999 resultados para Corresponding Acetates


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações


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Hoje em dia as fontes de alimentação possuem correção do fator de potência, devido às diversas normas regulamentares existentes, que introduziram grandes restrições no que respeita à distorção harmónica (THD) e fator de potência (FP). Este trabalho trata da análise, desenvolvimento e implementação de um Pré-Regulador de fator de potência com controlo digital. O controlo digital de conversores com recurso a processamento digital de sinal tem vindo a ser ao longo dos últimos anos, objeto de investigação e desenvolvimento, estando constantemente a surgirem modificações nas topologias existentes. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar e implementar um Pré-Regulador Retificador Boost e o respetivo controlo digital. O controlo do conversor é feito através da técnica dos valores médios instantâneos da corrente de entrada, desenvolvido através da linguagem de descrição de hardware VHDL (VHSIC HDL – Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) e implementado num dispositivo FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) Spartan-3E. Neste trabalho são apresentadas análises matemáticas, para a obtenção das funções de transferência pertinentes ao projeto dos controladores. Para efetuar este controlo é necessário adquirir os sinais da corrente de entrada, tensão de entrada e tensão de saída. O sinal resultante do módulo de controlo é um sinal de PWM com valor de fator de ciclo variável ao longo do tempo. O projeto é simulado e validado através da plataforma MatLab/Simulink e PSIM, onde são apresentados resultados para o regime permanente e para transitórios da carga e da tensão de alimentação. Finalmente, o Pré-Regulador Retificador Boost controlado de forma digital é implementado em laboratório. Os resultados experimentais são apresentados para validar a metodologia e o projeto desenvolvidos.


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Doutoramento em Economia Financeira e Contabilidade


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A presente dissertação centra-se no estudo de fadiga de uma ponte ferroviária com tabuleiro misto vigado pertencente a uma via de transporte de mercadorias. O caso de estudo incide sobre a ponte ferroviária sobre o rio do Sonho, localizada na Estrada de Ferro de Carajás situada no nordeste do Brasil. Nesta linha circulam alguns dos maiores comboios de mercadoria do mundo com cerca de 3.7 km de extensão e com cargas por eixo superiores a 300 kN. Numa primeira fase apresentam-se diversas metodologias de análise da fadiga em pontes ferroviárias metálicas. É também descrita a ferramenta computacional FADBridge, desenvolvida em ambiente MATLAB, e que possibilita o cálculo sistematizado e eficiente do dano de fadiga em detalhes construtivos de acordo com as indicações dos eurocódigos. Em seguida são abordadas as metodologias numéricas utilizadas para a realização das análises dinâmicas do sistema ponte-comboio e os aspetos regulamentares a ter em consideração no dimensionamento de pontes ferroviárias. O modelo numérico de elementos finitos da ponte foi realizado com recurso ao programa ANSYS. Com base neste modelo foram obtidos os parâmetros modais, nomeadamente as frequências naturais e os modos de vibração, tendo sido também analisada a importância do efeito compósito via-tabuleiro e a influência do comportamento não linear do balastro. O estudo do comportamento dinâmico da ponte foi realizado por intermédio de uma metodologia de cargas móveis através da ferramenta computacional Train-Bridge Interaction (TBI). As análises dinâmicas foram efetuadas para a passagem dos comboios reais de mercadorias e de passageiros e para os comboios de fadiga regulamentares. Nestas análises foi estudada a influência dos modos de vibração globais e locais, das configurações de carga dos comboios e do aumento da velocidade de circulação, na resposta dinâmica da ponte. Por último, foi avaliado o comportamento à fadiga de diversos detalhes construtivos para os cenários de tráfego regulamentar e reais. Foi ainda analisada a influência do aumento da velocidade, da configuração de cargas dos comboios e da degradação da estrutura nos valores do dano por fadiga e da respetiva vida residual.


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A clinical trial involving 80 patients of both sexes, from ages 15 to 55, with chronic intestinal or hepatointestinal schistosomiasis mansoni, was carried out to evaluate the therapeutical efficacy of different dose regimens of praziquantel. The patients were randomly allocated into four groups with an equal number of cases and were then treated with one of the following dosages: 60 mg/kg for 1 day; 60 mg/kg daily for 2 days; 60 mg/kg daily for 3 days; and 30 mg/kg daily for 6 days. The assessment of parasitological cure was based on the quantitative oogram technique through rectal mucosa biopsies which were undertaken prior to, as well as, 1,2,4 and 6 months post-treatment. Concurrently, stool examinations according to the qualitative Hoffman, Pons & Janer (HPJ) and the quantitative Kato-Katz (K-K) methods were also performed. The best tolerability was observed with 30 mg/kg daily for 6 days whereas the highest incidence of side-effects (mainly dizziness and nausea) was found with 60 mg/kg daily for 3 days. No serious adverse drug reaction has occurred. The achieved cure rates were: 25% with 60 mg/kg for 1 day; 60% with 60 mg/kg daily for 2 days; 89.5% with 60 mg/kg daily for 3 days; and 90% with 30 mg/kg daily for 6 days. At the same time there has been a downfall of 64%, 73%, 87% and 84% respectively, in the median number of viable S. mansoni ova per gram of tissue. Thus, a very clear direct correlation between dose and effect could be seen. The corresponding cure rates according to stool examinations by HPJ were 39%, 80%, 100% and 95%; by K-K 89%, 100%, 100% and 100%. This discrepancy in results amongst the three parasitological methods is certainly due to their unequal accuracy. In fact, when the number of viable eggs per gram of tissue fell below 5,000 the difference in the percentage of false negative findings between HPJ (28%) and K-K (80%) became significative. When this number dropped to less than 2,000 the percentage of false negative results obtained with HPJ (49%) turned significant in relation to the oogram as well. In conclusion, it has been proven that praziquantel is a highly efficacious agent against S. mansoni infections. If administered at a total dose of 180 mg/kg divided into either 3 or 6 days, it yields a 90% cure rate. Possibly, one could reach 100% by increasing the total dose to 240 mg/kg. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the quantitative oogram technique is the most reliable parasitological method when evaluating the efficacy of new drugs in schistosomiasis mansoni.


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Vishnu is a tool for XSLT visual programming in Eclipse - a popular and extensible integrated development environment. Rather than writing the XSLT transformations, the programmer loads or edits two document instances, a source document and its corresponding target document, and pairs texts between then by drawing lines over the documents. This form of XSLT programming is intended for simple transformations between related document types, such as HTML formatting or conversion among similar formats. Complex XSLT programs involving, for instance, recursive templates or second order transformations are out of the scope of Vishnu. We present the architecture of Vishnu composed by a graphical editor and a programming engine. The editor is an Eclipse plug-in where the programmer loads and edits document examples and pairs their content using graphical primitives. The programming engine receives the data collected by the editor and produces an XSLT program. The design of the engine and the process of creation of an XSLT program from examples are also detailed. It starts with the generation of an initial transformation that maps source document to the target document. This transformation is fed to a rewrite process where each step produces a refined version of the transformation. Finally, the transformation is simplified before being presented to the programmer for further editing.


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A passive haemagglutination test (PHA) for human neurocysticercosis was standardized and evaluated for the detection of specific antibodies to Cysticercus cellulosae in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). For the assay, formaldehyde-treated group O Rh-human red cells coated with the cysticerci crude total saline extract (TS) antigen were employed. A total of 115 CSF samples from patients with neurocysticercosis was analysed, of these 94 presented reactivity, corresponding to 81.7% sensitivity, in which confidence limit of 95% probability (CL95%) ranged from 74.5% to 88.9%. Eighty-nine CSF samples derived from individuals of control group presented as nonreactive in 94.4% (CL95% from 89.6% to 99.2%). The positive and negative predictive values were 1.4% and 99.9%, respectively, considering the mean rate of that this assay provide a rapid, highly reproducible, and moderately sensitive mean of detecting specific antibodies in CSF samples.


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Diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death in children under five years being responsible for 760.000 deaths, corresponding to 9% of the total deaths in this age group. Africa is the region with more deaths due to diarrhoea (46%), followed by South Asia (38%). Three quarters of the total of deaths occurs within only 15 countries and Angola is in the 15th position with a record of 20,000 annual childhood deaths. Diarrhoeal disease can be caused by bacterial, viral and parasitic infectious agents and can be transmited through contaminated food or drinking water, or directly from person to person. Rotavirus and Escherichia coli were shown the most frequent pathogenic agents in developing countries. This study aims to identify the most frequent pathogenic agents of diarrhoea in children under five atttending the Bengo General Hospital (BGH)..


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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The thesis is divided into two parts corresponding to structural studies on two different proteins. The first part concerns the study of two UDP-glucose dehydrogenases (UGDs) from Sphingomonas elodea ATCC 31461 and Burkholderia cepacia IST 408, both involved in exopolysaccharide production. Their relevance arises because some of these bacterial exopolysaccharides are valuable as established biotechnological products, the former case, whilst others are highly problematic, when used by pathogens in biofilm formation over biological surfaces, as the latter case, namely in the human lungs. The goal of these studies is to increase our knowledge regarding UGDs structural properties, which can potentiate either the design of activity enhancers to respond to the increased demand of useful biofilms, or the design of inhibitors of biofilm production, in order to fight invading pathogens present in several infections. The thesis reports the production and crystallisation of both proteins, the determination of initial phases by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) in S. elodea crystals using a seleno-methionine isoform, and phasing of B. cepacia crystals by molecular replacement (MR) using the S. elodea model, as well as the refinement, structural analysis and comparison between the several UGDs structures available during this work.(...)


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Mestrado em Ensino da Música.


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The paper presents a study on business micro-location behaviour as well as corresponding factors of influence, conducted in two metropolitan areas, Bucharest-Ilfov (Romania) and Greater Porto (Portugal). By business micro-location we refer to a specific site such as a building or facility, accommodating a business within a small, compact geographical area (e.g. metropolitan area). At this geographical scale, the macroeconomic layer factors were excluded, applicable when discern between regions or countries. The factors derived from location theory and previous empirical studies were surveyed, completing a cross-sectional analysis in order to find out the specific weights of the location factors and preferences, by region and by industry. Based on already established firms’ feedback on location, the specific weights were granted by each industry to the main location factors, types of areas, and types of accommodation facilities. The authors also suggested a model to integrate these results into a Geographical Information System (GIS).


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Certain materials used and produced in a wide range of non-nuclear industries contain enhanced activity concentrations of natural radionuclides. In particular, electricity production from coal is one of the major sources of increased human exposure to naturally occurring radioactive materials. A methodology was developed to assess the radiological impact due to natural radiation background. The developed research was applied to a specific case study, the Sines coal-fired power plant, located in the southwest coastline of Portugal. Gamma radiation measurements were carried out with two different instruments: a sodium iodide scintillation detector counter (SPP2 NF, Saphymo) and a gamma ray spectrometer with energy discrimination (Falcon 5000, Canberra). Two circular survey areas were defined within 20 km of the power plant. Forty relevant measurements points were established within the sampling area: 15 urban and 25 suburban locations. Additionally, ten more measurements points were defined, mostly at the 20-km area. The registered gamma radiation varies from 20 to 98.33 counts per seconds (c.p.s.) corresponding to an external gamma exposure rate variable between 87.70 and 431.19 nGy/h. The highest values were measured at locations near the power plant and those located in an area within the 6 and 20 km from the stacks. In situ gamma radiation measurements with energy discrimination identified natural emitting nuclides as well as their decay products (Pb-212, Pb-2142, Ra-226, Th-232, Ac-228, Th-234, Pa-234, U- 235, etc.). According to the results, an influence from the stacks emissions has been identified both qualitatively and quantitatively. The developed methodology accomplished the lack of data in what concerns to radiation rate in the vicinity of Sines coal-fired power plant and consequently the resulting exposure to the nearby population.


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Coccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis, endemic in arid areas of the American continent. The rat was employed as an experimental host, since it had been shown to reproduce human lesions and present a chronic course of disease with granulomas mainly restricted to lungs. Given the influence of immunosuppressive therapy on the clinical course of human coccidioidomycosis, we studied the effect of cyclophosphamide (CY) in the experimental rat model. Accordingly, animals were inoculated with 400 Coccidioides immitis arthroconidia of the Acosta strain, by intracardiacal route. As single CY doses failed to alter the course of disease, three schedules were used: A) 4 daily doses of 20 mg/kg each, prior to C. immitis inoculation; B) 4 similar daily doses after infection; and C); 6 doses of 20 mg/kg each, given from day +1 to +4, then on days +8 and +9, post infection (pi), taking day 0 as the time of fungal inoculation. The first two schedules inhibited antibody formation up to day 28 pi, without modifying cellular response to coccidioidin as measured by foodpad swelling. Initially, there was greater fungal spread than in controls receiving C. immitis alone, which proved self-limiting in the latter. In contrast, schedule C led to 559r mortality, with both humoral and cellular response abrogation, accompanied by extensive C. immitis dissemination. Histology disclosed significant alterations, such as the persistence of primary infection sporangia, corresponding to the acute stage of coccidioidomycosis in the absence of granuloma development. Therefore, the observed depression in cellular immunity seems responsible for the lack of inflammatory reaction capable of restricting sporangia proliferation in tissues which, in turn, enhances pathogen spread and mortality rate.


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In this paper analytical transient solutions of dynamic response of one-dimensional systems with sudden change of foundation stiffness are derived. In more details, cantilever dynamic response, expressed in terms of vertical displacement, is extended to account for elastic foundation and then two cantilever solutions, corresponding to beams clamped on left and right hand side, with different value of Winkler constant are connected together by continuity conditions. The internal forces, as the unknowns, can be introduced by the same values in both clamped beam solutions and solved. Assumption about time variation of internal forces at the section of discontinuity must be adopted and originally analytical solution will have to include numerical procedure.