997 resultados para Miettinen, Seppo: Logiikka - perusteet


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää esiintyykö Suomen osakemarkkinoilla alhaisen volatiliteetin anomaliaa. Tutkielman tavoitteeseen vastataan työn empiirisessä osassa analysoimalla Suomen osakemarkkinoilla listattujen osakkeiden tuottoaikasarjoja. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös finanssikriisin vaikutusta anomalian ilmenemiseen. Tutkimus sijoittuu aikavälille tammikuusta 2001 tammikuuhun 2015. Tutkielmassa muodostetaan portfolioita osakkeiden historiallisen volatiliteetin mukaan. Näiden portfolioiden menestymistä suhteessa markkinoihin arvioidaan absoluuttisten tuottojen, Sharpen luvun sekä Jensenin alfan avulla. Markkinaindekseinä käytetään OMXH CAP -indeksiä sekä tutkimusaineiston pohjalta muodostettua markkinaportfoliota. Kaikkein parhaimman absoluuttisen tuoton on saanut vuodesta 2001 vuoteen 2015 sijoittamalla keskiverron volatiliteetin osakkeisiin. Parhaan riskikorjatun tuoton on kuitenkin saavuttanut sijoittamalla alhaisen volatiliteetin osakkeisiin. Tutkielmassa löydetään todisteita alhaisen volatiliteetin anomalian esiintymisestä Suomen osakemarkkinoilla koko tutkimusaineisto huomioon ottaen. Tutkielman ehkä mielenkiintoisin löydös on kuitenkin huomio alhaisen volatiliteetin anomalian häviämisestä Suomen osakemarkkinoilta finanssikriisin jälkeen. Ennen finanssikriisiä esiintynyt erittäin vahva alhaisen volatiliteetin osakkeiden ylisuoriutuminen hävisi täysin finanssikriisin jälkeen. Toisin sanoen riskin ja tuoton suhde on kääntynyt päälaelleen finanssikriisin jälkeen, eikä alhaisen volatiliteetin anomaliaa voida enää sanoa esiintyvän.


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Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el desarrollo de hipotiroidismo autoinmune (HA) en una cohorte de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), y analizar la información actual en cuanto a la prevalencia e impacto de la enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y la autoinmunidad tiroidea en pacientes con LES. Métodos: Este fue un estudio realizado en dos pasos. Primero, un total de 376 pacientes con LES fueron evaluados sistemáticamente por la presencia de: 1) HA confirmado, 2) positividad para anticuerpos tiroperoxidasa/tiroglobulina (TPOAb/TgAb) sin hipotiroidismo, 3) hipotiroidismo no autoinmune, y 4) pacientes con LES sin hipotiroidismo ni positividad para TPOAb/TgAb. Se construyeron modelos multivariados y árboles de regresión y clasificación para analizar los datos. Segundo, la información actual fue evaluada a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RLS). Se siguieron las guías PRISMA para la búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, SciELO y Librería Virtual en Salud. Resultados: En nuestra cohorte, la prevalencia de HA confirmado fue de 12% (Grupo 1). Sin embargo, la frecuencia de positividad para TPOAb y TgAb fue de 21% y 10%, respectivamente (Grupo 2). Los pacientes con LES sin HA, hipotiroidismo no autoinmune ni positividad para TPOAb/TgAb constituyeron el 40% de la corhorte. Los pacientes con HA confirmada fueron estadísticamente significativo de mayor edad y tuvieron un inicio tardío de la enfermedad. El tabaquismo (ORA 6.93, IC 95% 1.98-28.54, p= 0.004), la presencia de Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) (ORA 23.2, IC 95% 1.89-359.53, p= 0.015) y la positividad para anticuerpos anti-péptido cíclico citrulinado (anti-CCP) (ORA 10.35, IC 95% 1.04-121.26, p= 0.047) se asociaron con la coexistencia de LES-HA, ajustado por género y duración de la enfermedad. El tabaquismo y el SS fueron confirmados como factores predictivos para LES-HA (AUC del modelo CART = 0.72). En la RSL, la prevalencia de ETA en LES varío entre 1% al 60%. Los factores asociados con esta poliautoinmunidad fueron el género femenino, edad avanzada, tabaquismo, positividad para algunos anticuerpos, SS y el compromiso articular y cutáneo. Conclusiones: La ETA es frecuente en pacientes con LES, y no afecta la severidad del LES. Los factores de riesgo identificados ayudarán a los clínicos en la búsqueda de ETA. Nuestros resultados deben estimular políticas para la suspensión del tabaquismo en pacientes con LES.


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We compute families of symmetric periodic horseshoe orbits in the restricted three-body problem. Both the planar and three-dimensional cases are considered and several families are found.We describe how these families are organized as well as the behavior along and among the families of parameters such as the Jacobi constant or the eccentricity. We also determine the stability properties of individual orbits along the families. Interestingly, we find stable horseshoe-shaped orbit up to the quite high inclination of 17◦


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To augment capacity-building for microbiome and probiotic research in Africa, a workshop was held in Nairobi, Kenya, at which researchers discussed human, animal, insect, and agricultural microbiome and probiotics/prebiotics topics. Five recommendations were made to promote future basic and translational research that benefits Africans.


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Novel probiotics and prebiotics designed to manipulate the gut microbiota for improving health outcomes are in demand as the importance of the gut microbiota in human health is revealed. The regulations governing introduction of novel probiotics and prebiotics vary by geographical region. Novel foods and foods with health claims fall under specific regulations in several countries. The paper reviews the main requirements of the regulations in the EU, USA, Canada and Japan. We propose a number of areas that need to be addressed in any safety assessment of novel probiotics and prebiotics. These include publication of the genomic sequence, antibiotic resistance profiling, selection of appropriate in vivo model, toxicological studies (including toxin production) and definition of target population.


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We present measurements of the inclusive production cross sections of the Upsilon(1S) bottomonium state in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Using the Upsilon(1S)->mu(+)mu(-) decay mode for a data sample of 159 +/- 10 pb(-1) collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, we determine the differential cross sections as a function of the Upsilon(1S) transverse momentum for three ranges of the Upsilon(1S) rapidity: 0 <\y(Upsilon)\<= 0.6, 0.6 <\y(Upsilon)\<= 1.2, and 1.2 <\y(Upsilon)\<= 1.8.


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The ratio of the B+ and B-0 meson lifetimes was measured using data collected in 2002-2004 by the D0 experiment in Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. These mesons were reconstructed in B&RARR;μ(+)ν D*-X decays, which are dominated by B-0 and B&RARR;μ(+)ν(D) over bar X-0 decays, which are dominated by B+. The ratio of lifetimes is measured to be τ(+)/τ(0)=1.080&PLUSMN; 0.016(stat)&PLUSMN; 0.014(syst).


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We present a measurement of the fraction f(+) of right-handed W bosons produced in top quark decays, based on a candidate sample of t (t) over bar events in the lepton+jets decay mode. These data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 230 pb(-1), collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p (p) over bar Collider at root s=1.96 TeV. We use a constrained fit to reconstruct the kinematics of the t (t) over bar and decay products, which allows for the measurement of the leptonic decay angle theta(*) for each event. By comparing the cos theta(*) distribution from the data with those for the expected background and signal for various values of f(+), we find f(+)=0.00 +/- 0.13(stat)+/- 0.07(syst). This measurement is consistent with the standard model prediction of f(+)=3.6 x 10(-4).


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We present a search for supersymmetry in the R-parity violating resonant production and decay of smuons and muon sneutrinos in the channels mu ->chi(0)(1)mu, mu ->chi(0)(2,3,4)mu, and nu(mu)->chi(+/-)(1,2)mu. We analyzed 0.38 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected between April 2002 and August 2004 with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The observed number of events is in agreement with the standard model expectation, and we calculate 95% C.L. limits on the slepton production cross section times branching fraction to gaugino plus muon, as a function of slepton and gaugino masses. In the framework of minimal supergravity, we set limits on the coupling parameter lambda(')(211), extending significantly previous results obtained in Run I of the Tevatron and at the CERN LEP collider.


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We search for the production of single top quarks via flavor-changing-neutral-current couplings of a gluon to the top quark and a charm (c) or up (u) quark. We analyze 230 pb(-1) of lepton+jets data from p (p) over tilde collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We observe no significant deviation from standard model predictions, and hence set upper limits on the anomalous coupling parameters kappa(c)(g)/Lambda and kappa(u)(g)/Lambda, where kappa(g) define the strength of tcg and tug couplings, and Lambda defines the scale of new physics. The limits at 95% C.L. are kappa(c)(g)/Lambda < 0.15 TeV-1 and kappa(u)(g)/Lambda < 0.037 TeV-1.


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We present the results of a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) using a data set with integrated luminosity of 240 pb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at roots=1.96 TeV collected with the D0 detector in run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We find the upper limit on the branching fraction to be B(B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-))less than or equal to5.0x10(-7) at the 95% C.L. assuming no contributions from the decay B-d(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) in the signal region. This limit is the most stringent upper bound on the branching fraction B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) to date.


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We report on a search for pair production of first-generation scalar leptoquarks (LQ) in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV using an integrated luminosity of 252 pb(-1) collected at the Fermilab Tevatron collider by the D0 detector. We observe no evidence for LQ production in the topologies arising from LQ(LQ) over bar -> eqeq and LQ(LQ) over bar -> eq nu q, and derive 95% C.L. lower limits on the LQ mass as a function of beta, where beta is the branching fraction for LQ -> eq. The limits are 241 and 218 GeV/c(2) for beta=1 and 0.5, respectively. These results are combined with those obtained by D0 at root s=1.8 TeV, which increases these LQ mass limits to 256 and 234 GeV/c(2).


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We present a measurement of the top quark pair (t (t) over bar) production cross section (sigma(t (t) over bar)) in pp collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV using 230 pb(-1) of data collected by the DO experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We select events with one charged lepton (electron or muon), missing transverse energy, and jets in the final state. We employ lifetime-based b-jet identification techniques to further enhance the t F purity of the selected sample. For a top quark mass of 175 GeV, we measure sigma(t (t) over bar) 8.6(-1.5)(+1.6) (stat. + syst.) +/- 0.6(lumi.) pb, in agreement with the standard model expectation. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We present a measurement of the top quark pair (t (t) over bar) production cross section (sigma(t (t) over bar)) in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV using 230 pb(-1) of data collected by the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We select events with one charged lepton (electron or muon), large missing transverse energy, and at least four jets, and extract the t (t) over bar content of the sample based on the kinematic characteristics of the events. For a top quark mass of 175 GeV, we measure sigma(t (t) over bar) 6.7(-1.3)(+1.4)(stat)(-1.1)(+1.6)(syst) +/- 0.4(lumi) pb, in good agreement with the standard model prediction. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.