979 resultados para Conveying machinery
The Gram-negative bacterial type VI Secretion System (T6SS) delivers toxins to kill orinhibit the growth of susceptible bacteria, while others target eukaryotic cells. Deletionof atsR, a negative regulator of virulence factors in B. cenocepacia K56-2, increasesT6SS activity. Macrophages infected with a K56-2 ΔatsR mutant display dramaticalterations in their actin cytoskeleton architecture that rely on the T6SS, which isresponsible for the inactivation of multiple Rho-family GTPases by an unknownmechanism. We employed a strategy to standardize the bacterial infection ofmacrophages and densitometrically quantify the T6SS-associated cellular phenotype,which allowed us to characterize the phenotype of systematic deletions of each genewithin the T6SS cluster and ten vgrG encoding genes in K56-2 ΔatsR. None of thegenes from the T6SS core cluster and the individual vgrGs were directly responsiblefor the cytoskeletal changes in infected cells. However, a mutant strain with all vgrGgenes deleted was unable to cause macrophage alterations. Despite not being able toidentify a specific effector protein responsible for the cytoskeletal defects inmacrophages, our strategy resulted in the identification of the critical core componentsand accessory proteins of the T6SS assembly machinery and provides a screeningmethod to detect T6SS effectors targeting the actin cytoskeleton in macrophages byrandom mutagenesis.
Alterations in transcriptional programs are fundamental to the development of cancers. The androgen receptor is central to the normal development of the prostate gland and to the development of prostate cancer. To a large extent this is believed to be due to the control of gene expression through the interaction of the androgen receptor with chromatin and subsequently with coregulators and the transcriptional machinery. Unbiased genome-wide studies have recently uncovered the recruitment sites that are gene-distal and intragenic rather than associated with proximal promoter regions. Whilst expression profiles from AR-positive primary prostate tumours and cell lines can directly relate to the AR cistrome in prostate cancer cells, this distribution raises significant challenges in making direct mechanistic connections. Furthermore, extrapolating from datasets assembled in one model to other model systems or clinical samples poses challenges if we are to use the AR-directed transcriptome to guide the development of novel biomarkers or treatment decisions. This review will provide an overview of the androgen receptor before addressing the challenges and opportunities created by whole-genome studies of the interplay between the androgen receptor and chromatin.
Adaptor protein (AP) complexes bind to transmembrane proteins destined for internalization and to membrane lipids, so linking cargo to the accessory internalization machinery. This machinery interacts with the appendage domains of APs, which have platform and beta-sandwich subdomains, forming the binding surfaces for interacting proteins. Proteins that interact with the subdomains do so via short motifs, usually found in regions of low structural complexity of the interacting proteins. So far, up to four motifs have been identified that bind to and partially compete for at least two sites on each of the appendage domains of the AP2 complex. Motifs in individual accessory proteins, their sequential arrangement into motif domains, and partial competition for binding sites on the appendage domains coordinate the formation of endocytic complexes in a temporal and spatial manner. In this work, we examine the dominant interaction sequence in amphiphysin, a synapse-enriched accessory protein, which generates membrane curvature and recruits the scission protein dynamin to the necks of coated pits, for the platform subdomain of the alpha-appendage. The motif domain of amphiphysin1 contains one copy of each of a DX(F/W) and FXDXF motif. We find that the FXDXF motif is the main determinant for the high affinity interaction with the alpha-adaptin appendage. We describe the optimal sequence of the FXDXF motif using thermodynamic and structural data and show how sequence variation controls the affinities of these motifs for the alpha-appendage.
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis, the major pathway for ligand internalization into eukaryotic cells, is thought to be initiated by the clustering of clathrin and adaptors around receptors destined for internalization. However, here we report that the membrane-sculpting F-BAR domain-containing Fer/Cip4 homology domain-only proteins 1 and 2 (FCHo1/2) were required for plasma membrane clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV) budding and marked sites of CCV formation. Changes in FCHo1/2 expression levels correlated directly with numbers of CCV budding events, ligand endocytosis, and synaptic vesicle marker recycling. FCHo1/2 proteins bound specifically to the plasma membrane and recruited the scaffold proteins eps15 and intersectin, which in turn engaged the adaptor complex AP2. The FCHo F-BAR membrane-bending activity was required, leading to the proposal that FCHo1/2 sculpt the initial bud site and recruit the clathrin machinery for CCV formation.
Cancer dormancy is a stage in tumor progression in which residual disease remains occult and asymptomatic for a prolonged period of time. Dormant tumor cells can be present as one of the earliest stages in tumor development, as well as a stage in micrometastases, and/or minimal residual disease left after an apparently successful treatment of the primary tumor. The general mechanisms that regulate the transition of disseminated tumor cells that have lain dormant into a proliferative state remain largely unknown. However, regulation of the growth from dormant tumor cells may be explained in part through the interaction of the tumor cell with its microenvironment, limitations in the blood supply, or an active immune system. An understanding of the regulatory machinery of these processes is essential for identifying early cancer biomarkers and could provide a rationale for the development of novel agents to target dormant tumor cells. This review focuses on the different signaling models responsible for early cancer dissemination and tumor recurrence that are involved in dormancy pathways.
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by parasites have important roles in establishing and maintaining infection. Analysis of the soluble and vesicular secretions of adult Fasciola hepatica has established a definitive characterisation of the total secretome of this zoonotic parasite. Fasciola secretes at least two sub-populations of EVs that differ according to size, cargo molecules and site of release from the parasite. The larger EVs are released from the specialised cells that line the parasite gastrodermus and contain the zymogen of the 37 kDa cathepsin L peptidase that performs a digestive function. The smaller exosome-like vesicle population originate from multivesicular bodies within the tegumental syncytium and carry many previously described immunomodulatory molecules that could be delivered into host cells. By integrating our proteomics data with recently available transcriptomic datasets we have detailed the pathways involved with EV biogenesis in F. hepatica and propose that the small exosome biogenesis occurs via ESCRT-dependent MVB formation in the tegumental syncytium before being shed from the apical plasma membrane. Furthermore, we found that the molecular machinery required for EV biogenesis is constitutively expressed across the intra-mammalian development stages of the parasite. By contrast, the cargo molecules packaged within the EVs are developmentally regulated, most likely to facilitate the parasites migration through host tissue and to counteract host immune attack.
This paper explores the theme of exhibiting architectural research through a particular example, the development of the Irish pavilion for the 14th architectural biennale, Venice 2014. Responding to Rem Koolhaas’s call to investigate the international absorption of modernity, the Irish pavilion became a research project that engaged with the development of the architectures of infrastructure in Ireland in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Central to this proposition was that infrastructure is simultaneously a technological and cultural construct, one that for Ireland occupied a critical position in the building of a new, independent post-colonial nation state, after 1921.
Presupposing infrastructure as consisting of both visible and invisible networks, the idea of a matrix become a central conceptual and visual tool in the curatorial and design process for the exhibition and pavilion. To begin with this was a two-dimensional grid used to identify and order what became described as a series of ten ‘infrastructural episodes’. These were determined chronologically across the decades between 1914 and 2014 and their spatial manifestations articulated in terms of scale: micro, meso and macro. At this point ten academics were approached as researchers. Their purpose was twofold, to establish the broader narratives around which the infrastructures developed and to scrutinise relevant archives for compelling visual material. Defining the meso scale as that of the building, the media unearthed was further filtered and edited according to a range of categories – filmic/image, territory, building detail, and model – which sought to communicate the relationship between the pieces of architecture and the larger systems to which they connect. New drawings realised by the design team further iterated these relationships, filling in gaps in the narrative by providing composite, strategic or detailed drawings.
Conceived as an open-ended and extendable matrix, the pavilion was influenced by a series of academic writings, curatorial practices, artworks and other installations including: Frederick Kiesler’s City of Space (1925), Eduardo Persico and Marcello Nizzoli’s Medaglio d’Oro room (1934), Sol Le Witt’s Incomplete Open Cubes (1974) and Rosalind Krauss’s seminal text ‘Grids’ (1979). A modular frame whose structural bays would each hold and present an ‘episode’, the pavilion became both a visual analogue of the unseen networks embodying infrastructural systems and a reflection on the predominance of framed structures within the buildings exhibited. Sharing the aspiration of adaptability of many of these schemes, its white-painted timber components are connected by easily-dismantled steel fixings. These and its modularity allow the structure to be both taken down and re-erected subsequently in different iterations. The pavilion itself is, therefore, imagined as essentially provisional and – as with infrastructure – as having no fixed form. Presenting archives and other material over time, the transparent nature of the space allowed these to overlap visually conveying the nested nature of infrastructural production. Pursuing a means to evoke the qualities of infrastructural space while conveying a historical narrative, the exhibition’s termination in the present is designed to provoke in the visitor, a perceptual extension of the matrix to engage with the future.
Scheduling jobs with deadlines, each of which defines the latest time that a job must be completed, can be challenging on the cloud due to incurred costs and unpredictable performance. This problem is further complicated when there is not enough information to effectively schedule a job such that its deadline is satisfied, and the cost is minimised. In this paper, we present an approach to schedule jobs, whose performance are unknown before execution, with deadlines on the cloud. By performing a sampling phase to collect the necessary information about those jobs, our approach delivers the scheduling decision within 10% cost and 16% violation rate when compared to the ideal setting, which has complete knowledge about each of the jobs from the beginning. It is noted that our proposed algorithm outperforms existing approaches, which use a fixed amount of resources by reducing the violation cost by at least two times.
Lattice-based cryptography has gained credence recently as a replacement for current public-key cryptosystems, due to its quantum-resilience, versatility, and relatively low key sizes. To date, encryption based on the learning with errors (LWE) problem has only been investigated from an ideal lattice standpoint, due to its computation and size efficiencies. However, a thorough investigation of standard lattices in practice has yet to be considered. Standard lattices may be preferred to ideal lattices due to their stronger security assumptions and less restrictive parameter selection process. In this paper, an area-optimised hardware architecture of a standard lattice-based cryptographic scheme is proposed. The design is implemented on a FPGA and it is found that both encryption and decryption fit comfortably on a Spartan-6 FPGA. This is the first hardware architecture for standard lattice-based cryptography reported in the literature to date, and thus is a benchmark for future implementations.
Additionally, a revised discrete Gaussian sampler is proposed which is the fastest of its type to date, and also is the first to investigate the cost savings of implementing with lamda_2-bits of precision. Performance results are promising in comparison to the hardware designs of the equivalent ring-LWE scheme, which in addition to providing a stronger security proof; generate 1272 encryptions per second and 4395 decryptions per second.
This chapter explores the ghost story on television, and particularly the tensions between the medium and the genre. Television has long been seen as a nearly-supernatural medium, an association that the very term 'medium' enhances. In particular, the very intimacy of television, and its domestic presence, have led to it being considered to be a suitable and effective venue for the ghost story, while at the same time concerns have risen over it being too effective at conveying horror into the home. The ghost story is thus one of the genres where the tensions between the medium's aesthetic possibilities and desire for censorship can be most clearly seen. As such, there is a recurring use of the ghost story in relation to different techniques of special effects and narrative on television, some more effective than others, and the presence of the ghost story on television waxes and wanes as different styles become more or less popular, and different narrative forms, such as single play or serial or series, become more or less dominant. Drawing on examples primarily from a British and US context, this chapter outlines the history of the ghost story on television and demonstrates how the tensions in presentation, narrative and considerations of the viewer have influenced the many changes that have taken place within the genre.
Exascale computation is the next target of high performance computing. In the push to create exascale computing platforms, simply increasing the number of hardware devices is not an acceptable option given the limitations of power consumption, heat dissipation, and programming models which are designed for current hardware platforms. Instead, new hardware technologies, coupled with improved programming abstractions and more autonomous runtime systems, are required to achieve this goal. This position paper presents the design of a new runtime for a new heterogeneous hardware platform being developed to explore energy efficient, high performance computing. By combining a number of different technologies, this framework will both simplify the programming of current and future HPC applications, as well as automating the scheduling of data and computation across this new hardware platform. In particular, this work explores the use of FPGAs to achieve both the power and performance goals of exascale, as well as utilising the runtime to automatically effect dynamic configuration and reconfiguration of these platforms.
In this paper, we propose a malware categorization method that models malware behavior in terms of instructions using PageRank. PageRank computes ranks of web pages based on structural information and can also compute ranks of instructions that represent the structural information of the instructions in malware analysis methods. Our malware categorization method uses the computed ranks as features in machine learning algorithms. In the evaluation, we compare the effectiveness of different PageRank algorithms and also investigate bagging and boosting algorithms to improve the categorization accuracy.
A génese de um cancro está dependente da acumulação de mutações genéticas que dão origem a instabilidade genómica, que por sua vez resulta na proliferação descontrolada. Para prevenir a acumulação destas mutações, as células têm mecanismos de controlo (checkpoints) que suspendem o ciclo celular e accionam as vias de reparação do ADN. Estes eventos são muitas vezes regulados por dinâmicas de (des)fosforilação de proteínas. As proteínas fosfatases (PPs), enzimas responsáveis pela remoção do grupo fosfato de resíduos fosforilados, desempenham funções cruciais na regulação de muitos mecanismos celulares. Enquanto que no início do projecto as cinases envolvidas no checkpoint da replicação estavam bem estabelecidas, as PPs envolvidas não eram conhecidas. A Chk1, um componente da maquinaria do checkpoint da replicação, é exemplo dessa regulação por (des)fosforilação, como sejam nos resíduos Ser317 e Ser345. Assim, como primeira abordagem para determinar quais os grupos de PPs envolvidos na regulação do checkpoint da replicação, decidimos investigar o seu papel na regulação da fosforilação da Chk1. A primeira conclusão é que a desfosforilação da Chk1 ao longo do tempo, tanto in vivo como in vitro, ocorre com uma dinâmica bi-fásica. Em segundo, a abordagem in vitro sugere que as famílias PP1, PP2A e PP2C estão envolvidas na desfosforilação da Chk1. Uma vez que a família PP2A foi a que mostrou a maior acção nesta reacção, decidimos investigar outros membros da família in vivo, primeiro com uma abordagem geral (tratando com OA ou sobreexpressando a PME-1), e depois com o knockdown específico da PP4 e PP6 (através de siRNA). Os resultados mostram que a inibição das PPs afectam tanto a desfosforilação como o estado de activação da Chk1 em resposta a tratamento com Hidroxiureia (HU). Todas as PPs testadas in vivo pareceram ser capazes de regular, a níveis diferentes, tanto a fosforilação como a desfosforilação da Chk1. A função das PPs foi também investigada ao nível: da regulação do disparo das origens de replicação, e da recuperação da suspensão da replicação, induzida pela HU. No último caso, os dados indicam que na situação simultânea de knockdown da PP4 com tratamento de HU, há um atraso do ciclo celular na resolução da transição de G2/M. No ensaio de replicação por pulse-chase, os resultamos mostram que tanto o tratamento com OA, como a sobre-expressão de I-2 ou PME-1, atrasam a cronologia do disparo programado das origens de replicação. No entanto, nenhum dos tratamentos efectuados parece desregular o início do checkpoint da replicação. Um rastreio de 2-híbrido de levedura com uma biblioteca de cDNA de testículo humano foi realizado, usando a Chk1 como isco, no sentido de descobrir novos interactores e definir novas possíveis funções para a Chk1 no contexto da meiose. Com base nos resultados do rastreio, duas novas funções são sugeridas: a interacção com a GAGE12 sugere uma função na recombinação genómica/vigilância do genoma durante a meiose, e as interacções com a EEF1α1 e a RPS5 sugerem uma função na regulação da síntese proteíca. Estas experiências fornecem um visão geral para a compreensão da diversidade de funções das proteínas fosfatases envolvidas no checkpoint da replicação, bem como, abre novos caminhos para o desenvolvimento de novas drogas para o tratamento do cancro.