955 resultados para Modular programming.
We demonstrate generating complete and playable card games using evolutionary algorithms. Card games are represented in a previously devised card game description language, a context-free grammar. The syntax of this language allows us to use grammar-guided genetic programming. Candidate card games are evaluated through a cascading evaluation function, a multi-step process where games with undesired properties are progressively weeded out. Three representa- tive examples of generated games are analysed. We observed that these games are reasonably balanced and have skill ele- ments, they are not yet entertaining for human players. The particular shortcomings of the examples are discussed in re- gard to the generative process to be able to generate quality games
In this paper, we present our research into self-organizing building algorithms. This idea of self-organization of animal/plants behaviour interests researchers to explore the mechanisms required for this emergent phenomena and try to apply them in other domains. We were able to implement a typical construction algorithm in a 3D simulation environment and reproduce the results of previous research in the area. LSystems, morphogenetic programming and wasp nest building are explained in order to understand self-organizing models. We proposed Grammatical swarm as a good tool to optimize building structures.
Los lenguajes de programación son el idioma que los programadores usamos para comunicar a los computadores qué queremos que hagan. Desde el lenguaje ensamblador, que traduce una a una las instrucciones que interpreta un computador hasta lenguajes de alto nivel, se ha buscado desarrollar lenguajes más cercanos a la forma de pensar y expresarse de los humanos. Los lenguajes de programación lógicos como Prolog utilizan a su vez el lenguaje de la lógica de 1er orden de modo que el programador puede expresar las premisas del problema que se quiere resolver sin preocuparse del cómo se va a resolver dicho problema. La resolución del problema se equipara a encontrar una deducción del objetivo a alcanzar a partir de las premisas y equivale a lo que entendemos por la ejecución de un programa. Ciao es una implementación de Prolog (http://www.ciao-lang.org) y utiliza el método de resolución SLD, que realiza el recorrido de los árboles de decisión en profundidad(depth-first) lo que puede derivar en la ejecución de una rama de busqueda infinita (en un bucle infinito) sin llegar a dar respuestas. Ciao, al ser un sistema modular, permite la utilización de extensiones para implementar estrategias de resolución alternativas como la tabulación (OLDT). La tabulación es un método alternativo que se basa en memorizar las llamadas realizadas y sus respuestas para no repetir llamadas y poder usar las respuestas sin recomputar las llamadas. Algunos programas que con SLD entran en un bucle infinito, gracias a la tabulación dán todas las respuestas y termina. El modulo tabling es una implementación de tabulación mediante el algoritmo CHAT. Esta implementación es una versión beta que no tiene implementado un manejador de memoria. Entendemos que la gestión de memoria en el módulo de tabling tiene gran importancia, dado que la resolución con tabulación permite reducir el tiempo de computación (al no repetir llamadas), aumentando los requerimientos de memoria (para guardar las llamadas y las respuestas). Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es implementar un mecanismo de gestión de la memoria en Ciao con el módulo tabling cargado. Para ello se ha realizado la implementación de: Un mecanismo de captura de errores que: detecta cuando el computador se queda sin memoria y activa la reinicialización del sitema. Un procedimiento que ajusta los punteros del modulo de tabling que apuntan a la WAM tras un proceso de realojo de algunas de las áreas de memoria de la WAM. Un gestor de memoria del modulo de tabling que detecta c realizar una ampliación de las áreas de memoria del modulo de tabling, realiza la solicitud de más memoria y realiza el ajuste de los punteros. Para ayudar al lector no familiarizado con este tema, describimos los datos que Ciao y el módulo de tabling alojan en las áreas de memoria dinámicas que queremos gestionar. Los casos de pruebas desarrollados para evaluar la implementación del gestor de memoria, ponen de manifiesto que: Disponer de un gestor de memoria dinámica permite la ejecución de programas en un mayor número de casos. La política de gestión de memoria incide en la velocidad de ejecución de los programas. ---ABSTRACT---Programming languages are the language that programmers use in order to communicate to computers what we want them to do. Starting from the assembly language, which translates one by one the instructions to the computer, and arriving to highly complex languages, programmers have tried to develop programming languages that resemble more closely the way of thinking and communicating of human beings. Logical programming languages, such as Prolog, use the language of logic of the first order so that programmers can express the premise of the problem that they want to solve without having to solve the problem itself. The solution to the problem is equal to finding a deduction of the objective to reach starting from the premises and corresponds to what is usually meant as the execution of a program. Ciao is an implementation of Prolog (http://www.ciao-lang.org) and uses the method of resolution SLD that carries out the path of the decision trees in depth (depth-frist). This can cause the execution of an infinite searching branch (an infinite loop) without getting to an answer. Since Ciao is a modular system, it allows the use of extensions to implement alternative resolution strategies, such as tabulation (OLDT). Tabulation is an alternative method that is based on the memorization of executions and their answers, in order to avoid the repetition of executions and to be able to use the answers without reexecutions. Some programs that get into an infinite loop with SLD are able to give all the answers and to finish thanks to tabulation. The tabling package is an implementation of tabulation through the algorithm CHAT. This implementation is a beta version which does not present a memory handler. The management of memory in the tabling package is highly important, since the solution with tabulation allows to reduce the system time (because it does not repeat executions) and increases the memory requirements (in order to save executions and answers). Therefore, the objective of this work is to implement a memory management mechanism in Ciao with the tabling package loaded. To achieve this goal, the following implementation were made: An error detection system that reveals when the computer is left without memory and activate the reinizialitation of the system. A procedure that adjusts the pointers of the tabling package which points to the WAM after a process of realloc of some of the WAM memory stacks. A memory manager of the tabling package that detects when it is necessary to expand the memory stacks of the tabling package, requests more memory, and adjusts the pointers. In order to help the readers who are not familiar with this topic, we described the data which Ciao and the tabling package host in the dynamic memory stacks that we want to manage. The test cases developed to evaluate the implementation of the memory manager show that: A manager for the dynamic memory allows the execution of programs in a larger number of cases. Memory management policy influences the program execution speed.
This paper presents a GA-based optimization procedure for bioinspired heterogeneous modular multiconfigurable chained microrobots. When constructing heterogeneous chained modular robots that are composed of several different drive modules, one must select the type and position of the modules that form the chain. One must also develop new locomotion gaits that combine the different drive modules. These are two new features of heterogeneous modular robots that they do not share with homogeneous modular robots. This paper presents an offline control system that allows the development of new configuration schemes and locomotion gaits for these heterogeneous modular multiconfigurable chained microrobots. The offline control system is based on a simulator that is specifically designed for chained modular robots and allows them to develop and learn new locomotion patterns.
A method for formulating and algorithmically solving the equations of finite element problems is presented. The method starts with a parametric partition of the domain in juxtaposed strips that permits sweeping the whole region by a sequential addition (or removal) of adjacent strips. The solution of the difference equations constructed over that grid proceeds along with the addition removal of strips in a manner resembling the transfer matrix approach, except that different rules of composition that lead to numerically stable algorithms are used for the stiffness matrices of the strips. Dynamic programming and invariant imbedding ideas underlie the construction of such rules of composition. Among other features of interest, the present methodology provides to some extent the analyst's control over the type and quantity of data to be computed. In particular, the one-sweep method presented in Section 9, with no apparent counterpart in standard methods, appears to be very efficient insofar as time and storage is concerned. The paper ends with the presentation of a numerical example
El poder disponer de la instrumentación y los equipos electrónicos resulta vital en el diseño de circuitos analógicos. Permiten realizar las pruebas necesarias y el estudio para el buen funcionamiento de estos circuitos. Los equipos se pueden diferenciar en instrumentos de excitación, los que proporcionan las señales al circuito, y en instrumentos de medida, los que miden las señales generadas por el circuito. Estos equipos sirven de gran ayuda pero a su vez tienen un precio elevado lo que impide en muchos casos disponer de ellos. Por esta principal desventaja, se hace necesario conseguir un dispositivo de bajo coste que sustituya de alguna manera a los equipos reales. Si el instrumento es de medida, este sistema de bajo coste puede ser implementado mediante un equipo hardware encargado de adquirir los datos y una aplicación ejecutándose en un ordenador donde analizarlos y presentarlos en la pantalla. En el caso de que el instrumento sea de excitación, el único cometido del sistema hardware es el de proporcionar las señales cuya configuración ha enviado el ordenador. En un equipo real, es el propio equipo el que debe realizar todas esas acciones: adquisición, procesamiento y presentación de los datos. Además, la dificultad de realizar modificaciones o ampliaciones de las funcionalidades en un instrumento tradicional con respecto a una aplicación de queda patente. Debido a que un instrumento tradicional es un sistema cerrado y uno cuya configuración o procesamiento de datos es hecho por una aplicación, algunas de las modificaciones serían realizables modificando simplemente el software del programa de control, por lo que el coste de las modificaciones sería menor. En este proyecto se pretende implementar un sistema hardware que tenga las características y realice las funciones del equipamiento real que se pueda encontrar en un laboratorio de electrónica. También el desarrollo de una aplicación encargada del control y el análisis de las señales adquiridas, cuya interfaz gráfica se asemeje a la de los equipos reales para facilitar su uso. ABSTRACT. The instrumentation and electronic equipment are vital for the design of analogue circuits. They enable to perform the necessary testing and study for the proper functioning of these circuits. The devices can be classified into the following categories: excitation instruments, which transmit the signals to the circuit, and measuring instruments, those in charge of measuring the signals produced by the circuit. This equipment is considerably helpful, however, its high price often makes it hardly accessible. For this reason, low price equipment is needed in order to replace real devices. If the instrument is measuring, this low cost system can be implemented by hardware equipment to acquire the data and running on a computer where analyzing and present on the screen application. In case of an excitation the instrument, the only task of the hardware system is to provide signals which sent the computer configuration. In a real instrument, is the instrument itself that must perform all these actions: acquisition, processing and presentation of data. Moreover, the difficulty of making changes or additions to the features in traditional devices with respect to an application running on a computer is evident. This is due to the fact that a traditional instrument is a closed system and its configuration or data processing is made by an application. Therefore, certain changes can be made just by modifying the control program software. Consequently, the cost of these modifications is lower. This project aims to implement a hardware system with the same features and functions of any real device, available in an electronics laboratory. Besides, it aims to develop an application for the monitoring and analysis of acquired signals. This application is provided with a graphic interface resembling those of real devices in order to facilitate its use.
3D Modular construction is poorly known and scarcely published in technical literature. In spite of that there are an increasing number of manufacturers offering their products in different countries. This method has largely evolved from early examples such as the American Gold Rush prefabrication in the nineteenth century, the Sears precut homes or Voisin´s prototypes for modular homes, to the end of the first half of the twentieth century. In this period a non negligible number of attempts in 3D modular construction have been carried out, ranging from theoretical proposals to several hundred or thousand units produced. Selected examples of modular architecture will be analyses in order to illustrate its technical evolution, concerning materials, structure, transportation and on site assembly. Success and failure factors of the different systems will be discussed. Conclusions about building criteria shown in them and their applicability in current architecture will be drawn.
This paper presents a new simulation environment aimed at heterogeneous chained modular robots. This simulator allows testing the feasibility of the design, checking how modules are going to perform in the field and verifying hardware, electronics and communication designs before the prototype is built, saving time and resources. The paper shows how the simulator is built and how it can be set up to adapt to new designs. It also gives some examples of its use showing different heterogeneous modular robots running in different environments.
Quality-optimization algorithm based on stochastic dynamic programming for MPEG DASH video streaming
In contrast to traditional push-based protocols, adaptive streaming techniques like Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) fix attention on the client, who dynamically requests different-quality portions of the content to cope with a limited and variable bandwidth but aiming at maximizing the quality perceived by the user. Since DASH adaptation logic at the client is not covered by the standard, we propose a solution based on Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) techniques to find the optimal request policies that guarantee the users' Quality of Experience (QoE). Our algorithm is evaluated in a simulated streaming session and is compared with other adaptation approaches. The results show that our proposal outperforms them in terms of QoE, requesting higher qualities on average.
The main purpose of this work is to describe the case of an online Java Programming course for engineering students to learn computer programming and to practice other non-technicalabilities: online training, self-assessment, teamwork and use of foreign languages. It is important that students develop confidence and competence in these skills, which will be required later in their professional tasks and/or in other engineering courses (life-long learning). Furthermore, this paper presents the pedagogical methodology, the results drawn from this experience and an objective performance comparison with another conventional (face-to-face) Java course.