958 resultados para Partial data fusion


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In microarray studies, the application of clustering techniques is often used to derive meaningful insights into the data. In the past, hierarchical methods have been the primary clustering tool employed to perform this task. The hierarchical algorithms have been mainly applied heuristically to these cluster analysis problems. Further, a major limitation of these methods is their inability to determine the number of clusters. Thus there is a need for a model-based approach to these. clustering problems. To this end, McLachlan et al. [7] developed a mixture model-based algorithm (EMMIX-GENE) for the clustering of tissue samples. To further investigate the EMMIX-GENE procedure as a model-based -approach, we present a case study involving the application of EMMIX-GENE to the breast cancer data as studied recently in van 't Veer et al. [10]. Our analysis considers the problem of clustering the tissue samples on the basis of the genes which is a non-standard problem because the number of genes greatly exceed the number of tissue samples. We demonstrate how EMMIX-GENE can be useful in reducing the initial set of genes down to a more computationally manageable size. The results from this analysis also emphasise the difficulty associated with the task of separating two tissue groups on the basis of a particular subset of genes. These results also shed light on why supervised methods have such a high misallocation error rate for the breast cancer data.


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A model of iron carbonate (FeCO3) film growth is proposed, which is an extension of the recent mechanistic model of carbon dioxide (CO2) corrosion by Nesic, et al. In the present model, the film growth occurs by precipitation of iron carbonate once saturation is exceeded. The kinetics of precipitation is dependent on temperature and local species concentrations that are calculated by solving the coupled species transport equations. Precipitation tends to build up a layer of FeCO3 on the surface of the steel and reduce the corrosion rate. On the other hand, the corrosion process induces voids under the precipitated film, thus increasing the porosity and leading to a higher corrosion rate. Depending on the environmental parameters such as temperature, pH, CO2 partial pressure, velocity, etc., the balance of the two processes can lead to a variety of outcomes. Very protective films and low corrosion rates are predicted at high pH, temperature, CO2 partial pressure, and Fe2+ ion concentration due to formation of dense protective films as expected. The model has been successfully calibrated against limited experimental data. Parametric testing of the model has been done to gain insight into the effect of various environmental parameters on iron carbonate film formation. The trends shown in the predictions agreed well with the general understanding of the CO2 corrosion process in the presence of iron carbonate films. The present model confirms that the concept of scaling tendency is a good tool for predicting the likelihood of protective iron carbonate film formation.


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Subcycling, or the use of different timesteps at different nodes, can be an effective way of improving the computational efficiency of explicit transient dynamic structural solutions. The method that has been most widely adopted uses a nodal partition. extending the central difference method, in which small timestep updates are performed interpolating on the displacement at neighbouring large timestep nodes. This approach leads to narrow bands of unstable timesteps or statistical stability. It also can be in error due to lack of momentum conservation on the timestep interface. The author has previously proposed energy conserving algorithms that avoid the first problem of statistical stability. However, these sacrifice accuracy to achieve stability. An approach to conserve momentum on an element interface by adding partial velocities is considered here. Applied to extend the central difference method. this approach is simple. and has accuracy advantages. The method can be programmed by summing impulses of internal forces, evaluated using local element timesteps, in order to predict a velocity change at a node. However, it is still only statistically stable, so an adaptive timestep size is needed to monitor accuracy and to be adjusted if necessary. By replacing the central difference method with the explicit generalized alpha method. it is possible to gain stability by dissipating the high frequency response that leads to stability problems. However. coding the algorithm is less elegant, as the response depends on previous partial accelerations. Extension to implicit integration, is shown to be impractical due to the neglect of remote effects of internal forces acting across a timestep interface. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A proportion of melanoma,prone individuals in both familial and non,familial contexts has been shown to carry inactivating mutations in either CDKN2A or, rarely, CDK4. CDKN2A is a complex locus that encodes two unrelated proteins from alternately spliced transcripts that are read in different frames. The alpha transcript (exons 1a, 2, and 3) produces the p16INK4A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, while the beta transcript (exons 1beta and 2) is translated as p14ARF, a stabilizing factor of p53 levels through binding to MDM2. Mutations in exon 2 can impair both polypeptides and insertions and deletions in exons 1alpha, 1beta, and 2, which can theoretically generate p16INK4A,p14ARF fusion proteins. No online database currently takes into account all the consequences of these genotypes, a situation compounded by some problematic previous annotations of CDKN2A related sequences and descriptions of their mutations. As an initiative of the international Melanoma Genetics Consortium, we have therefore established a database of germline variants observed in all loci implicated in familial melanoma susceptibility. Such a comprehensive, publicly accessible database is an essential foundation for research on melanoma susceptibility and its clinical application. Our database serves two types of data as defined by HUGO. The core dataset includes the nucleotide variants on the genomic and transcript levels, amino acid variants, and citation. The ancillary dataset includes keyword description of events at the transcription and translation levels and epidemiological data. The application that handles users' queries was designed in the model,view. controller architecture and was implemented in Java. The object-relational database schema was deduced using functional dependency analysis. We hereby present our first functional prototype of eMelanoBase. The service is accessible via the URL www.wmi.usyd.e, du.au:8080/melanoma.html.


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For zygosity diagnosis in the absence of genotypic data, or in the recruitment phase of a twin study where only single twins from same-sex pairs are being screened, or to provide a test for sample duplication leading to the false identification of a dizygotic pair as monozygotic, the appropriate analysis of respondents' answers to questions about zygosity is critical. Using data from a young adult Australian twin cohort (N = 2094 complete pairs and 519 singleton twins from same-sex pairs with complete responses to all zygosity items), we show that application of latent class analysis (LCA), fitting a 2-class model, yields results that show good concordance with traditional methods of zygosity diagnosis, but with certain important advantages. These include the ability, in many cases, to assign zygosity with specified probability on the basis of responses of a single informant (advantageous when one zygosity type is being oversampled); and the ability to quantify the probability of misassignment of zygosity, allowing prioritization of cases for genotyping as well as identification of cases of probable laboratory error. Out of 242 twins (from 121 like-sex pairs) where genotypic data were available for zygosity confirmation, only a single case was identified of incorrect zygosity assignment by the latent class algorithm. Zygosity assignment for that single case was identified by the LCA as uncertain (probability of being a monozygotic twin only 76%), and the co-twin's responses clearly identified the pair as dizygotic (probability of being dizygotic 100%). In the absence of genotypic data, or as a safeguard against sample duplication, application of LCA for zygosity assignment or confirmation is strongly recommended.


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Our previous studies have shown that two distinct genotypes of Sindbis (SIN) virus occur in Australia. One of these, the Oriental/Australian type, circulates throughout most of the Australian continent, whereas the recently identified south-west (SW) genetic type appears to be restricted to a distinct geographic region located in the temperate south-west of Australia. We have now determined the complete nucleotide and translated amino acid sequences of a SW isolate of SIN virus (SW6562) and performed comparative analyses with other SIN viruses at the genomic level. The genome of SW6562 is 11,569 nucleotides in length, excluding the cap nucleotide and poly (A) tail. Overall this virus differs from the prototype SIN virus (strain AR339) by 23% in nucleotide sequence and 12.5% in amino acid sequence. Partial sequences of four regions of the genome of four SW isolates were determined and compared with the corresponding sequences from a number of SIN isolates from different regions of the World. These regions are the non-structural protein (nsP3), the E2 gene, the capsid gene, and the repeated sequence elements (RSE) of the 3'UTR. These comparisons revealed that the SW SIN viruses were more closely related to South African and European strains than to other Australian isolates of SIN virus. Thus the SW genotype of SIN virus may have been introduced into this region of Australia by viremic humans or migratory birds and subsequently evolved independently in the region. The sequence data also revealed that the SW genotype contains a unique deletion in the RSE of the 3'UTR region of the genome. Previous studies have shown that deletions in this region of the SIN genome can have significant effects on virus replication in mosquito and avian cells, which may explain the restricted distribution of this genotype of SIN virus.


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Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS, EC catalyses the first step in branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis and is the target for sulfonylurea and imidazolinone herbicides, which act as potent and specific inhibitors. Mutants of the enzyme have been identified that are resistant to particular herbicides. However, the selectivity of these mutants towards various sulfonylureas and imidazolinones has not been determined systematically. Now that the structure of the yeast enzyme is known, both in the absence and presence of a bound herbicide, a detailed understanding of the molecular interactions between the enzyme and its inhibitors becomes possible. Here we construct 10 active mutants of yeast AHAS, purify the enzymes and determine their sensitivity to six sulfonylureas and three imidazolinones. An additional three active mutants were constructed with a view to increasing imidazolinone sensitivity. These three variants were purified and tested for their sensitivity to the imidazolinones only. Substantial differences are observed in the sensitivity of the 13 mutants to the various inhibitors and these differences are interpreted in terms of the structure of the herbicide-binding site on the enzyme.


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Fatty acids inhibit insulin-mediated glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle, an effect largely attributed to defects in insulin-mediated glucose transport. Insulin-resistant mice transgenic for the overexpression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in skeletal muscle were used to examine the molecular mechanism(s) in more detail. Using DNA gene chip array technology, and confirmation by RT-PCR and Western analysis, increases in the yeast Sec1p homolog Munc18c mRNA and protein were found in the gastrocnemius muscle of transgenic mice, but not other tissues. Munc18c has been previously demonstrated to impair insulin-mediated glucose transport in mammalian cells in vitro. Of interest, stably transfected C2C12 cells overexpressing LPL not only demonstrated increases in Munc18c mRNA and protein but also in transcription rates of the Munc18c gene. jlr To confirm the relevance of fatty acid metabolism and insulin resistance to the expression of Munc18c in vivo, a 2-fold increase in Munc18c protein was demonstrated in mice fed a high-fat diet for 4 weeks. Together, these data are the first to implicate in vivo increases in Munc18c as a potential contributing mechanism to fatty acid-induced insulin resistance.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a ubiquitous human pathogen and the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infections in infants. Infection of cells and subsequent formation of syncytia occur through membrane fusion mediated by the RSV fusion protein (RSV-F). A novel in vitro assay of recombinant RSV-F function has been devised and used to characterize a number of escape mutants for three known inhibitors of RSV-F that have been isolated. Homology modeling of the RSV-F structure has been carried out on the basis of a chimera derived from the crystal structures of the RSV-F core and a fragment from the orthologous fusion protein from Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The structure correlates well with the appearance of RSV-F in electron micrographs, and the residues identified as contributing to specific binding sites for several monoclonal antibodies are arranged in appropriate solvent-accessible clusters. The positions of the characterized resistance mutants in the model structure identify two promising regions for the design of fusion inhibitors. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Background: Gestational trophoblastic disease is a fascinating group of pregnancy disorders characterised by abnormal proliferation of trophoblast, ranging from benign to malignant. Because the disease is uncommon, there is a need to formulate management with the assistance of collective information. Methodology: A review of available information from English written literature was undertaken especially data reported by registries around the world (Charing Cross Hospital in England, the North-western University and the New England area in the USA as well as our own experience in Queensland, Australia). Where possible, collated data from relevant studies were analysed to answer some of the questions posed in clinical practice, with reference to metastatic disease to liver and brain, twinning of molar gestation and coexisting fetus, and placental-site tumour. Results: We found that molar gestation can be classified according to its clinical presentation which influences the time taken to reach human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) 'negativity' and the risk of persisting disease. Categorisation of risk is the basis for choice of chemotherapy to achieve good outcomes. Metastases to liver and brain remain problems in management; the development of 'new' metastases during chemotherapy is a very poor prognostic factor. In the variant of twinning with molar gestation and coexisting fetus, it is important to elucidate the fetal karyotype in planning management: a 69XXX fetus is not salvageable but a normal 46XX or 46XY fetus faces the prospect of early preterm delivery. The placental-site tumour is very rare; localised disease is curable by surgery; chemotherapy is less effective in disseminated disease. From collated worldwide data, the recurrence rate after one mole is 1.3% and after two or more is 20%. Reproductive outcome in subsequent pregnancies, even after multidrug chemotherapy, is not different from the general population. Because of the increased risk long-term of second tumours after multidrug chemotherapy a closer surveillance of these patients is necessary Conclusion: In general, the disease in its persisting or malignant form is 'a cancer model par excellence' because of an identifiable precursor condition, a reliable HCG marker, and sensitivity of the disease to cytotoxic drugs. With current management, retention of fertility is possible and normal reproductive outcome assured.


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Este trabalho consiste num estudo de caso que se destina ao desenvolvimento de um Data Mart que possibilite a Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica ??? ENAP conhecer o perfil e o panorama geral da situa????o funcional dos servidores p??blicos federais que se capacitaram na Escola nos ??ltimos 7 anos. O aplicativo foi desenvolvido cruzando o banco de dados do sistema gerenciador dos cursos ministrados pela ENAP, onde est??o armazenadas informa????es sobre os alunos capacitados, os cursos realizados, os resultados alcan??ados, o perfil dos docentes e demais informa????es relativas ??s atividades da Escola, com os dados gerados pelo Sistema Integrado de Administra????o de Recursos Humanos ??? SIAPE, cuja extra????o de dados foi direcionada para os registros sobre a situa????o funcional, cargos, carreiras, fun????es, ??rg??os e alguns dados pessoais dos alunos, servidores p??blicos federais que se encontram registrados no SIAPE


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Esse texto tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados parciais do projeto ???Mapeamento da Oferta de Capacita????o nas Escolas de Governo??? e debater as possibilidades que se abrem para a gest??o do conhecimento e para o gerenciamento das informa????es estrat??gicas visando ?? tomada de decis??es e a otimiza????o dos recursos dispon??veis para a capacita????o. O projeto mapeamento tem por objetivo coletar dados da oferta existente de capacita????o em escolas de governo brasileiras, em n??vel municipal, estadual e federal. Foi concebido em tr??s fases: coleta das informa????es cadastrais e sobre a disponibilidade de cursos; constru????o do vocabul??rio controlado e classifica????o dos cursos; e transposi????o dessas informa????es para um sistema de informa????es com interface web: o Sistema Mapa. O Sistema Mapa, se efetivamente incorporado e utilizado, poder?? constituir um sistema de informa????o que auxilie os gestores e dirigentes a planejar e realizar planos de capacita????o, utilizando de forma eficiente a oferta existente nas escolas de governo. Al??m disso, poder?? contribuir para melhor coordena????o das atividades de capacita????o, incentivo ?? complementaridade, redu????o de duplicidades e incentivo ?? amplia????o da comunica????o entre as institui????es da Rede.