950 resultados para Russo, Renato
This paper develops background considerations to help better framing the results of a CGE exercise. Three main criticisms are usually addressed to CGE efforts. First, they are too aggregate, their conclusions failing to shed light on relevant sectors or issues. Second, they imply huge data requirements. Timeliness is frequently jeopardised by out-dated sources, benchmarks referring to realities gone by. Finally, results are meaningless, as they answer wrong or ill-posed questions. Modelling demands end up by creating a rather artificial context, where the original questions lose content. In spite of a positive outlook on the first two, crucial questions lie in the third point. After elaborating such questions, and trying to answer some, the text argues that CGE models can come closer to reality. If their use is still scarce to give way to a fruitful symbiosis between negotiations and simulation results, they remain the only available technique providing a global, inter-related way of capturing economy-wide effects of several different policies. International organisations can play a major role supporting and encouraging improvements. They are also uniquely positioned to enhance information and data sharing, as well as putting people from various origins together, to share their experiences. A serious and complex homework is however required, to correct, at least, the most dangerous present shortcomings of the technique.
We introduce and discuss the idea of Legal Integration, providing a few evidences on it, in Brazil and South America. The forms of and incentives to Legal Integration, as well as the answers to it, by Western Europe, Mexico and China, are also discussed. We advocate, for Brazil, the adoption of the concept of a more flexible and shared sovereignty, and a more active and concerned attitude in the delicate relationship between international treaties and the domestic juridical order.
This paper analyzes the impact of profit sharing on the incentives that individuals face to set up their own business. It presents a model of capital accumulation in which individuals are equally skilled to be workers but differ in their abilities to manage a firm Given an exogenous profit sharing parameter, an individual chooses whether to be an employer or an employee in order to maximize his net income. It is shown that profit sharing can inhibit entrepreneurial initiatives, reducing the number of firms in operation, the aggregate output and the economy's long run capital stock.
This paper presents evidence on the key role of infrastructure in the Andean Community trade patterns. Three distinct but related gravity models of bilateral trade are used. The first model aims at identifying the importance of the Preferential Trade Agreement and adjacency on intra-regional trade, while also checking the traditional roles of economic size and distance. The second and third models also assess the evolution of the Trade Agreement and the importance of sharing a common border, but their main goal is to analyze the relevance of including infrastructure in the augmented gravity equation, testing the theoretical assumption that infrastructure endowments, by reducing trade and transport costs, reduce “distance” between bilateral partners. Indeed, if one accepts distance as a proxy for transportation costs, infrastructure development and improvement drastically modify it. Trade liberalization eliminates most of the distortions that a protectionist tariff system imposes on international business; hence transportation costs represent nowadays a considerably larger barrier to trade than in past decades. As new trade pacts are being negotiated in the Americas, borders and old agreements will lose significance; trade among countries will be nearly without restrictions, and bilateral flows will be defined in terms of costs and competitiveness. Competitiveness, however, will only be achieved by an improvement in infrastructure services at all points in the production-distribution chain.
Em teoria econômica costuma-se analisar o comportamento de longo prazo de um agente supondo que o mesmo está sujeito a um determinado tipo de restrição intertemporal. A restrição orçamentária intertemporal do governo revela que um aumento nos gastos públicos, não acompanhado de um aumento nos impostos, deve futuramente ou ser reduzido ou ser seguido por um aumento futuro de impostos. Além disso, este último, somado às reduções futuras nos gastos do governo, deve ser igual ao choque inicial em valor presente. Usando a restrição intertemporal de recursos do governo, e técnicas da literatura de raiz unitária e cointegração, testa-se o equilíbrio de longo prazo das finanças públicas no Brasil de 1947 a 1992 e estima-se qual o mecanismo mais frequente usado pelo governo Brasileiro para restaurá-lo, dado um choque de receita ou de gasto. A principal conclusão do estudo é que a maior parcela dos déficits públicos no Brasil é eliminada, independentemente da sua fonte geradora. por aumentos futuros nos impostos. Ademais, mostra-se que a senhoriagem vem sendo usada sistematicamente para garantir o equilíbrio orçamentário de longo prazo, o que explica a alta taxa de inflação que vigorou nesse período no Brasil.