968 resultados para HPI axis
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most frequent and lethal primary brain tumor in adults. Accumulating evidence suggests that tumors comprise a hierarchical organization that is, at least partially, not genetically driven. Cells that reside at the apex of this hierarchy are commonly referred to as cancer stem cells (CSCs) and are believed to largely contribute to recurrence and therapeutic failure. Although the complexity of epigenetic regulation of the genome precludes prediction as to which epigenetic changes dominate CSC specification in different cancer types, the ability of microRNAs (miRNAs) to fine-tune expression of entire gene networks places them among prime candidates for establishing CSC properties. In this study we characterized the miRNA expression profile of primary GBM grown either under conditions that enrich for GSCs or their differentiated non-tumorigenic progeny (DGCs). Although, we identified a subset of miRNAs that was strongly differentially expressed between GSCs and DGCs, we observed that in GSCs both let-7 and, paradoxically, their target genes are highly expressed, suggesting protection against let-7 action. Using PAR-CLIP we show that insulin-like growth factor-2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IMP2) provides a mechanism for let-7 target gene protection that represents an alternative to LIN28A/B, which abrogates let-7 biogenesis in normal embryonic and certain malignant stem cells. By direct binding to miRNA recognition elements, IMP2 protects its targets from let-7 mediated decay. Importantly, depletion of IMP2 in GSCs strongly impairs their self- renewal properties and tumorigenicity in vivo, a phenotype that can be rescued by expression of LIN28B, suggesting that IMP2 mainly contributes to GSC maintenance by protecting let-7 target genes from silencing. Using mouse models, we show that depletion of IMP2 in neural stem cells (NSCs) induces let-7 target gene down-regulation, impairs their clonogenic capacity, and affects differentiation. Taken together, our observations describe a novel regulatory function of IMP2 in the let-7 axis whereby it supports GSC and NSC specification. Résumé (Français) Le glioblastome (GBM) est la tumeur primaire maligne du cerveau la plus fréquente. De nombreuses études ont démontré l'existence d'une organisation hiérarchique des cellules cancéreuses liée à des mécanismes épigénétiques. Les cellules qui se trouvent au sommet de cette hiérarchie sont appelées cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC), et contribuent à l'échec thérapeutique. Bien que la complexité des régulateurs épigénétiques permette difficilement de prédire quel mécanisme contribue le plus aux propriétés des CSC, la capacité des microRNAs (miRNAs) de réguler des réseaux entiers de gènes, les placent comme des candidats de premiers choix. Ici, nous avons caractérisé le profil d'expression des miRNAs dans des tumeurs primaires de GBM cultivées dans des conditions qui enrichissent soit pour les CSC, soit pour leur contrepartie de cellules cancéreuses différences (CCD). De manière surprenante et paradoxale la famille de miRNA let-7 et leurs gènes cibles étaient hautement exprimés dans les CSC, suggérant un mécanisme de protection contre l'action des let-7. Avec l'aide de la technologie PAR-CLIP, nous démontrons que la protéine IMP2, protège les mRNAs de l'action des let-7 et représente une alternative à Lin28A/B, qui d'ordinaire réprime fortement la maturation des let-7 dans les cellules souches embryonnaires et divers cancers. En se liant à la région ciblée par les let-7, IMP2 protège ses transcrits de l'action de cette classe de microRNA qui est tumoro-supressive. La déplétion d'IMP2 dans des CSC de GBM réduit fortement leur clonogénicité in vitro et leur tumorigénicité in vivo. Ceci peut être reversé en introduisant Lin28B dans des CSC de GBM, suggérant qu'IMP2 exerce ses fonctions pro-tumorigéniques en modulant l'axe let-7. Avec l'aide de modèles murins, nous observons que la déplétion de IMP2 dans les cellules souches neurales (CSN) induit une baisse de leur clonogénicité et des cibles des miRNAs let-7, suggérant une conservation de ce mécanisme entre les CSC de GBM et les CSN. En résumé, nos observations définissent une nouvelle fonction de IMP2 dans l'axe let-7 par lequel il contribue au maintien des propriétés des CSC et des CSN.
This article presents the conception, principles and academic structure of the evening course leading to the formation of a Licentiate in Chemistry, at the University of Brasília. The curriculum has been carried out since the beginning of 1993. This curriculum has as its basic axis the graduation of future teachers integrated with the conceptual formation in Chemistry. Interdisciplinary actions are planned between the Chemistry Department, the Psychology Institute and the Faculty of Education so as to provide mechanisms which would allow the licenciate to acquire teaching experience along the course.
The aim of this paper is to provide a formal framework for designing highly focused fields with specific transversal features when the incoming beam is partially polarized. More specifically, we develop a field with a transversal component that remains unpolarized in the focal area. Moreover, its longitudinal component exhibits non-zero values on axis. Special attention is paid to the design of the input beam and the development of the experiment. The implementation of such fields is possible by using an interferometric setup combined with the use of digital holography techniques. Experimental results are compared with those obtained numerically.
The influence of a strong external electric field in chemical bonding is not extensively studied. In this work, the behavior of the potential energy curves of the BeH+ ion in an external electric field is investigated by means of variational calculations using molecular orbitals. For simplicity we consider the case where the external field is parallel to the molecular axis, in the direction of the dipole moment, which raises the polarization of the ion. The effects on dissociation are investigated.
Diplomityön tavoitteena on tehdä lasertyöasemalle liikkuva kolmen vapausasteen akselisto liikuttamaan laser-laitteiston skanneripäätä. Liikkeen tarkkuus ja tarkka toistettavuus ovat tärkeitä. Moottoreiden liikkeen nopeus sekä kiihdytys- ja jarrutusparametrien täytyy olla määriteltävissä jokaiselle moottorille erikseen. Kolmen vapausasteen akselisto muodostetaan käyttäen kolmea askelmoottoria ja lineaarivaihteistoa. Akselisto liikkuu vaaka-, pysty-, ja syvyyssuunnassa. Työssä kehitetään C-kielinen ohjelma käytettävälle prosessorille ja suunnitellaan ohjainkortti lopullista prototyyppiä varten. Moottoreiden ohjaus ja hallinta toteutetaan AT91S256-prosessorilla, jota ohjataan tietokoneen avulla RS-232 -väylää käyttäen. Vaatimuksena on myös mahdollisuus ohjata askelmoottorin sijasta servomoottoreita samalla ohjelmalla. Tietokoneen käyttöliittymä suunnitellaan erikseen.
Background: Trichothiodistrophy (TTD) is a rare autosomal recessive condition that is characterized by a specific congenital hair shaft dysplasia caused by deficiency of sulfur associated with a wide spectrum of multisystem abnormalities. In this article, we study clinical, microscopic, and ultrastructural findings of 20 patients with TTD with the aim to add further insights regarding to this rare condition. Additionally, analyses of our results are compared with those extracted from the literature in order to enhance its comprehensibility. Materials and Methods: Twenty cases of TTD were included: 7 from Mexico and 14 from Spain. Clinical, microscopic, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies and X-ray microanalysis (XrMa) were carried out in all of them. Genetic studies were performed in all seven Mexican cases. Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum and xeroderma pigmentosum/TTD-complex were excluded. Results: Cuticular changes and longitudinal crests of the hair shaft were demonstrated. These crests were irregular, disorganized, following the hair longest axis. Hair shaft sulfur deficiency was disposed discontinuously and intermittently rather than uniformly. This severe decrease of sulfur contents was located close to the trichoschisis areas. Only five patients did not show related disturbances. Micro-dolichocephaly was observed in five cases and represented the most frequent facial dysmorphism found. It is also remarkable that all patients with urologic malformations also combined diverse neurologic disorders. Moreover, three Mexican sisters demonstrated the coexistence of scarce pubic vellus hair, developmental delay, onychodystrophy, and maxillar/mandibullar hypoplasia. Conclusions: TTD phenotype has greatly varied from very subtle forms to severe alterations such as neurologic abnormalities, blindness, lamellar ichthyosis and gonadal malformations. Herein, a multisystem study should be performed mandatorily in patients diagnosed with TTD.
Background: Trichothiodistrophy (TTD) is a rare autosomal recessive condition that is characterized by a specific congenital hair shaft dysplasia caused by deficiency of sulfur associated with a wide spectrum of multisystem abnormalities. In this article, we study clinical, microscopic, and ultrastructural findings of 20 patients with TTD with the aim to add further insights regarding to this rare condition. Additionally, analyses of our results are compared with those extracted from the literature in order to enhance its comprehensibility. Materials and Methods: Twenty cases of TTD were included: 7 from Mexico and 14 from Spain. Clinical, microscopic, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies and X-ray microanalysis (XrMa) were carried out in all of them. Genetic studies were performed in all seven Mexican cases. Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum and xeroderma pigmentosum/TTD-complex were excluded. Results: Cuticular changes and longitudinal crests of the hair shaft were demonstrated. These crests were irregular, disorganized, following the hair longest axis. Hair shaft sulfur deficiency was disposed discontinuously and intermittently rather than uniformly. This severe decrease of sulfur contents was located close to the trichoschisis areas. Only five patients did not show related disturbances. Micro-dolichocephaly was observed in five cases and represented the most frequent facial dysmorphism found. It is also remarkable that all patients with urologic malformations also combined diverse neurologic disorders. Moreover, three Mexican sisters demonstrated the coexistence of scarce pubic vellus hair, developmental delay, onychodystrophy, and maxillar/mandibullar hypoplasia. Conclusions: TTD phenotype has greatly varied from very subtle forms to severe alterations such as neurologic abnormalities, blindness, lamellar ichthyosis and gonadal malformations. Herein, a multisystem study should be performed mandatorily in patients diagnosed with TTD.
The aim of the thesis is to study the principles of the permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) and to develop a simulator model of direct force controlled PMLSM. The basic motor model is described by the traditional two-axis equations. The end effects, cogging force and friction model are also included into the final motor model. Direct thrust force control of PMLSM is described and modelled. The full system model is proven by comparison with the data provided by the motor manufacturer.
Training of highly qualified personnel is the most transversal axis among those identified in the document "Mobilizing Axes in Chemistry", published by SBQ, in 2002, which demands to deep the discussions, initiated in the symposium "The Chemist's Education", whose main objective was to discuss the repercussions of that training in the teaching and in the industrial section. After the publication of an initial paper, a couple of meetings and workshops held in Rio de Janeiro, in December 2003, involving the national chemist community, discussed the "The role of the graduate degrees in the Chemist's Education" and "The Chemist's Education", and confirmed the need to invest in the formation of qualified human resources in profusion and in all levels. Actions to be taken were delineated. Presently, the graduate programs in Chemistry are showing expressive results. However, although these professionals are mostly absorbed by the academy (the absorption of the industry is less significant), only a few programs give special attention to the didactical and pedagogical training. The regional decentralization is actually a tendency in most programs, but the interaction academy-economic activities is still a challenge. It is necessary to establish with the industrial section, the highly qualified professional's profile in Chemistry that the industry can absorb. The undergraduation is growing in number and quality, however still excessively concentrated in the Southeast area. The national "Curricula Guidelines" for Chemistry Courses, through its flexible approach, propitiate the integral, interdisciplinary (non compartmentalized) and critical-reflexive training of the professionals as citizens and as entrepreneurs. However, deficiencies are still recognized. The evaluation system of undergraduate courses has been able to identify the most fragile modalities of courses and other indicators. It was also verified that Brazilian chemistry industry absorbs minimally the highly qualified professionals, which is attributed to the fact that the Federal Council of Chemistry is vertically organized and does not recognize the graduate degrees as professional qualification. In the conclusion, it stands out, among other aspects, the importance of the effective implantation of the national curricula guidelines, bringing out courses whose didactical and pedagogical projects may offer a solid formation in Chemistry, but comprehensive and general enough to enable the Chemistry professionals to develop varied skills.
We study how the combination of long and short laser pulses can be used to induce torsion in an axially chiral biphenyl derivative (3,5-difluoro-3 ,5 -dibromo-4 -cyanobiphenyl). A long, with respect to the molecular rotational periods, elliptically polarized laser pulse produces 3D alignment of the molecules, and a linearly polarized short pulse initiates torsion about the stereogenic axis. The torsional motion is monitored in real-time by measuring the dihedral angle using femtosecond time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging. Within the first 4 picoseconds (ps), torsion occurs with a period of 1.25 ps and an amplitude of 3◦ in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations. At larger times, the quantum states of the molecules describing the torsional motion dephase and an almost isotropic distribution of the dihedral angle is measured.We demonstrate an original application of covariance analysis of two-dimensional ion images to reveal strong correlations between specific ejected ionic fragments from Coulomb explosion. This technique strengthens our interpretation of the experimental data
Species composition and distribution of marine benthic communities from La Herradura (Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean) are described to characterise its rocky and sedimentary bottoms bionomically. Rocky bottoms were studied by means of several underwater transects and soft bottoms with fixed stations along a bathymetric gradient. The study of the floristic and faunistic composition of the rocky benthic communities highlights depth as the main axis of variation. Factorial Correspondence Analysis segregates deep-water communities below 25 m depth (circalittoral communities) from shallower communities (axis I), and communities thriving between 5 and 25 m depth (lower infralittoral communities) from communities thriving close to the surface (shallow infralittoral communities) (axis II). The study of the sedimentary bottoms also suggests that depth, together with physical sedimentary properties, is the main axis of variation in species distribution. Floristic and faunistic records show the particular composition of La Herradura benthic communities, compared to Mediterranean and Atlantic ones. Mixing of Mediterranean and Atlantic waters, together with deep water upwelling episodes typical of this area, probably determine the peculiar composition of the benthic communities
Työssä selvitetään voidaanko täryseulan dynamiikkaa simuloida monikappaledynamiikkaohjelmiston avulla. Seulan simulointimallilla tutkitaan toimintaparametrien vaikutusta koneen liikerataan. Lisäksi tutkitaan voidaanko Jeffcott roottorimallin avulla simuloida yhdestä täryakselista koostuvan täryseulan liikerata. The objective of this study is to simulate dynamics of the vibrating screen using multibody dynamics. The effect of the operating parameters is studied using the simulation model. In addition the principles of Jeffcott rotor are applied to find out the trajectories of the vibrating screen consisting of single axis.
This research, developed with Apis mellifera honey samples from producers of São Paulo State, Brazil, has the objective of verifying how eucalyptus, wild flower, and orange honey samples would be clustered, based on physicochemical characteristics. All the orange honey samples and some wild flower ones formed distinct groups, thus confirming that the floral source interferes with honey characteristics. Eucalyptus and some of the wild flower honey samples were clustered together because of the great floral source variation in the latter ones. The characteristics that influence sample clustering are acidity and electric conductivity on the X axis, and total sugars and pH on the Y axis.
Natural products have been, historically, very important for Brazil. Coffee, sugar and soy were some examples that prove this economical significance. A project that involves phytoproducts should be guide by three main axis: agriculture management for the plants; pharmaceutical; support the national industry and academy. In Brazil, pharmaceutical products contribute negatively to the commerce balance showing an enormous technological dependence in this economical sector. The consolidation of the phytoproduct's chain in Brazil could contribute for the development of the pharmaceutical sector in order to help all domains in natural products area.
Axis of quinary symmetry occur in molecular symmetry, as in the case of fullerenes, and in crystalline symmetry, in the quasicrystals. Minerals with pentagonal faces do not have this element of symmetry, as the pyrite (FeS2) which shows a ridge that is different from the other ones, in any face of the crystal. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate conceptual differences between pyritohedron and regular pentagonal dodecahedron symmetries, discussing students' difficulties to identify them. Also is proposed a didactic experiment with spatial models of the above-mentioned forms and the demonstration of its symmetries in clinographic projections.