957 resultados para López, Vicente


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The general purpose of the EQUIFASE Conference is to promote the Scientific and Technologic exchange between people from both the academic and the industrial environment in the field of Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties for the Design of Chemical Processes. Topics: Measurement of Thermodynamic Properties. Phase Equilibria and Chemical Equilibria. Theory and Modelling. Alternative Solvents. Supercritical Fluids. Ionic Liquids. Energy. Gas and oil. Petrochemicals. Environment and sustainability. Biomolecules and Biotechnology. Product and Process Design. Databases and Software. Education.


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La Red de investigación en docencia universitaria “Universidad, docencia, genero e igualdad” persigue avanzar en la calidad e innovación de las enseñanzas universitarias a partir de la inclusión de la perspectiva de género. Se busca dar cumplimiento a las directrices generales de los nuevos planes de estudio respecto del principio de igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en la formación universitaria (Real Decreto 1393/2007. BOE nº 260, 30 de octubre de 2007). En la tercera edición de la Red, y dada su composición multidisciplinar, se desarrollaron dos líneas de investigación: por un lado, se continuó trabajando en el mantenimiento del “Portal web con recursos docentes con perspectiva de género”, proyecto financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer (PACUI, 2012) e iniciado en el curso 2012-2013, incrementándose en un 36% la colección de recursos; y, por otro, se inició una nueva línea de investigación con la que se busca desarrollar una herramienta informática de ayuda para la redacción de textos con lenguaje inclusivo.


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Se presenta en esta memoria el trabajo desarrollado durante el curso 2013/14 por los componentes de la “Red de investigación en Visión Artificial y Robótica. Establecimiento de contenidos e implantación y seguimiento del plan de evaluación”. Código de Red ICE 3031. Este ha sido el primer curso en el que se imparte la asignatura a estudio y nuestros esfuerzos han estado orientados tanto a la valoración de los materiales elaborados en los años precedentes como al seguimiento y ponderación del sistema de evaluación propuesto para la asignatura de Visión Artificial y Robótica y que consiste en la evaluación continua de trabajos desarrollados por los estudiantes a lo largo de todo el cuatrimestre. Además, estos trabajos han de ser expuestos oralmente en el aula. Para ello, el alumno ha de desarrollar también las transparencias que le sirvan para apoyar su presentación.


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Es evidente que uno de los principales recursos con los que cuenta la Universidad de Alicante es su Campus, no solo el de San Vicente del Raspeig sino también y además la constelación de Sedes Universitarias y Estaciones Científicas que lo componen. La calidad de sus edificios, todos ellos dignísimos para el fin al que sirven y algunos sencillamente magníficas obras de arquitectura, tanto las de nueva planta como las históricas que albergan las Sedes; la ordenación ejemplar de sus espacios libres donde la vegetación es, por derecho propio, protagonista indiscutible de un proyecto paisajístico modélico; o las esculturas, placas y homenajes y donaciones, embajadas y mecenazgos que salpican el espacio público dotándolo de identidad y cualificándolo, componen un conjunto notable poseedor de un enorme atractivo para la vida de la comunidad universitaria, para sus visitantes y para sus posibles futuros habitantes (nuevos estudiantes, PDI y PAS). El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo poner en valor todo ese patrimonio mediante su conocimiento y difusión a través de diversos canales que pretenden llegar al mayor público posible desde el rigor de la investigación y el atractivo de la presentación de sus resultados.


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In this paper, a novel approach for exploiting multitemporal remote sensing data focused on real-time monitoring of agricultural crops is presented. The methodology is defined in a dynamical system context using state-space techniques, which enables the possibility of merging past temporal information with an update for each new acquisition. The dynamic system context allows us to exploit classical tools in this domain to perform the estimation of relevant variables. A general methodology is proposed, and a particular instance is defined in this study based on polarimetric radar data to track the phenological stages of a set of crops. A model generation from empirical data through principal component analysis is presented, and an extended Kalman filter is adapted to perform phenological stage estimation. Results employing quad-pol Radarsat-2 data over three different cereals are analyzed. The potential of this methodology to retrieve vegetation variables in real time is shown.


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The phenological stages of onion fields in the first year of growth are estimated using polarimetric observables and single-polarization intensity channels. Experiments are undertaken on a time series of RADARSAT-2 C-band full-polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images collected in 2009 over the Barrax region, Spain, where ground truth information about onion growth stages is provided by the European Space Agency (ESA)-funded agricultural bio/geophysical retrieval from frequent repeat pass SAR and optical imaging (AgriSAR) field campaign conducted in that area. The experimental results demonstrate that polarimetric entropy or copolar coherence when used jointly with the cross-polarized intensity allows unambiguously distinguishing three phenological intervals.


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The coherent nature of the acquisition by TerraSAR-X of both copolar channels (HH and VV) enables the generation of many different polarimetric observables with physical interpretation, as have recently been used for monitoring rice fields. In this letter, the influence of incidence angle upon these polarimetric observables is analyzed by comparing three stacks of images that were acquired simultaneously at different incidence angles (22°, 30°, and 40°) during a whole cultivation campaign. We show that the response of observables related to dominance (entropy, ratios of components) and type of scattering mechanisms (alpha angles) is not greatly influenced by incidence angle at some stages: early and advanced vegetative phases, and maturation. Moreover, the acquisition geometry drives the sensitivity to the presence of the initial stems and tillers, being detected earlier at shallower angles. This analysis is a necessary step before studying potential methodologies for combining different orbits and beams for reducing the time between acquisitions for monitoring purposes.


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La plataforma tecnológica de datos abiertos universitarios (OpenData4U) permite la publicación de datos abiertos de una universidad, así como su acceso de manera que se potencie su reutilización (a través de un portal de datos abiertos y de un API para desarrolladores), a la vez que se permite disponer de un portal de transparencia para una acceso fácil a los datos de manera comprensible por cualquier persona. Esta es la plataforma que usa la Universidad de Alicante en su proyecto de datos abiertos y transparencia. Puedes acceder al código en https://github.com/UAdatos


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According to the importance of rehabilitation and recovery of Architectural Heritage in the live of people, this paper is aimed to strengthen the traditional methods of stone vaults calculation taking advantage of the technological characteristics of the powerful program ANSYS Workbench. As an example of this, it could find out the possible pathologies that could arise during the construction history of the building. To limit this research, the upper vault of the main chapel of the Santiago parish church in Orihuela -Alicante- is selected as a reference which is a Jeronimo Quijano´s important building work in the XVI century in the Renaissance. Moreover, it is an innovative stone masonry vault that consists of 8 double intercrossed arches with each other and braced by severies. During the seventeenth century there was a lantern in the central cap and it is unknown why it was removed. Its construction could justify the original constructive solution with intercrossed arches that freed the center to create a more enlightened and comfortable presbytery. By similarity with other Quijano’s works, it is considered a small lantern drilling the central spherical cap. It is proposed to carry out a comparative study of it with different architectural solutions from the same period and based on several common parameters such as: a vault of square plant with spherical surround, intercrossed arches, a possible lantern, the dimension of the permitted space, similar states of loads and compact limestone masonry. The three solutions are mainly differentiated by their size and the type of lantern and its comparison lets us know which one is the most resistant and stable. The other two building works maintain some connection with the Quijano's professional scope. It has selected the particular case of the Communion chapel of the Basilica in Elche (a large prismatic lantern with a large cylindrical drum that starts from the own arches and an upper hemispherical dome), for its conservation, its proximity to Orihuela and its implementation during the century XVIII. Finally, a significant Dome Spanish Renaissance complete the selection: a cross vault of the Benavides Chapel of the Saint Francisco Convent in Baeza - Jaén-, designed by Andres of Vandelvira in the sixteenth century (a large hemispherical dome that starts from the own arcs). To simplify the calculation and standardize the work that have to be contrasted, all of them were considered with some similar characteristics: 30 cm constant thickness, the intercrossed arches were specifically analyzed and had identical loads, Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. Regarding the calculation solutions, in general terms, the compressive stresses predominate, influencing on it the joint collaboration of the filling material on the vault, the vault itself, the thick side walls, the buttresses and the top cover weight . In addition, the three solutions are suitable, being the Orihuela one the safest and the Baeza one the riskiest for its large dimensions. Thus, the idea of intercrossed arches with suitable thickness would allow carry out the heaviest lantern and this would confirm it as a Renaissance architectural typology built in stone.


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In this study, a methodology based in a dynamical framework is proposed to incorporate additional sources of information to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series of agricultural observations for a phenological state estimation application. The proposed implementation is based on the particle filter (PF) scheme that is able to integrate multiple sources of data. Moreover, the dynamics-led design is able to conduct real-time (online) estimations, i.e., without requiring to wait until the end of the campaign. The evaluation of the algorithm is performed by estimating the phenological states over a set of rice fields in Seville (SW, Spain). A Landsat-5/7 NDVI series of images is complemented with two distinct sources of information: SAR images from the TerraSAR-X satellite and air temperature information from a ground-based station. An improvement in the overall estimation accuracy is obtained, especially when the time series of NDVI data is incomplete. Evaluations on the sensitivity to different development intervals and on the mitigation of discontinuities of the time series are also addressed in this work, demonstrating the benefits of this data fusion approach based on the dynamic systems.


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No seio do Marketing Desportivo e das suas especificidades, a adoção de uma política estrategicamente relacional entre o clube o consumidor, afigura-se como um ponto fulcral para este estudo uma vez que a vertente irracional e os níveis de paixão que normalmente caraterizam os consumidores do produto desportivo, diferenciando-os assim do meio comum do consumo, são fatores decisivos para a sua aplicação. O principal objetivo deste estudo incide sobre o aumento das assistências no Estádio Cidade de Barcelos e consequentemente uma subida dos consumidores numa escada rolante de consumo, sendo que para esse efeito foram entrevistados 103 sócios do Gil Vicente FC devidamente extraídos de uma amostra de 3543, com base numa análise probabilística estratificada. Com a leitura deste estudo, será possível compreender e interpretar as necessidades, desejos e motivações daqueles que são o principal ativo do Gil Vicente FC, os seus sócios, perceber a dinâmica interna do clube bem como o ambiente externo em que está inserido e apreciar uma possível solução para que a relação entre clube e sócios cresça, e que desse crescimento se criem bases e pressupostos visivelmente favoráveis para qualquer uma das partes envolvidas.