998 resultados para Small colon
The case company in this study is a large industrial engineering company whose business is largely based on delivering a wide-range of engineering projects. The aim of this study is to create and develop a fairly simple Excel-based tool for the sales department. The tool’s main function is to estimate and visualize the profitability of various small projects. The study also aims to find out other possible and more long-term solutions for tackling the problem in the future. The study is highly constructive and descriptive as it focuses on the development task and in the creation of a new operating model. The developed tool focuses on estimating the profitability of the small orders of the selected project portfolio currently on the bidding-phase (prospects) and will help the case company in the monthly reporting of sales figures. The tool will analyse the profitability of a certain project by calculating its fixed and variable costs, then further the gross margin and operating profit. The bidding phase of small project is a phase that has not been covered fully by the existing tools within the case company. The project portfolio tool can be taken into use immediately within the case company and it will provide fairly accurate estimate of the profitability figures of the recently sold small projects.
The genetic and environmental risk factors of vascular cognitive impairment are still largely unknown. This thesis aimed to assess the genetic background of two clinically similar familial small vessel diseases (SVD), CADASIL (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy) and Swedish hMID (hereditary multi-infarct dementia of Swedish type). In the first study, selected genetic modifiers of CADASIL were studied in a homogenous Finnish CADASIL population of 134 patients, all carrying the p.Arg133Cys mutation in NOTCH3. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotypes, angiotensinogen (AGT) p.Met268Thr polymorphism and eight NOTCH3 polymorphisms were studied, but no associations between any particular genetic variant and first-ever stroke or migraine were seen. In the second study, smoking, statin medication and physical activity were suggested to be the most profound environmental differences among the monozygotic twins with CADASIL. Swedish hMID was for long misdiagnosed as CADASIL. In the third study, the CADASIL diagnosis in the Swedish hMID family was ruled out on the basis of genetic, radiological and pathological findings, and Swedish hMID was suggested to represent a novel SVD. In the fourth study, the gene defect of Swedish hMID was then sought using whole exome sequencing paired with a linkage analysis. The strongest candidate for the pathogenic mutation was a 3’UTR variant in the COL4A1 gene, but further studies are needed to confirm its functionality. This study provided new information about the genetic background of two inherited SVDs. Profound knowledge about the pathogenic mutations causing familial SVD is also important for correct diagnosis and treatment options.
Currently, the power generation is one of the most significant life aspects for the whole man-kind. Barely one can imagine our life without electricity and thermal energy. Thus, different technologies for producing those types of energy need to be used. Each of those technologies will always have their own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, every technology must satisfy such requirements as efficiency, ecology safety and reliability. In the matter of the power generation with nuclear energy utilization these requirements needs to be highly main-tained, especially since accidents on nuclear power plants may cause very long term deadly consequences. In order to prevent possible disasters related to the accident on a nuclear power plant strong and powerful algorithms were invented in last decades. Such algorithms are able to manage calculations of different physical processes and phenomena of real facilities. How-ever, the results acquired by the computing must be verified with experimental data.
Keratins (K) are cytoskeletal proteins mainly expressed in the epithelium and constitute the largest subgroup of intermediate filaments (IFs). Simple epithelial keratins (SEKs) K7-K8 and K18-K20 are the major IF elements in the colon. SEK mutations are known to cause around 30 human diseases, mainly affecting liver and skin. However, so far no strong associations between K8 mutations and the development of human colitis have been found. The keratin contribution to colonic health comes from the K8 knock-out (K8-/-) mouse model, which develops an early chronic inflammation and hyperproliferation in the colon. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how keratins contribute to intestinal health and disease mainly by the experimental analysis using the K8-/- mouse colon and cell culture models. The work described here is divided into three studies. The first study revealed involvement of keratins in Notch1 signaling, which is the master regulator of cell fate in the colon. Immunoprecipitation and immunostaining, both in vitro and in vivo showed that K8 binds and co-localizes with Notch1. Interestingly, overexpression of keratins enhanced Notch1 levels and stabilized Notch intracellular domain (NICD), leading to higher activity of Notch signaling. The dramatic decrease in Notch activity in the K8-/- colon resulted in a differentiation shift towards goblet and enteroendocrine cells. The second study focused on the involvement of keratins in colitis-associated cancer (CAC). Although, the K8-/- inflamed colon did not develop colorectal cancer (CRC) spontaneously, it was dramatically more susceptible to induced CRC in two CRC models: azoxymethane (AOM) and multiple intestinal neoplasia (ApcMin/+). To understand how the loss of K8 contributes to CAC, the epithelial inflammasome signaling pathway was analyzed. The released component of active inflammasome, cleaved caspase-1 and its downstream protein, interleukin (IL)-18, were significantly increased in K8-/- and K8-/-ApcMin/+ colons. The inflammasome pathway has recently been suggested to control the levels of IL-22 binding protein (IL-22BP), which is a negative regulator of IL-22 activity. Interestingly, the activated inflammasome correlated with an upregulation of IL-22 and a complete loss of IL-22BP in the K8-null colons. The activation of IL-22 was confirmed by increased levels of downstream signaling, which is phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (P-STAT3), a transcription factor promoting proliferation and tissue regeneration in the colon. The objective of the third study, was to examine the role of keratins in colon energy metabolism. A proteomic analysis identified mitochondrial 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2 (HMGCS2) as the major ownregulated protein in the K8-/- colonocytes. HMGCS2 is the rate-limiting enzyme in ketogenesis, where energy from bacterially produced short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), mainly butyrate, is converted into ketone bodies in colonic epithelium. Lower levels and activity of HMGCS2 in the K8-/- colon resulted in a blunted ketogenesis. The studies upstream from HMGCS2, identified decreased levels of the SCFA-transporter monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1), which led to increased SCFA content in the stool suggesting impaired butyrate transport through the colonic epithelium. Taken together, the results of the herein thesis indicate that keratins are essential regulators of colon homeostasis, in particular epithelial differentiation, tumorigenesis and energy metabolism.
Product Data Management (PDM) systems have been utilized within companies since the 1980s. Mainly the PDM systems have been used by large companies. This thesis presents the premise that small and medium-sized companies can also benefit from utilizing the Product Data Management systems. Furthermore, the starting point for the thesis is that the existing PDM systems are either too expensive or do not properly respond to the requirements SMEs have. The aim of this study is to investigate what kinds of requirements and special features SMEs, operating in Finnish manufacturing industry, have towards Product Data Management. Additionally, the target is to create a conceptual model that could fulfill the specified requirements. The research has been carried out as a qualitative case study, in which the research data was collected from ten Finnish companies operating in manufacturing industry. The research data is formed by interviewing key personnel from the case companies. After this, the data formed from the interviews has been processed to comprise a generic set of information system requirements and the information system concept supporting it. The commercialization of the concept is studied in the thesis from the perspective of system development. The aim was to create a conceptual model, which would be economically feasible for both, a company utilizing the system and for a company developing it. For this reason, the thesis has sought ways to scale the system development effort for multiple simultaneous cases. The main methods found were to utilize platform-based thinking and a way to generalize the system requirements, or in other words abstracting the requirements of an information system. The results of the research highlight the special features Finnish manufacturing SMEs have towards PDM. The most significant of the special features is the usage of project model to manage the order-to-delivery –process. This differs significantly from the traditional concepts of Product Data Management presented in the literature. Furthermore, as a research result, this thesis presents a conceptual model of a PDM system, which would be viable for the case companies interviewed during the research. As a by-product, this research presents a synthesized model, found from the literature, to abstract information system requirements. In addition to this, the strategic importance and categorization of information systems within companies has been discussed from the perspective of information system customizations.
Suomessa ja muissa Pohjoismaissa on tunnistettu haasteita kansainvälisten tilintarkastusstandardien eli ISA-standardien soveltamisessa pienten yhtiöiden tilintarkastuksiin. ISA-standardien on kritisoitu sisältävän liian yksityiskohtaisia ja jopa epärealistisia vaatimuksia ajatellen pienien yhtiöiden tilintarkastuksia. Pohjoismaisella yhteistyöllä onkin alettu kehittää omaa standardia pienten yhtiöiden tilintarkastuksiin. Niin sanotun SASE-standardin on raportoitu muun muassa korostavan tilintarkastajan ammatillista harkintaa ja keventävän pienten yhtiöiden tilintarkastuksen vaatimuksia. Koska kuitenkin aikaisemmin sääntelyn lisäämisellä on pyritty muun muassa lisääntyneeseen tilintarkastuksen luotettavuuteen, josta myös pienten yhtiöiden on itse tutkittu hyötyvän, on tutkimuksessa haluttu selvittää, miten kehitteillä olevan SASE-standardin arvioidaan vaikuttavan yleisesti pienten yhtiöiden tilintarkastuksella saavutettaviin hyötyihin. Tutkimus on toteutettu toiminta-analyyttisena laadullisena tutkimuksena, ja tutkimusmetodina on käytetty tilintarkastajien ja yliopiston tutkijatohtorin haastatteluja. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan kehitteillä olevan SASE-standardin arvioidaan vaikuttavan pienten yhtiöiden tilintarkastuksen hyötyihin kaksisuuntaisesti. Toisaalta SASE-standardi voi lisätä tilintarkastuksen hyötyjä, koska tilintarkastaja voisi keskittyä tarkastuskohteen kannalta olennaisempiin asioihin, hyödyntää hiljaista tietoaan sekä lisätä vuorovaikutusta yhtiön omistajajohdon kanssa. SASE-standardin ei arvioida muuttavan juurikaan käytännön tilintarkastustyötä ja periaatteessa olennaisuuksiin keskittymisen ja riskien tehokkaamman tunnistamisen tulisi hyödyttää myös tilintarkastuskohteen ulkoisia sidosryhmiä, kuten rahoittajia. Kuitenkin tutkimuksessa nousi esiin SASE-standardin mahdollinen heikko maine. Mikäli SASE-standardia pidettäisiin vähäpätöisempänä tai epäluotettavampana kuin aikaisempaa käytäntöä, luottamus tilintarkastusta ja tarkastuskohdetta kohtaan heikkenisi ja sitä kautta myös tilintarkastuksen hyödyt pienenisivät. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan esittää, että tilintarkastuksen sääntelyn keventämisen vaikutus tilintarkastuksen hyötyihin ei niinkään synny käytännön työn kautta. Tilintarkastuksen hyötyihin pikemminkin vaikuttavat maineeseen, viestintään ja vuorovaikutukseen liittyvät seikat. Toimivalla vuorovaikutuksella yhtiön omistajajohdon ja tilintarkastajan välillä voidaan tilintarkastuksen hyötyjä korostaa, ja toisaalta taas riittävällä ulkoisiin sidosryhmiin kohdistuvalla tiedottamisella voidaan hyötyjen heikkenemistä ehkäistä. Keskeiseksi seikaksi tutkimuksessa nousee se, että tilintarkastuksen luotettavuuden ja tason säilyminen on pystyttävä todistamaan.
This thesis researches the current state of small teleoperated devices, the need for them and developing one. Small teleoperated devices give the possibility to perform tasks that are impossible or dangerous for humans. This work concentrates on small devices and cheap components and discloses one way of developing a teleoperated vehicle, but not necessarily the optimal way. Development and the current state of teleoperation were studied by a literature review, in which the data was searched from literature as well as from the Internet. The need for teleoperated devices was mapped through a survey, where 11 professionals from variating fields were interviewed how they could utilize a teleoperated devices and with what kind of features. Also, a prototype was built as a proof of concept of small teleoperated devices. The prototype is controlled by a single-board microcomputer that also streams video to the controlling device. The video can be viewed on a display or with a head mounted display.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella millaisia toimitusjohtajille suunnattuja kannustinjärjestelmiä on käytössä Helsingin pörssin Small Cap -kokoluokan yhtiöissä. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan kannustinjärjestelmien mahdollisia toimialakohtaisia eroavaisuuksia sekä kannustinjärjestelmissä mahdollisesti tapahtuneita muutoksia. Tutkimuksen tarkastelujaksona ovat vuodet 2010–2014, jolloin käytössä on ollut vuoden 2010 uusittu listayhtiöiden hallinnointikoodi. Small Cap -luokan yhtiöiden kannustinjärjestelmien ei havaittu toimialoittain verrattuna eroavan toisistaan huomattavalla tavalla. Kaikki tutkitut yhtiöt maksoivat toimitusjohtajalle kiinteää palkkaa, eläkejärjestelyjen käytön havaittiin vähentyneen, lyhyen aikavälin tulospalkkioiden käyttö oli kaikilla toimialoilla hyvin yleistä, kun taas vastaavasti pitkän aikavälin tulospalkkiota käytettiin kannustinkeinona vain yhdessä yhtiössä. Pitkän aikavälin kannustimena yhtiöiden havaittiin suosivan osakepohjaisia järjestelyjä, joista voimassa olevien optio-ohjelmien havaittiin tarkastelujaksolla hieman vähentyneen osakepalkitsemisen vastaavasti yleistyessä.