987 resultados para Psicologia da criança


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In line with a psychology more attached to the becoming [devenir] rather than tothe essence, the goal of this paper is to ground the importance of understandingsubjectivity as a process, mainly when regarding our current discussions aboutidentity and gender. After that, we do some linkage between art and psychology. Forus, art is understood as a powerfulmanner to encourage modes of subjectivation thathave difference as an inherited relation. Lastly, we draw our attention upon somefragments of the contemporaneous artist, Mathew Barney's work-of-art (specially,Cremaster), to see how it runs through the binaries of gender boundaries andlaunches post-identity lines of subjectivation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study's aim was to verify coping strategies among children aged between 7 and 12 years old who will be experiencing surgery and the potential relationship of coping strategies with sociodemographic variables, stress in children and in companions, and the child's prior experience with surgery. A total of 58 children hospitalized and waiting for elective surgeries responded to the Assessment Instrument of Coping to Hospitalization and an instrument to assess stress. The companion received a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Lipp Stress Symptom Inventory. Problem-solving strategies and distraction were the most frequent strategies used, while social withdrawal and opposition were the least frequent. Girls and children of stressful parents used emotion regulation strategies with significantly more frequency. Likewise, greater cognitive restructuring was observed in older children and those with prior experience with surgeries. The results show the need to consider the studied variables when developing pre-operative preparation programs.


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Most research on the psychology of morality defines moral as the rules and values whose purpose is to regulate interpersonal relations. In this study, although I have considered such premise valid, I have also taken into account aspects related to the self. Thus, aiming at verifying whether university students are guided by values which are public, private and/or linked to glory, I have analyzed the values prioritized by them. Informants were 170 first-year psychology undergraduates in a public university located in western São Paulo state, male and female, with an average age of 20 years. To collect the data, I applied a questionnaire concerning factual factors (age, sex and religion) and the values cherished by the undergraduates. The results – analyzed according to the psychology of virtues – have shown that approximately 70% of the valid answers given by students pointed friendship (32%) and intelligence (35%) as the most prioritized values. Public values were hardly mentioned. Concerning the forms of glory, although the percentage for money and fame was not significant, when the informants justified the choice of friendship and intelligence, they conceived such values as a means to obtain money and fame. I have concluded that these individuals give little importance to the values related to duties (which are public) and to some form of individual harmony.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate maternal stress and anxiety and the quality of interaction of 10 mothers and their 0-3-month-old babies with Pierre Robin Sequence hospitalized in a university hospital. We used the Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults to evaluate stress and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory to assess anxiety of the mothers, and a protocol to assess the recording of the mother-infant interaction. The results showed high levels of maternal stress and anxiety. A statistically significant inverse relationship was found: the higher the maternal anxiety and stress, the lower was the mother-infant interaction. The results indicate that work needs to be done to minimize the anxiety and stress of mothers with inpatient babies in order to encourage interaction.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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It is a fact that childhood is a period of play and it is through them that the child meets their interests, express their way to organize, disorganize, build, think, making new discoveries. Therefore, the playful stands as one of the most important and effective in children's learning process forms, as it enables the development of imagination, feelings and fantasies, helping the child progress in their motor, psychomotor, cognitive, and physical skills emotional. This gives her the exercise of attention and memory to play activities adults engage, thus expanding their knowledge about the world. The teacher's role in this process is essential, where it can bring to everyday life of the child in various situations themes, turning the simple play on continuous learning and not just using the play as a complementary activity to the child because they provide pleasure and relaxation which do interact with the new learning and the group operates. The psychology emphasizes that play is essential to the balanced development of the psychosocial human being, because when in childhood, the relationship with the toy and gaming in general develops affectivity, creativity, and reasoning ability. Playing, the child increases their independence by building their knowledge. The aim of this work is to make a theoretical study based on a literature search, aiming to understand the play within the child development process, where it is recognized as very important in a child's learning starting from the theoretical conceptions of thinkers such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Wallon among others. With this, it can also be possible to recover the importance of the play that is being extracted from the infant universe due to new reasons to experience the modern world brings, as the excess number of activities assigned to the child, electronic games, etc. Finally, a playful approach to provide a reflection for parents and educators, bringing children's learning...


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O presente trabalho abordará o tema dislexia, que consiste em um distúrbio específico de leitura, caracterizado por dificuldades de reconhecimento de letras, decodificação e soletração de palavras, o que compromete a aprendizagem e o desempenho de alunos que possuem tal distúrbio. Através do levantamento bibliográfico será feito uma introdução histórica da dislexia, quando esta começou a ser discutida e abordada. Também será apresentando suas causas e características e as possíveis formas de reconhecê-lo. O estudo tem como objetivo apontar a importância do diagnóstico no inicio da alfabetização e quais possíveis estratégias de ensino para trabalhar com este aluno, destacando a importância do apoio dos pais e acompanhamento junto ao psicólogo e fonoaudiólogo, para o desenvolvimento desta criança


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The medullary sponge kidney is rare in children and may present it self with hematuria and nephrolithiasis. We report a case of medullary sponge kidney in a child with nephrolithiasis, hypercalciuria, hyperuricosuria and prolonged treatment which avoided the recurrence of nephrolithiasis.


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As Artes Marciais tiveram, em sua maioria, origem no Oriente, em meados do século XIX, principalmente Japão, Índia e China. No inicio essas Artes apresentavam caráter de defesa pessoal e militar. No entanto a intensificação do contato com o Ocidente e a evolução das armas de fogo, fez com que as lutas que utilizavam apenas o corpo caíssem em desuso, passando a ser usada como uma modalidade esportiva e competitiva. Atualmente tem adeptos no mundo todo que buscam avanços nos aspectos físicos (saúde), motores e psicológicos, ale de aprimorar o autodomínio, superar limites e melhorar o poder de concentração (KODOKAN, 1995). Dentre as modalidades mais difundidas pelo mundo, destacam-se o Karatê, o Kung-fu, o Jiu-Jitsu e o Judô, destas darei maior ênfase nas duas últimas. A Psicologia do esporte é uma área da psicologia que visa promover a saúde, a comunicação, as relações interpessoais, a liderança e a melhora do desempenho esportivo. Artes marciais são modalidades onde são encontrados altos níveis de estresse pelas mais variadas causas, sendo assim uma revisão bibliográfica foi realizada para buscar analisar as variáveis envolvidas e respostas de atletas das modalidades bem como os treinadores envolvidos


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Neste presente estudo buscou-se identificar quais as lesões mais frequentes nos esportes de grande apelo nacional (como futebol, voleibol e basquetebol), quais os fatores (físicos ou psicológicos) influenciam para a ocorrência das lesões, quais as implicações para a vida profissional e social do atleta e quais as melhores estratégias presentes na Psicologia para auxiliar o atleta no processo de prevenção e reabilitação. Desta forma, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, de tipo exploratório descritiva, com base em uma revisão de literatura atual e concluiu-se que se devem adotar questionários (QER-D ou POMS) que salientem as condições psicológicas do atleta em relação ao seu momento vivido no universo esporte e fora dele. Quanto à reabilitação, adotar quatro etapas (aproximação e relação de confiança entre o profissional e o atleta/ educar o atleta acerca de sua lesão / traçar estratégias para sua volta às atividades esportivas / aplicar as estratégias traçadas anteriormente) pelo Psicólogo do Esporte, dão indícios de serem as melhores para que o atleta tenha uma recuperação psicológica ideal e que seu desempenho não seja negativamente afetado pela situação passada


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Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is one of the most popular sports in the world, but it is a new sport and there are few studies on its historical process. The television appearances and the new medias show a sport that changes in each event, presenting an image of the current spectacle and of the spectacle of consumption. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze the historical process and the creation of MMA, how it came out and the reasons that have led the sport to be as popular as it is today


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O presente estudo busca estabelecer quais as teorias que sustentam a preparação psicológica em praticantes de tênis de mesa. Para tal foram utilizadas as seguintes abordagens: Histórico do esporte no Brasil e no mundo; Ensino/aprendizagem; Método japonês; Método alemão; Método sueco; O método de iniciação nacional; A prática em si; Formações técnica e física; Aspectos psicológicos no tênis de mesa; Concentração; Ansiedade; Motivação. Com relação a preparação psicológica, esta pesquisa de revisão de literatura foca mostrar quais as teorias que sustentam esta preparação no tênis de mesa, através de uma revisão a cerca dos principais movimentos das psicologias dos séculos XIX e XX: o estruturalismo, a psicologia de William James, o funcionalismo, o behaviorismo, a psicologia dinâmica e a psicanálise. Ao estabelecer as teorias obtém-se o respaldo da preparação psicológica como é vista por pessoas ativas no esporte, proporcionando uma visão geral de dois pontos principais: qual a importância da preparação psicológica dos mesa-tenistas e como essa preparação está no meio esportivo, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo