978 resultados para DNA Polymerase II


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Monozyten wie auch dendritische Zellen (DCs) und Makrophagen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des angeborenenen unspezifischen Immunsystems. Ein Kennzeichen dieser Zellen ist die Produktion von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) zur Abtötung von Pathogenen. Im Fall von chronischen Entzündungen oder Infekten kann es zu einer explosionsartigen Freisetzung freier Radikale kommen ('Oxidative Burst'). Aus vorangegangenen Untersuchungen war bekannt, dass die Expression der beiden Basen Exziosions Reparatur (BER)-Proteine XRCC1 und Ligase III während der Ausreifung humaner Monozyten zu DCs induziert wird (Briegert and Kaina, 2007). Dies lies vermuten, dass Monozyten aufgrund einer defekten BER eine hohe Sensitivität gegenüber ROS aufweisen. Um diese Hypothese zu überprüfen, wurde die Wirkung von ROS auf humane Monozyten und daraus abgeleiteten DCs und Makrophagen untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Monozyten eine hohe Sensitivität gegenüber oxidativem Stress aufweisen, was auf eine höhere Einzelstrangbruch-Rate zurückzuführen war. Ursache hierfür ist das Fehlen der BER-Proteine XRCC1, Ligase III und PARP-1. Die fehlende Expression dieser Proteine resultierte letztendlich in Monozyten in einem Defekt der BER und DNA-Einzelstrangbruchreparatur. rnDie Proteine XRCC1, Ligase III und PARP-1 sind auch Bestandteil des Apparats des B-NHEJ ('backup-non homologous end joining'), was auf eine Beeinträchtigung der Monozyten hinsichtlich der Prozessierung von Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSBs) schließen lässt. Zur Untersuchung dieser Vermutung, wurde die Wirkung von Ionisierender Strahlung ('ionizing radiation'; IR) auf Monozyten, DCs und Makrophagen bestimmt. Monozyten zeigten eine signifikant höhere Sensitivität gegenüber IR als DCs und Makrophagen, was auf eine erhöhte DSB-Rate in den Monozyten nach IR zurückzuführen war. Expressionsanalysen und ein DNA-PK-Aktivitäts-Assay zeigten zusätzlich, dass Monozyten keine DNA-PKcs, ein bedeutender Faktor des C-NHEJ, exprimieren. Somit haben Monozyten sowohl einen Defekt im B-NHEJ als auch im C-NHEJ und sind demnach nicht in der Lage, DSBs zu reparieren.rnAuch gegenüber dem Alkylanz und Chemotherapeutikum Temozolomid bewirken die Reparaturdefekte eine hohe Sensitivität der Monozyten. Zur Therapie von Hirntumoren werden neben der Operation, die Bestrahlung und Chemotherapie mit Temozolomid angewendet. Die hohe Sensitivität von Monozyten gegenüber IR und Temozolomid könnte eine Erklärung für die starke Immunsuppression bei einer derartigen Therapie sein.rn


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The presence of damaged nucleobases in DNA can negatively influence transcription of genes. One of the mechanisms by which DNA damage interferes with reading of genetic information is a direct blockage of the elongating RNA polymerase complexes – an effect well described for bulky adducts induced by several chemical substances and UV-irradiation. However, other mechanisms must exist as well because many of the endogenously occurring non-bulky DNA base modifications have transcription-inhibitory properties in cells, whilstrnnot constituting a roadblock for RNA polymerases under cell free conditions. The inhibition of transcription by non-blocking DNA damage was investigated in this work by employing the reporter gene-based assays. Comparison between various types of DNA damage (UV-induced pyrimidine photoproducts, oxidative purine modifications induced by photosensitisation, defined synthetic modified bases such as 8-oxoguanine and uracil, and sequence-specific single-strand breaks) showed that distinct mechanisms of inhibition of transcription can be engaged, and that DNA repair can influence transcription of the affectedrngenes in several different ways.rnQuantitative expression analyses of reporter genes damaged either by the exposure of cells to UV or delivered into cells by transient transfection supported the earlier evidence that transcription arrest at the damage sites is the major mechanism for the inhibition of transcription by this kind of DNA lesions and that recovery of transcription requires a functional nucleotide excision repair gene Csb (ERCC6) in mouse cells. In contrast, oxidisedrnpurines generated by photosensitisation do not cause transcriptional blockage by a direct mechanism, but rather lead to transcriptional repression of the damaged gene which is associated with altered histone acetylation in the promoter region. The whole chain of events leading to transcriptional silencing in response to DNA damage remains to be uncovered. Yet, the data presented here identify repair-induced single-strand breaks – which arise from excision of damaged bases by the DNA repair glycosylases or endonucleases – as arnputative initiatory factor in this process. Such an indirect mechanism was supported by requirement of the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) for the inhibition of transcription by synthetic 8-oxodG incorporated into a reporter gene and by the delays observed for the inhibition of transcription caused by structurally unrelated base modifications (8-oxoguanine and uracil). It is thereby hypothesized that excision of the modified bases could be a generalrnmechanism for inhibition of transcription by DNA damage which is processed by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Further gene expression analyses of plasmids containing single-strand breaks or abasic sites in the transcribed sequences revealed strong transcription inhibitory potentials of these lesions, in agreement with the presumption that BER intermediates are largely responsible for the observed effects. Experiments with synthetic base modifications positioned within the defined DNA sequences showed thatrninhibition of transcription did not require the localisation of the lesion in the transcribed DNA strand; therefore the damage sensing mechanism has to be different from the direct encounters of transcribing RNA polymerase complexes with DNA damage.rnAltogether, this work provides new evidence that processing of various DNA basernmodifications by BER can perturb transcription of damaged genes by triggering a gene silencing mechanism. As gene expression can be influenced even by a single DNA damage event, this mechanism could have relevance for the endogenous DNA damage induced in cells under normal physiological conditions, with a possible link to gene silencing in general.


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Angiotensin II induziert intrazellulär die Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies, welche DNA-Schäden erzeugen können. Um die Hypothese zu prüfen, dass durch Angiotensin II induzierte DNA-Schäden für die erhöhte Krebsinzidenz hypertensiver Menschen verantwortlich sind, wurde eine vierwöchige Behandlung von Mäusen mit Angiotensin II (0,6 μg/kg/min) durchgeführt. Mit der Alkalischen Elution wurden in Zellen aus verschiedenen Organen der Mäuse die Menge an DNA-Einzelstrangbrüchen und oxidativen DNA-Modifikationen bestimmt. In der Niere wurde außerdem mit dem BigBlue® Mutations-Assay die Entstehung von Mutationen analysiert. In keinem der analysierten Organe konnte eine Erhöhung der DNA-Schäden oder eine Erhöhung der Mutationsfrequenzen durch die Angiotensin II-Behandlung nachgewiesen werden. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen geben somit keinen Hinweis auf eine DNA-schädigende und mutagene Wirkung von Angiotensin II.rnBei der Entstehung und dem Krankheitsverlauf von Arteriosklerose spielen reaktive Sauerstoffspezies ebenfalls eine noch nicht genau geklärte Rolle. Um zu ermitteln, ob oxidative DNA-Schäden die Entstehung der Arteriosklerose begünstigen, wurde die Endothelfunktion von Wildtyp- und reparaturdefizienten Ogg1-/--Mäusen verglichen. Entgegen der Vermutung, dass oxidative DNA-Modifikationen die Endothelfunktion verschlechtern, zeigen die Untersuchungen, dass Ogg1-/--Mäuse, die höhere Spiegel an oxidativen DNA-Modifikationen in ihrem Genom haben, eine signifikant bessere Endothelfunktion besitzen als Wildtyptiere. Dieser Befund weist auf eine neuartige, von der DNA-Reparatur unabhängige Funktion von OGG1 hin.rn


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Uracil ist eine der am häufigsten vorkommenden DNA-Basenmodifikationen, die über den Mechanismus der Basen-Exzisions-Reparatur (BER) aus dem Genom entfernt wird. Im Verlauf der Reparatur dieser Läsion durch monofunktionelle Uracil-DNA-Glykosylasen (UNG1/2, SMUG1, TDG und MBD4) entstehen AP-Läsionen und Einzelstrangbrüche. Da von beiden bekannt ist, eine Blockade der Transkription verursachen zu können, wurde in dieser Arbeit der Einfluss von Uracil und dessen Exzision auf die Expression eines Gens untersucht. Dafür wurde eine effiziente Methode entwickelt, die DNA-Basenmodifikation spezifisch in den transkribierten oder nicht-transkribierten DNA-Strang eines Reporter-Vektors einzufügen. rnIn Host cell reactivation Assays konnte gezeigt werden, dass Uracil unabhängig davon, ob es mit Adenin gepaart (U:A) oder mit Guanin (U:G) eine Fehlpaarung bildet, keine direkte Blockade der Transkriptions-Maschinerie in menschlichen Zellen auszulösen vermag. Dies kann daraus geschlossen werden, dass die Expression des Reportergens der Uracil-enthaltenen Vektoren im Vergleich zu unmodifizierten Referenz-Vektoren kurze Zeit nach der Transfektion unverändert ist. Die erst mit zunehmender Inkubationszeit in den Wirtszellen progressiv abnehmende Transkription ließ vermuten, dass die intrazelluläre Prozessierung der Läsion über die BER für die verringerte Genexpression verantwortlich ist. In der Tat bewirkte der Knockdown der BER-initiierenden UNG1/2, die Uracil aus der DNA herausschneidet und damit eine AP-Läsion generiert, eine Verringerung des negativen Effektes eines U:A-Basenpaares auf die Genexpression. Dass der Knockdown der SMUG1- oder TDG-Glykosylase hingegen keine Auswirkungen zeigte, beweist, dass UNG1/2 die Hauptglykosylase für die Exzision dieser Läsion und der Auslöser der inhibierten Transkription in HeLa-Zellen darstellt. Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Maß des Ausschnitts einer DNA-Basenmodifikation im Verlauf der BER und einer verringerten Expression des Reportergens konnte zudem am Beispiel von 5-Hydroxymethyluracil und der für diese Läsion spezifischen SMUG1-Glykosylase nachgewiesen werden. Im Falle einer U:G-Fehlpaarung besaß weder UNG1/2 noch SMUG1 oder TDG einen Einfluss auf die Rate oder das Ausmaß der mit der Zeit abnehmenden Genexpression, was die Beteiligung einer anderen Glykosylase oder eines anderen Reparatur-Mechanismus vermuten lässt. rnDie Tatsache, dass die Stärke der Gen-Suppression unabhängig davon war, ob Uracil im transkribierten oder nicht-transkribierten DNA-Strang positioniert wurde, lässt die Mutmaßung zu, dass keine Blockade der elongierenden RNA-Polymerase, sondern vielmehr ein indirekter Mechanismus der Auslöser für die verringerte Transkription ist. Dieser Mechanismus muss unabhängig von der gut untersuchten transkriptionsgekoppelten Nukleotid-Exzisions-Reparatur erfolgen, da der Knockdown des hierfür benötigten CSB-Gens keine Auswirkungen auf die Inhibition der Genexpression der Uracil-enthaltenen Vektoren hatte. Insgesamt liefert diese Arbeit neue Erkenntnisse über den Beitrag der einzelnen Uracil-DNA-Glykosylasen zur Reparatur der DNA-Basenmodifikation Uracil in humanen Zellen und zeigt, dass die BER über einen indirekten Mechanismus die Hemmung der Genexpression verursacht.


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BACKGROUND: Peri-implantitis is common in patients with dental implants. We performed a single-blinded longitudinal randomized study to assess the effects of mechanical debridement on the peri-implant microbiota in peri-implantitis lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An expanded checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization assay encompassing 79 different microorganisms was used to study bacterial counts before and during 6 months following mechanical treatment of peri-implantitis in 17 cases treated with curettes and 14 cases treated with an ultrasonic device. Statistics included non-parametric tests and GLM multivariate analysis with p<0001 indicating significance and 80% power. RESULTS: At selected implant test sites, the most prevalent bacteria were: Fusobacterium nucleatum sp., Staphylococci sp., Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Helicobacter pylori, and Tannerella forsythia. 30 min. after treatment with curettes, A. actinomycetemcomitans (serotype a), Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus anginosus, and Veillonella parvula were found at lower counts (p<0.001). No such differences were found for implants treated with the ultrasonic device. Inconsistent changes occurred following the first week. No microbiological differences between baseline and 6-month samples were found for any species or between treatment study methods in peri-implantitis. CONCLUSIONS: Both methods failed to eliminate or reduce bacterial counts in peri-implantitis. No group differences were found in the ability to reduce the microbiota in peri-implantitis.


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Methylation of the MGMT promoter is supposed to be a predictive and prognostic factor in glioblastoma. Whether MGMT promoter methylation correlates with tumor response to temozolomide in low-grade gliomas is less clear. Therefore, we analyzed MGMT promoter methylation by a quantitative methylation-specific PCR in 22 patients with histologically verified low-grade gliomas (WHO grade II) who were treated with temozolomide (TMZ) for tumor progression. Objective tumor response, toxicity, and LOH of microsatellite markers on chromosomes 1p and 19q were analyzed. Histological classification revealed ten oligodendrogliomas, seven oligoastrocytomas, and five astrocytomas. All patients were treated with TMZ 200 mg/m2 on days 1-5 in a 4 week cycle. The median progression-free survival was 32 months. Combined LOH 1p and 19q was found in 14 patients; one patient had LOH 1p alone and one patient LOH 19q alone. The LOH status could not be determined in two patients and was normal in the remaining four. LOH 1p and/or 19q correlated with longer time to progression but not with radiological response to TMZ. MGMT promoter methylation was detectable in 20 patients by conventional PCR and quantitative analysis revealed the methylation status was between 12 and 100%. The volumetric response to chemotherapy analyzed by MRI and time to progression correlated with the level of MGMT promoter methylation. Therefore, our retrospective case series suggests that quantitative methylation-specific PCR of the MGMT promoter predicts radiological response to chemotherapy with TMZ in WHO grade II gliomas.


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The cornified layer, the stratum corneum, of the epidermis is an efficient barrier to the passage of genetic material, i.e. nucleic acids. It contains enzymes that degrade RNA and DNA which originate from either the living part of the epidermis or from infectious agents of the environment. However, the molecular identities of these nucleases are only incompletely known at present. Here we performed biochemical and genetic experiments to determine the main DNase activity of the stratum corneum. DNA degradation assays and zymographic analyses identified the acid endonucleases L-DNase II, which is derived from serpinB1, and DNase 2 as candidate DNases of the cornified layer of the epidermis. siRNA-mediated knockdown of serpinB1 in human in vitro skin models and the investigation of mice deficient in serpinB1a demonstrated that serpinB1-derived L-DNase II is dispensable for epidermal DNase activity. By contrast, knockdown of DNase 2, also known as DNase 2a, reduced DNase activity in human in vitro skin models. Moreover, the genetic ablation of DNase 2a in the mouse was associated with the lack of acid DNase activity in the stratum corneum in vivo. The degradation of endogenous DNA in the course of cornification of keratinocytes was not impaired by the absence of DNase 2. Taken together, these data identify DNase 2 as the predominant DNase on the mammalian skin surface and indicate that its activity is primarily targeted to exogenous DNA.


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Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) depends on precise temperature control of the sample during cycling. In the current study, we investigated how temperature variation in plate-based qPCR instruments influences qPCR results. Temperature variation was measured by amplicon melting analysis as a convenient means to assess well-to-well differences. Multiple technical replicates of several SYBR Green I-based qPCR assays allowed correlation of relative well temperature to quantification cycle. We found that inadequate template denaturation results in an inverse correlation and requires increasing the denaturation temperature, adding a DNA destabilizing agent, or pretreating with a restriction enzyme. In contrast, inadequate primer annealing results in a direct correlation and requires lowering the annealing temperature. Significant correlations were found in 18 of 25 assays. The critical nature of temperature-dependent effects was shown in a blinded study of 29 patients for the diagnosis of Prader-Willy and Angelman syndromes, where eight diagnoses were incorrect unless temperature-dependent effects were controlled. A method to detect temperature-dependent effects by pairwise comparisons of replicates in routine experiments is presented and applied. Systematic temperature errors in qPCR instruments can be recognized and their effects eliminated when high precision is required in quantitative genetic diagnostics and critical complementary DNA analyses.


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The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii infects almost all warm blooded animal species including humans, and is one of the most prevalent zoonotic parasites worldwide. Post-natal infection in humans is acquired through oral uptake of sporulated T. gondii oocysts or by ingestion of parasite tissue cysts upon consumption of raw or undercooked meat. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of oocyst-shedding by cats and to assess the level of infection with T. gondii in meat-producing animals in Switzerland via detection of genomic DNA (gDNA) in muscle samples. In total, 252 cats (44 stray cats, 171 pet cats, 37 cats with gastrointestinal disorders) were analysed coproscopically, and subsequently species-specific identification of T. gondii oocysts was achieved by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Furthermore, diaphragm samples of 270 domestic pigs (120 adults, 50 finishing, and 100 free-range animals), 150 wild boar, 250 sheep (150 adults and 100 lambs) and 406 cattle (47 calves, 129 heifers, 100 bulls, and 130 adult cows) were investigated by T. gondii-specific real-time PCR. For the first time in Switzerland, PCR-positive samples were subsequently genotyped using nine PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) loci (SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico) for analysis. Only one of the cats shed T. gondii oocysts, corresponding to a T. gondii prevalence of 0.4% (95% CI: 0.0-2.2%). In meat-producing animals, gDNA prevalence was lowest in wild boar (0.7%; 95% CI: 0.0-3.7%), followed by sheep (2.0%; 95% CI: 0.1-4.6%) and pigs (2.2%; 95% CI: 0.8-4.8%). The highest prevalence was found in cattle (4.7%; 95% CI: 2.8-7.2%), mainly due to the high prevalence of 29.8% in young calves. With regard to housing conditions, conventional fattening pigs and free-range pigs surprisingly exhibited the same prevalence (2.0%; 95% CI: 0.2-7.0%). Genotyping of oocysts shed by the cat showed T. gondii with clonal Type II alleles and the Apico I allele. T. gondii with clonal Type II alleles were also predominantly observed in sheep, while T. gondii with mixed or atypical allele combinations were very rare in sheep. In pigs and cattle however, genotyping of T. gondii was often incomplete. These findings suggested that cattle in Switzerland might be infected with Toxoplasma of the clonal Types I or III, atypical T. gondii or more than one clonal Type.


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OBJECTIVE: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) usually improves during pregnancy and recurs postpartum. Fetal cells and cell-free DNA reach the maternal circulation during normal pregnancy. The present study investigated dynamic changes in levels of fetal DNA in serum from women with RA and inflammatory arthritis during and after pregnancy to test the hypothesis that the levels of circulating fetal DNA correlate with arthritis improvement. METHODS: Twenty-five pregnant patients were prospectively studied. A real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction panel targeting unshared, paternally transmitted HLA sequences, a Y chromosome-specific sequence, or an insertion sequence within the glutathione S-transferase M1 gene was used to measure cell-free fetal DNA. Results were expressed as fetal genomic equivalents per milliliter (gE/ml) of maternal serum. Physical examinations were conducted during and after pregnancy. RESULTS: Levels of fetal DNA in women with improvement in or remission of arthritis were higher than those in women with active disease, especially in the third trimester. Overall, an inverse relationship between serum fetal DNA levels and disease activity was observed (P < 0.001). Serum fetal DNA increased with advancing gestation, reaching median levels of 24 gE/ml (range 0-334), 61 gE/ml (range 0-689), and 199 gE/ml (range 0-2,576) in the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively, with fetal DNA clearance observed postpartum. Arthritis improvement was initially noted in the first trimester for most patients, increased further or was sustained with advancing gestation, and was active postpartum. CONCLUSION: Changes in serum fetal DNA levels correlated with arthritis improvement during pregnancy and recurrence postpartum. Immunologic mechanisms by which pregnancy might modulate RA activity are described.


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A variety of modified nucleosides to improve antisense oligodeoxynucleotide properties such as target affinity, nuclease resistance, and pharmacokinetics were developed in the last two decades. In the context of conformational restriction we present here the synthesis of the [4.3.0]-bicyclo-DNA thymine monomer via Pd(II)-mediated ring expansion of an intermediate of the tricyclo-DNA synthesis.


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Classical antibody-based serotyping of Escherichia coli is an important method in diagnostic microbiology for epidemiological purposes, as well as for a rough virulence assessment. However, serotyping is so tedious that its use is restricted to a few reference laboratories. To improve this situation we developed and validated a genetic approach for serotyping based on the microarray technology. The genes encoding the O-antigen flippase (wzx) and the O-antigen polymerase (wzy) were selected as target sequences for the O antigen, whereas fliC and related genes, which code for the flagellar monomer, were chosen as representatives for the H phenotype. Starting with a detailed bioinformatic analysis and oligonucleotide design, an ArrayTube-based assay was established: a fast and robust DNA extraction method was coupled with a site-specific, linear multiplex labeling procedure and hybridization analysis of the biotinylated amplicons. The microarray contained oligonucleotide DNA probes, each in duplicate, representing 24 of the epidemiologically most relevant of the over 180 known O antigens (O antigens 4, 6 to 9, 15, 26, 52, 53, 55, 79, 86, 91, 101, 103, 104, 111, 113, 114, 121, 128, 145, 157, and 172) as well as 47 of the 53 different H antigens (H antigens 1 to 12, 14 to 16, 18 to 21, 23 to 34, 37 to 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51 to 54, and 56). Evaluation of the microarray with a set of defined strains representing all O and H serotypes covered revealed that it has a high sensitivity and a high specificity. All of the conventionally typed 24 O groups and all of the 47 H serotypes were correctly identified. Moreover, strains which were nonmotile or nontypeable by previous serotyping assays yielded unequivocal results with the novel ArrayTube assay, which proved to be a valuable alternative to classical serotyping, allowing processing of single colonies within a single working day.


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Equine penile papillomas, in situ carcinomas, and invasive carcinomas are hypothesized to belong to a continuum of papillomavirus-induced diseases. The former ones clinically present as small grey papules, while the latter 2 lesions are more hyperplasic or alternatively ulcerated. To test the hypothesis that these lesions are papillomavirus-induced, samples of 24 horses with characteristic clinical and histologic findings of penile papillomas or in situ or invasive squamous cell carcinomas were collected. As controls, 11 horses with various lesions--namely, Balanoposthitis (6 cases), melanoma (3 cases), follicular cyst (1 case), and amyloidosis (1 case)--were included. DNA was extracted and polymerase chain reaction applied to amplify papillomavirus DNA. The respective primers were designed to amplify DNA of the recently discovered equine papillomavirus EcPV2. All tested papilloma and squamous cell carcinoma samples were found to contain DNA of either of 2 previously published EcPV2 variants. Among the other samples 6 of 11 were found to contain EcPV2 DNA. To further support the findings and to determine where the papillomavirus DNA was located within the lesions, an in situ hybridization for the detection of EcPV2 DNA was established. The samples tested by this technique were found to clearly contain papillomavirus nucleic acid concentrated in the nucleus of the koilocytes. The findings of this study support previous data and the hypothesis that papillomaviruses induce the described penile lesions in horses.


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Reliable detection of JAK2-V617F is critical for accurate diagnosis of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs); in addition, sensitive mutation-specific assays can be applied to monitor disease response. However, there has been no consistent approach to JAK2-V617F detection, with assays varying markedly in performance, affecting clinical utility. Therefore, we established a network of 12 laboratories from seven countries to systematically evaluate nine different DNA-based quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays, including those in widespread clinical use. Seven quality control rounds involving over 21,500 qPCR reactions were undertaken using centrally distributed cell line dilutions and plasmid controls. The two best-performing assays were tested on normal blood samples (n=100) to evaluate assay specificity, followed by analysis of serial samples from 28 patients transplanted for JAK2-V617F-positive disease. The most sensitive assay, which performed consistently across a range of qPCR platforms, predicted outcome following transplant, with the mutant allele detected a median of 22 weeks (range 6-85 weeks) before relapse. Four of seven patients achieved molecular remission following donor lymphocyte infusion, indicative of a graft vs MPN effect. This study has established a robust, reliable assay for sensitive JAK2-V617F detection, suitable for assessing response in clinical trials, predicting outcome and guiding management of patients undergoing allogeneic transplant.


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BACKGROUND: Hydrostatic intestinal edema initiates a signal transduction cascade that results in smooth muscle contractile dysfunction. Given the rapid and concurrent alterations in the mechanical properties of edematous intestine observed with the development of edema, we hypothesize that mechanical forces may serve as a stimulus for the activation of certain signaling cascades. We sought to examine whether isolated similar magnitude mechanical forces induced the same signal transduction cascades associated with edema. METHODS: The distal intestine from adult male Sprague Dawley rats was stretched longitudinally for 2 h to 123% its original length, which correlates with the interstitial stress found with edema. We compared wet-to-dry ratios, myeloperoxidase activity, nuclear signal transduction and activator of transcription (STAT)-3 and nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B DNA binding, STAT-3 phosphorylation, myosin light chain phosphorylation, baseline and maximally stimulated intestinal contractile strength, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and sodium hydrogen exchanger 1-3 messenger RNA (mRNA) in stretched and adjacent control segments of intestine. RESULTS: Mechanical stretch did not induce intestinal edema or an increase in myeloperoxidase activity. Nuclear STAT-3 DNA binding, STAT-3 phosphorylation, and nuclear NF-kappa B DNA binding were significantly increased in stretched seromuscular samples. Increased expression of sodium hydrogen exchanger 1 was found but not an increase in iNOS expression. Myosin light chain phosphorylation was significantly decreased in stretched intestine as was baseline and maximally stimulated intestinal contractile strength. CONCLUSION: Intestinal stretch, in the absence of edema/inflammatory/ischemic changes, leads to the activation of signaling pathways known to be altered in intestinal edema. Edema may initiate a mechanotransductive cascade that is responsible for the subsequent activation of various signaling cascades known to induce contractile dysfunction.