997 resultados para Mascle reproductor porcí


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Sediment and interstitial water from Sites 651 and 653 (ODP Leg 107) were investigated by organic geochemical methods to characterize labile organic compound classes (amino compounds and carbohydrates) and to evaluate their progressive diagenetic and thermal degradation in deep-sea sediments. Downhole distribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) appears related to redox zones associated with bacterial activity and of diagenetic recrystallization of biogenic tests and not so much to organic matter concentrations in ambient sediments. DOC ranges from 250 to 8300 µmol/L (3-100.1 ppm). Amino acids contribute 10%-0.3% of DOC; carbohydrates range from 78 to 5 µmol/L. Rate of degradation of amino acids by thermal effects and/or bacterial activity at both sites (significantly different in sedimentation rates: average 41 cm/1000 yr in the top 300 m at Site 651, average 3.9 cm/1000 yr in the Pliocene/Quaternary sequence at Site 653 to 220 mbsf) is more dependent on exposure time rather than on the depth within the sediment column. Variability in neutral, acidic, and basic amino acid fractions of total amino acids (with a range of 1.1-0.02 µmol/g sediment; up to 2.5% of organic carbon) varies with carbonate content and by differences in thermal stability of amino acids. Distribution patterns of monosaccharides are interpreted to result from differences in organic matter sources, sedimentation rates, and the degree of organic matter decomposition prior to and subsequent to burial. Total particulate carbohydrates range from 1.82 to 0.21 µmol/g sediment and contribute about 8% to the sedimentary organic matter. Investigation of trace metals in the interstitial waters did not show any correlation of either DOC, amino compounds, or carbohydrates.


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Analyses of Re, Os, and Ir concentrations, as well as Os-isotopic compositions, are reported for a suite of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 959. These samples vary in age from late Neogene to Late Cretaceous, and represent a range in depositional oxidation-reduction conditions from suboxic in the Neogene to anoxic in the Late Cretaceous. Age assignments based on shipboard biostratigraphic data are used to calculate initial 187Os/186Os ratios of Neogene nannofossil/foraminifer oozes and Eocene to upper Oligocene laminated diatomites. These calculated initial ratios are in general agreement with published data constraining the Os-isotopic evolution of seawater through time, indicating that the Os-isotopic composition of these sediments is controlled largely by the Os isotopic composition of contemporaneous seawater. Results from analyses of Upper Cretaceous to lower Paleocene claystones do not exhibit elevated Ir concentrations and exhibit Re-Os systematics that are highly consistent with closed-system production of 187Os by in situ 187Re decay. Scatter in both the Cretaceous and Cenozoic data sets is likely the result of the influence of nonhydrogenous Os, carried by clastics, on the bulk sediment Os-isotopic composition, or post-depositional mobility of Re and/or Os.


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Correlations of biostratigraphic datums to the geomagnetic reversal time scale (GRTS) at Leg 107 sites provide a means of correlating these datums to sections outside the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, poor recovery and core deformation due to rotary drilling at Sites 651, 652, and 654 severely hampered efforts to acquire detailed magnetostratigraphies and biostratigraphies. However, many biostratigraphic markers could be correlated to the GRTS, including those close to the Miocene/Pliocene and Tortonian/Messinian boundaries. These boundaries are interpreted to occur in Chrons 3r and 3B, respectively (chron nomenclature after Cox, 1982). Comparison of the correlation of Plio-Pleistocene calcareous plankton biostratigraphic events to the GRTS in the Mediterranean and in the open oceans indicates that many events are broadly synchronous between the two environments. The outstanding exception is the first occurrence of Globorotalia margaritae which is delayed in the Mediterranean by about 1 m.y.