1000 resultados para Densidade óptica do cristalino
El Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión comenzó a impartirse en la Universidad de Alicante en el curso 2010-2011. Durante estos tres años los alumnos que han accedido a él, han sido, en su mayoría, Diplomados en Óptica y Optometría. Actualmente se está impartiendo el Grado de Óptica y Optometría, por lo que a partir del curso 2013-2014 los alumnos que accedan al Máster serán mayoritariamente graduados. Teniendo en cuenta que en el Grado de Óptica y Optometría se han añadido asignaturas (respecto a la Diplomatura), que incluyen temas coincidentes con asignaturas del Máster, es necesario modificar y reorientar algunas de las guías docentes de las asignaturas del Máster. En este sentido el objetivo principal de esta red ha sido la coordinación entre los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas para actualizar y/o reorientar las guías docentes de las asignaturas del Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión, evitando solapamientos con las asignaturas de 4º curso del Grado de Óptica y Optometría.
En el marco del proyecto de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria 2014-15 de la Universidad de Alicante se creó, como en años anteriores, una red de trabajo formada por los profesores coordinadores de semestre y el profesor responsable de la Clínica Optométrica con el fin de realizar un seguimiento del Grado en Óptica y Optometría. Siguiendo el trabajo llevado a cabo en convocatorias anteriores, esta red de seguimiento ha prestado especial atención a la coordinación de las asignaturas de Optometría, presentes en todos los cursos, el Trabajo Fin de Grado y las Prácticas Externas. El elevado número de profesores involucrado en estas asignaturas, exige un mayor nivel de coordinación. Durante el desarrollo del curso académico se han recogido las sugerencias y propuestas realizadas a través de diferentes comisiones, así como a partir de las reuniones con el alumnado. Las comisiones que han participado son la Comisión de Grado, las comisiones de semestre y la comisión de garantía de calidad. El objetivo final ha sido optimizar el funcionamiento del título, tanto en la distribución de contenidos, como en las metodologías docentes y de evaluación de las distintas materias que componen el plan de estudios.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
A presente dissertação tem como tema o impacto da comunicação política na cobertura da grande imprensa durante a pré-candidatura de Dilma Vana Rousseff à presidência da República. O objetivo é verificar quais estratégias de marketing político utilizadas para viabilizar o nome da pré-candidata foram retratadas nas revistas Veja e CartaCapital entre março de 2008 e abril de 2010, período que antecedeu a indicação oficial da sucessora do então presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Para desenvolver a dissertação foram discutidos conceitos de comunicação política, marketing político e eleitoral, bem como as questões de gênero na política e na sociedade brasileira e o percurso feminino na luta pela igualdade de direitos, que transformaram o imaginário social em relação ao papel da mulher. Também foram tratados temas como jornalismo e cobertura política no Brasil e um breve panorama sobre a trajetória política do Brasil pós-ditadura, além do perfil biográfico de Dilma Rousseff. A importância desta pesquisa está justamente em verificar como repercutiu na imprensa a pré-candidatura de uma mulher ao cargo público mais elevado no país, considerando as dificuldades e os desafios da luta feminina na política brasileira. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo e qualitativo, com uso de técnica de análise de conteúdo que de acordo com Laurence Bardin inclui perspectivas quantitativas e qualitativas. Com a pesquisa foi possível verificar que a questão do gênero foi um dos fatores que influenciaram positivamente as eleições e, principalmente que a repercussão obtida nas revistas foi positiva às intenções de marketing político para viabilizar a candidatura de Dilma Rousseff à sucessão presidencial.
Com os avanços tecnológicos de comunicação e informação (TICs) e a utilização em larga escala da internet, tem-se uma inovação no processo educativo que pode se valer de instrumentos diferenciados e permitir acesso à informação e à educação para um maior número de pessoas. A partir dessa evolução, a implantação de programas nacionais de Educação a Distância (EAD) no país começou a ocorrer de forma significativa. Esta modalidade acompanha o avanço das tecnologias e a democratização do acesso à educação, expandindo-se de forma visível, conquistando novos espaços e permitindo que o processo da educação aconteça de maneira eficiente, buscando formar discentes críticos e participativos do seu processo de formação educacional. Com base nesta perspectiva, este trabalho teve como objetivo discutir a aprendizagem sob a óptica do aluno de um curso de Letras na modalidade EAD. Realizou-se, para tanto, a contextualização histórica da EAD no mundo, no Brasil e na instituição alvo desta pesquisa. A metodologia utilizada para este fim foi uma pesquisa qualitativa e o corpus de pesquisa são as respostas dos sujeitos participantes a um questionário de caráter exploratório. Foram elaboradas três categorias para análise do conteúdo das respostas Opção pelo curso em EAD: tecnologia versus disponibilidade temporal; Interação via AVA: desvelando o preparo dos atores atuantes na modalidade e Fatores que implicam no processo de aprendizagem na modalidade EAD: autonomia, organização e comprometimento. Alguns aspectos se evidenciaram nesta pesquisa e possibilitaram concluir que a EAD na instituição pesquisada tem buscado contemplar as necessidades existentes nesse cenário, por meio do oferecimento de ações educativas e de recursos tecnológicos que possam oferecer aos alunos uma educação de qualidade, com uma relação de interação contínua, na qual a distância não seja uma limitação. Para tanto, requer dos alunos uma postura de comprometimento, interesse, organização e disciplina, pois dessa forma, as aprendizagens nessa modalidade podem ser tão significativas e eficazes quanto na presencial. Nesse sentido, foi possível inferir também, que os alunos da EAD têm procurado responder a tais exigências adequando-se a elas de forma consciente ao demonstrar, sobretudo, autonomia e visão crítica de que só assim poderão se tornar sujeitos ativos e participativos do processo de construção do próprio conhecimento.
Se presenta y describen las líneas de trabajo experimentales que se vienen cultivando en el Grupo de investigación en Dinámica no Lineal y Fibras ópticas, recientemente creado en el Instituto de Óptica del CSIC. We present the experimental lines developed in last years in the Nonlinear Dynamics and Fiber Optics Group (NDFO) of the Optics Institute "Daza de Valdés" (IO-CSIC). © Sociedad Española de Óptica.
Among the species of freshwater shrimp being cultivated, Macrobrachium rosenbergii stands out. Knowledge about the behavior of this species and the influence of certain factors on its development can help optimize management practices and minimize the likely impacts shrimp farming has on the environment and the animals themselves. The objective of this study was to characterize the species' behavior during early stages of development under different stocking densities over a 24-hour cycle. Ten day old postlarvae were transferred from the Jundiaí School of Agriculture (EAJ - Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí) in Macaíba (RN), Brazil to the Shrimp Behavior Laboratory (LSPR - Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), where they were weighed and measured. Eight aquaria with constant temperature, aeration and filtration, and subjected to a12 h light/12 h dark cycle were used for each experiment. Each aquarium also contained two shelters made of bricks and the water quality was monitored weekly. Behavioral observations were made at two densities: 25 individuals/m-² and 40 individuals/m-². The methods for recording behaviors were: behavioral sampling – enter and leave the shelter, exploring on the substrate, exploring in the water column, move away, attack, pursuit and cannibalism; scan sampling - inactivity, feeding, exploration, digging, swimming, cleaning and staying in the shelter. Observations were made during a 15 minute period/per aquarium at a frequency of 4 times daily, for 4 days/week, and over 4 weeks. Food was provided 2 times/day for each aquarium population, immediately before the 1st and 3rd observation periods. Our results demonstrate that at high density, there is an increased frequency of agonistic behavior; during the light phase, there is a greater frequency of behaviors that result in less exposure (inactivity, cleaning and staying in the shelter); during the dark phase, there is an increased frequency of behaviors that result in greater exposure (feeding, exploration, swimming and digging); at times of feed offer, there is an increased frequency of leaving the shelter, moving away, pursuit, feeding, exploration and swimming. At low density, the animals showed a lower frequency of agonistic behaviors, greater weight gain and higher growth rates, which indicates that this is a more favorable growing environment for cultivation and when applied, can generate better living conditions, favor survival rates and increase management success
Instrumentation is a tool of fundamental importance for research in several areas of human knowledge. Research projects are often unfeasible when data cannot be obtained due to lack of instruments, especially due to impor ting difficulties and the high costs there associated. Thus, in order to collaborate with the enhancement of a national technology, a multiband hand - held sun p hotometer (FSM - 4) was developed to operate in the 500 nm, 670 nm, 870 nm and 940 nm bands. In the 500 nm, 670 nm and 870 nm bands aerosols are monitored for evaluation of the AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth), and the PWC (Precipitable Water Column) is evaluated in the 940 nm band. For the development of the mech anical and electronic parts for the FSM - 4, th e materials and componen ts should combine low cost and quality of the data collected. The calibration process utilized the Langley method (ML) and Modified Langley Method (MLM). These methods are usually applied at high altitudes in order to provide atmosp heric optical stability. This condition however can be found in low height sites as shown in the research by Liu et al. (2010). Thus, for calibration of the FSM - 4, we investigated the atmospher ic optical stability utilizing the ML and MLM at a site in the cit y of Caicó / RN, located in the s emiarid region in northeastern Brazil. This site lies in a region far aw ay from large urban centers and activities generating anthropogenic atmospheric pollution. Data for calibration of the prototype were collected usin g the FSM - 4 in two separate operations during the dry season, one in December 2012 and another in September 2013. The methodologies showed optical atmospheric instability in the studied region through the dispersion of the values obtained for the calibrati on constant. This dispersion is affected by the variability of AOD and PWC during the appl ication of the above mentioned methods . As an alternative to the descr ibed sun photometer calibration , a short study was performed using the sun photometer worldwide network AERONET/NASA (AERsol RObotic NETwork – US Space Agency), installed in Petrolina / PE in Brazil. Data were collected for three days utilizing the AERONET instruments and the FSM - 4, operating simultaneously on the same site. By way of the ML and MLM techniques, convergent test values were obtained for the calibration constants, despite the low amount of data collected. This calibration transfer methodology proved to be a viable alternative to the FSM - 4 calibration .
From an economic standpoint, the powder metallurgy (P/M) is a technique widely used for the production of small parts. It is possible, through the P/M and prior comminution of solid waste such as ferrous chips, produce highly dense sintered parts and of interest to the automotive, electronics and aerospace industries. However, without prior comminution the chip, the production of bodies with a density equal to theoretical density by conventional sintering techniques require the use of additives or significantly higher temperatures than 1250ºC. An alternative route to the production of sintered bodies with high density compaction from ferrous chips (≤ 850 microns) and solid phase sintering is a compression technique under high pressure (HP). In this work, different compaction pressures to produce a sintered chip of SAE 1050 carbon steel were used. Specifically, the objective was to investigate them, the effect of high pressure compression in the behavior of densification of the sintered samples. Therefore, samples of the chips from the SAE 1050 carbon steel were uniaxially cold compacted at 500 and 2000 MPa, respectively. The green compacts obtained were sintered under carbon atmosphere at 1100 and 1200°C for 90 minutes. The heating rate used was 20°C/min. The starting materials and the sintered bodies were characterized by optical microscopy, SEM, XRD, density measurements (geometric: mass/volume, and pycnometry) and microhardness measurements Vickers and Rockwell hardness. The results showed that the compact produced under 2000 MPa presented relative density values between 93% and 100% of theoretical density and microhardness between 150 HV and 180 HV, respectively. In contrast, compressed under 500 MPa showed a very heterogeneous microstructure, density value below 80% of theoretical density and structural conditions of inadequate specimens for carrying out the hardness and microhardness measurements. The results indicate that use of the high pressure of ferrous chips compression is a promising route to improve the sinterability conditions of this type of material, because in addition to promoting greater compression of the starting material, the external tension acts together with surface tension, functioning as the motive power for sintering process. Additionally, extremely high pressures allow plastic deformation of the material, providing an intimate and extended contact of the particles and eliminating cracks and pores. This tends to reduce the time and / or temperature required for good sintering, avoiding excessive grain growth without the use of additives. Moreover, higher pressures lead to fracture the grains in fragile or ductile materials highly hardened, which provides a starting powder for sintering, thinner, without the risk of contamination present when previous methods are used comminution of the powder.
The discovery that a spin-polarized current is capable of exerting a torque in a ferromagnetic material, through spin transfer, might provide the development of new technological devices that store information via the direction of magnetization. The reduction of current density to revert the magnetization is a primary issue to potential applications on non volatile random access memories (MRAM). We report a theorical study of the dipolar and shape effects on the critical current density for reversal of magnetization, via spin transfer torque (STT), on ferromagnetic nanoelements. The nanostructured system consists on a reference layer, in which the current will be spin-polarized, and a free layer of magnetization reversal. We observed considerable changes on the critical current density as a function of the element’s reversion layer thickness (t = 1.0 nm, 1.5 nm, 2.0 nm e 2.5 nm) and geometry (circular and elliptical), the material kind of the system free layer (Iron and Permalloy) and according to the orientation of the magnetization and the spin polarization with the major axis. We show that the critical current density may be reduced about 50% by reducing the Fe free layer thickness and around 75% when we change the saturation magnetization of circular nanoelements with 2.5 nm of thickness. We still observed a reduction as much as 90% on the current density of reversion for thin nanoelements magnetized along the minor axis direction, using in-plane spin polarization parallel to the magnetization.
In the central nervous system (CNS) of mammalian, fast synaptic transmission between nerve cells is performed primarily by α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, an ionotropic glutamate receptor that is related with learning, memory and homeostasis of the nervous system. Impairments in their functions are correlated with development of many brain desorders, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia, autism, Parkinson and Alzheimer. The use of willardiine analogs has been shown a powerful tool to understanding of activation and desensitization mechanisms of this receptors, because the modification of a single ligand atom allows the observation of varying levels of efficacy. In this work, taking advantage of Fluorine Willardiine (1.35Å), Hydrogen Willardiine (1.65Å), Bromine Willardiine (1.8Å) and Iodine Willardiine (2.15Å) structures co-crystalized with GluA2 with codes 1MQI, 1MQJ, 1MQH and 1MQG, we attempted to energetically differentiate the four ligands efficacy. The complexes were submitted to energetic calculations based on density functional theory (DFT), under the optics of molecular fractionation with conjugate caps (MFCC) method. Obtained results show a relationship between the energetic values and willardiines efficacy order (FW> HW > BrW > IW), also show the importance of E705, R485, Y450, S654, T655, T480 e P478 as the amino acids that contribute most strongly with the interaction of four partial agonists. Furthermore, we outlined the M708 behaviour, attracted by FW and HW ligands, and repels by BrW and IW. With the datas reported on this work, it is possible for a better understanding of the AMPA receptor, which can serve as an aid in the development of new drugs for this system.