长、操作方便等特点,在对效率、重量、尺寸等没有太高要求的场合应用非常广泛。在八十年代末,G-M制冷机已经突破了液氦温度,非常适合在液氦温区为超导器件或电子元件提供冷量,在低温真空泵、MRI超导磁体冷却系统、SQUID再冷凝系统等方面有良好的应用前景,推广其应用已属当务之急。本文围绕着探索氦温区G-M制冷机工作机理、提高低温蓄冷器性能及新型结构G-M制冷机的研制等方面,进行了系统地理论分析和纳归纳,以及初步地实验研究:一. 首次比较完善地建立了液氦温区G-M型制冷机整机数值模拟方法,数值模拟方法给出了制冷机内工质参数瞬态分布及动态变化曲线,为分析制冷机独特的循环特性提供了直观的依据,为探讨运行及结构参数对制冷性能的影响机理提供了强有力的工具。模型中考虑了制冷机中的阻力、实际进排气角、物性变化及蓄冷器内空隙率的存在等多种实际因素:解决了一、二级耦合及部件交界处物性变化不连续对计算影响等问题;采取网格非均匀化、牛顿迭代法以及负反馈原理等措施,提高了计算精度和收敛性。在微机上成功地模拟了液氦温区G-M制冷机的工作过程,程序采用模块化编程,具有一定通用性。二. 运用液氦温区整套机数值模拟方法,计算了制冷机内工质参数(氦流温度、压力、流速等)周期性变化和空间分布,采用一级蓄冷器与低温蓄冷器工作特性对比法,从整机内工质参数动态变化规律分析的角度,验证了液氦温区G-M制冷机工质氦的循环主要分为两部分:常规循环、低温循环。并详细地讨论了运行参数(频率、工作压力)及一级制冷机结构参数对整机内工数动态变化的影响规律以及制冷机性能的影响机理。三. 首次建立了较完善的液氦温区多层混合填料型低温蓄冷器的数值模拟方法,运用数值模拟方法,首次详细地研究了常用填料的不同组合、一定组合下填料比例以及蓄冷器结构对制冷机性能的影响机理,提出了不同填料的最佳节组合及一定组合下填料最佳比例的确定和低温蓄冷器结构和填料优化的原则,为合理有效地设计高性能液氦温区低温蓄冷器提供了依据。四. 提出并设计、加工了一种新型结构的液氦温区双级G-M型制冷机,该机结构在国内外属于首创。其具有以下主要结构特点:一、二级分别独立驱动;一、二级之间通过热桥连接;二级蓄冷器外置于汽缸等。同时建立了新型结构液氦温区双级G-M型制冷机实验系统,为今后整机性能和内部动态过程的研究奠定了基础。五. 新型结构双级G-M型制冷机二级单机动转频率为0.6Hz时,制冷温度为13.6K,且在20K时有4.4W的制冷量;制冷机已达到液氦温区,f = 0.4Hz时,最低温度为4.6K;f = 1Hz,制冷温度为10K时,制冷量大于6W,上述结果目前均未见有文献报道。在新型G-M制冷机上,初步进行了低温蓄冷器性能测试实验及运行参数对制冷机性能影响的实验研究。