980 resultados para Rantzau, Henrik, 1526-1598.
The ALICE experiment at the LHC has studied J/psi production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV through its electron pair decay on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity L-int = 5.6 nb(-1). The fraction of J/psi from the decay of long-lived beauty hadrons was determined for J/psi candidates with transverse momentum p(t) > 1,3 GeV/c and rapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9. The cross section for prompt J/psi mesons, i.e. directly produced J/psi and prompt decays of heavier charmonium states such as the psi(2S) and chi(c) resonances, is sigma(prompt J/psi) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 8.3 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 1.1 (syst.)(-1.4)(+1.5) (syst. pol.) mu b. The cross section for the production of b-hadrons decaying to J/psi with p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c and vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9 is a sigma(J/psi <- hB) (p(t) > 1.3 GeV/c, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) = 1.46 +/- 0.38 (stat.)(-0.32)(+0.26) (syst.) mu b. The results are compared to QCD model predictions. The shape of the p(t) and y distributions of b-quarks predicted by perturbative QCD model calculations are used to extrapolate the measured cross section to derive the b (b) over bar pair total cross section and d sigma/dy at mid-rapidity.
This study describes the hypocholesterolaemic effect of whole lupin and its protein in hamsters. The diets were: casein (control group HC), lupin protein isolate (group HPI) and whole lupin seed (group HWS). Diets from HPI and HWS promoted a significant reduction of total cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol in the hamsters' plasma as compared with HC. The true digestibility of HPI and HC groups were similar and differed significantly from the HWS one, which in turn showed a significant difference in total sterol excretion as compared to the former groups. Histological analysis of the liver revealed that animals fed on HPI and HWS diets presented a low level of steatosis (level 1) as compared to the ones fed on HC diet (level 4). Our findings demonstrate that protein isolate from Lupinus albus from Brazil has a metabolic effect on endogenous cholesterol metabolism and a protector effect on development of hepatic steatosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Legg-Calv,-Perthes (LCP) disease is currently managed by mechanical containment of the femoral head in the hip socket. As evidence suggests that hip distraction may offer a new treatment strategy, we used arthrodistraction as a primary treatment for active forms of LCP disease and prospectively compared the results with the Salter innominate osteotomy. A total of 54 children, six years or older of both genders with severe forms of LCP disease in the stages of necrosis or revascularisation, were enrolled. Patients were submitted to either Salter innominate osteotomy (n = 28) or hip arthrodistraction (n = 26). Final radiographs were used to evaluate the Mose index, Wiberg angle, extrusion index and the Stulberg et al. classification. There were no significant differences in gender, age, lateral pillar classification and average follow-up time between the two groups. The osteotomy group progressed without major complications, but children in the joint distraction group experienced episodes of pin tract pain and infection, leading to the early removal of the external device in one case. Two patients developed joint stiffness, treated by physiotherapy or manipulation, and one child developed subluxation of the femoral head. The average time in distraction was 4.44 months (2.53-7.23 months). In the final evaluation the osteotomy group showed better containment of the femoral head. The Mose index and the Stulberg et al. classification were statistically similar between the two groups. Despite similar final radiological results, arthrodistraction was associated with a higher morbidity. Consequently, we do not recommend hip distraction as a primary treatment for the early stages of LCP disease.
The birth of a child with ambiguous genitalia is a challenging and distressing event for the family and physician and one with life-long consequences. Most disorders of sexual differentiation (DSD) associated with ambiguous genitalia are the result either of inappropriate virilization of girls or incomplete virilization of boys. It is important to establish a diagnosis as soon as possible, for psychological, social, and medical reasons, particularly for recognizing accompanying life-threatening disorders such as the salt-losing form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In most instances, there is sufficient follow-up data so that making the diagnosis also establishes the appropriate gender assignment (infants with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, those with androgen resistance syndromes), but some causes of DSD such as steroid 5 alpha-reductase 2 deficiency and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency are associated with frequent change in social sex later in life. In these instances, guidelines for sex assignment are less well established.
Gas-phase reactions of model carbosulfonium ions (CH3-S+?=?CH2; CH3CH2-S+?=?CH2 and Ph-S+?=?CH2) and an O-analogue carboxonium ion (CH3-O+?=?CH2) with acyclic (isoprene, 1,3-butadiene, methyl vinyl ketone) and cyclic (1,3-cyclohexadiene, thiophene, furan) conjugated dienes were systematically investigated by pentaquadrupole mass spectrometry. As corroborated by B3LYP/6-311?G(d,p) calculations, the carbosulfonium ions first react at large extents with the dienes forming adducts via simple addition. The nascent adducts, depending on their stability and internal energy, react further via two competitive channels: (1) in reactions with acyclic dienes via cyclization that yields formally [4?+?2+] cycloadducts, or (2) in reactions with the cyclic dienes via dissociation by HSR loss that yields methylenation (net CH+ transfer) products. In great contrast to its S-analogues, CH3-O+?=?CH2 (as well as C2H5-O+?=?CH2 and Ph-O+?=?CH2 in reactions with isoprene) forms little or no adduct and proton transfer is the dominant reaction channel. Isomerization to more acidic protonated aldehydes in the course of reaction seems to be the most plausible cause of the contrasting reactivity of carboxonium ions. The CH2?=?CH-O+?=?CH2 ion forms an abundant [4?+?2+] cycloadduct with isoprene, but similar to the behavior of such alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxonium ions in solution, seems to occur across the C?=?C bond. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The study was designed to investigate the impact of air pollution on monthly inhalation/nebulization procedures in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2010. To assess the relationship between the procedures and particulate matter (PM10) a Bayesian Poisson regression model was used, including a random factor that captured extra-Poisson variability between counts. Particulate matter was associated with the monthly number of inhalation/nebulization procedures, but the inclusion of covariates (temperature, precipitation, and season of the year) suggests a possible confounding effect. Although other studies have linked particulate matter to an increasing number of visits due to respiratory morbidity, the results of this study suggest that such associations should be interpreted with caution.
Traduções literárias de línguas/culturas periféricas tendem a ser esporádicas e, como tais, tornam-se mais propensas a buscar integrar o polissistema literário meta, abandonando os elos entre a obra original e seu polissistema fonte. Para atingir essa integração a abordagem assimilativa (ou domesticadora, no sentido de Venuti, 1998) mostra-se quase inevitável. O presente ensaio, tomando como exemplo as traduções efetivas e potenciais de obras da literatura norueguesa para o português brasileiro, sustenta que seria possível adotar uma abordagem diversa, que buscasse reproduzir - ainda que parcialmente - o polissistema fonte (ou fragmentos relevantes desse). Esta abordagem exigirá mais do que um esforço tradutório pontual: terá de ser mobilizada uma estratégia intercultural, planejando a tradução paulatina de uma multiplicidade de obras relevantes - e, destarte, estabelecer uma imitatio do polissistema fonte nos espaços de recepção brasileiros.
När det gäller utövandet av våld är gruppen män kraftigt överrepresenterade. Mäns utövande av våld är ett samhällsproblem som i allra högsta grad är relevant för socialt arbete. Uppsatsens syfte var att få en ökad kunskap om relationen mellan manlighet och våld samt mäns tankar om manlighet och våld. Förutom en genomgång av tidigare forskning genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med fem män om deras tankar kring manlighet och våld. Ett strategiskt urval användes i syfte att få fram informanter som uppvisade stor variationsbredd. Studiens resultat pekade på att det finns många olika sätt att se på och att göra manlighet. Ett rimligt antagande är även att synen på manlighet har betydelse för mäns utövande av våld på så sätt att en syn på manlighet som präglas av styrka, dominans och kontroll kan främja mäns utövande av våld. Det finns även forskning som tyder på att våld i vissa situationer kan användas av mäns som en resurs att göra manlighet. När det gäller relationen mellan manlighet och våld ansåg informanterna att det inte var manligt att utöva våld men kopplar samtidigt ihop manlighet med fysiskt styrka och kroppslig prestation samt utövandet av legitimt våld, exempelvis inom idrott. Avslutningsvis diskuteras betydelsen och konsekvenserna av hur vi inom socialt arbete ser på manlighet och våld.
Using x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in combination with density functional theory (DFT) the changes in electronic and geometric structure of hydrocarbons upon adsorption are determined. The chemical bonding is analyzed and the results provide new insights in the mechanisms responsible for dehydrogenation in heterogeneous catalysis. In the case of alkanes, n-octane and methane are studied. XAS and XES show significant changes in the electronic structure upon adsorption. XES shows new adsorption induced occupied states and XAS shows quenching of CH*/Rydberg states in n-octane. In methane the symmetry forbidden gas phase lowest unoccupied molecular orbital becomes allowed due to broken symmetry. New adsorption induced unoccupied features with mainly metal character appear just above the Fermi level in XA spectra of both adsorbed methane and n-octane. These changes are not observed in DFT total energy geometry optimizations. Comparison between experimental and computed spectra for different adsorbate geometries reveals that the molecular structures are significantly changed in both molecules. The C-C bonds in n-octane are shortened upon adsorption and the C-H bonds are elongated in both n-octane and methane. In addition ethylene and acetylene are studied as model systems for unsaturated hydrocarbons. The validity of both the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson chemisorption model and the alternative spin-uncoupling picture is confirmed, as well as C-C bond elongation and upward bending of the C-H bonds. The bonding of ethylene to Cu(110) and Ni(110) are compared and the results show that the main difference is the amount of back-donation into the molecular π* orbital, which allows the molecule to desorb molecularly from the Cu(110) surface, whereas it is dehydrogenated upon heating on the Ni(110) surface. Acetylene is found to adsorb in two different adsorption sites on the Cu(110) surface at liquid nitrogen temperature. Upon heating the molecules move into one of these sites due to attractive adsorbate-adsorbate interaction and only one adsorbed species is present at room temperature, at which point the molecules start reacting to form benzene. The bonding of the two species is very similar in both sites and the carbon atoms are rehybridized essentially to sp2.
This doctoral dissertation faces the debated topic of the traditions of Republicanism in the Modern Age assuming, as a point of view, the problem of the "mixed" government. The research therefore dwells upon the use of this model in Sixteenth-Century Italy, also in connection with the historical events of two standard Republics such as Florence and Venice. The work focuses on Donato Giannotti (1492-1573), Gasparo Contarini (1483-1542) and Paolo Paruta (1540-1598), as the main figures in order to reconstruct the debate on "mixed" constitution: in them, decisive in the attention paid to the peculiar structure of the Venetian Republic, the only of a certain dimension and power to survive after 1530. The research takes into account also the writings of Traiano Boccalini (1556-1613): he himself, though being involved in the same topics of debate, sets for some aspects his considerations in the framework of a new theme, that of Reason of State.
Il seguente lavoro di tesi tratta l'argomento delle aste in modo tecnico, ovvero cerca di descriverne i modelli e le caratteristiche principali, spesso ignorate dagli stessi fruitori. Nel capitolo 1 si introduce brevemente il concetto di asta, descrivendone i principali elementi costitutivi. Si ripercorrono poi le origini di questa procedura ed alcuni suoi utilizzi. Nel capitolo 2 si presentano inizialmente le principali tipologie di aste conosciute e si accenna al processo di valutazione dell'oggetto d'asta. Si introduce poi il concetto di Private Value, analizzandolo per ogni tipo di asta e confrontando queste sotto l'aspetto della rendita. Si enuncia in seguito un principio fondamentale, quale quello dell'equivalenza delle rendite, rilassandone alcuni assunti basilari. Infine si passa al concetto di valori interdipendenti all'interno delle aste, valutandone equilibri, rendite ed efficienza, accennando nel contempo al problema denominato Winner's curse. Nel capitolo 3 si parla dei meccanismi di asta online, ponendo l'attenzione su un loro aspetto importante, ovvero la veridicità, ed analizzandoli attraverso l'analisi del caso peggiore e del caso medio in alcuni esempi costruiti ad-hoc. Nel capitolo 4 si descrivono in particolare le sponsored search auctions, narrandone inizialmente la storia, e successivamente passando all'analisi di equilibri, rendite ed efficienza; si presenta, infine, un modello di tali aste mettendone in rapporto la computabilità con quella dei meccanismi offline conosciuti.