988 resultados para FLAVYLIUM DYE


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Highly-sensitive optical fluorescent extruded plastic films are reported for the detection of gaseous and dissolved CO2. The pH-sensitive fluorescent dye used is 8-Hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid trisodium salt (HPTS, PTS-) coated on the surface of hydrophilic fumed silica and the base is tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAH). The above components are used to create an HPTS pigment (i.e. HPTS/SiO2/TBAH) with a high CO2 sensitivity (%CO2(S=1/2) = 0.16%) and fast 50% response (t50↓) = 2 s and recovery (t50↑) = 5 s times. Highly CO2-sensitive plastic films are then fabricated, via the extrusion of the HPTS pigment powder in low-density polyethylene (LDPE). As with the HPTS-pigment, the luminescence intensity (at 515 nm) and absorbance (at 475 nm) of the HPTS plastic film decreases as the %CO2 in the ambient gas phase increases. The HPTS plastic film exhibits a high CO2 sensitivity, %CO2(S=1/2), of 0.29%, but a response time ˂2 min and recovery time ˂40 min, which is slower than that of the HPTS pigment. The HPTS plastic film is very stable under ambient conditions, (with a shelf life ˃ six month when stored in the dark but under otherwise ambient conditions). Moreover, the HPTS-film is stable in water, salt solution and even in acid (pH=2), and in each of these media it can be used to detect dissolved CO2.


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Administration of biomacromolecular drugs in effective quantities from conventional vaginal rings is hampered by poor drug permeability in the polymers from which rings are commonly constructed. Here, we report the formulation development and testing of rod insert rings for sustained release of the candidate antiretroviral peptides T-1249 and JNJ54310516-AFP (JNJ peptide), both of which have potential as HIV microbicides. Rod inserts were prepared comprising antiviral peptides T-1249 or JNJ peptide in combination with a hydrophilic excipient (sodium chloride, sodium glutamate, lactose or zinc acetate) dispersed at different loadings within a medical grade silicone elastomer. The inserts were tested for weight change and swelling when immersed in simulated vaginal fluid (SVF). Dye migration into the inserts was also assessed visually over 28 days. In vitro release of T-1249 and JNJ peptide from rings containing various insert types was tested. Weight change and degree of swelling of rods immersed in SVF was dependent on the type and concentration of excipient present. The rods displayed the following rank order in terms of weight change: sodium glutamate > zinc acetate ≈ sodium chloride > lactose. The weight change and degree of swelling of the inserts did not correlate with the level of dye uptake observed. In vitro release of T-1249 was improved through addition of lactose, sodium chloride and sodium glutamate, while release of JNJ peptide was improved through addition of sodium chloride or sodium glutamate. Sustained release of hydrophobic peptides can be achieved using a rod insert ring design formulated to include a hydrophilic excipient. Release rates were dependent upon the type of excipient used. The degree of release improvement with different inserts partially reflects their ability to imbibe surrounding fluid and swell in aqueous environments.


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Background/Purpose:Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) comprises a poorly understood group of chronic, childhood onset, autoimmune diseases with variable clinical outcomes. We investigated whether profiling of the synovial fluid (SF) proteome by a fluorescent dye based, two-dimensional gel (DIGE) approach could distinguish the subset of patients in whom inflammation extends to affect a large number of joints, early in the disease process. The post-translational modifications to candidate protein markers were verified by a novel deglycosylation strategy.Methods:SF samples from 57 patients were obtained around time of initial diagnosis of JIA. At 1 year from inclusion patients were categorized according to ILAR criteria as oligoarticular arthritis (n=26), extended oligoarticular (n=8) and polyarticular disease (n=18). SF samples were labeled with Cy dyes and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Multivariate analyses were used to isolate a panel of proteins which distinguish patient subgroups. Proteins were identified using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry with vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) expression and siaylation further verified by immunohistochemistry, ELISA test and immunoprecipitation. Candidate biomarkers were compared to conventional inflammation measure C-reactive protein (CRP). Sialic acid residues were enzymatically cleaved from immunopurified SF VDBP, enriched by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) and analysed by mass spectrometry.Results:Hierarchical clustering based on the expression levels of a set of 23 proteins segregated the extended-to-be oligoarticular from the oligoarticular patients. A cleaved isoform of VDBP, spot 873, is present at significantly reduced levels in the SF of oligoarticular patients at risk of disease extension, relative to other subgroups (p<0.05). Conversely total levels of vitamin D binding protein are elevated in plasma and ROC curves indicate an improved diagnostic sensitivity to detect patients at risk of disease extension, over both spot 873 and CRP levels. Sialysed forms of intact immunopurified VDBP were more prevalent in persistent oligoarticular patient synovial fluids.Conclusion:The data indicate that a subset of the synovial fluid proteome may be used to stratify patients to determine risk of disease extension. Reduced conversion of VDBP to a macrophage activation factor may represent a novel pathway contributing to increased risk of disease extension in JIA patients.


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This work describes the synthesis of nanosized metal sulfides and respective SiO2 and/or TiO2 composites in high yield via a straightforward process, under ambient conditions (temperature and pressure), by adding to aqueous metals a nutrient solution containing biologically generated sulfide from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The nanoparticles‘ (NPs) morphological properties were shown not to be markedly altered by the SRB growth media composition neither by the presence of bacterial cells. We further extended the work carried out, using the effluent of a bioremediation system previously established. The process results in the synthesis of added value products obtained from metal rich effluents, such as Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), when associated with the bioremediation process. Precipitation of metals using sulfide allows for the possibility of selective recovery, as different metal sulfides possess different solubilities. We have evaluated the selective precipitation of CuS, ZnS and FeS as nanosized metal sulfides. Again, we have also tested the precipitation of these metal sulfides in the presence of support structures, such as SiO2. Studies were carried out using both artificial and real solutions in a continuous bioremediation system. We found that this method allowed for a highly selective precipitation of copper and a lower selectivity in the precipitation of zinc and iron, though all metals were efficiently removed (>93% removal). This research has also demonstrated the potential of ZnS-TiO2 nanocomposites as catalysts in the photodegradation of organic pollutants using the cationic dye, Safranin-T, as a model contaminant. The influence of the catalyst amount, initial pH and dye concentration were also evaluated. Finally, the efficiency of the precipitates as catalysts in sunlight mediated photodegradation was investigated, using different volumes of dye-contaminated water (150 mL and 10 L). This work demonstrates that all tested composites have the potential to be used as photocatalysts for the degradation of Safranin-T.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve; Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2015


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Tese de mestrado em Bioquímica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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The decolourisation of acid orange 7 (AO7) (C.I.15510) through co-metabolism in a microbial fuel cell by Shewanella oneidensis strain 14063 was investigated with respect to the kinetics of decolourisation, extent of degradation and toxicity of biotransformation products. Rapid decolourisation of AO7 (>98% within 30 h) was achieved at all tested dye concentrations with concomitant power production. The aromatic amine degradation products were recalcitrant under tested conditions. The first-order kinetic constant of decolourisation (k) decreased from 0.709 ± 0.05 h−1 to 0.05 ± 0.01 h−1 (co-substrate – pyruvate) when the dye concentration was raised from 35 mg l−1 to 350 mg l−1. The use of unrefined co-substrates such as rapeseed cake, corn-steep liquor and molasses also indicated comparable or better AO7 decolourisation kinetic constant values. The fully decolourised solutions indicated increased toxicity as the initial AO7 concentration was increased. This work highlights the possibility of using microbial fuel cells to achieve high kinetic rates of AO7 decolourisation through co-metabolism with concomitant electricity production and could potentially be utilised as the initial step of a two stage anaerobic/aerobic process for azo dye biotreatment.


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Recently, the development of highly inspired biomaterials with multi-functional characteristics has gained considerable attention, especially in biomedical, and other health-related areas of the modern world. It is well-known that the lack of antibacterial potential has significantly limited biomaterials for many challenging applications such as infection free wound healing and/or tissue engineering etc. In this perspective, herein, a series of novel bio-composites with natural phenols as functional entities and keratin-EC as a base material were synthesised by laccase-assisted grafting. Subsequently, the resulting composites were removed from their respective casting surfaces, critically evaluated for their antibacterial and biocompatibility features and information is also given on their soil burial degradation profile. In-situ synthesised phenol-g-keratin-EC bio-composites possess strong anti-bacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains i.e., B. subtilis NCTC 3610, P. aeruginosa NCTC 10662, E. coli NTCT 10418 and S. aureus NCTC 6571. More specifically, 10HBA-g-keratin-EC and 20T-g-keratin-EC composites were 100% resistant to colonisation against all of the aforementioned bacterial strains, whereas, 15CA-g-keratin-EC and 15GA-g-keratin-EC showed almost negligible colonisation up to a variable extent. Moreover, at various phenolic concentrations used, the newly synthesised composites remained cytocompatible with human keratinocyte-like HaCaT, as an obvious cell ingrowth tendency was observed and indicated by the neutral red dye uptake assay. From the degradation point of view, an increase in the degradation rate was recorded during their soil burial analyses. Our investigations could encourage greater utilisation of natural materials to develop bio-composites with novel and sophisticated characteristics for potential applications.


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A thin-layer chromatography (TLC)-bioautographic method was developed with the aim to detect dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) inhibitors from plant extracts. The basic principle of the method is that the enzyme (DPP IV) hydrolyzes substrate (Gly-Pro-p-nitroaniline) into p-nitroaniline (pNA), which diazotizes with sodium nitrite, and then reacts with N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride in turn to form a rose-red azo dye which provides a rose-red background on the TLC plates. The DPP IV inhibitors showed white spots on the background as they blocked enzymolysis of the substrate to produce pNA. The method was validated with respect to selectivity, sensitivity, linearity, precision, recovery, and stability after optimizing key parameters including plate type, time and temperature of incubation, concentration of substrate, enzyme and derivatization reagents, and absorption wavelength. The results showed good lineary within amounts over 0.01–0.1 μg range for the positive control, diprotin A, with the coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.9668. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were 5 and 10 ng, respectively. The recoveries ranged from 98.9% to 107.5%. The averages of the intra- and inter-plate reproducibility were in the range of 4.1–9.7% and 7.6–14.7%, respectively. Among the nine methanolic extracts of medicinal herbs screened for DPP IV inhibitors by the newly developed method, Peganum nigellastrum Bunge was found to have one white active spot, which was then isolated and identified as harmine. By spectrophotometric method, harmine hydrochloride was found to have DPP-IV inhibitory activity of 32.4% at 10 mM comparing to that of 54.8% at 50 μM for diprotin A.


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Magnetic resonance imaging is a diagnostic tool used for detecting abnormal organs and tissues, often using Gd(III) complexes as contrast-enhancing agents. In this work, core–shell polymer fibers have been prepared using coaxial electrospinning, with the intent of delivering gadolinium (III) diethylenetriaminepentaacetate hydrate (Gd(DTPA)) selectively to the colon. The fibers comprise a poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) core loaded with Gd(DTPA), and a Eudragit S100 shell. They are homogeneous, with distinct core–shell phases. The components in the fibers are dispersed in an amorphous fashion. The proton relaxivities of Gd(DTPA) are preserved after electrospinning. To permit easy visualization of the release of the active ingredient from the fibers, analogous materials are prepared loaded with the dye rhodamine B. Very little release is seen in a pH 1.0 buffer, while sustained release is seen at pH 7.4. The fibers thus have the potential to selectively deliver Gd(DTPA) to the colon. Mucoadhesion studies reveal there are strong adhesive forces between porcine colon mucosa and PEO from the core, and the dye-loaded fibers can be successfully used to image the porcine colon wall. The electrospun core–shell fibers prepared in this work can thus be developed as advanced functional materials for effective imaging of colonic abnormalities.


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Solubilities of red 153, (3-[[4-[[5,6(or 6,7)-dichloro-2-benzothiazolyl]azo]phenyl]ethylamino]propanenitrile), an azo compound, and disperse blue1 (1,4,5,8-tetraaminoantraquinone) in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC CO(2)) were measured at T = (333.2 to 393.2) K over the pressure range (12.0 to 40.0) MPa by a flow type apparatus. The solubility of red 153 (0.985. 10(-6) to 37.2. 10(-6)) in the overall region of measurements is found to be significantly higher than that of disperse blue 1 (1.12.10(-7) to 4.89.10(-7)). The solubility behavior of disperse red 153 follows the general solubility trend displayed by disperse dyes with a crossover pressure at about 20 MPa. On the other hand, blue 1, which is a disperse anthraquinone dye, exhibits unexpected behavior not recorded previously there is no crossover pressure at the temperature and pressure ranges studied, and the dye's solubility at T = 333.2 K practically does not increase with pressure. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous measurements of blue 1 solubility in SC CO(2) reported in the literature. The experimental data were correlated by using the Soave Redlich Kwong equation of state (EoS) with the one-fluid van der Waals mixing rule, and an acceptable correlation of the solubility data for both dyes was obtained.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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This work aims to evaluate the feasibility of using image-based cytometry (IBC) in the analysis of algal cell quantification and viability, using Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata as a cell model. Cell concentration was determined by IBC to be in a linear range between 1 × 105 and 8 × 106 cells mL−1. Algal viability was defined on the basis that the intact membrane of viable cells excludes the SYTOX Green (SG) probe. The disruption of membrane integrity represents irreversible damage and consequently results in cell death. Using IBC, we were able to successfully discriminate between live (SG-negative cells) and dead algal cells (heat-treated at 65 °C for 60 min; SG-positive cells). The observed viability of algal populations containing different proportions of killed cells was well correlated (R 2 = 0.994) with the theoretical viability. The validation of the use of this technology was carried out by exposing algal cells of P. subcapitata to a copper stress test for 96 h. IBC allowed us to follow the evolution of cell concentration and the viability of copper-exposed algal populations. This technology overcomes several main drawbacks usually associated with microscopy counting, such as labour-intensive experiments, tedious work and lack of the representativeness of the cell counting. In conclusion, IBC allowed a fast and automated determination of the total number of algal cells and allowed us to analyse viability. This technology can provide a useful tool for a wide variety of fields that utilise microalgae, such as the aquatic toxicology and biotechnology fields.


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Raman spectroscopy has been applied to characterize fiber dyes and determine the discriminating ability of the method. Black, blue, and red acrylic, cotton, and wool samples were analyzed. Four excitation sources were used to obtain complementary responses in the case of fluorescent samples. Fibers that did not provide informative spectra using a given laser were usually detected using another wavelength. For any colored acrylic, the 633-nm laser did not provide Raman information. The 514-nm laser provided the highest discrimination for blue and black cotton, but half of the blue cottons produced noninformative spectra. The 830-nm laser exhibited the highest discrimination for red cotton. Both visible lasers provided the highest discrimination for black and blue wool, and NIR lasers produced remarkable separation for red and black wool. This study shows that the discriminating ability of Raman spectroscopy depends on the fiber type, color, and the laser wavelength.