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The formation of spontaneous vesicles of dihexadecylphosphate (DHP) in a HEPES buffered solution at pH 7.4, the size, morphology and melting temperature, obtained by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), are reported. The vesicles were formed by simply mixing a 5.0 mM lipid-solvent mixture at a temperature (75 degrees C) safely above the higher melting temperature T-m = 70.4 degrees C of DHP. The vesicle diameter ranges from 100 to 332 nm and their geometry is spherical, faceted or oblong. T-m increases from 66.8 to 70.4 as DHP concentration is raised from 0.6 to 5.0 mM. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We implement the mechanism of spontaneous CP violation in the 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos and recognize their sources of CP violation. Our main result is that the mechanism works already in the minimal version of the model and new sources of CP violation emerges as an effect of new physics at energies higher than the electroweak scale.


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We discuss the mass splitting between the the top and bottom quarks in a technicolor scenario. The model proposed here contains a left-right electroweak gauge group. An extended technicolor group and mirror fermions are introduced. The top-bottom quark mass splitting turns out to be intimately connected to the breaking of the left-right gauge symmetry. Weak isospin violation occurs within the experimental limits.


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It is shown how the complex sine-Gordon equation arises as a symmetry flow of the AKNS hierarchy. The AKNS hierarchy is extended by the 'negative' symmetry flows forming the Borel loop algebra. The complex sine-Gordon and the vector nonlinear Schrodinger equations appear as lowest-negative and second-positive flows within the extended hierarchy. This is fully analogous to the well known connection between the sine-Gordon and mKdV equations within the extended mKdV hierarchy. A general formalism for a Toda-like symmetry occupying the 'negative' sector of the sl(N) constrained KP hierarchy and giving rise to the negative Borel sl(N) loop algebra is indicated.


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In this Letter we investigate Lie symmetries of a (2 + 1)-dimensional integrable generalization of the Camassa-Holm (CH) equation. Through the similarity reductions we obtain four different (1 + 1)-dimensional systems of partial differential equations in which one of them turns out to be a (1 + 1)-dimensional CH equation. We establish their integrability by providing the Lax pair for all of them. Further, we present a brief analysis for some types of particular solutions which include the cuspon, peakon and soliton solutions for the two-dimensional generalization of the CH equation. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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In this work we show that the implementation of spontaneous breaking of the lepton number in the 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos gives rise to fast neutrino decay with Majoron emission and generates a bunch of new contributions to the neutrinoless double beta decay.


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We show that some models with SU(3)(C)circle times SU(3)(L)circle times U(1)(X) gauge symmetry can be realized at the electroweak scale and that this is a consequence of an approximate global SU(2)(L+R) symmetry. This symmetry implies a condition among the vacuum expectation value of one of the neutral Higgs scalars, the U(1)(X)'s coupling constant, g(X), the sine of the weak mixing angle sin theta(W), and the mass of the W boson, M-W. In the limit in which this symmetry is valid it avoids the tree level mixing of the Z boson of the standard model with the extra Z(') boson. We have verified that the oblique T parameter is within the allowed range indicating that the radiative corrections that induce such a mixing at the 1-loop level are small. We also show that a SU(3)(L+R) custodial symmetry implies that in some of the models we have to include sterile (singlets of the 3-3-1 symmetry) right-handed neutrinos with Majorana masses, since the seesaw mechanism is mandatory to obtain light active neutrinos. Moreover, the approximate SU(2)(L+R)subset of SU(3)(L+R) symmetry implies that the extra nonstandard particles of these 3-3-1 models can be considerably lighter than it had been thought before so that new physics can be really just around the corner.


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In this paper, we investigate the invariance and integrability properties of an integrable two-component reaction-diffusion equation. We perform Painleve analysis for both the reaction-diffusion equation modelled by a coupled nonlinear partial differential equations and its general similarity reduced ordinary differential equation and confirm its integrability. Further, we perform Lie symmetry analysis for this model. Interestingly our investigations reveals a rich variety of particular solutions, which have not been reported in the literature, for this model. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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By generalizing the Hodge dual operator to the case of soldered bundles, and working in the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, an analysis of the duality symmetry in gravitation is performed. Although the basic conclusion is that, at least in the general-case, gravitation is not dual symmetric, there is a particular theory in which this symmetry shows up. It is a self dual (or anti-self dual) teleparallel gravity in which, due to the fact that it does not contribute to the interaction of fermions with gravitation, the purely tensor part of torsion is assumed to vanish. The ensuing fermionic gravitational interaction is found to be chiral. Since duality is intimately related to renormalizability, this theory may eventually be more amenable to renormalization than telepaxallel gravity or general relativity.


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The symmetry structure of the non-Abelian affine Toda model based on the coset SL(3)/SL(2) circle times U(1) is studied. It is shown that the model possess non-Abelian Noether symmetry closing into a q-deformed SL(2) circle times U(1) algebra. Specific two-vertex soliton solutions are constructed.


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We use local quark-hadron duality to calculate the nucleon structure function as seen by neutrino and muon beams. Our result indicates a possible signal of charge symmetry violation at the parton level in the very large x region.


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According to general relativity, the interaction of a matter field with gravitation requires the simultaneous introduction of a tetrad field, which is a field related to translations, and a spin connection, which is a field assuming values in the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group. These two fields, however, are not independent. By analyzing the constraint between them, it is concluded that the relevant local symmetry group behind general relativity is provided by the Lorentz group. Furthermore, it is shown that the minimal coupling prescription obtained from the Lorentz covariant derivative coincides exactly with the usual coupling prescription of general relativity. Instead of the tetrad, therefore, the spin connection is to be considered as the fundamental field representing gravitation.


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In this work, we study the influence of the way pious couple to nucleons in perturbative calculation of an observable in the pion-nucleon scattering.


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We report the results of a search for supersymmetry (SUSY) with gauge-mediated breaking in the missing transverse energy distribution of inclusive diphoton events using 263 pb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2004. No excess is observed above the background expected from standard model processes, and lower limits on the masses of the lightest neutralino and chargino of about 108 and 195 GeV, respectively, are set at the 95% confidence level. These are the most stringent limits to date for models with gauge-mediated SUSY breaking with a short-lived neutralino as the next-to-lightest SUSY particle.


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We show that tree level superstring theories on certain supersymmetric backgrounds admit a symmetry which we call "fermionic T-duality". This is a non-local redefinition of the fermionic worldsheet fields similar to the redefinition we perform on bosonic variables when we do an ordinary T-duality. This duality maps a supersymmetric background to another supersymmetric background with different RR fields and a different dilaton. We show that a certain combination of bosonic and fermionic T-dualities maps the full superstring theory on AdS(5) x S-5 back to itself in such a way that gluon scattering amplitudes in the original theory map to something very close to Wilson loops in the dual theory. This duality maps the "dual superconformal symmetry" of the original theory to the ordinary superconformal symmetry of the dual model. This explains the dual superconformal invariance of planar scattering amplitudes of N = 4 super Yang Mills and also sheds some light on the connection between amplitudes and Wilson loops. In the appendix, we propose a simple prescription for open superstring MHV tree amplitudes in a flat background.