982 resultados para Cultural Translation


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Descripció del projecte. S’han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l’avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l’adreça web si s’ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte a la web.www.arqa.com/informacion.cfm/n.5910.cfmDESCRIPCIÓ DE L’EDIFICI: El Centre Cultural, donat el seu caràcter de contenidor flexible de funcions diverses haurà d'assumir unes visions mes funcionals. La seva pròpia imatge reclamarà d'una part una identitat pròpia allunyada del seus veïns, i d'altra unes connexions, tant visuals com físiques amb les arquitectures adjacents. Serà en aquest cas que la representativitat de l'edifici serà provocada pel seu propi llenguatge formal i la voluntat de manifestar-se com un vertader contenidor funcional.


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The present work contains an English translation of the Ornament of Reason (Tib. dBu ma'i rtsa ba shes rab kyi 'grel ba thad pa'i rgyan), an influential 12th century Tibetan commentary to a classic of Indian Buddhism, Nàgàrjuna's Root of the Middle Way (Skt. Mûlamadhyamaka-kârikâ Tib. dBu ma'i rtsa ba shes rab ces bya ba). The author, rMa bya byang chub brtson 'grus's, was among the first Tibetans to explicitly align themselves with the philosophical project of the 7th century Indian Madhyamaka teacher, CandrakTrti. With his stern revision and transformative re-employment of the epistemological framework that CandrakTrti otherwise scorns, rMa bya was however to develop an original and highly influential Madhyamaka interpretation.¦rMa bya's "topical outline" (Tib. sa bead) of his commentary is contained in the first appendix to the translation. The second appendix contains a digitalized version of the Rumtek edition of rMa bya's commentary, cross-referenced to the page numbers of the translation. The annotations contain concise explanatory remarks and suggestions for further reading, as well as identifications of the passages that rMa bya cites.


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Descripció del projecte. S’han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l’avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l’adreça web si s’ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte a la web.


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Descripció del projecte. S’han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l’avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l’adreça web si s’ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte a la web.www.arq-infad.arqa.com/fad2005www.arqa.com/informacion.cfm/n.5910.cfmDESCRIPCIÓ DE L’EDIFICI: El Centre Cultural, donat el seu caràcter de contenidor flexible de funcions diverses haurà d'assumir unes visions mes funcionals. La seva pròpia imatge reclamarà d'una part una identitat pròpia allunyada del seus veïns, i d'altra unes connexions, tant visuals com físiques amb les arquitectures adjacents. Serà en aquest cas que la representativitat de l'edifici serà provocada pel seu propi llenguatge formal i la voluntat de manifestar-se com un vertader contenidor funcional.


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Anàlisi dels canvis de la ciutat de Girona des del punt de vista turística, tendint cap a la “popularització”, i del paper important del guia turístic en aquest sentit, sobretot en la difusió del patrimoni cultural


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Ressenya del llibre 'Turismo cultural. Entre la experiencia y el ritual', escrit per José Antonio Donaire Benito, publicat l'any 2012 per edicions Vitel·la


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Les relacions entre cultura i turisme son cada cop mes estretes i les fronteres conceptuals mes difoses. Una possible metodologia d'anàlisi consisteix a posar en comú els punts d'intersecció a partir dels aspectes mes rellevants de la gestió de cada un deis sectors


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En els darrers quinze anys hem pogut constatar un lent creixement del turisme en els espais naturals i en els espais culturals. Ara, els escenaris rurals, els paisatges de muntanya mitjana, els nuclis rurals, els museus etnogràfics o les petites esglésies romàniques s'integren en el catàleg de productes turístics contemporanis, juntament amb les colònies Industrials, alguns centres comercials, espais d'oci programats o centres de producció


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This paper is a study of the concept of priority and its use together with the notion of hierarchy in academic writing and theoretical models of translation. Hierarchies and priorities can be implicit or explicit, prescribed, suggested or described. The paper starts, chronologically, wtih Nida and Levý’s hierarchical accounts of translation and follows their legacy in scholars as different as Newmark and Gutt. The concept of priorities is hinted at also in didactic models (Nord) as well as in norm-theoretical and accounts of translation (Toury and Chesterman) within Descriptive Translation Studies. All of these authors are analyzed and commented. The paper calls for a more systematic and straightforward account of translational priorities, and proposes a few conceptual tools that stem from this research model, including the concepts of ambition and richness of a translation. Finally, the paper concludes with an adaptation of Lakoff and Johnson’s view of prototypicality and its potential usefulness in research into and the understanding of translation.


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This is a case study of the Spanish dubbed version of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (George Roy Hill 1969) to illustrate and further develop the concept of L3 as a language that appears in source texts and their translations. L3 is distinguishable from the main language(s), L1 for the source text and L2 for the translation, based on a model proposed by Corrius and Zabalbeascoa 2011, and Corrius 2008. The study reveals various possible ways of rendering L3 in translation, in particular when L3 happens to coincide with L2. It also looks into the effect that certain translation solutions may have on intratextual translation and metatranslation.


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In addition to the two languages essentially involved in translation, that of the source text (L1) and that of the target text (L2), we propose a third language (L3) to refer to any other language(s) found in the text. L3 may appear in the source text (ST) or the target text (TT), actually appearing more frequently inSTs in our case studies. We present a range of combinations for the convergence and divergence of L1, L2 and L3, for the case of feature films and their translations using examples from dubbed and subtitled versions of films, but we are hopeful that our tentative conclusions may be relevant to other modalities of translation, audiovisual and otherwise. When L3 appears in an audiovisual ST,we find a variety of solutions whereby L3 is deleted from or adapted to the TT.In the latter case, L3 might be rendered in a number of ways, depending on factors such as the audience’s familiarity with L3, and the possibility that L3 inthe ST is an invented language.


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This paper calls for greater attention from researchers into the nature of humor translation as an interdisciplinary area that should be of interest to translation and humor studies. It includes a brief review of the complexity of translation and the problems posed by traditional approaches. The paper introduces a number of parameters that may be of assistance in developing joke typologies for translators or translation scholars. A model is presented for structuring joke-types according to binary branching. An attempt is then made to combine the model with ideas and concepts put forward in Attardo (2002). The result is a binary branch tree for the 6 Knowledge Resources and the hierarchical structure that Attardo claims they have. One important conclusion is that sameness, or similarity, may have little to do with funniness, and, if this is so, it is going to create a dilemma for translators wishing to achieve equivalent effect.