967 resultados para Hego eta Erdialdeko Amerika


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Herriko musika eskola eta dantza taldearen instalakuntzak dauden egoera ikusita, diziplina hauek bateratuko dituen ekipamendu berri bat proposatzen da Ordiziako Herri Antzokian hutsik dauden lokaletan. Esku hartzea lokal hauetan eta aurrean duen plazan egin da.


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The field was the curation of new media within large-scale exhibition practice for Chinese audiences. The context was improved understandings of the intertwining cultures and concerns of Chinese and Western contemporary practitioners. The research uncovered a range of connective and dialogical concerns around cultural displacement and re-identification, germane to the chosen group of media artists. The methodology was principally practice-led. The research brought together 31 practitioners from Asian, European and Australasian cultures within a major highly visible Chinese exhibition context. By identifying and promoting a distinct commonality within difference amongst the diverse practitioners the exhibition successfully activated a global dialogue that incorporated environmental and cultural identity agendas within a major Chinese educational and public context - thereby promulgating cross-cultural understanding, despite the often oppressive shadowing of domestic political processes. The project was developed under the international aegis of IDA Projects (established since 1999) and was substantially supported by the Fine Art Department of the Beijing Film Academy, QUT Precincts and Platform China Art Institute. It built upon IDA’s 2005 inaugural new media exhibition at the ‘Today Art’ Museum in Beijing – now recognised as one of the leading art spaces in China. Numerous peer-reviewed grants won included the Australian Embassy in China and the Australia China Council. Through subsequent invitations from external curators the work then traveled in a range of reconfigured formats to other major venues including the Block Gallery at QUT, Brisbane and ZAIM Artspace, Yokohama Japan. A major catalogue with authoritative essays was also printed.


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INTRODUCTION: Breast milk fatty acids play a major role in infant development. However, no data have compared the breast milk composition of different ethnic groups living in the same environment. We aimed to (i) investigate breast milk fatty acid composition of three ethnic groups in Singapore and (ii) determine dietary fatty acid patterns in these groups and any association with breast milk fatty acid composition. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective study conducted at a tertiary hospital in Singapore. Healthy pregnant women with the intention to breastfeed were recruited. Diet profile was studied using a standard validated 3-day food diary. Breast milk was collected from mothers at 1 to 2 weeks and 6 to 8 weeks postnatally. Agilent gas chromatograph (6870N) equipped with a mass spectrometer (5975) and an automatic liquid sampler (ALS) system with a split mode was used for analysis. RESULTS: Seventy-two breast milk samples were obtained from 52 subjects. Analysis showed that breast milk ETA (Eicosatetraenoic acid) and ETA:EA (Eicosatrienoic acid) ratio were significantly different among the races (P = 0.031 and P = 0.020), with ETA being the highest among Indians and the lowest among Malays. Docosahexaenoic acid was significantly higher among Chinese compared to Indians and Malays. No difference was demonstrated in n3 and n6 levels in the food diet analysis among the 3 ethnic groups. CONCLUSIONS: Differences exist in breast milk fatty acid composition in different ethnic groups in the same region, although no difference was demonstrated in the diet analysis. Factors other than maternal diet may play a role in breast milk fatty acid composition.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to improve the retention of primary healthcare (PHC) nurses through exploring and assessing their quality of work life (QWL) and turnover intention. Design and methods: A cross-sectional survey design was used in this study. Data were collected using a questionnaire comprising four sections (Brooks’ survey of Quality of Nursing Work Life [QNWL], Anticipated Turnover Intention, open-ended questions and demographic characteristics). A convenience sample was recruited from 143 PHC centres in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. A response rate of 87% (n = 508/585) was achieved. The SPSS v17 for Windows and NVivo 8 were used for analysis purposes. Procedures and tests used in this study to analyse the quantitative data were descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, General Linear Model (GLM) univariate analysis, standard multiple regression, and hierarchical multiple regression. Qualitative data obtained from responses to the open-ended questions were analysed using the NVivo 8. Findings: Quantitative findings suggested that PHC nurses were dissatisfied with their work life. Respondents’ scores ranged between 45 and 218 (mean = 139.45), which is lower than the average total score on Brooks’ Survey (147). Major influencing factors were classified under four dimensions. First, work life/home life factors: unsuitable working hours, lack of facilities for nurses, inability to balance work with family needs and inadequacy of vacations’ policy. Second, work design factors: high workload, insufficient workforce numbers, lack of autonomy and undertaking many non-nursing tasks. Third, work context factors: management practices, lack of development opportunities, and inappropriate working environment in terms of the level of security, patient care supplies and unavailability of recreation room. Finally, work world factors: negative public image of nursing, and inadequate payment. More positively, nurses were notably satisfied with their co-workers. Conversely, 40.4% (n = 205) of the respondents indicated that they intended to leave their current employment. The relationships between QWL and demographic variables of gender, age, marital status, dependent children, dependent adults, nationality, ethnicity, nursing tenure, organisational tenure, positional tenure, and payment per month were significant (p < .05). The eta squared test for these demographics indicates a small to medium effect size of the variation in QWL scores. Using the GLM univariate analysis, education level was also significantly related to the QWL (p < .05). The relationships between turnover intention and demographic variables including gender, age, marital status, dependent children, education level, nursing tenure, organisational tenure, positional tenure, and payment per month were significant (p < .05). The eta squared test for these demographics indicates a small to moderate effect size of the variation in the turnover intention scores. Using the GLM univariate analysis, the dependent adults’ variable was also significantly related to turnover intention (p < .05). Turnover intention was significantly related to QWL. Using standard multiple regression, 26% of the variance in turnover intention was explained by the QWL F (4,491), 43.71, p < .001, with R² = .263. Further analysis using hierarchical multiple regression found that the total variance explained by the model as a whole (demographics and QWL) was 32.1%, F (17.433) = 12.04, p < .001. QWL explained an additional 19% of the variance in turnover intention, after controlling for demographic variables, R squared change =.19, F change (4, 433) = 30.190, p < .001. The work context variable makes the strongest unique contribution (-.387) to explain the turnover intention, followed by the work design dimension (-.112). The qualitative findings reaffirmed the quantitative findings in terms of QWL and turnover intention. However, the home life/work life and work world dimensions were of great important to both QWL and turnover intention. The qualitative findings revealed a number of new factors that were not included in the survey questionnaire. These included being away from family, lack of family support, social and cultural aspects, accommodation facilities, transportation, building and infrastructure of PHC, nature of work, job instability, privacy at work, patients and community, and distance between home and workplace. Conclusion: Creating and maintaining a healthy work life for PHC nurses is very important to improve their work satisfaction, reduce turnover, enhance productivity and improve nursing care outcomes. Improving these factors could lead to a higher QWL and increase retention rates and therefore reinforcing the stabilisation of the nursing workforce. Significance of the research: Many countries are examining strategies to attract and retain the health care workforce, particularly nurses. This study identified factors that influence the QWL of PHC nurses as well as their turnover intention. It also determined the significant relationship between QWL and turnover intention. In addition, the present study tested Brooks’ survey of QNWL on PHC nurses for the first time. The qualitative findings of this study revealed a number of new variables regarding QWL and turnover intention of PHC nurses. These variables could be used to improve current survey instruments or to develop new research surveys. The study findings could be also used to develop and appropriately implement plans to improve QWL. This may help to enhance the home and work environments of PHC nurses, improve individual and organisational performance, and increase nurses’ commitment. This study contributes to the existing body of research knowledge by presenting new data and findings from a different country and healthcare system. It is the first of its kind in Saudi Arabia, especially in the field of PHC. It has examined the relationship between QWL and turnover intention of PHC nurses for the first time using nursing instruments. The study also offers a fresh explanation (new framework) of the relationship between QWL and turnover intention among PHC nurses, which could be used or tested by researchers in other settings. Implications for further research: Review of the extant literature reveals little in-depth research on the PHC workforce, especially in terms of QWL and organisational turnover in developing countries. Further research is required to develop a QWL tool for PHC nurses, taking into consideration the findings of the current study along with the local culture. Moreover, the revised theoretical framework of the current study could be tested in further research in other regions, countries or healthcare systems in order to identify its ability to predict the level of PHC nurses’ QWL and their intention to leave. There is a need to conduct longitudinal research on PHC organisations to gain an in-depth understanding of the determents of and changes in QWL and turnover intention of PHC nurses at various points of time. An intervention study is required to improve QWL and retention among PHC nurses using the findings of the current study. This would help to assess the impact of such strategies on reducing turnover of PHC nurses. Focusing on the location of the current study, it would be valuable to conduct another study in five years’ time to examine the percentage of actual turnover among PHC nurses compared with the reported turnover intention in the current study. Further in-depth research would also be useful to assess the impact of the local culture on the perception of expatriate nurses towards their QWL and their turnover intention. A comparative study is required between PHC centres and hospitals as well as the public and private health sector agencies in terms of QWL and turnover intention of nursing personnel. Findings may differ from sector to sector according to variations in health systems, working environments and the case mix of patients.


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Forty-six bottled water samples representing 16 brands from Dhaka, Bangladesh were tested for the numbers of total coliforms, fecal indicator bacteria (i.e., thermotolerant Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp.) and potential bacterial pathogens (i.e., Aeromonas hydrophil, Pseudomonas aeruginos, Salmonella spp., and Shigella spp.). Among the 16 brands tested, 14 (86%), ten (63%) and seven (44%) were positive for total coliforms, E. coil and Enterococcus spp., respectively. Additionally, a further nine (56%), eight (50%), six (37%), and four (25%) brands were PCR positive for A. hydrophila lip, P. aeruginosa ETA, Salmonella spp. invA, and Shigella spp. ipaH genes, respectively. The numbers of bacterial pathogens in bottled water samples ranged from 28 ± 12 to 600 ± 45 (A. hydrophila lip gene), 180 ± 40 to 900 ± 200 (Salmonella spp. invA gene), 180 ± 40 to 1,300 ± 400 (P. aeruginosa ETA gene) genomic units per L of water. Shigella spp. ipaH gene was not quantifiable. Discrepancies were observed in terms of the occurrence of fecal indicators and bacterial pathogens. No correlations were observed between fecal indicators numbers and presence/absence of A. hydrophila lip (p = 0.245), Salmonella spp. invA (p = 0.433), Shigella spp. ipaH gene (p = 0.078), and P. aeruginosa ETA (p = 0.059) genes. Our results suggest that microbiological quality of bottled waters sold in Dhaka, Bangladesh is highly variable. To protect public health, stringent quality control is recommended for the bottled water industry in Bangladesh. Key words: bottled water, fecal indicator bacteria, quantitative PCR, bacterial pathogens, public health risk.


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BACKGROUND: The vasoconstricting peptide endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) growth stimulation, and intimal thickening. ET-1 binds 2 receptor subtypes, endothelin A and B, and the ETA receptor mediates vasoconstriction and VSMC growth. This study aims to quantitatively assess arterial remodeling variables and compare them with changes in ET-1, ETA, and ETB expression in the internal mammary artery (IMA). METHODS AND RESULTS: Specimens from 55 coronary artery disease (CAD) patients (45 men, 10 women; mean age 65 years) and 14 control IMA specimens (from 7 men and 7 women; mean age 45 years) were collected. IMA cross sections were assessed by histochemical and immunohistochemical staining methods to quantify the levels of medionecrosis, fibrosis, VSMC growth, ET-1, ETA, ETB, and macrophage infiltration. The percentage area of medionecrosis in the patients was almost double that in the controls (31.85+/-14.52% versus 17.10+/-9.96%, P=0.0006). Total and type 1 collagen was significantly increased compared with controls (65.8+/-18.3% versus 33.7+/-13.7%, P=0.07, and 14.2+/-10.0% versus 4.8+/-2.8%, P=0.01, respectively). Despite ACE and/or statin therapy, ET-1 expression and cell cycling were significantly elevated in the patient IMAs relative to the controls (46.27+/-18.46 versus 8.56+/-8.42, P=0.0001, and 37.29+/-12.88 versus 11.06+/-8.18, P=0.0001, respectively). ETA and ETB staining was elevated in the patient vessels (46.88+/-11.52% versus 18.58+/-7.65%, P=0.0001, and 42.98+/-7.08% versus 34.73+/-5.20%, P=0.0067, respectively). A mild presence of macrophages was noted in all sections. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated distribution of collagen indicative of fibrosis coupled with increased cell cycling and high levels of ET-1 and ETA expression in the absence of chronic inflammation suggests altered IMA VSMC regulation is fundamental to the remodeling process.


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This is a case about family business succession. Because many successions fail, the 'problem of succession' is a key issue in the family business field (see Aronoff 1998; Bird eta/. 2002; Dyer & Sanchez 1998; Sharma 2004; Zalu·a & Sharma 2004). Indeed, from the non-family business literature, we know one third of relay successions - like this case where there is an identified successor - will fail, with the prospective CEO leaving before succeeding the incumbent CEO (Cmmella & Shen 2001). Research on next generation family business members is limited. Successor ath·ibutes (Chrisman, Chua & Sharma 1998; Sharma & Rao 2000), as well as various characteristics such as socialisation (Garcia-Aivmez, L6pez-Sintas & Gonzalvo 2002) a11d gender (Haberman & Danes 2007; Vera & Dean 2005) have all been considered to play a role. So too have successor intentions (Stavrou & Swiercz 1998), motivation (Le Breton-Miller, Miller & Steier 2004), commitment (Sharma & Irving 2005) and transformation from follower to leadership (Cater & Justis 2009). In this case, by outlining the socialisation of the successors, explanations of their motivations for joining a11d their current employment we can begin to see some of the underlying mechanisms at work motivating the next generation to join and stay in the family business.


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A large proportion of the world's population, including those of Asian countries, live in close proximity to the coastline. Coastlines are being developed at a £aster rate than ever before and there is now a growing body of literature to show that such activities are affecting the quality of coastal ecosystems and its wildlife (see, for example, Jennings, 2004; Siler et al., 2014; Duke eta!., 2007). This in turn is impacting negatively on the fishing and the tourism industries, amongst others. Millions of people depend on these sectors for their livelihoods and, unsustainable development can only make the plight of those who rely on these resources worse. The tourism industry in the coastal regions is particularly at risk since the industry relies heavily on coastal ecosystems to attract visitors. This chapter discusses the strong links that exist between coastal development, tourism, marine ecosystems and its wildlife, drawing attention to two well-known species widely used in tourism, namely whales and sea turtles, and discussing their conservation in relation to tourism. The chapter is divided into six sections. The second section examines why it is important to strike a balance between coastal development and protecting ecosystems. In this section, we discuss the ma.ior identified causes of coastal ecosystem degradation from the published literature, and the third section focuses attention on tourism development in the Asian region, which is one of the major reasons for coastal degradation. A diagrammatic approach is used to illustrate that planning of coastal tourism development which takes into account environmental impacts could result in economic benefits to the areas and regions concerned. The negative impacts on tourism when coastal ecosystems are damaged are discussed in section four. Section five shows the economic benefits resulting from sea turtle and whale watching-based tourism in Australia, and section six examines tourism as a conservation tool. In this section, the differing experiences of sea turtle tourism in Sri Lanka and Australia are discussed based on our published work. The final section concludes.


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Test results reported on several natural sensitive soils show significant anisotropy of the yield curves, which are generally oriented along the coefficient of earth pressure at rest (K-0) axis. An attempt is made in this paper to explain the anisotropy in yielding from microstructural considerations. An elliptic pore, with particle domains aligned along the periphery of the pore, and with the major axis of the pore being oriented along the direction of the in situ major principal stress, is chosen as the unit of microstructure. An analysis of forces at the interdomain contacts around the ellipse is carried out with reference to experimentally determined yield stress conditions of one soil, and a yield criteria is defined. The analysis, with the proposed yield criteria, enables one to define the complete yield curve for any other soil from the results of only two tests (one constant eta compression test with eta close to eta(K?0), where eta is the stress ratio (= q/p) and eta(K?0) is the stress ratio corresponding to anisotropic K-0 compression, and another undrained shear test). Predicted yield curves are compared with experimental yield curves of several soils reported in the literature.


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We present measurements of the rheology of suspensions of rigid spheres in a semi-dilute polymer solution from experiments of steady and oscillatory shear. For a given value of the shear rate gamma, addition of particles enhances the viscosity and the first normal stress difference but decreases the magnitude of the second normal stress difference. The viscosity eta exhibits a power law variation in gamma for a range of gamma that grows with phi. The first normal stress N-1 is positive and its value grows with phi; it exhibits a clear power law variation for the entire range of gamma that was studied. The second normal stress difference N-2 is negative for the pure polymer solution and much smaller in magnitude than N-1; on addition of particles, its magnitude further decreases, and it appears to change sign at large phi. The behavior of N-1 and N-2 is at odds with the findings of recent studies on particle-loaded dilute polymer solutions and polymer melts. The small-amplitude oscillatory shear experiments show the linear viscoelastic properties, G(') and G('), increasing with phi at a given value of the angular frequency omega. The dynamic viscosity of the suspension differs substantially from its steady shear viscosity, and the difference increases as gamma, omega -> 0.


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Ferrocene-conjugated ternary copper(II) complexes [Cu(L)(B)](ClO4)(2), where L is FcCH(2)N(CH2Py)(2) (Fc = (eta(5)-C5H4)Fe-II(eta(5)-C5H5)) and B is a phenanthroline base, viz., 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy, 1), 1, 10-phenanthroline (phen, 2), dipyrido[3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq, 3), and dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz, 4), have been synthesized and characterized by various spectroscopic and analytical techniques. The bpy complex 1, as its hexafluorophosphate salt, has been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The molecular structure shows the copper(II) center having an essentially square-pyramidal coordination geometry in which L with a pendant ferrocenyl (Fc) moiety and bpy show respective tridentate and bidentate modes of binding to the metal center. The complexes are redox active, showing a reversible cyclic voltammetric response of the Fc(+)-Fc couple near 0.5 V vs SCE and a quasi-reversible Cu(II)-Cu(I) couple near 0.0 V. Complexes 2-4 show binding affinity to calf thymus (CT) DNA, giving binding constant (K-b) values in the range of 4.2 x 10(4) to 2.5 x 10(5) M-1. Thermal denaturation and viscometric titration data suggest groove binding and/or a partial intercalative mode of binding of the complexes to CT DNA. The complexes show good binding propensity to the bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein, giving K-BSA values of similar to 10(4) M-1 for the bpy and phen complexes and similar to 10(5) M-1 for the dpq and dppz complexes. Complexes 2-4 exhibit efficient chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercapto-propionic acid (MPA) as a reducing agent or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an oxidizing agent. Mechanistic studies reveal formation of hydroxyl radicals as the reactive species. The dpq and dppz complexes are active in cleaving supercoiled (SC) pUC19 DNA on photoexposure to visible light of different wavelengths including red light using an argon-krypton mixed gas ion laser. Mechanistic investigations using various inhibitors reveal the fort-nation of hydroxyl radicals in the DNA photocleavage reactions. The dppz complex 4, which shows efficient photoioduced BSA cleavage activity, is a potent multifunctional model nuclease and protease in the chemistry of photodynamic therapy (PDT) of cancer.


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Let G = (V, E) be a finite, simple and undirected graph. For S subset of V, let delta(S, G) = {(u, v) is an element of E : u is an element of S and v is an element of V - S} be the edge boundary of S. Given an integer i, 1 <= i <= vertical bar V vertical bar, let the edge isoperimetric value of G at i be defined as b(e)(i, G) = min(S subset of V:vertical bar S vertical bar=i)vertical bar delta(S, G)vertical bar. The edge isoperimetric peak of G is defined as b(e)(G) = max(1 <= j <=vertical bar V vertical bar)b(e)(j, G). Let b(v)(G) denote the vertex isoperimetric peak defined in a corresponding way. The problem of determining a lower bound for the vertex isoperimetric peak in complete t-ary trees was recently considered in [Y. Otachi, K. Yamazaki, A lower bound for the vertex boundary-width of complete k-ary trees, Discrete Mathematics, in press (doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2007.05.014)]. In this paper we provide bounds which improve those in the above cited paper. Our results can be generalized to arbitrary (rooted) trees. The depth d of a tree is the number of nodes on the longest path starting from the root and ending at a leaf. In this paper we show that for a complete binary tree of depth d (denoted as T-d(2)), c(1)d <= b(e) (T-d(2)) <= d and c(2)d <= b(v)(T-d(2)) <= d where c(1), c(2) are constants. For a complete t-ary tree of depth d (denoted as T-d(t)) and d >= c log t where c is a constant, we show that c(1)root td <= b(e)(T-d(t)) <= td and c(2)d/root t <= b(v) (T-d(t)) <= d where c(1), c(2) are constants. At the heart of our proof we have the following theorem which works for an arbitrary rooted tree and not just for a complete t-ary tree. Let T = (V, E, r) be a finite, connected and rooted tree - the root being the vertex r. Define a weight function w : V -> N where the weight w(u) of a vertex u is the number of its successors (including itself) and let the weight index eta(T) be defined as the number of distinct weights in the tree, i.e eta(T) vertical bar{w(u) : u is an element of V}vertical bar. For a positive integer k, let l(k) = vertical bar{i is an element of N : 1 <= i <= vertical bar V vertical bar, b(e)(i, G) <= k}vertical bar. We show that l(k) <= 2(2 eta+k k)


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Measurements of the ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility (D/ mu ) of electrons in SF6-N2 and CCl2F2-N2 mixtures over the range 80eta ), and the electron mean energies epsilon c.mix corresponding to (E/p)c.mix, are found to vary with the percentage of the electronegative gas in the mixture (F) according to the following relationship: (E/p)c.mix=(E/p)c.N(2)+((E/p)c.A-(E/p)c.N(2)) (1-exp(- beta F/100-F)) and epsilon c.mix= epsilon c.N(2)+( epsilon c.A- epsilon c.N(2)) (1-exp(- beta F/100-F)) where A refers to the attaching gas, either SF6 or CCl2F2 and beta is a constant, equal to 2.43 for SF6 mixtures and 5.12 for CCl2F2 mixtures. In the present study, it has been possible to show that beta is indeed to a factor of synergism. Estimated gamma values (secondary ionisation coefficients) did not show any significant variation with F for F<50.