974 resultados para Science communication


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New information and communication technologies may be useful for providing more in-depth knowledge to students in many ways, whether through online multimedia educational material, or through online debates with colleagues, teachers and other area professionals in a synchronous or asynchronous manner. This paper focuses on participation in online discussion in e-learning courses for promoting learning. Although an important theoretical aspect, an analysis of literature reveals there are few studies evaluating the personal and social aspects of online course users in a quantitative manner. This paper aims to introduce a method for diagnosing inclusion and digital proficiency and other personal aspects of the student through a case study comparing Information System, Public Relations and Engineering students at a public university in Brazil. Statistical analysis and analysis of variances (ANOVA) were used as the methodology for data analysis in order to understand existing relations between the components of the proposed method. The survey methodology was also used, in its online format, as a research instrument. The method is based on using online questionnaires that diagnose digital proficiency and time management, level of extroversion and social skills of the students. According to the sample studied, there is no strong correlation between digital proficiency and individual characteristics tied to the use of time, level of extroversion and social skills of students. The differences in course grades for some components are partly due to subject 'Introduction to Economics' being offered to freshmen in Public Relations, whereas subject 'Economics in Engineering' is offered in the final semesters of Engineering and Information Systems courses. Therefore, the difference could be more tied to the respondent's age than to the course. Information Systems students were observed to be older, with access to computers and Internet at the workplace, compared to the other students who access the Internet more often from home. This paper presents a pilot study aimed at conducting a diagnosis that permits proposing actions for information and communication technology to contribute towards student education. Three levels of digital inclusion are described as a scale to measure whether information technology increases personal performance and professional knowledge and skills. This study may be useful for other readers interested in themes related to education in engineering. © 2013 IEEE.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this action research study of my Class I School’s 5th and 8th grade mathematics, I investigated students’ connections between communication of math skills and their math abilities. I discovered that students can increase their math abilities with the opportunities to discuss their thinking as well as evaluate thinking and strategies of other students. Electronic communication can be a valuable source for students to communicate further to other students.


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In this action research study, where the subjects were my 6th grade mathematics students, I investigated the impact of direct vocabulary instruction on their communication and achievement. I strategically implemented the addition of vocabulary study into each lesson over a four-month time period. The students practiced using vocabulary in verbal discussions, review activities, and in mathematical problem explanations. I discovered that a majority of students improved their overall understanding of mathematical concepts based on an analysis of the data I collected. I also found that in general, students felt that knowing the definition of mathematical words was important and that it increased their achievement when they understood the words. In addition, students were more exact in their communication after receiving vocabulary instruction. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to implement vocabulary into daily lessons and keep vocabulary and communication as a focus of my 6th grade mathematics class.


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In this action research study of my teaching of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the importance of showing work on daily assignments. I wanted to find out what happens when I ask students to show their work, specifically, whether it would improve students’ grades or not and whether I could help the students to understand the importance of showing their work. I discovered that students need to be shown the proper way to show their work, how to look at a problem and then how to show all of their steps to get to the answer. They need to be encouraged and be held accountable for showing their work when asked. Once they were able to show work, they could start to see the value in showing their work and they tended to show their work more often. Students became more confident in themselves as mathematics students and, in some cases, their grades improved. As a result of this research, I plan to teach and explain to my future classes about how showing their work can benefit them in a variety of ways. They will be able to use the knowledge that they gain in my classroom in their future math classes in middle and high school.


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This action research study of my 8th grade classroom investigated the use of mathematical communication, through oral homework presentations and written journals entries, and its impact on conceptual understanding of mathematics. This change in expectation and its impact on students’ attitudes towards mathematics was also investigated. Challenging my students to communicate mathematics both orally and in writing deepened the students’ understanding of the mathematics. Levels of understanding deepened when a variety of instructional methods were presented and discussed where students could comprehend the ideas that best suited their learning styles. Increased understanding occurred through probing questions causing students to reflect on their learning and reevaluate their reasoning. This transpired when students were expected to write more than one draft to math journals. By making students aware of their understanding through communicating orally and in writing, students realized that true understanding did not come from mere homework completion, but from evaluating and assessing their own and other’s ideas and reasoning. I discovered that when students were challenged to communicate their reasoning both orally and in writing, students enjoyed math more and thought math was more fun. As a result of this research, I will continue to require students to communicate their thinking and reasoning both orally and in writing.


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In this action research study of my classroom of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the use of communication of mathematics through both written and oral expression. Giving my students the opportunity to communicate mathematics both in writing and orally helped to deepen the students’ understanding of mathematics. The students’ levels of comprehension were increased when they were presented with a variety of instructional methods. Through discussion and reflection the students were able to find methods that worked best for them and their learning ability. Students’ understanding increased from probing questions that made the students reflect and re-evaluate their solutions. This learning took place when students were made aware of different solutions or ways of doing things from the class discussions that were held. I discovered that when students are challenged to express their thinking both in writing and orally, the students found that they could communicate their thinking in a new way. Some of my students were only comfortable expressing their thoughts in one of the two ways but by the time the project was completed, they all expressed that they enjoyed both ways, and maybe changed the original way they preferred doing mathematics. As a result of this research, I will continue to require students to communicate their thinking and reasoning both in writing and orally.


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In this action research study of my mathematics classroom of eighth grade students, I investigated the use of mathematics vocabulary by focusing on improving the usage of this vocabulary in both oral and written communication. I discovered oral communication tended to show more improvements compared to written communication done by the same group of students. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to focus my teaching on the use of mathematics vocabulary in an effort to help my students gain a greater understanding of the daily use of that vocabulary.


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In this action research study of my sixth grade mathematics classroom, I investigated what happened to students’ mathematical achievement when they had increased practice on written explanations to problems. I wanted to see if writing out solutions to problems helped them overall in daily mathematics. By using specific mathematic vocabulary more frequently and deliberately during my instruction, I wanted to investigate whether students would correctly use specific math vocabulary in their written explanations. I also increased my expectations of the students’ written explanations throughout the research project. I wanted to determine whether students would try to meet or even exceed my expectations. I discovered that students used vocabulary more frequently in their written explanations by providing definitions of vocabulary versus using the vocabulary in context. I found little to no evidence suggesting that my students’ mathematical achievement changed through more practice on written communication; however, I did find as my expectations for the quality of students’ written explanations increased, most of my students improved their written explanations of problems and my teaching became more deliberate and specific. As a result of this research, I plan to continue having students communicate their mathematical ideas through written communication while continuing to focus on specific mathematical vocabulary and its purpose in written communication.


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In this action research study of my classroom of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the impact of an increase in student oral and written communication on student level of understanding and student self-confidence. I also investigated the changes in my teaching as I increased opportunities for student oral and written communication of mathematics. While I discovered that student level of understanding was not necessarily increased if written communications were increased, I did find that there seemed to be a rise in student level of self-confidence and understanding throughout the course of the research project due to an increase in oral communication. Additionally, my intentions as a teacher were to become less dominating as communication was increased, but the opposite occurred. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to allow oral discourse to take place in my classroom much like it has in the past.


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In this action research study, I investigated the use of journaling in my seventh grade mathematics classroom. I discovered that journaling can be a very rewarding and beneficial experience for me and for my students. Through journaling, my students became more adept at using correct mathematical terminology in writing and in speaking. The students also believed that they learned the content more deeply and retained it better. Additionally, implementing mathematical journals caused me to emphasize the use of correct terminology and thorough explanations of mathematical thinking in classroom discussions. As a result of this research, I plan to refine my journaling process and continue to use mathematical journals with my future classes.