974 resultados para Pliocene-Quaternary


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Diatom assemblages from the middle part of the Pliocene (3.2-2.5 Ma) were investigated from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1016, 1021, and 1022 in an effort to infer paleotemperature fluctuations off California. Diatoms are very sparse in virtually all of the samples that were examined from Sites 1016 and 1021. This is presumably because these sites were seaward (west) of the coastal zone of diatom productivity during the middle part of the Pliocene. Diatoms are relatively common in the vast majority of samples that were examined from Hole 1022A. Diatom assemblages are dominated by Chaetoceros spores (a coastal upwelling component), the cold-water (subarctic) taxa Neodenticula kamtschatica and its descendant Neodenticula koizumii, and Thalassionema nitzschioides, a temperate taxon that is typically found at the seaward edge of coastal upwelling zones. Paleotemperature interpretations, however, are not possible at this time because of the scarcity of comparative modern core-top data.


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Application of quantitative micropaleontologic methods of sea-surface temperature (SST) estimation to the planktic foraminiferal faunas at Hole 548 in the northeast Atlantic between 3.5 and 2.0 Ma provide a detailed record of Pliocene surface temperature changes during the onset of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation. SST estimates indicate a relatively warm interval of "enhanced interglacials (warm peaks)" between 3.2 and 2.8 Ma followed by steady cooling with a significant step-like change toward colder temperatures occurring about 2.4 Ma. This record compares well with faunal and SST records from other North Atlantic sites.


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Petrographical and mineral chemistry data are described for the mist representative basement lithologies occurring as clasts (pebble grain-size class) from the CRP-1 drillhole. Most pebbles consits of either undeformed or foliated biotite with or without hornblende monzogranites. Other rock types include biotite with or without garnet syenogranitr, biotite-hornblende granodiorite, tonalite, monzogranitic porphyries, haplogranite, quartz-monzonite (restricted to the Quaternary section), Ca-silicate rocks and biotite amphibolite (restricted to the Miocene strata). The common and ubiquitous occurence of biotite with or without hornblende monzogranite pebbles, in both the Quaternary and Miocene sections, apparently mirrors the dominance of these rock types in the granitoid assemblages which are presently exposed in the upper Precambrian-lower Paleozoic basement of the south Victoria Land. The other CRP-1 pebble lithologies show petrographical features which consitently support a dominant supply from areas of the Transantarctic Mountains located to the west and south-west of the CRP-1 site, and they thus furthercorroborate a model of local provenance for the supply of basement clasts to the CRP-1 sedimentary strata.


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Planktonic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope analyses from Tyrrhenian Sea Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 653 provide a continuous record of the Pliocene-Pleistocene paleoceanographic history of the Mediterranean. Long-term trends in oxygen isotopes primarily reflect changes in global climatic conditions, with a more local or regional signal superimposed on this record. For example, significant enrichments in 18O due to decreases in surface water temperature and/or increases in continental ice volume occurred at 3.1, 2.7, 2.1, 1.6, and 0.4 Ma. In contrast to most open-ocean results, the early Pliocene 6lsO record of Site 653 exhibits high-amplitude fluctuations indicative of very unstable climatic conditions in this region. Another unique aspect of this Mediterranean d18Orecord is the pronounced cooling at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary. The carbon isotope record for Site 653 also exhibits high-amplitude variability throughout the Pliocene-Pleistocene. This variability most probably reflects changes in the carbon isotopic composition of the source of Mediterranean surface waters.


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Strontium isotopic determinations were made on samples from the Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence recovered at ODP Hole 653A, the proposed "deep-sea type section" for the Mediterranean region. Biostratigraphic correlations can be combined with the patterns of variations in the 87Sr/86Sr values to delineate the following: (1) the earliest Pliocene (MP11 to basal MP12 zones) is distinguished by fluctuations in the ratio, probably related to the unstable paleoceanographic conditions following the Zanclean flooding and initial in-filling of the Mediterranean after the Messinian desiccation, (2) during most of the Pliocene between approximately 4.5 and 2.4 Ma (MP12 to MP15 zones) the 87Sr/86Sr values remain relatively constant, producing a plateau in the strontium isotope-depth curve for this period, and (3) beginning at approximately 2.4 Ma (across the MP15/MP16 boundary) and continuing into the latest Pleistocene, the 7Sr/86Sr values increase significantly but show fluctuations that have both positive and negative slopes. The presence of a plateau in the curve generated for the Mediterranean type section duplicates in greater detail the late Neogene results reported by DePaolo (1986, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1986)14<103:DROTNS>2.0.CO;2). The virtual lack of change in the ratio between 4.5 and 2.4 Ma essentially eliminates strontium isotopes as a high-resolution correlation method for this period. The fluctuations in the ratio beginning at 2.4 Ma may be a reflection of major climatic changes occurring in the latest Pliocene-Pleistocene. The relationship between glacial-interglacial cycles and seawater 87Sr/86Sr values suggested by DePaolo (1986) and Capo and DePaolo (1987) is uncertain but should be tested as significant increases and decreases in 87Sr/86Sr of seawater have apparently occurred since 2.4 Ma.


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An original method of paleotemperature analysis on planktonic foraminifera is substantiated and actively used for stratigraphy of bottom sediments and paleoceanologic reconstructions. On the base of this method, as well as on lithological, geochemical, and oxygen isotope data, radiocarbon dating, constructions of other investigators, etc., the main features of dynamic Quaternary paleoceanology of the Atlantic Ocean is reconstructed. It is discussed in the context of global paleogeography. Paleotemperature field, climatic zonation, paleoecology of foraminifera, position of the main water masses, water fronts, currents, distribution of sea ice boundaries, upwelling activity, benthic circulation, processes of sedimentation are econstructed and analyzed.


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Quaternary sediments were recovered at all five sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189 in the Tasmanian Gateway. Two of these sites lie north of the present-day Subtropical Front (STF), and three sites lie south of the STF. Quaternary sediments recovered at Sites 1168, 1170, 1171, and 1172 were studied in detail to determine the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and construct an age model for these sediments. The Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary was identified by the last occurrence (LO) of Discoaster brouweri at Site 1172 and approximated by the LO of Calcidiscus macintyrei at the other sites because of a lack of discoasterids. A hiatus encompassing the entire Helicosphaera sellii Zone was tentatively identified at Sites 1168 and 1172 by the coincident LOs of C. macintyrei and H. sellii. Similar hiatuses have been noted at ODP Site 1127 on the Great Australian Bight, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 282 off the Tasman subcontinent, and ODP Site 1165 in Prydz Bay, Antarctica.


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Paleotemperature estimates calculated by the SIMMAX Modern Analog Technique are presented for two gravity cores from the Rio Grande Rise, one from the Brazil Slope, and one from the Ceara Rise. The estimates are based on comparisons between modern and fossil planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and were carried out on samples from Quaternary sediments. Estimated warm-season temperatures from the Rio Grande Rise (at approx. 30° S) range from around 19°C to 24°C, with some coincidence of warm peaks with interglacial stages. The temperature estimates (also warm-season) from the more tropical Brazil Slope (at approx. 8° S) and Ceara Rise (at approx. 4° N) cores are more stable, remaining between 26°C and 28°C throughout most of their lengths. This fairly stable situation in the tropical western Atlantic is interrupted in oxygen isotope stage 6 by a significant drop of 2-3°C in both of these cores. Temperature estimates from the uppermost samples in all cores compare very well to the modern-day measured values. Affinities of some foraminiferal species for warmer or cooler surface temperatures are identified within the temperature range of the examined samples based on their abundance values. Especially notable among the warmer species are, Globorotalia menardii, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinoides ruber, and Globigerinoides sacculifer. Species indicative of cooler surface temperatures include Globorotalia inflata, Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, and Globigerina falconensis. A cluster analysis was carried out to assist in understanding the degree of variation which occurs in the foraminiferal assemblages, and how temperature differences influence the faunal compositions of the samples. It is demonstrated that fairly similar samples may have unexpectedly different estimated temperatures due to small differences in key species and, conversely, quite different assemblages can result in similar or identical temperature estimates which confirms that other parameters than just temperature affect faunal content.


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Stable isotope records were generated for a late Pliocene-early Pleistocene interval from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1123 in the southwest Pacific (41°47 S, 171°30 W; 3290 m water depth). Based on these data, new revisions were made to the shipboard splice and composite section. The isotope records will be used to evaluate the influence of North Atlantic and Southern Ocean deepwater masses on water entering the Pacific in the Deep Western Boundary Current. Three holes were cored at Site 1123, yielding a complete composite section over approximately the last 4.7 m.y. A representative spliced record ("the splice") was developed aboard ship based on magnetic susceptibility, gamma ray attenuation bulk density, and percent reflectance data from the three adjacent holes (Carter, McCave, Richter, Carter, et al., 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.181.2000). No gaps in the sedimentary record were detected for the multiple-cored section of Site 1123. In addition to the isotope data, postcruise revisions to the splice and composite section based on stable isotope data are described here.


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A new planktic foraminifer transfer function (GSF18) related 5 North Atlantic assemblages to winter and summer sea surface temperature. GSF18, based on recombined and simplified core top census data, preserves most environmental information and reproduces modern North Atlantic conditions with approximately the same accuracy as previous transfer functions, but can be more readily applied to faunal samples ranging in age from Pliocene to Holocene. Transfer function GSF18 has been applied to faunal data from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 552A to produce a 2.5 m.y. sea-surface temperature (SST) time series. Estimates show several periods between 2.3 and 4.6 Ma during which mean SST's were both several degrees warmer and several degrees cooler than modern conditions. Between 2.9 and 4.0 Ma SST was generally warmer than modern except for a 250 k.y. interval centered at 3.3 Ma. Maximum SST, with respect to modern conditions, occurred after the cool interval near 3.1 Ma when SST was approximately 3.6° C warmer than present conditions. Comparison of SST estimates with stable isotope data suggest that after peak warming at 3.1 Ma, there was an overall surface water cooling with concomitant build up of global ice volume, culminating in Northern Hemisphere glaciation. This event is also indicated by the presence of ice rafted detritus in 552A sediments at about 2.45 Ma.


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Biogenic components of sediment accumulated at high rates beneath frontal zones of the Indian and Pacific oceans during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. The delta13C of bulk and foraminiferal carbonate also decreased during this time interval. Although the two observations may be causally linked, and signify a major perturbation in global biogeochemical cycling, no site beneath a frontal zone has independent records of export production and delta13C on multiple carbonate phases across the critical interval of interest. Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 590 lies beneath the Tasman Front (TF), an eddy-generating jetstream in the southwest Pacific Ocean. To complement previous delta13C records of planktic and benthic foraminifera at this location, late Neogene records of CaCO3 mass accumulation rate (MAR), Ca/Ti, Ba/Ti, Al/Ti, and of bulk carbonate and foraminiferal delta13C were constructed at site 590. The delta13C records include bulk sediment, bulk sediment fractions (<63 µm and 5-25 µm), and the planktic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinoides sacculifer (with and without sac), and Orbulina universa. Using current time scales, CaCO3 MARs, Ca/Ti, Al/Ti and Ba/Ti ratios are two to three times higher in upper Miocene and lower Pliocene sediment relative to overlying and underlying units. A significant decrease also occurs in all delta13C records. All evidence indicates that enhanced export production - the 'biogenic bloom' - extended to the southwest Pacific Ocean between ca. 9 and 3.8 Ma, and this phenomenon is coupled with changes in delta13C - the 'Chron C3AR carbon shift'. However, CaCO3 MARs peak ca. 5 Ma whereas elemental ratios are highest ca. 6.5 Ma; foraminiferal delta13C starts to decrease ca. 8 Ma whereas bulk carbonate delta13C begins to drop ca. 5.6 Ma. Temporal discrepancies between the records can be explained by changes in the upwelling regime at the TF, perhaps signifying a link between changes in ocean-atmosphere circulation change and widespread primary productivity.


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Oceanographic changes in the western equatorial Pacific during the past 6 m.y. are inferred from carbon isotopic analyses of planktonic and benthic foraminifers from Ontong Java Plateau (DSDP Site 586). Sample spacing is 1.5 m (ca. 35,000-75,000 yr). An overall trend of d13C toward lighter values is evident for the last 5 m.y. in all four foraminiferal taxa analyzed (G. sacculifer, Pulleniatina, P. wuellerstorfi, and O. umbonatus). This trend is interpreted as an enrichment of the global ocean with 12C, because of the addition of carbon from organic carbon reservoirs (or lack of removal of carbon to such reservoirs), as a consequence of an overall drop in sea level. Differences between shallow- and deep-water d13C decrease slightly during this time interval, suggesting a moderate drop in productivity. This drop is not sufficient to explain the drop in sedimentation rate, however, much of which apparently must be ascribed to winnowing effects. A marked convergence in the d13C values of planktonic taxa exists within the last 2 m.y. We propose that this convergence indicates nutrient depletion in thermocline waters, caused by the vigorous removal of phosphate in marginal upwelling regions, or by the stripping of intermediate waters in their source regions. No large shifts are seen in the carbon isotope record of the last 6 m.y., in contrast to the oxygen isotope record. Some indication of cyclicity is present, with a period between 0.5 and 1.0 m.y. (especially in the earlier portion of the record).


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A novel and promising biomarker proxy for reconstruction of Arctic sea ice conditions was developed and is based on the determination of a highly branched isoprenoid with 25 carbons (IP25). IP25 records have been restricted to the last 150 kyr BP. We present a biomarker record from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 912, going back to the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary and indicating that sea ice of variable extent occurred in the Fram Strait/southern Yermak Plateau area at least since about 2.2 Ma. Furthermore, our data support the idea that a combination of IP25 and open water, phytoplankton biomarker data ("PIP25 index") may give a more reliable and quantitative estimate of past sea ice cover (at least for the study area). The study reveals that the novel IP25/PIP25 biomarker approach has potential for semi-quantitative paleo-sea ice studies covering the entire Quaternary and could motivate further detailed high resolution research on ODP/IODP material using this proxy.


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In this manuscript we describe the experimental procedure employed at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany in the preparation of the simulations for the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (PlioMIP). We present a description of the utilized Community Earth System Models (COSMOS, version: COSMOS-landveg r2413, 2009) and document the procedures that we applied to transfer the Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) Project mid-Pliocene reconstruction into model forcing fields. The model setup and spin-up procedure are described for both the paleo- and preindustrial (PI) time slices of PlioMIP experiments 1 and 2, and general results that depict the performance of our model setup for mid-Pliocene conditions are presented. The mid-Pliocene, as simulated with our COSMOS setup and PRISM boundary conditions, is both warmer and wetter in the global mean than the PI. The globally averaged annual mean surface air temperature in the mid-Pliocene standalone atmosphere (fully coupled atmosphere-ocean) simulation is 17.35 °C (17.82 °C), which implies a warming of 2.23 °C (3.40 °C) relative to the respective PI control simulation.


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Planktonic foraminiferal test fragmentation in three cores along a depth transect from the western equatorial Pacific (ERDC-93P, 1619 m; RC17-177, 2600 m; V28-238, 3120 m [Thompson, 1976]) were examined for the last 500 kyr at sample intervals from 2.5 to 5 kyr to study the fluctuations of dissolution in the western equatorial Pacific. The age models were constructed by correlating the delta18O records with the SPECMAP stack [Imbrie et al., 1984]. Results showed that intermediate and deep waters experienced the same patterns of dissolution through climatic cycles. Fragmentation varied with a greater amplitude, and the carbonate ion concentration changed less, in the deep than in the intermediate water. Dissolution has significant variance distributions and coherencies with delta18O over the 100, 41, and 23 kyr periods of orbital variations; dissolution maxima lag ice volume minima by 6 to 20 kyr. The dissolution variability was consistent with recent geochemical models which seek to explain the reduction of atmospheric CO2 concentration at the last glacial maximum [Broecker, 1982; Boyle, 1988].