983 resultados para Macro estructuras
Chrysonilia sitophila is a common mould in cork industry and has been identified as a cause of IgE sensitization and occupational asthma. This fungal species have a fast growth rate that may inhibit others species’ growth causing underestimated data from characterization of occupational fungal exposure. Aiming to ascertain occupational exposure to fungi in cork industry, were analyzed papers from 2000 about the best air sampling method, to obtain quantification and identification of all airborne culturable fungi, besides the ones that have fast-growing rates. Impaction method don’t allows the collection of a representative air volume, because even with some media that restricts the growth of the colonies, in environments with higher fungal load, such as cork industry, the counting of the colonies is very difficult. Otherwise, impinger method permits the collection of a representative air volume, since we can make dilution of the collected volume. Besides culture methods that allows fungal identification trough macro- and micro-morphology, growth features, thermotolerance and ecological data, we can apply molecular biology with the impinger method, to detect the presence of non-viable particles and potential mycotoxin producers’ strains, and also to detect mycotoxins presence with ELISA or HPLC. Selection of the best air sampling method in each setting is crucial to achieve characterization of occupational exposure to fungi. Information about the prevalent fungal species in each setting and also the eventual fungal load it’s needed for a criterious selection.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of edentulism and estimate the prevalence of functional dentition and shortened dental arch among elderly population. METHODS: A population-based epidemiological study was carried out with a sample of 5,349 respondents aged 65 to 74 years obtained from the 2002 and 2003 Brazilian Ministry of Health/Division of Oral Health survey database. The following variables were studied: gender; macroregion of residence; missing teeth; percentage that met the World Health Organization goal for oral health in the age group 65 to 74 years (50% having at least 20 natural teeth); presence of shortened dental arch; number of posterior occluding pairs of teeth. The Chi-square test assessed the association between categorical variables. The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to assess differences of mean between number of posterior occluding pairs teeth, macro-region and gender. RESULTS: The elderly population had an average of 5.49 teeth (SD: 7.93) with a median of 0. The proportion of completely edentulous respondents was 54.7%. Complete edentulism was 18.2% in the upper arch and 1.9% in the lower arch. The World Health Organization goal was achieved in 10% of all respondents studied. However, only 2.7% had acceptable masticatory function and aesthetics (having at least shortened dental arch) and a mean number of posterior occluding pairs of 6.94 (SD=2.97). There were significant differences of the percentage of respondents that met the World Health Organization goal and presence of shortened dental arch between men and women. There were differences in shortened dental arch between macroregions. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian epidemiological oral health survey showed high rate of edentulism and low rate of shortened dental arch in the elderly population studied, thus suggesting significant functional and aesthetic impairment in all Brazilian macroregions especially among women.
Mestrado em Gestão
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, área de Educação e Desenvolvimento
This report is made for the Work Package 15 of WORKS project and tries to develop more information on the Portuguese situation in the work structures changes in the recent years. It starts with an analysis of socio- economical indicators (Macro economical indicators, Employment indicators, Consumption, Technology at the workplace, Productivity), and then approaches the situation in terms of work flexibility in its dimensions of time use and New forms of work organisation. It traces employment in business functions with a sectoral and occupational approach, and analyses the occupational change in South Europe with particular relevance to Portugal (skill utilisation and job satisfaction, occupational and industrial mobility, quantitative evaluation of the shape of employment in Europe. Finaly are analysed the globalisation indicators.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
High loads of fungi have been reported in different types of waste management plants. This study intends to assess fungal contamination in one waste-sorting plant before and after cleaning procedures in order to analyze their effectiveness. Air samples of 50 L were collected through an impaction method, while surface samples, taken at the same time, were collected by the swabbing method and subject to further macro- and microscopic observations. In addition, we collected air samples of 250 L using the impinger Coriolis μ air sampler (Bertin Technologies) at 300 L/min airflow rate in order to perform real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) amplification of genes from specific fungal species, namely Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus complexes, as well as Stachybotrys chartarum species. Fungal quantification in the air ranged from 180 to 5,280 CFU m−3 before cleaning and from 220 to 2,460 CFU m−3 after cleaning procedures. Surfaces presented results that ranged from 29 × 104 to 109 × 104 CFU m−2 before cleaning and from 11 × 104 to 89 × 104 CFU m−2 after cleaning. Statistically significant differences regarding fungal load were not detected between before and after cleaning procedures. Toxigenic strains from A. flavus complex and S. chartarum were not detected by qPCR. Conversely, the A. fumigatus species was successfully detected by qPCR and interestingly it was amplified in two samples where no detection by conventional methods was observed. Overall, these results reveal the inefficacy of the cleaning procedures and that it is important to determine fungal burden in order to carry out risk assessment.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the temporal evolution of maternal mortality and its spatial distribution.METHODS Ecological study with a sample made up of 845 maternal deaths in women between 10 and 49 years, registered from 1999 to 2008 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. Data were obtained from Information System on Mortality of Ministry of Health. The maternal mortality ratio and the specific maternal mortality ratio were calculated from records, and analyzed by the Poisson regression model. In the spatial distribution, three maps of the state were built with the rates in the geographical macro-regions, in 1999, 2003, and 2008.RESULTS There was an increase of 2.0% in the period of ten years (95%CI 1.00;1.04; p = 0.01), with no significant change in the magnitude of the maternal mortality ratio. The Serra macro-region presented the highest maternal mortality ratio (1.15, 95%CI 1.08;1.21; p < 0.001). Most deaths in Rio Grande do Sul were of white women over 40 years, with a lower level of education. The time of delivery/abortion and postpartum are times of increased maternal risk, with a greater negative impact of direct causes such as hypertension and bleeding.CONCLUSIONS The lack of improvement in maternal mortality ratio indicates that public policies had no impact on women’s reproductive and maternal health. It is needed to qualify the attention to women’s health, especially in the prenatal period, seeking to identify and prevent risk factors, as a strategy of reducing maternal death.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the incremental cost-utility ratio for the surgical treatment of hip fracture in older patients.METHODS This was a retrospective cohort study of a systematic sample of patients who underwent surgery for hip fracture at a central hospital of a macro-region in the state of Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2011. A decision tree creation was analyzed considering the direct medical costs. The study followed the healthcare provider’s perspective and had a one-year time horizon. Effectiveness was measured by the time elapsed between trauma and surgery after dividing the patients into early and late surgery groups. The utility was obtained in a cross-sectional and indirect manner using the EuroQOL 5 Dimensions generic questionnaire transformed into cardinal numbers using the national regulations established by the Center for the Development and Regional Planning of the State of Minas Gerais. The sample included 110 patients, 27 of whom were allocated in the early surgery group and 83 in the late surgery group. The groups were stratified by age, gender, type of fracture, type of surgery, and anesthetic risk.RESULTS The direct medical cost presented a statistically significant increase among patients in the late surgery group (p < 0.005), mainly because of ward costs (p < 0.001). In-hospital mortality was higher in the late surgery group (7.4% versus 16.9%). The decision tree demonstrated the dominance of the early surgery strategy over the late surgery strategy: R$9,854.34 (USD4,387.17) versus R$26,754.56 (USD11,911.03) per quality-adjusted life year. The sensitivity test with extreme values proved the robustness of the results.CONCLUSIONS After controlling for confounding variables, the strategy of early surgery for hip fracture in the older adults was proven to be dominant, because it presented a lower cost and better results than late surgery.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia dos Materiais
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the consumption of ultra-processed foods, its associated factors, and its influence on nutrient intake in young adults.METHODS In 2004-2005, the individuals belonging to the Pelotas birth cohort of 1982 were identified for a home interview. A total of 4,297 individuals were interviewed and 4,202 individuals were included in the study (follow-up rate of 77.4%). Diet was assessed using a questionnaire on dietary intake and the percentage of daily caloric intake attributed to ultra-processed foods as well as the intake of macro- and micronutrients were estimated. The association between cohort characteristics and the consumption of ultra-processed foods was assessed using linear regression. Analysis of variance and Pearson’s Chi-square test were used to evaluate the association between the quintiles of the consumption of ultra-processed food, nutrient intake and adequacy of nutrient intake, respectively.RESULTS The consumption of ultra-processed foods corresponded to 51.2% of the total caloric intake. The consumption of ultra-processed foods was higher among women, individuals with higher education, and individuals who were never poor and eutrophic. The increased consumption of ultra-processed foods was positively correlated with the consumption of fat, cholesterol, sodium, iron, calcium, and calories (p < 0.001) and was negatively correlated with the consumption of carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fiber (p < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS The high consumption of ultra-processed foods and its positive correlation with the intake of sodium, cholesterol, and fats underscores the need to perform interventions aimed at decreasing the intake of this food group.
Nutrition science has evolved into a multidisciplinary field that applies molecular biology and integrates individual health with the epidemiologic investigation of population health. Nutritional genomics studies the functional interaction of food and its components, macro and micronutrients, with the genome at the molecular, cellular, and systemic level. Diet can influence cancer development in several ways, namely direct action of carcinogens in food that can damage DNA, diet components (macro or micronutrients) that can block or induce enzymes involved in activation or deactivation of carcinogenic substances. Moreover, inadequate intake of some molecules involved in DNA synthesis, repair or methylation can influence mutation rate or changes in gene expression. Several studies support the idea that diet can influence the risk of cancer; however information concerning the precise dietary factor that determines human cancer is an ongoing debate. A lot of epidemiological studies, involving food frequency questionnaires, have been developed providing important information concerning diet and cancer, however, diet is a complex composite of various nutrients (macro and micronutrients) and non-nutritive food constituents that makes the search for specific factors almost limitless.
En un país acostumbrado a una cultura en que domina el subtitulado, se ha podido observar, en la última década, una incremento de productos audiovisuales doblados tanto para cine como para televisión. El fenómeno del doblaje, aún poco conocido y estudiado, podrá llevar a un cambio de actitudes y de hábitos del público portugués. La necesidad de observar y analizar el doblaje en Portugal, así como la voluntad de comprender este fenómeno constituyen la bases de esta tesis, como resultado concreto de una investigación llevada a cabo en el ámbito de los Estudios de Traducción Audiovisual, con vista a la obtención del grado académico de Doctor en Traducción y Paratraducción, otorgado por la Universidad de Vigo. El presente trabajo tiene como punto de partida el macrocontexto de la Traducción Audiovisual, pero se focaliza en el doblaje y, secuencialmente, en la realidad del doblaje en Portugal y en el doblaje de productos infanto-juveniles, incidiendo sobre el humor como un microcosmo relevante, debido a su especificidad en términos lingüísticos y culturales para la observación de este fenómeno. Se comprende la Traducción Audiovisual como mediación lingüística, cultural y semiótica centrada en un producto – el texto audiovisual. Este es el resultado de la acción combinatoria de signos verbales, visuales y auditivos. Cada uno transporta un sentido único e insustituible para la comunicación, ganando nuevos significados en las varias combinaciones creadas por esos mismos signos. Este polimorfismo semiótico se concretiza a través de la conjugación singular y exclusiva de todos los elementos verbales y no verbales, consistiendo en algo más que una suma de factores. Es un nuevo texto que se construye en un momento y en un espacio determinados.En este contexto, sobresale un fenómeno que está ganando más relevancia como modalidad traductora en la televisión portuguesa: la aceptación “inconsciente” del doblaje, ya que los programas doblados con imagen real se están imponiendo gradualmente y el público infanto-juvenil tiene una mayor apetencia por estos productos, contribuyendo así en un consumo creciente del doblaje. Asistiendo a este cambio en los comportamientos, se cuestiona si estaremos frente a un nuevo tipo de espectador, más receptivo al doblaje, una vez que las nuevas generaciones, acostumbradas desde edad temprana a ver programas doblados, pueden cambiar sus preferencias y hábitos televisivos, adoptando una actitud más positiva hacia el doblaje. De esta manera, se considera la hipótesis de que el consumo masivo de productos audiovisuales doblados por los jóvenes actuales llevará a la aceptación del doblaje como medio preferencial de acceso al texto audiovisual, lato senso en el futuro. En este sentido y con el propósito de comprender y describir el fenómeno del doblaje en Portugal, conviene analizar varios aspectos, principalmente los de la oferta de productos audiovisuales doblados, del proceso técnico y profesional, de las preferencias de los receptores, del producto y de la traducción. Desde una perspectiva histórica, en la génesis de la opción por subtitular los productos audiovisuales extranjeros en Portugal, habría un intento de desincentivar el consumo de películas extranjeras y de impulsar la distribución de la producción nacional, que se adecuaba más a los valores del régimen de Salazar. Aún después del cambio de régimen, los subtítulos se mantuvieron como modalidad traductora dominante, que resulta de un proceso de habituación y aculturación que puede explicar el mantenimiento de las preferencias del público portugués durante décadas. Sin embargo, en Portugal se ha asistido al aumento gradual de la oferta televisiva y fílmica, sobre todo desde la introducción de los canales privados de señal abierta y por suscripción. La observación y contabilización de la oferta elevisiva reveló un número significativo de productos audiovisuales doblados en Portugal, dirigidos hacia los segmentos etarios más jóvenes. La hegemonía del doblaje con relación a los subtítulos, en lo que se refiere a la traducción de los productos infanto-juveniles extranjeros, condujo a un incremento del consumo de programas infanto-juveniles doblados. Ante esto y debido a la utilización del doblaje, se constató el dominio de la lengua portuguesa en la programación infanto-juvenil, lo que disminuye el contacto de este público con las lenguas extranjeras. Así se comprobó una tendencia a ampliar el ámbito de acción del doblaje en las emisiones televisivas, respondiendo a las cuotas de lengua portuguesa en la televisión en Portugal. Se imponía así ir remontarse hasta el origen del producto final y comprender cómo funciona el proceso técnico del doblaje. Para eso viví in loco la experiencia de la grabación en estudio, entrevisté personalmente y por correo electrónico a los profesionales del área, vi y analicé documentos de vídeo emitidos en la televisión y en Internet sobre esta actividad profesional. De la observación llevada a cabo en el terreno, se comprobó que el proceso de doblaje en Portugal es, sobre todo, una cadena secuencial de profesionales, que pasa por la intervención de distintos agentes en el texto doblado, no siendo únicamente responsabilidad del traductor. La versión final se somete a la manipulación lingüística de los directores de doblaje, a la adaptación sonora de los técnicos de sonido y a la interpretación de los actores, No se pudo comprobar el grado de responsabilidad de cada interviniente, dado que no fue posible acceder a las primeras versiones traducidas Se ha demostrado que el traductor es uno entre muchos agentes en el proceso técnico y que su intervención termina cuando entrega el texto traducido al director de doblaje. Considerando que en Portugal son los niños y los jóvenes los principales destinatarios del doblaje, se comprobó el perfil heterogéneo de este público, delimitado por franjas etarias y caracterizado por la especificidad de sus competencias lingüísticas, culturales y cognitivas, así como por la inexperiencia vivencial. Este hecho propicia la adopción del doblaje modalidad traductora preferencial para este segmento etario. Se confirmó, como resultado de la observación empírica efectuada, que la tipología de los programas televisivos infanto-juveniles en Portugal es poco diversificada y algo repetitiva, con gran prevalencia de la animación sobre la imagen real. Sin embargo, esta investigación reveló la existencia de un nuevo tipo de formato televisivo, con elevado potencial investigativo y que modificó los hábitos y las costumbres del público infanto-juvenil: las teencoms. Esta nueva tipología televisiva, compuesta por secuencias cortas de historias, por un ritmo acelerado de la acción y un discurso dotado de estructuras discursivas sencillas con un enfoque humorístico de fácil comprensión y asimilación por los espectadores más jóvenes, se emite doblada, contrariamente a la práctica imperante en Portugal de utilizar subtítulos en los programas extranjeros. Después de describir cómo ocurre y se materializa este fenómeno, hace falta comprender el porqué de este cambio de actitud. El doblaje de programas infanto-juveniles puede contener ‘ingredientes’ atractivos que cautivan a este nuevo público, haciéndolo una práctica natural y apetecible. Se cuestiona si los consumidores de programas infanto-juveniles doblados aceptan esta modalidad de TAV (Traducción Audiovisual) como natural e invisible, ya que estos presentan coherencia funcional y, así, garantizan niveles elevados de satisfacción. En este sentido, importa comprender cuáles son los factores de atracción y comprobar la eficacia del producto doblado. Uno de esos factores es el humor, como lo demuestra la cantidad de productos audiovisuales cómicos en Portugal destinados a las franjas etarias más jóvenes. Con relación a la traducción de textos humorísticos, dos ideas figuran en varios estudios: la dificultad en traducir el humor debido a las características lingüístico-culturales de cada comunidad, y la necesidad de recurrir a estrategias funcionalistas para que la comunidad pueda ser replicada en el producto audiovisual doblado. De la misma manera, considero que, por su subjetividad, la transferencia interlingüística del humor parece realmente una de las áreas más complejas para el traductor. Pero desde la óptica del investigador, se reveló como un objeto de análisis productivo y revelador del fenómeno del doblaje.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence of asthma and physician-diagnosed asthma in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS Cross-sectional, national, school-based study with adolescents from 12 to 17 years old, participants in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA). The study stratified the sample by region and grouped according to schools and classes with representativeness to the set of cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants of the Country, macro-regions, capitals, and Federal District. A questionnaire collected data through a self-filled in method. We calculated the prevalences and their confidence intervals of 95% (95%CI) according to sex, age group, type of school and skin color. RESULTS Between 2013 and 2014, 74,589 adolescents were evaluated, 55.3% of the female sex. The total prevalence of active asthma was of 13.1% (95%CI 12.1-13.9), being higher in girls (14.8%; 95%CI 13.7-16.0) when compared to boys (11.2%; 95%CI 10.3-12.2) in all geographical strata examined. It was also higher between students of private schools (15.9%; 95%CI 14.2-17.7) when compared to public ones (12.4%; 95%CI 11.4-13.4). It was higher in the Southeast region (14.5%; 95%CI 12.9-16.1), and in the city of Sao Paulo (16.7%; 95%CI 14.7-18.7). The lowest prevalence was observed in North region (9.7%; 95%CI 9.7-10.5), and in Teresina (6.3%; 95%CI 4.9-7.7). The prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma was of 8.7% (95%CI 8.2-9.1); higher in the North region (13.5%; 95%CI 12.7-14.2), and in Porto Alegre (19.8%; 95%CI 17.5-22.3). It was lower in the Midwest (6.9%; 95%CI 6.0-7.8), and in Cuiaba (4.8%; 95%CI 3.8-5.9). We found no significant difference in the expression of this rate between the sexes, as well as in other variables evaluated by the study. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of asthma in Brazilian adolescents is high. Rates of active asthma and physician-diagnosed asthma vary widely in different regions and capitals evaluated by the ERICA. These results may assist in the preparation of preventive programs and policies on health and a better understanding of the factors associated with asthma in this age group.