999 resultados para Demanda Hospitalar


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Introduction: Hospital-acquired urinary tract infection (HAUTI) is an important cause of morbidity in the elderly population. Objective: Evaluate the occurrence of HAUTI and risk factors associated with it. Method: This is a prospective study of a sample of 332 elderly people, interned in a university hospital. Criteria for defining infection were established by the Center for Diseases and Prevention Control. Statistical analysis of data used calculation of frequencies, odds ratio and logistic regression. The rate of hospital infection was 23.6%. The prevalent topographies of infection were respiratory infections (27.6%), urinary tract infections (26.4%) and surgical wound infections (23.6%, with 21, 20 and 19 episodes, respectively. The HAUTI incidence density associated with urinary catheterization was 24.2 infections by 1,000 catheter-days. The length of hospital stay of patients without nosocomial infection was 6.9 days and with HAUTI was increased in 10.4 (p<0.05).The rate of mortality of patients with HAUTI was 20%. Pathogens were isolated in 75% of episodes of HAUTI and the prevalent were: Escherichia coli (33%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20%). Risk factors found for HAUTI were urinary catheterization implementation (odds ratio (OR) = 43.1; 95% confidence interval (95 CI%) = 3.9 – 311.1), hospitalization with community infection (OR= 21.9; 95% CI = 4.9 – 97.9); vascular diseases (OR=14; 95% CI = 2 – 98); diabetes mellitus (OR= 5.5; 95% CI = 1.4 – 21) and urinary catheterization by more than three days (OR=3.7; 95% CI = 1 – 13.8). Conclusions: HAUTI presented elevated incidence and it increased the length of hospital stay.


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The Patient Classification System has become essential concerning to the practice in management and care from a nurse. This study analyzed the implementation of Assistance Sites in an intensive care unit for adults as a way of organization and classification of patients, as well as the impact of this process on the quality of care according to the Nursing Activities Score and the relation with the Hospital Infection. This is a quantitative, prospective, descriptive and transversal study. The data collection was realized from July until October 2010. The sample was consisted of 214 patients, mostly male, neurosurgical and with a mid age of 57 years. The NAS was on the average of 71.72%. Regarding the Hospital Infection before and after implantation, there was a reduction in the rates of pneumonia. However, the nursing workload remained the same. Moreover, It was evident the importance of using the Nursing Activities Score and the implementation of new ways for classification of patients to improve the organization of the care.


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Empresas muitas vezes tem seu consumo de energia elétrica descontrolados por possuírem motores elétricos muitas vezes super-dimensionados, trabalhando em vazio ou em horário de pico. Sendo este tipo de atividade responsável por grande parte do gasto energético da empresa. Existem dois fatores que avaliam o modo de utilização desta energia, denominados fator de potência (fp) e fator de carga (fc), que indicam a eficiência e racionalidade da forma de utilização da energia elétrica, respectivamente. A necessidade de uma avaliação global da utilização da energia, levando em consideração os dois fatores citados, é realizada por especialistas da área energética para a determinação da situação real da empresa. Podendo ser uma tarefa árdua muitas vezes demorada. Para isto é necessária uma análise estatística descritiva dos dados. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar esta analise de dados de uma empresa de refino de óleo vegetal.


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Forage sorghum can be grown in areas and environmental conditions dry and warm, where the productivity of other forage plants can often be uneconomical. The soil disturbance can be made only on the lines of planting (direct seeding) or entirely from the area for seeding (conventional tillage), as plowing, harrowing, subsoiling and chiseling (minimum tillage). The displacement speed ideal for planting is one in which the groove is opened and closed without removing the over-ground, allowing the distribution of seed spacing and depth constant. The experiment was conducted in a soil classified as Typic Oxisol at Lageado Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu campus. This study aimed to evaluate the response of sorghum in four forward speeds (3, 5, 6 and 9 km h-1) and four systems of soil management: SD (direct seeding), GP (harrow + sowing), LPG (disc harrow and two light disking + sowing) and CR (scarification and seeding). Data was subjected to analysis of variance in a factorial 4 x 4 and a randomized block design with split plots. The following parameters were determined: average speed, average strength of the drawbar, the average power drawbar, theoretical field capacity of the tractor-equipment, fuel consumption per hour. For the conditions under which the experiment was conducted, it was concluded that the hourly fuel consumption was not influenced by tillage systems and was inversely proportional to the increase of speed work, and that the change of speed in the sowing operation did not provide additional the values of average traction force on the bar of the tractor-planter.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of preparation: intermediate grade, minimum tillage and no-till on the agronomic characteristics and energy demand of transgenic soybean cultivars and non-GMO soybeans. Soil preparation aims at improving physical, chemical and biological conditions, aiming at good emergence and plant development. The different types of tillage may interfere with the agronomic characteristics and productivity of plants, and in energy use which can cause variation in production costs. Genetically modified plants can be one of the alternatives for reduction of production costs in crops by reducing pesticide applications, enabling higher productivity with less environmental impact. The test was conducted in 2010/2011 at the agricultural Experimental Farm Lageado, belonging to the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences – UNESP, located in the city of Botucatu, SP in an area using no-till systems for the past 12 years. The experiment was carried out in a 3 x 2 factorial, randomized treatments were comprised of three soil preparation systems, minimum cultivation, intermediate grade preparation and no-till, with two cultivars of soybeans: MGBR-46 Conquest (conventional), Valuable RR (Transgenic). The data obtained was submitted to variance analysis using Tukey test at a 5% probability. With the results analyzed it might be observed that there was no significant difference between treatments, in the variables, the percentage of soil cover, final soybean plant population, grain yield and plant height. The results obtained show that the no-till system resulted in higher productivity than conventional tillage and minimum cultivation. The higher specific energy use per area was observed in minimum cultivation with a chisel plough, when compared to the preparation across the grid. The greatest fuel consumption was to treat minimum cultivation with chisel plough. The highest values were found in the skating system of minimum cultivation, being greater in conventional tillage system. It is more satisfactory for the producer to sow transgenic soy using a no-till system, because productivity retrieved from that system compensates for fuel expenditure.


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This study aimed to account the energy balance of six different farming systems: CMT (minimum tillage with transgenic corn); CMNT (minimum tillage with non-transgenic corn); PCT (conventional tillage with transgenic corn); PCNT (conventional tillage with non-transgenic corn); PDT (no-tillage system with transgenic corn) and PDNT (no-tillage system with non-transgenic corn). The study was carried out at the Experimental Farm Lageado FCA/Unesp, Botucatu - SP. The energy balance was performed by subtracting the total energy inputs by the total energy output. Energy efficiency was calculated by dividing the total energy output by the total energy inputs. The total values ​​of energy inputs and outputs were expressed in MJ.ha-1 (mega joules per hectare). To calculate the energy inputs were accounted the fuel consumption and lubricants, depreciation energy of machinery and implements, manpower and agricultural inputs. The energy outputs were calculated according to the maize yield. The result shows that the system PDT was the system that had better energy efficiency and the system that had the lowest efficiency was the PCT system. The system with lower energy demand was the PDT and the greatest demand was PCNT.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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This study aimed to model a equation for the demand of automobiles and light commercial vehicles, based on the data from February 2007 to July 2014, through a multiple regression analysis. The literature review consists of an information collection of the history of automotive industry, and it has contributed to the understanding of the current crisis that affects this market, which consequence was a large reduction in sales. The model developed was evaluated by a residual analysis and also was used an adhesion test - F test - with a significance level of 5%. In addition, a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.8159 was determined, indicating that 81.59% of the demand for automobiles and light commercial vehicles can be explained by the regression variables: interest rate, unemployment rate, broad consumer price index (CPI), gross domestic product (GDP) and tax on industrialized products (IPI). Finally, other ten samples, from August 2014 to May 2015, were tested in the model in order to validate its forecasting quality. Finally, a Monte Carlo Simulation was run in order to obtain a distribution of probabilities of future demands. It was observed that the actual demand in the period after the sample was in the range that was most likely to occur, and that the GDP and the CPI are the variable that have the greatest influence on the developed model


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Considering the high competitiveness in the industrial chemical sector, demand forecast is a relevant factor for decision-making. There is a need for tools capable of assisting in the analysis and definition of the forecast. In that sense, the objective is to generate the chemical industry forecast using an advanced forecasting model and thus verify the accuracy of the method. Because it is time series with seasonality, the model of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average - SARIMA generated reliable forecasts and acceding to the problem analyzed, thus enabling, through validation with real data improvements in the management and decision making of supply chain


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This study aimed to model a equation for the demand of automobiles and light commercial vehicles, based on the data from February 2007 to July 2014, through a multiple regression analysis. The literature review consists of an information collection of the history of automotive industry, and it has contributed to the understanding of the current crisis that affects this market, which consequence was a large reduction in sales. The model developed was evaluated by a residual analysis and also was used an adhesion test - F test - with a significance level of 5%. In addition, a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.8159 was determined, indicating that 81.59% of the demand for automobiles and light commercial vehicles can be explained by the regression variables: interest rate, unemployment rate, broad consumer price index (CPI), gross domestic product (GDP) and tax on industrialized products (IPI). Finally, other ten samples, from August 2014 to May 2015, were tested in the model in order to validate its forecasting quality. Finally, a Monte Carlo Simulation was run in order to obtain a distribution of probabilities of future demands. It was observed that the actual demand in the period after the sample was in the range that was most likely to occur, and that the GDP and the CPI are the variable that have the greatest influence on the developed model


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Considering the high competitiveness in the industrial chemical sector, demand forecast is a relevant factor for decision-making. There is a need for tools capable of assisting in the analysis and definition of the forecast. In that sense, the objective is to generate the chemical industry forecast using an advanced forecasting model and thus verify the accuracy of the method. Because it is time series with seasonality, the model of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average - SARIMA generated reliable forecasts and acceding to the problem analyzed, thus enabling, through validation with real data improvements in the management and decision making of supply chain


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados maternos e neonatais em mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em centro de parto normal peri-hospitalar e hospital. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em São Paulo, SP, de 2003 a 2006. Foram incluídas 991 mulheres que tiveram o parto no centro de parto normal e 325 que deram à luz no hospital. Os dados foram obtidos dos prontuários. A análise comparativa foi realizada para o total de mulheres e estratifi cada segundo a paridade. Foram aplicados os testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Houve distribuição homogênea das mulheres segundo a paridade (45,4% nulíparas e 54,6% mulheres com um ou mais partos anteriores). Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente signifi cantes em relação às seguintes intervenções: amniotomia (mais freqüente entre nulíparas do hospital); utilização de ocitocina no trabalho de parto e utilização de analgésico no pós-parto (mais freqüentes no hospital entre as mulheres de todas as paridades). A taxa de episiotomia foi maior entre as nulíparas, tanto no centro de parto como no hospital. Houve maior freqüência de intervenções com o neonato no hospital: aspiração das vias aéreas superiores, aspiração gástrica, lavagem gástrica, oxigênio por máscara aberta. Também ocorreram com mais freqüência no hospital bossa serossanguínea, desconforto respiratório e internação na unidade neonatal. Não houve diferença nos valores de Apgar no quinto minuto nem casos de morte materna ou perinatal. CONCLUSÕES: A assistência no centro de parto normal foi realizada com menos intervenções e com resultados maternos e neonatais semelhantes aos do hospital.


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The scope of this paper is to validate proposals used to qualify hospital food by the Brazilian scientific community. An electronic questionnaire was applied to clinical nutrition professionals registered on the Lattes Platform (Brazilian database of institutions and researchers' curricula in the areas of Science and Technology). The questionnaire incorporated a Likert scale and had spaces for comments. The themes dealt with patient participation, the nutritional and sensory quality of hospital diets, and planning and goals of the Hospital Food and Nutrition Service (HFNS). The questionnaire also asked for the top five priorities for a HFNS. Proposals with total or partial adherence equal to or greater than 70% were considered to be approved. All proposals had total adherence equal to or greater than 70%. The proposal that had minimal adherence (70%) was the one that proposed that nutritional intervention must be arranged by mutual agreement with the patient. The proposal that had maximal adherence (93%) was the one advocating that there must be statistical control on diets prescribed by the HFNS. The most cited priorities referred to infrastructure and training of human resources (40%), the quality of hospital food (27%) and the nutritional status of the patient.


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Estudo exploratório-descritivo de abordagem qualitativa. Objetivou-se identificar a percepção sobre a gestão de material médico-hospitalar no processo de trabalho de profissionais em hospital público de média complexidade. As informações foram levantadas utilizando a questão norteadora: como a gestão de materiais influencia o seu processo de trabalho? A análise dos relatos permitiu identificar cinco categorias denominadas: ausência de autonomia na escolha dos materiais, falta de manutenção de equipamentos, burocracia no processo de compra, falta de qualidade e ausência de envolvimento dos profissionais na gestão de materiais. Concluiu-se que a gestão de materiais é centrada na direção de enfermagem, necessitando de maior participação dos outros profissionais na escolha dos materiais em uso, para reduzir as fragilidades encontradas nesse processo.