983 resultados para Harry Bernard


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Aim and purpose: Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with lower risk of diabetes mellitus, but few data exist on the metabolic syndrome and on the metabolic impact of heavy drinking. The aim of our study was to investigate the complex relationship between alcohol and the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus in a population-based study in Switzerland with high mean alcohol consumption. Design and methods: In 6188 adults aged 35 to 75, alcohol consumption was categorized as 0, 1-6, 7-13, 14-20, 21-27, 28-34 and >= 35 drinks/week or as nondrinkers, moderate (1-13 drinks), high (14-34 drinks) and very high (>= 35 drinks) alcohol consumption. The metabolic syndrome was defined according to the ATP-III criteria and diabetes mellitus as fasting glycemia >= 7 mmol/l or self-reported medication.We used multivariate analysis adjusted for age, gender, smoking status, physical activity and education level to determine the prevalence of the conditions according to drinking categories. Results: 73% (n = 4502) of the participants consumed alcohol, 16% (n = 993) were high drinkers and 2% (n = 126) very high drinkers. In multivariate analysis, alcohol consumption had a U-shaped relationship with the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome significantly differed between nondrinkers (24%), moderate (19%), high (20%) and very high drinkers (29%) (P<= 0.005). The prevalence of diabetes mellitus also significantly differed between nondrinkers (6.0%), moderate (3.6%), high (3.8%) and very high drinkers (6.7%) (P<= 0.05). These relationships did not differ according to beverage types. Conclusions: The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus decrease with moderate alcohol consumption and increase with heavy drinking, without differences according to beverage types. Recommending to limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks/day might help prevent these conditions in primary care Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus.


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We describe a streamlined reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction methodology for constructing full-length cDNA libraries of trypanosomatids on the basis of conserved sequences located at the 5' and 3'ends of trans-spliced mRNAs. The amplified cDNA corresponded to full-length messengers and was amenable to in vitro expression. Fractionated libraries could be rapidly constructed in a plasmid vector by the TA cloning method (Invitrogen). We believe this is useful when there are concerns over the use of restriction enzymes and phage technology as well as in cases where expression of proteins in their native conformation is desired.


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Many cell surface glycoproteins are anchored in the lipid bilayer by a glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol (GPI) structure. Recently, a number of cell lines which are deficient in the biosynthesis and/or addition of this anchor have been described. In this report, we summarize the current knowledge on these lines and discuss their potential use to isolate the genes involved in the GPI anchor biosynthetic pathway with a specific emphasis on L cell fibroblasts.


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Aquest projecte neix de la necessitat de la nostra empresa client de controlar la gestió del manteniment de tots els equips que té instal·lats en 32 centres i del qual s'encarreguen diverses empreses de serveis especialitzades. Així, per una banda, es tracta de fer l'anàlisi i disseny de la base de dades operacional, els scripts de creació necessaris per a crear la base de dades e implementar els procediments mitjançant els quals es gestionarà i accedirà a la informació de la base de dades. I per una altra banda, es tracta de fer l'anàlisi, disseny e implementació d'un magatzem de dades, per tal de poder explotar la informació per a la presa de decisions.


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Background: Hypotension, a common intra-operative incident, bears an important potential for morbidity. It is most often manageable and sometimes preventable, which renders its study important. Therefore, we aimed at examining hospital variations in the occurrence of intraoperative hypotension and its predictors. As secondary endpoints, we determined to what extent hypotension relates to the risk of postoperative incidents and death. Methods: We used the Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland, built on routinely and prospectively collected data on all anaesthesias in 21 hospitals. The three outcomes were assessed using multi-level logistic regression models. Results: Among 147573 anaesthesia, hypotension ranged from 0.6 to 5.2% in participating hospitals, and from 0.3 up to 12% in different surgical specialties. Most (73.4%) were minor single events. Age, ASA status, combined general and regional anaesthesia techniques, duration of surgery, and hospitalization were significantly associated to hypotension. Although significantly associated, the emergency status of the surgery had a weaker effect. Hospitals' Odds Ratios for hypotension varied between 0.12 to 2.50 (p ≤0.001) with respect to the mean prevalence of 3.1%, even after adjusting for patient and anaesthesia factors, and for type of surgery. At least one postoperative incident occurred in 9.7% of the interventions, including 0.03% deaths. Intra-operative hypotension was associated with higher risk of post-operative incidents and death. Conclusions: Wide variations in the occurrence of hypotension amongst hospitals remain after adjustment for risk factors. Although differential reporting from hospitals may exist, variations in anesthesia techniques and blood pressure maintenance could have also contributed. Intra-operative hypotension is associated with morbidities and sometimes death, and constant vigilance must thus be advocated.


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Genetic diversity is the amount of variation observed between DNA sequences from distinct individuals of a given species. This pivotal concept of population genetics has implications for species health, domestication, management and conservation. Levels of genetic diversity seem to vary greatly in natural populations and species, but the determinants of this variation, and particularly the relative influences of species biology and ecology versus population history, are still largely mysterious. Here we show that the diversity of a species is predictable, and is determined in the first place by its ecological strategy. We investigated the genome-wide diversity of 76 non-model animal species by sequencing the transcriptome of two to ten individuals in each species. The distribution of genetic diversity between species revealed no detectable influence of geographic range or invasive status but was accurately predicted by key species traits related to parental investment: long-lived or low-fecundity species with brooding ability were genetically less diverse than short-lived or highly fecund ones. Our analysis demonstrates the influence of long-term life-history strategies on species response to short-term environmental perturbations, a result with immediate implications for conservation policies.


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Ce travail décrit une étude, qui a visé à évaluer la performance d'un questionnaire de satisfaction en développement, destiné à mesurer l'opinion de patients infectés par le VIH suivis ambulatoirement. 1. Problématique. 1.1. La qualité des soins, une définition. 1.2. L'opinion des patients : comment la mesurer ? Le questionnaire, les questionnaires existants, le focus groups, description de la technique. 2. Patients et méthodes. 2.1. Critères d'inclusion et d'exclusion. 2.2. Les envois et les rappels. 2.3. Stabilité test-retest. 2.4. Le recrutement. 3. Résultats. 3.1. Acceptabilité du questionnaire : participation. 3.2. Représentativité de l'échantillon. 3.3. Scores par dimension. 3. 4. Evaluation de la validité du questionnaire, convergence des items par dimension et cohérence interne. 3.5. Les questions issues du questionnaire SF-36. 4. Discussion. 4.1. Coping et méthodes alternatives. 4.2. Impact sur les service d'une enquête sur la qualité des soins. 5.1. Le questionnaire de satisfaction élaboré. 5.2. Les différents questionnaires des Hospices : patients hospitalisés et ambulatoires. 5.3. Formulaire d'information de l'enquête par questionnaire. 5.4. Formulaire de consentement à l'enquête. 5.5. Lettre d'accompagnement du questionnaire. 5.6. Profil socio-démographique et résultats complets par item.


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A survey was carried out on 1487 individuals to assess the seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in French Guiana. The overall prevalence of T. cruzi specific IgG was 0.5%. In multivariate analysis, residence in areas where housing is favorable for the presence of triatomine bugs was the only factor associated with the presence of T. cruzi antibodies. These results have implications for public health since blood donors are not routinely screened for T. cruzi infection in French Guiana.


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2.3 Million Americans are “Long-Distance Caregivers” for people with Alzheimer’s; Costs for Long-Distance Caregivers are Almost Twice as High.According to the Alzheimer's Association 2013 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures report released today, one in three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia in the United States. The new report shows that while deaths from other major diseases, such as heart disease, HIV/AIDS and stroke, continue to experience significant declines, Alzheimer’s deaths continue to rise — increasing 68 percent from 2000-2010.��“Unfortunately, today there are no Alzheimer’s survivors. If you have Alzheimer's disease, you either die from it or diewith it,” said Harry Johns, president and CEO of the Alzheimer’s Association. “Now we know that 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. Urgent, meaningful��action is necessary, particularly as more and more people age into greater risk for developing a disease��that today has no cure and no way to slow or stop its progression.”Read more here.����������


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Background: Disease management, a system of coordinated health care interventions for populations with chronic diseases in which patient self-care is a key aspect, has been shown to be effective for several conditions. Little is known on the supply of disease management programs in Switzerland. Objectives: To systematically search, record and evaluate data on existing disease management programs in Switzerland. Methods: Programs met our operational definition of disease management if their interventions targeted a chronic disease, included a multidisciplinary team and lasted at least 6 months. To find existing programs, we searched Swiss official websites, Swiss web-pages using Google, medical electronic database (Medline), and checked references from selected documents. We also contacted personally known individuals, those identified as possibly working in the field, individuals working in major Swiss health insurance companies and people recommended by previously contacted persons (snow ball strategy). We developed an extraction grid and collected information pertaining to the following 8 domains: patient population, intervention recipient, intervention content, delivery personnel, method of communication, intensity and complexity, environment and clinical outcomes (measures?). Results: We identified 8 programs fulfilling our operational definition of disease management. Programs targeted patients with diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, obesity, alcohol dependence, psychiatric disorders or breast cancer, and were mainly directed towards patients. The interventions were multifaceted and included education in almost all cases. Half of the programs included regularly scheduled follow-up, by phone in 3 instances. Healthcare professionals involved were physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, psychologists and dietitians. None fulfilled the 6 criteria established by the Disease Management Association of America. Conclusions: Our study shows that disease management programs, in a country with universal health insurance coverage and little incentive to develop new healthcare strategies, are scarce, although we may have missed existing programs. Nonetheless, those already implemented are very interesting and rather comprehensive. Appropriate evaluation of these programs should be performed in order to build upon them and try to design a generic disease management framework suited to the Swiss healthcare system.