999 resultados para Frei Mariano da Conceição Veloso
Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma doente de 49 anos, internada por poliadenopatias e sintomatologia respiratória, cujo diagnóstico definitivo de cistadenocarcinoma seroso do ovário, foi efectuado através do exame necrópsico. O quadro clínico era dominado por extensa invasão linfática predominantemente supradiafragmática, apresentação não habitual deste tipo de neoplasia.
Internamentos num Serviço de Medicina Interna. As Diferenças com um Intervalo de 10 Anos (1984-1994)
O autor depois de se referir ao modernismo e ao pós-modernismo como os grandes universos culturais que preencheram o século XX, tenta demonstrar que é legítimo falar também de uma Medicina moderna a que se seguiu uma Medicina pós-moderna. A primeira nasceu com a descoberta da penicilina e das sulfamidas e caracteriza-se por um certo optimismo, pelo crescimento de uma poderosa indústria farmacêutica, pelo apogeu da Cirurgia e pela criação do Estado-Providência. A segunda é marcada por um certo desencanto, pela invasão das novas tecnologias, pela redução do espaço ocupado pela Cirurgia tradicional e pelo colapso do Estado-Providência.
O autor faz uma revisão histórica das circunstâncias em que surgiu a sífilis, no século XV, e a sida, quinhentos anos mais tarde e chamando a atenção para algumas semelhanças sociais que acompanharam a eclosão destas duas doenças.
Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a certainty, even to long banned pesticides like o,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o,p′-DDT), and its metabolites p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE), and p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (p,p′-DDD). POPs are known to be particularly toxic and have been associated with endocrine-disrupting effects in several mammals, including humans even at very low doses. As environmental estrogens, they could play a critical role in carcinogenesis, such as in breast cancer. With the purpose of evaluating their effect on breast cancer biology, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, and p,p′-DDD (50–1000 nM) were tested on two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines: MCF-7 expressing estrogen receptor (ER) α and MDA-MB-231 negative for ERα, regarding cell proliferation and viability in addition to their invasive potential. Cell proliferation and viability were not equally affected by these compounds. In MCF-7 cells, the compounds were able to decrease cell proliferation and viability. On the other hand, no evident response was observed in treated MDA-MB-231 cells. Concerning the invasive potential, the less invasive cell line, MCF-7, had its invasion potential significantly induced, while the more invasive cell line MDA-MB-231, had its invasion potential dramatically reduced in the presence of the tested compounds. Altogether, the results showed that these compounds were able to modulate several cancer-related processes, namely in breast cancer cell lines, and underline the relevance of POP exposure to the risk of cancer development and progression, unraveling distinct pathways of action of these compounds on tumor cell biology.
Context: Some chemicals used in consumer products or manufacturing (eg, plastics, pesticides) have estrogenic activities; these xenoestrogens (XEs) may affect immune responses and have recently emerged as a new risk factors for obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, the extent and impact on health of chronic exposure of the general population to XEs are still unknown. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the levels of XEs in plasma and adipose tissue (AT) depots in a sample of pre- and postmenopausal obese women undergoing bariatric surgery and their cardiometabolic impact in an obese state. Design and Participants: We evaluated XE levels in plasma and visceral and subcutaneous AT samples of Portuguese obese (body mass index ≥ 35 kg/m2) women undergoing bariatric surgery. Association with metabolic parameters and 10-year cardiovascular disease risk was assessed, according to menopausal status (73 pre- and 48 postmenopausal). Levels of XEs were determined by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected prior to surgery. Adipocyte size was determined on tissue sections obtained during surgery. Results: Our data show that XEs are pervasive in this obese population. Distribution of individual and concentration of total XEs differed between plasma, visceral AT, and subcutaneous AT, and the pattern of accumulation was different between pre- and postmenopausal women. Significant associations between XE levels and metabolic and inflammatory parameters were found. In premenopausal women, XEs in plasma seem to be a predictor of 10-year cardiovascular disease risk. Conclusions: Our findings point toward a different distribution of XE between plasma and AT in pre- and postmenopausal women, and reveal the association between XEs on the development of metabolic abnormalities in obese premenopausal women
A new environmentally friendly Au nanoparticles (Au NPs) synthesis in glycerol by using ultraviolet irradiation and without extra-added stabilizers is described. The synthesis proposed in this work may impact on the non-polluting production of noble nanoparticles with simple chemicals normally found in standard laboratories. These Au NPs were used to modify a carbon paste electrode (CPE) without having to separate them from the reaction medium. This green electrode was used as an electrochemical sensor for the nitrite detection in water. At the optimum conditions the green sensor presented a linear response in the 2.0×10−7–1.5×10−5 M concentration range, a good detection sensitivity (0.268 A L mol−1), and a low detection limit of 2.0×10−7 M of nitrite. The proposed modified green CPE was used to determine nitrite in tap water samples.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos ncessários à obtenção de Mestre em Práticas Culturais para Municípios
Human Immunodeficiency Vírus Type 1 and 2 antibodies detection was performed in 457 dried whole blood spots samples (S&S 903). Q-Preven HIV 1+2 was the screening test used. The results were compared with the gold standard serum tests by ELISA (Cobas Core e Axsym HIV1/2 gO) and imunofluorescence was the definitive confirmatory test. The samples were obtained from the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, through whole blood transfer to filter paper card and sent to Caxias do Sul, RS - Brazil where the tests were performed. The dried whole blood spot stability was evaluated with two different panels. The first one was composed of five negative and five positive samples stored at room temperature, 4 ºC, -20 ºC and -70 ºC, while the second was composed of two negative and three positive samples stored at 37 ºC (humidity <50%). Each sample was screened every week for six weeks. These measurement results didn't show variation during the study period. The detected sensibility was 100%, specificity was 99.6%, the positive predictive value was 99.5% and negative predictive values were 100%. The results demonstrated high performance characteristics, opening a new perspective of dried whole blood spot utilization in HIV screening diagnosis.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Novos Media e Práticas Web
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada Do Mestrado em Ensino do Português e das Línguas Clássicas no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário
HIV+ patients often develop alterations of the plasma lipids that may implicate in development of premature coronary artery disease. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) has an important role in preventing atherogenesis and the aim of this study was to investigate aspects of HDL function in HIV+ patients. HIV+ patients (n = 48) and healthy control subjects (n = 45) of both sexes with similar age were studied. Twenty-five were not being treated with antiretroviral agents, 13 were under reverse transcriptase inhibitor nucleosidic and non-nucleosidic (NRTI+NNRTI) and 10 were under NRTI + protease inhibitors (NRTI+PI) treatment. Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and the transfer of free and esterified cholesterol, tryglicerides and phospholipids from a lipidic nanoemulsion to HDL were analyzed. In comparison with healthy controls, HIV+ patients presented low PON-1 activity and diminished transfer of free cholesterol and tryglicerides. In contrast, phospholipid transfer was increased in those patients, whereas the transfer of cholesteryl esters was unchanged. NRTI+NNRTI increases the transfer of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides but in NRTI+PI there was no difference in respect to non-treated HIV+ patients. HDL from HIV+ patients has smaller antioxidant properties, as shown by lower PON-1 activity, and the transfer of lipids to this lipoprotein fraction is also altered, suggesting that HDL function is defective in those patients.
Near real time media content personalisation is nowadays a major challenge involving media content sources, distributors and viewers. This paper describes an approach to seamless recommendation, negotiation and transaction of personalised media content. It adopts an integrated view of the problem by proposing, on the business-to-business (B2B) side, a brokerage platform to negotiate the media items on behalf of the media content distributors and sources, providing viewers, on the business-to-consumer (B2C) side, with a personalised electronic programme guide (EPG) containing the set of recommended items after negotiation. In this setup, when a viewer connects, the distributor looks up and invites sources to negotiate the contents of the viewer personal EPG. The proposed multi-agent brokerage platform is structured in four layers, modelling the registration, service agreement, partner lookup, invitation as well as item recommendation, negotiation and transaction stages of the B2B processes. The recommendation service is a rule-based switch hybrid filter, including six collaborative and two content-based filters. The rule-based system selects, at runtime, the filter(s) to apply as well as the final set of recommendations to present. The filter selection is based on the data available, ranging from the history of items watched to the ratings and/or tags assigned to the items by the viewer. Additionally, this module implements (i) a novel item stereotype to represent newly arrived items, (ii) a standard user stereotype for new users, (iii) a novel passive user tag cloud stereotype for socially passive users, and (iv) a new content-based filter named the collinearity and proximity similarity (CPS). At the end of the paper, we present off-line results and a case study describing how the recommendation service works. The proposed system provides, to our knowledge, an excellent holistic solution to the problem of recommending multimedia contents.
Schistosomiasis haematobia or urinary schistosomiasis is one of the main public health problems in Africa and the Middle East. A single dose of 40 mg praziquantel per kg body weight continues to be the treatment of choice for this infection. The aims of this follow-up were to study the post-treatment course of a patient infected with S. haematobium and not submitted to re-exposure, and to identify complications of the disease and/or therapeutic failure after praziquantel treatment by histopathological analysis. Treatments were repeated under medical supervision to ensure the correct use of the drug. In view of the suspicion of lesions in cystoscopy, the patient was submitted to bladder biopsy. The histopathological characteristics observed in biopsies obtained, after each treatment, indicated viability of parasite eggs and activity of granulomas.