986 resultados para DIPOLE-MOMENTS


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We prepose a 5-bit lattice Boltzmann model for KdV equation. Using Chapman-Enskog expansion and multiscale technique, we obtained high order moments of equilibrium distribution function, and the 3rd dispersion coefficient and 4th order viscosity. The parameters of this scheme can be determined by analysing the energy dissipation.


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It is shown that for a particle with suitable angular moments in the screened Coulomb potential or isotropic harmonic potential, there still exist closed orbits rather than ellipse, characterized by the conserved aphelion and perihelion vectors, i.e. extended Runge-Lenz vector, which implies a higher dynamical symmetry than the geometrical symmetry O-3. The closeness of a planar orbit implies the radial and angular motional frequencies are commensurable.


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Dynamic function of damage is the key to the problem of damage evolution of solids. In order to understand it, one must understand its mesoscopic mechanisms and macroscopic formulation. In terms of evolution equation of microdamage and damage moment, a dynamic function of damage is strictly defined. The mesoscopic mechanism underlying self-closed damage evolution law is investigated by means of double damage moments. Numerical results of damage evolution demonstrate some common features for various microdamage dynamics. Then, the dynamic function of damage is applied to inhomogeneous damage field. In this case, damage evolution rate is no longer equal to the dynamic function of damage. It is found that the criterion for damage localization is closely related to compound damage. Finally, an inversion of damage evolution to the dynamic function of damage is proposed.


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In the chiral nematic phase, flexoelectricity can give rise to an interesting electrooptic switching effect, known as flexoelectro-optic switching. Flexoelectro-optic switching gives a fast v-shaped switching regime. Previous studies show that symmetric bimesogens are particularly suited for flexoelectro-optic switching. By introducing two ester linking groups into the molecular structure of a symmetric bimesogen, it was hypothesised that the flexoelectric properties will be enhanced significantly because of the resulting increase in the dipole moment of the molecules. This was found to be the correct; however, the inclusion of ester linking groups reduced the liquid crystallinity of the material.


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We formulate a lattice Boltzmann model which simulates Korteweg-de Vries equation by using a method of higher moments of lattice Boltzmann equation. Using a series of lattice Boltzmann equations in different time scales and the conservation law in time scale to, we obtain equilibrium distribution function. The numerical examples show that the method can be used to simulate soliton.


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A turbulent boundary-layer flow over a rough wall generates a dipole sound field as the near-field hydrodynamic disturbances in the turbulent boundary-layer scatter into radiated sound at small surface irregularities. In this paper, phased microphone arrays are applied to the measurement and simulation of surface roughness noise. The radiated sound from two rough plates and one smooth plate in an open jet is measured at three streamwise locations, and the beamforming source maps demonstrate the dipole directivity. Higher source strengths can be observed on the rough plates which also enhance the trailing-edge noise. A prediction scheme in previous theoretical work is used to describe the strength of a distribution of incoherent dipoles and to simulate the sound detected by the microphone array. Source maps of measurement and simulation exhibit satisfactory similarities in both source pattern and source strength, which confirms the dipole nature and the predicted magnitude of roughness noise. However, the simulations underestimate the streamwise gradient of the source strengths and overestimate the source strengths at the highest frequency. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Magnetic domain structure of Nd60Al10Fe20Co10 bulk metallic glass (BMG) has been studied by using magnetic-force microscopy. In the magnetic-force images it is shown that the exchange-interaction-type magnetic domains with a period of about 360 nm do exist in the BMG, which is believed to be associated with the appearance of hard-magnetic properties in this system. The existence of the large-scale domains demonstrates that the magnetic moments of a great deal of short-scale ordered atomic clusters in the BMG have been aligned by exchange coupling. Annealing at 715 K leads to partial crystallization of the BMG. However, the exchange coupling is stronger in the annealed sample, which is considered to arise from the increase of transition-metal concentration in the amorphous phase due to the precipitation of Nd crystalline phase.


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The ratios of enstrophy and dissipation moments induced by localized vorticity are inferred to be finite. It follows that the scaling exponents for locally averaged dissipation and enstrophy are equal. However, enstrophy and dissipation exponents measured over finite ranges of scales may be different. The cylindrical vortex profile that yields maximal moment ratios is determined. The moment ratios for cylindrical vortices are used to interpret differences in scale dependence of enstrophy and dissipation previously found in numerical simulations.


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An n degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system with r (1¡r¡n) independent 0rst integrals which are in involution is calledpartially integrable Hamiltonian system. A partially integrable Hamiltonian system subject to light dampings andweak stochastic excitations is called quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian system. In the present paper, the procedures for studying the 0rst-passage failure and its feedback minimization of quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems are proposed. First, the stochastic averaging methodfor quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems is brie4y reviewed. Then, basedon the averagedIt ˆo equations, a backwardKolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function, a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of 0rst-passage time and their boundary and initial conditions are established. After that, the dynamical programming equations and their associated boundary and 0nal time conditions for the control problems of maximization of reliability andof maximization of mean 0rst-passage time are formulated. The relationship between the backwardKolmogorov equation andthe dynamical programming equation for reliability maximization, andthat between the Pontryagin equation andthe dynamical programming equation for maximization of mean 0rst-passage time are discussed. Finally, an example is worked out to illustrate the proposed procedures and the e9ectiveness of feedback control in reducing 0rst-passage failure.


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The experimental results for the excited time of the nonequlibrium radiation and the ionization behind strong shock waves are presented. Using an optical multichannel analyzer, InSb infrared detectors and near-free-molecular Langmuir probes, the infrared radiation, the electron density of air and the nonequilibrium radiation spectra at different moments of the relaxation process in nitrogen test gas behind normal shock waves were obtained, respectively, in hydrogen oxygen combustion driven shock tubes.


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Resumen: Este artículo se ocupa de recorrer los orígenes y el desarrollo de la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Católica Argentina con motivo del centenario de su creación. Teniendo en cuenta los primeros antecedentes universitarios en territorio argentino en el siglo XVII, el autor se centra en analizar los pormenores entorno al Breve fundacional de 1916 y transita los primeros momentos de la su vida académica hasta el tiempo inmediatamente previo al Concilio Vaticano II


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Resumen: El ensayo recorre momentos significativos de la poesía del poeta italiano, desde el carácter despojado y el silabeo de los versos de L’Allegria , al estilo barroco cristiano de Sentimento del Tempo, en el que se restituye la tradición del canto, silenciado en la época anterior, hasta llegar a Il dolore y La terra promessa, de la que se analiza desde un enfoque comparado el “Recitativo di Palinuro”. La obra lírica de Ungaretti refleja al “hombre de pena” que después de las tragedias bélicas, como un náufrago vive con la esperanza de que la vida renazca y la fe se renueve.


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Resumen: El problema de la deshumanización de la atención médica sido enfocado desde ópticas diferentes (y en diversos momentos históricos), ya sea desde la perspectiva del paciente, de los familiares o del propio equipo de salud que presta los servicios, pero no hay un estudio de las causas y de las posibles soluciones. Al realizar un recorrido de la atención profesional en el mundo de la salud observamos que solo podemos re humanizar esa atención con el compromiso directo de todos los participantes del equipo de salud para promover actos y condiciones que tengan como finalidad el respeto de los derechos humanos que se afirman en la dignidad de cada persona enferma. Creemos que esta presentación puede llevar a tomar conciencia sobre la vulnerabilidad de la intimidad en el proceso, hoy deshumanizante, de la atención profesional en el ámbito de la salud y desde este punto de partida asumiendo las responsabilidades subjetivas, sin anular la moralidad objetiva del hecho, comprometiéndonos a denunciar estas situaciones injustas y a trabajar día a día para humanizar la atención y de esta forma respetar el derecho a la intimidad.


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Resumen: Este artículo se ocupa de recorrer los orígenes y el desarrollo de la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Católica Argentina con motivo del centenario de su creación. Teniendo en cuenta los primeros antecedentes universitarios en territorio argentino en el siglo XVII, el autor se centra en analizar los pormenores entorno al Breve fundacional de 1916 y transita los primeros momentos de la su vida académica hasta el tiempo inmediatamente previo al Concilio Vaticano II.


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Resumen: Este ensayo teológico comprende y expone el pensamiento pastoral del Papa Francisco, primer obispo de Roma y Papa latinoamericano, elegido desde las periferias del orbe para guiar al Pueblo de Dios en el corazón de la urbe. Francisco es un pastor misionero y un pastoralista lúcido, que ha enseñado teología pastoral y, lo sigue haciendo, de otra forma, desde el ministerio petrino. La exhortación Evangelii gaudium (2013) condensa de una forma orgánica su mirada a la evangelización en la huella de la exhortación Evangelii nuntiandi de Pablo VI (1975) y del Documento Conclusivo de Aparecida del Episcopado latinoamericano y caribeño (2007). La novedad de su pontificado reformador y misionero hunde sus raíces en la figura singular del jesuita argentino Jorge Mario Bergoglio; en su arraigo en la Iglesia latinoamericana y en el proyecto misionero de Aparecida; y en la incipiente pero promisoria teología argentina postconciliar. El autor hace un pormenorizado estudio sistemático y contextualizado de la exhortación La alegría del Evangelio desde el propio documento y en relación a otros textos de Jorge Bergoglio y, ahora, del Papa Francisco. Articula su discurso en dos momentos mostrando sus interrelaciones. El primero, breve, presenta al sucesor de Pedro como un icono de la fisonomía regional y la reflexión pastoral de la Iglesia latinoamericana. El segundo analiza nueve claves de la Evangelii gaudium: la alegría de evangelizar, síntesis de la mística misionera; la figura de la Iglesia centrada en la misión; la influencia del proyecto misionero de Aparecida; la conversión misionera para la reforma eclesial desde el Concilio Vaticano II; la Iglesia, Pueblo de Dios y Madre de los pueblos, como sujeto de la misión; la fuerza evangelizadora de la piedad católica popular; la revolución de la ternura comunicada en el Evangelio de la misericordia; la dimensión social del Evangelio y de la evangelización; la opción por los pobres desde el corazón de Dios.