In for the long haul : family business succession at HaulageCo

Autoria(s): Barrett, Rowena

Dundon, Tony

Wilkinson, Adrian




This is a case about family business succession. Because many successions fail, the 'problem of succession' is a key issue in the family business field (see Aronoff 1998; Bird eta/. 2002; Dyer & Sanchez 1998; Sharma 2004; Zalu·a & Sharma 2004). Indeed, from the non-family business literature, we know one third of relay successions - like this case where there is an identified successor - will fail, with the prospective CEO leaving before succeeding the incumbent CEO (Cmmella & Shen 2001). Research on next generation family business members is limited. Successor ath·ibutes (Chrisman, Chua & Sharma 1998; Sharma & Rao 2000), as well as various characteristics such as socialisation (Garcia-Aivmez, L6pez-Sintas & Gonzalvo 2002) a11d gender (Haberman & Danes 2007; Vera & Dean 2005) have all been considered to play a role. So too have successor intentions (Stavrou & Swiercz 1998), motivation (Le Breton-Miller, Miller & Steier 2004), commitment (Sharma & Irving 2005) and transformation from follower to leadership (Cater & Justis 2009). In this case, by outlining the socialisation of the successors, explanations of their motivations for joining a11d their current employment we can begin to see some of the underlying mechanisms at work motivating the next generation to join and stay in the family business.



Tilde University Press


Barrett, Rowena (2012) In for the long haul : family business succession at HaulageCo. In Dundon, Tony & Wilkinson, Adrian (Eds.) Case Studies in Global Management : Strategy, Innovation and People. Tilde University Press, Prahan, VIC, pp. 117-124.


QUT Business School; School of Management

Palavras-Chave #150314 Small Business Management #Family Business #Succession #Small Business

Book Chapter