996 resultados para Soin de soi
Each vol. consists of multiple numbers which are separately paged monographs.
An abridged version of the original work.
Description based on: No 2 (1901); title from caption.
Translation of Azbuka kommunizma (romanized form).
Cover title.
The measured inter-electrode capacitances of silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) MOSFETs are presented and compared with simulation results. It is shown that the variations of capacitances with DC bias differ from those of bulk MOSFETs due to change in body potential variation of the SOS device resulting from electron-hole pair generation through impact ionisation.
Long-term forecasts of pest pressure are central to the effective management of many agricultural insect pests. In the eastern cropping regions of Australia, serious infestations of Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) and H. armigera (Hübner)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are experienced annually. Regression analyses of a long series of light-trap catches of adult moths were used to describe the seasonal dynamics of both species. The size of the spring generation in eastern cropping zones could be related to rainfall in putative source areas in inland Australia. Subsequent generations could be related to the abundance of various crops in agricultural areas, rainfall and the magnitude of the spring population peak. As rainfall figured prominently as a predictor variable, and can itself be predicted using the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), trap catches were also related to this variable. The geographic distribution of each species was modelled in relation to climate and CLIMEX was used to predict temporal variation in abundance at given putative source sites in inland Australia using historical meteorological data. These predictions were then correlated with subsequent pest abundance data in a major cropping region. The regression-based and bioclimatic-based approaches to predicting pest abundance are compared and their utility in predicting and interpreting pest dynamics are discussed.
The speculation that climate change may impact on sustainable fish production suggests a need to understand how these effects influence fish catch on a broad scale. With a gross annual value of A$ 2.2 billion, the fishing industry is a significant primary industry in Australia. Many commercially important fish species use estuarine habitats such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds and have lifecycles correlated to rainfall and temperature patterns. Correlation of catches of mullet (e.g. Mugil cephalus) and barramundi (Lates calcarifer) with rainfall suggests that fisheries may be sensitive to effects of climate change. This work reviews key commercial fish and crustacean species and their link to estuaries and climate parameters. A conceptual model demonstrates ecological and biophysical links of estuarine habitats that influences capture fisheries production. The difficulty involved in explaining the effect of climate change on fisheries arising from the lack of ecological knowledge may be overcome by relating climate parameters with long-term fish catch data. Catch per unit effort (CPUE), rainfall, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and catch time series for specific combinations of climate seasons and regions have been explored and surplus production models applied to Queensland's commercial fish catch data with the program CLIMPROD. Results indicate that up to 30% of Queensland's total fish catch and up to 80% of the barramundi catch variation for specific regions can be explained by rainfall often with a lagged response to rainfall events. Our approach allows an evaluation of the economic consequences of climate parameters on estuarine fisheries. thus highlighting the need to develop forecast models and manage estuaries for future climate chan e impact by adjusting the quota for climate change sensitive species. Different modelling approaches are discussed with respect to their forecast ability. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
It is a paradox that in a country with one of the most variable climates in the world, cropping decisions are sometimes made with limited consideration of production and resource management risks. There are significant opportunities for improved performance based on targeted information regarding risks resulting from decision options. WhopperCropper is a tool to help agricultural advisors and farmers capture these benefits and use it to add value to their intuition and experience. WhopperCropper allows probability analysis of the effects of a range of selectable crop inputs and existing resources on yield and economic outcomes. Inputs can include agronomic inputs (e.g crop type, N fertiliser rate), resources (e.g soil water at sowing), and seasonal climate forecast (SOI phase). WhopperCropper has been successfully developed and refined as a discussion-support process for decision makers and their advisers in the northern grains region of Australia. The next phase of the project will build on the current project by extending its application nationally and enhancing the resource management aspects. A commercial partner, with over 800 advisor clients nationally, will participate in the project.
With respect to liposomes as delivery vehicles and adjuvants for vaccine antigens, the role of vesicle surface charge remains disputed. In the present study we investigate the influence of liposome surface charge and antigen-liposome interaction on the antigen depot effect at the site of injection (SOI). The presence of liposome and antigen in tissue at the SOI as well as the draining lymphatic tissue was quantified to analyse the lymphatic draining of the vaccine components. Furthermore investigations detailing cytokine production and T-cell antigen specificity were undertaken to investigate the relationship between depot effect and the ability of the vaccine to induce an immune response. Our results suggest that cationic charge is an important factor for the retention of the liposomal component at the SOI, and a moderate to high (>50%) level of antigen adsorption to the cationic vesicle surface was required for efficient antigen retention in the same tissue. Furthermore, neutral liposomes expressing poor levels of antigen retention were limited in their ability to mediate long term (14 days) antigen presentation to circulating antigen specific T-cells and to induce the Th1 and Th17 arms of the immune system, as compared to antigen adsorbing cationic liposomes. The neutral liposomes did however induce the production of IL-5 at levels comparable to those induced by cationic liposomes, indicating that neutral liposomes can induce a weak Th2 response.
The immunostimulatory capacities of cationic liposomes are well-documented and are attributed both to inherent immunogenicity of the cationic lipid and more physical capacities such as the formation of antigen depots and antigen delivery. Very few studies have however been conducted comparing the immunostimulatory capacities of different cationic lipids. In the present study we therefore chose to investigate three of the most well-known cationic liposome-forming lipids as potential adjuvants for protein subunit vaccines. The ability of 3ß-[N-(N',N'-dimethylaminoethane)carbomyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol), 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTAP), and dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) liposomes incorporating immunomodulating trehalose dibehenate (TDB) to form an antigen depot at the site of injection (SOI) and to induce immunological recall responses against coadministered tuberculosis vaccine antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 are reported. Furthermore, physical characterization of the liposomes is presented. Our results suggest that liposome composition plays an important role in vaccine retention at the SOI and the ability to enable the immune system to induce a vaccine specific recall response. While all three cationic liposomes facilitated increased antigen presentation by antigen presenting cells, the monocyte infiltration to the SOI and the production of IFN-? upon antigen recall was markedly higher for DDA and DC-Chol based liposomes which exhibited a longer retention profile at the SOI. A long-term retention and slow release of liposome and vaccine antigen from the injection site hence appears to favor a stronger Th1 immune response.
Liposomes offer an ideal platform for the delivery of subunit vaccines, due to their versatility and flexibility, which allows for antigen as well as immunostimulatory lipids and TLR agonists to become associated with these bilayered vesicles. Liposomes have the ability to protect vaccine antigen, as well as enhance delivery to antigen presenting cells, whilst the importance of cationic surface charge for delivery of TB subunit vaccines and formation of an ‘antigen depot’ may play a key role in boosting cell-mediated immunity and Th1 immune responses. The rational design of vaccine adjuvants requires the thorough investigation into the physicochemical characteristics that dictate the function of a liposomal adjuvant. Within this thesis, physicochemical characteristics were investigated in order to show any effects on the biodistribution profiles and the ensuing immune responses of these formulations. Initially the role of liposome charge within the formulation was investigated and subsequently their efficacy as vaccine adjuvants in combination with their biodistribution was measured to allow the role of formulation in vaccine function to be considered. These results showed that cationic surface charge, in combination with high loading of H56 vaccine antigen through electrostatic binding, was crucial in the promotion of the ‘depot-effect’ at the injection site which increases the initiation of Th1 cell-mediated immune responses that are required to offer protection against tuberculosis. To further investigate this, different methods of liposome production were also investigated where antigen incorporation within the vesicles as well as surface adsorption were adopted. Using the dehydration-rehydration (DRV) method (where liposomes are freeze-dried in the presence of antigen to promote antigen encapsulation) and the double emulsion (DE) method, a range of liposomes entrapping antigen were formulated. Variation in the liposome preparation method can lead to antigen entrapment within the delivery system which has been shown to be greater for DRV-formulated liposomes compared to their DE-counterparts. This resulted in no significant effect on the vaccine biodistribution profile, as well as not significantly altering the efficacy of cationic liposomal adjuvants. To further enhance the efficacy of these systems, the addition of TLR agonists either at the vesicle surface as well as within the delivery system has been displayed through variation in the preparation method. Anionic liposomal adjuvants have been formulated, which displayed rapid drainage from the injection site to the draining lymph nodes and displayed a reduction in measured Th1 immune responses. However, variation in the preparation method can alter the immune response profile for anionic liposomal adjuvants with a bias in immune response to Th2 responses being noted. Through the use of high shear mixing and stepwise incorporation, the efficient loading of TLR agonist within liposomes has been shown. However, interestingly the conjugation between lipid and non-electrostatically bound TLR agonist, followed by insertion into the bilayer of DDA/TDB resulted in localised agonist retention at the injection site and further stimulation of the Th1 immune response at the SOI, spleen and draining lymphatics as well as enhanced antibody titres.
Introduction and Research Objectives: Pediatric obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. In the critical care setting, obesity has yet to be fully studied. We sought to evaluate the effects of obesity in children who are admitted to a hospital from trauma centers using Kid's Inpatient Database (KID) during 2009. Methods: The study examined inpatient admissions from pediatric trauma patients in 2009 using the Kids´ Inpatient Database (KID). Patients (n=27599) were selected from the KID based on Age (AGE>1) and Admission Type (ATYPE=5) and assessed on Race, Sex, Length of Stay (LOS), Number of Diagnoses and Procedures, Severity of Illness (SOI), Risk of Mortality (ROM), Co-morbidities, and Intubation by comparing obese and non-obese cohorts. Chi-square test and student t-test were used to analyze the data. All variables were weighted to get national estimates. Results: The overall prevalence of obesity (those coded as having obesity as co-morbidity) was 1.6% with significantly higher prevalence among Blacks (1.8%), Hispanics (2.3%), and Native Americans (4.1%; p<0.001). Obesity was more prevalent among females (2.4% vs 1.2%; p<.001). Overall mortality in the cohort was 4.8%. Obesity was significantly lower among children who died during hospitalization (0.5% vs 1.6%; p<0.002). However, obese children had significantly longer LOS, greater number of diagnoses, more procedures and greater than expected loss of function due to SOI when compared with nonobese cohort (p<.001). Deficiency anemia, diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, and fluid and electrolyte disorders are all strongly associated with the presence of obesity (p<.005). The rate of intubation is similar between obese and non-obese cohorts. Conclusion: Our study using KID national database found that obese children who are admitted from trauma centers have a higher morbidity and LOS but lower mortality. Racial and gender inequalities of obesity prevalence is consistent with previous reports.
Introduction and Research Objectives: Pediatric obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. In the critical care setting, obesity has yet to be fully studied. We sought to evaluate the effects of obesity in children who are admitted to a hospital from trauma centers using Kid's Inpatient Database (KID) during 2009. Methods: The study examined inpatient admissions from pediatric trauma patients in 2009 using the Kids´ Inpatient Database (KID). Patients (n=27599) were selected from the KID based on Age (AGE>1) and Admission Type (ATYPE=5) and assessed on Race, Sex, Length of Stay (LOS), Number of Diagnoses and Procedures, Severity of Illness (SOI), Risk of Mortality (ROM), Co-morbidities, and Intubation by comparing obese and non-obese cohorts. Chi-square test and student t-test were used to analyze the data. All variables were weighted to get national estimates. Results:The overall prevalence of obesity (those coded as having obesity as co-morbidity) was 1.6% with significantly higher prevalence among Blacks (1.8%), Hispanics (2.3%), and Native Americans (4.1%; p Conclusion: Our study using KID national database found that obese children who are admitted from trauma centers have a higher morbidity and LOS but lower mortality. Racial and gender inequalities of obesity prevalence is consistent with previous reports.
Cette recherche décrit la représentation discursive que la présidente Dilma Rousseff fait de soi-même, dans son discours devant le Congrès National, lors de la journée d’investiture, le 1/1/2011. Notre travail se situe dans le domaine théorique et méthodologique de la linguistique du texte et, plus spécialement, dans la perspective de l’Analyse Textuelle des Discours – ATD (ADAM, 2011 [2008a]), qui se définit comme « une théorie de la production co(n)textuelle de sens qui doit se fonder sur l’analyse de textes concrets ». Elle nous fournit la notion théorique et analytique de « représentation discursive », qui se focalise sur la dimension sémantique du texte. Nous nous appuyons, aussi, sur des travaux récents sur les représentations discursives, réalisés dans la recherche brésilienne sur l’ATD (RODRIGUES, PASSEGGI, SILVA NETO, 2010, 2012; RAMOS, 2011; OLIVEIRA, 2013; QUEIROZ, 2013; ZAMBLANO-OLIVEIRA, PASSEGGI, 2013). Les principales opérations sémantiques de construction de la représentation discursive utilisées dans notre travail sont la Référenciation et la Prédication. L’approche méthodologique est, en même temps, qualitative et quantitative, priorisant l’identification des occurrences, ainsi que la description détaillée de leurs valeurs sémantiques et textuelles. Les résultats de la recherche sont de trois ordres : méthodologique, théorique et descriptif-interprétatif. Méthodologique : nous proposons une approche que nous désignons comme « marquage textuel » (ou « mappage textuel ») qui permet de marquer (étiqueter) les valeurs sémantiques des formes linguistiques, permettant leur identification dans le flux textuel, c.-à-d., dans la dimension séquentiellecompositionnelle du texte. Théorique : nous introduisons la notion de « domaines de la représentation discursive » qui organisent et articulent les différents éléments qui composent la représentation discursive de la présidente. Quant aux résultats descriptifsinterprétatifs du discours de l’investiture, ils indiquent que la représentation discursive de la présidente se configure au moyen de différents domaines conceptuels, explicités par les référenciations et les prédications. Ils mettent en relief les désignations et les actions / états, aussi bien de la femme – domaine du genre – que de la présidente – domaine du rôle politique et institutionnel. La présidente se représente explicitement et avec emphase comme l’agent responsable par les actions exprimées par les prédications verbales (verbes d’action), consciente de l’importance de son rôle politique et social. Les prédications nominales signalent clairement une représentation discursive qui englobe les domaines conceptuels politique, moral, éthique, comportemental et émotionnel (forte, accueillante, pionnière, consolidatrice, infatigable, humble, engagée, démocrate, victorieuse et courageuse). Le discours d’investiture réalise, donc, des désignations positives de la présidente, lesquelles se situent dans un temps présent et prospectif – avec des perspectives de futur – comme leader politique du Brésil, avec une participation active dans la transformation du pays, tenant compte aussi de son histoire de vie, sa biographie de luttes. Ainsi, la description empirique et l’interprétation de ce discours particulier contribue à l’analyse textuelle des représentations discursives dans le discours politique brésilien contemporain. Elle soulève, aussi, des questions théoriques et méthodologiques qui nous semblent pertinentes pour le développement de cette aproche.