998 resultados para Ley 80 de 1993 - Artículo 7
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) in fibromyalgic patients. Methods: Sixty subjects of both sexes (mean age, 49.2 +/- 13.8 years) with fibromyalgia (FM) diagnosis were included in this study. All patients were examined by a calibrated investigator to identify the presence of TMD using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD. Results: The most common signs (A) and symptoms (B) reported by FM patients were (A) pain in the masticatory muscles (masseter, 80%; posterior digastric, 76.7%), pain in the temporomandibular joint (83.3%), and 33.3% and 28.3%, respectively, presented joint sounds when opening and closing the mouth; (B) headache (97%) and facial pain (81.7%). In regard to the classic triad for the diagnosis of the TMD, it was found that 35% of the FM patients presented, at the same time, pain, joint sounds, and alteration of the mandibular movements. It was verified that myofascial pain without limitation of mouth opening was the most prevalent diagnosis (47%) for the RDC subgroup I. For the subgroup II, the disk displacement with reduction was the most prevalent diagnosis (21.6%). For the subgroup III, 36.7% of the subjects presented osteoarthritis. Conclusions: Thus, there is a high prevalence of signs and symptoms of TMD in FM patients, indicating the need for an integrated diagnosis and treatment of these patients, which suggest that the FM could be a medium- or long-term risk factor for the development of TMD.
Zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und Effektivität der Phenprocoumon-Therapie wurden drei unterschiedliche Untersuchungen durchgeführt.rnZunächst wurde auf Grundlage bekannter Datenbanken und Informationsquellen zu Arznei-mittelinteraktionen (Drugdex, Abda Datenbank, Marcumar® Fachinformation, Coumarin-Interaktionsliste der Federatie van Nederlandse Trombosediensten, Review zu Warfarin-Interaktionen) eine handlungsorientierte Interaktionsdatenbank für Phenprocoumon erstellt. Dazu wurden in einer Übersichtstabelle relevante Informationen zu potentiellen Interaktionen für insgesamt 375 Arzneimittel zusammengestellt. Diese Tabelle wurde durch ein dreiköpfiges Expertenteam begutachtet und die potentiellen Interaktionspartner fünf verschiedenen Schweregraden und Stufen klinischer Relevanz zugeordnet. Für fast 50% der potentiellen Interaktionspartner wurden Handlungen als nicht erforderlich erachtet. Für die restlichen potentiellen Interaktionspartner wurden Handlungen zum klinischen Management der Interaktion in Abhängigkeit vom zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit der Phenprocoumon-Einnahme festgelegt. rnAnschließend wurde in einer Anwendungsbeobachtung der Zusammenhang zwischen der zusätzlichen Einnahme potentiell interagierender Arzneimittel (in der entwickelten Datenbank eingestuft mit dem Schweregrad „hoch“ und „sehr hoch“) und der Häufigkeit von Änderungen der Phenprocoumon-Wochendosis an 116 Patienten untersucht. Das relative Risiko für eine Dosisanpassung war bei Patienten in der Interaktions-Gruppe (n=23) signifikant erhöht (RR=1,9; p<0,001). Als weitere potentielle Einflussfaktoren stellten sich zunehmendes Alter (Alter 80-85 Jahre: RR=2; p<0,05), vielfache Komorbiditäten (4 Komorbiditäten: RR=2,1; p<0,05) und eingeschränkte Nieren- (RR=1,47; p>0,05) und Leberfunktion (RR=1,3; p>0,05) heraus.rnZur Untersuchung der Betreuungsqualität von VKA-Patienten im Thrombosedienst Mainz wurden retrospektiv die Daten von 118 Patienten ausgewertet. Als Qualitätsparameter wurden die prozentuale Häufigkeit von INR-Werten im Zielbereich, die TTR (Time in Therapeutic Range), die Dauer der NMH-Therapie, die Zeit bis zum Erreichen des Zielbereichs und der durchschnittliche Abstand zwischen zwei Kontrollterminen ermittelt. Im Median lag jeder Patient mit 73% der gemessenen INR-Werte und im individuellen Zielbereich. Die TTR betrug im Median 80%. Die Patienten benötigten 7 Tage zum Erreichen des Zielbereiches. Die NMH-Therapie wurde über 8 Tage durchgeführt. Die Patienten kamen im Median alle 11 Tage zu einem Kontrolltermin. Im Benchmark zu international publizierten Qualitätskenn-zahlen zur VKA-Therapie ist die Betreuungsqualität im Thrombosedienst Mainz als sehr gut einzustufen.rn
MATERIALI E METODI: Tra il 2012 e il 2013, abbiamo analizzato in uno studio prospettico i dati di 48 pazienti sottoposti a ThuLEP con approccio autodidatta. I pazienti sono stati rivalutati a 3, 6, 12 e 24 mesi con la valutazione del PSA, il residuo post-minzionale (RPM), l'uroflussometria (Qmax), l'ecografia transrettale e questionari validati (IPSS: international prostate symptom score e QoL: quality of life) RISULTATI: Il volume medio della prostata è di 63 ± 5,3 ml. Il tempo operatorio medio è stato di 127,58 ± 28.50 minuti. Il peso medio del tessuto asportato è stato di 30,40 ± 13,90 gr. A 6 mesi dopo l'intervento l'RPM medio è diminuito da 165,13 ± 80,15 ml a 7,78 ± 29.19 ml, mentre il Qmax medio è aumentato da 5.75 ± 1.67ml / s a 18.1 ± 5.27 ml / s. I valori medi dei IPSS e QoL hanno dimostrato un progressivo miglioramento: da 19.15 (IQR: 2-31) e 4 (IQR: 1-6) nel preoperatorio a 6.04 (IQR: 1-20) e 1.13 (IQR: 1-4), rispettivamente. Durante la curva di apprendimento si è assistito ad un progressivo aumento del peso del tessuto enucleato e ad una progressiva riduzione del tempo di ospedalizzazione e di cateterismo. Tra le principali complicanze ricordiamo un tasso di incontinenza transitoria del 12,5% a 3 mesi e del 2.1% a 12 mesi. CONCLUSIONI: ThuLEP rappresenta una tecnica chirurgica efficace, sicura e riproducibile indipendentemente dalle dimensioni della prostata. I nostri dati suggeriscono che la ThuLEP offre un miglioramento significativo dei parametri funzionali comparabili con le tecniche tradizionali, nonostante una lunga curva di apprendimento.
Antifibrotic effects of α- (40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 μM), γ- (10, 20, 30, and 40 μM) and δ-tocotrienol (10, 20, 30, and 40 μM) on hTf cultures were evaluated by performing proliferation, migration and collagen synthesis assays. Whereas for vitamin E the exposure time was set to 7 days to mimic subconjunctival application, cultures were exposed only 5 min to mitomycin C 100 μg/ml to mimic intraoperative administration. Cell morphology (phase contrast microscopy) as an assessment for cytotoxicity and cell density by measuring DNA content in a fluorometric assay to determine proliferation inhibition was performed on day 0, 4, and 7. Migration ability and collagen synthesis of fibroblasts were measured. Results All tested tocotrienol isoforms were able to significantly inhibit hTf proliferation in a dose-dependent manner (maximal inhibitory effect without relevant morphological changes at day 4 for α-tocotrienol 80 μM with 36.7% and at day 7 for α-tocotrienol 80 μM with 42.6% compared to control). Degenerative cell changes were observed in cultures with concentrations above 80 μM for α- and above 30 μM for γ- and δ-tocotrienol. The highest collagen synthesis inhibition has been found with 80 µM α-tocotrienol (62.4%) and no significant inhibition for mitomycin C (2.5%). Migration ability was significantly reduced in cultures exposed to 80 µM α- and 30 µM γ-tocotrienol (inhibition of 82.2% and 79.5%, respectively, compared to control) and also after mitomycin C treatment (60.0%). Complete growth inhibition without significant degenerative cell changes could only be achieved with mitomycin C. Conclusion In vitro, all tested tocotrienol isoforms were able to inhibit proliferation, migration and collagen synthesis of human Tenon’s fibroblasts and therefore may have the potential as an anti-scarring agent in filtrating glaucoma surger
The age distribution and incidence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of 1p and 19q was analyzed in 85 oligodendroglial tumors WHO II and III. The peak of tumor manifestation was in the age group of 35 to 55 years. There was no association between age at diagnosis and LOH incidence. We conclude that the prognostic effect of age on survival is not mediated by LOH 1p/19q.
Puumala virus (PUUV) is one of the predominant hantavirus species in Europe causing mild to moderate cases of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Parts of Lower Saxony in north-western Germany are endemic for PUUV infections. In this study, the complete PUUV genome sequence of a bank vole-derived tissue sample from the 2007 outbreak was determined by a combined primer-walking and RNA ligation strategy. The S, M and L genome segments were 1,828, 3,680 and 6,550 nucleotides in length, respectively. Sliding-window analyses of the nucleotide sequences of all available complete PUUV genomes indicated a non-homogenous distribution of variability with hypervariable regions located at the 3′-ends of the S and M segments. The overall similarity of the coding genome regions to the other PUUV strains ranged between 80.1 and 84.7 % at the level of the nucleotide sequence and between 89.5 and 98.1 % for the deduced amino acid sequences. In comparison to the phylogenetic trees of the complete coding sequences, trees based on partial segments revealed a general drop in phylogenetic support and a lower resolution. The Astrup strain S and M segment sequences showed the highest similarity to sequences of strains from geographically close sites in the Osnabrück Hills region. In conclusion, a primer-walking-mediated strategy resulted in the determination of the first complete nucleotide sequence of a PUUV strain from Central Europe. Different levels of variability along the genome provide the opportunity to choose regions for analyses according to the particular research question, e.g., large-scale phylogenetics or within-host evolution.