961 resultados para Conceptual-semantic relations
Se presenta una propuesta desarrollada en el Departamento del Magdalena, Distrito Cultural e Histórico de Santa Marta. A finales del año 2002 se hizo un análisis de los bajos resultados presentados por los estudiantes de grado Once en las diferentes pruebas aplicadas por el ICFES, específicamente en el área de Matemática durante los años 2001 y 2002. A partir de estos resultados se organizó un equipo de trabajo donde se asumió que la evaluación es un proceso continuo e integral en la enseñanza de la matemática que no solo basta dar información a diario, sino conocer realmente si los estudiantes están aprendiendo, si verdaderamente los alumnos son competentes a la hora de evaluarlos y además si se cumplen los estándares mínimos exigidos por MEN. Para lograr tal fin se diseño un plan estratégico a mediano plazo que ayuda a fortalecer los niveles de desempeño en el desarrollo de sus competencias tanto integrales ((interpretativa, argumentativa, propositiva) como básicas (la comunicación, el razonamiento y la solución de problemas), obteniéndose a partir del año 2006 resultados satisfactorios en el área.
Presentamos los primeros resultados de un estudio exploratorio sobre el desarrollo del conocimiento didáctico de futuros profesores de matemáticas con respecto a las nociones de estructura conceptual y sistemas de representación. Estos resultados se obtuvieron al codificar y analizar las grabaciones de clase y las producciones de estudiantes del último curso de Matemáticas en una asignatura de didáctica de las matemáticas. Se encontró que las producciones y las actuaciones de los alumnos pasan por diferentes estados que permiten identificar tanto algunas dificultades, como momentos en los que surgen reorganizaciones conceptuales.
Se desarrolla la noción de razonamiento covariacional y se propone un marco conceptual para describir las acciones mentales involucradas al aplicar razonamiento covariacional cuando se interpretan y representan funciones asociadas a eventos dinámicos. Se reporta la habilidad para razonar sobre cantidades covariantes en situaciones dinámicas, de estudiantes de alto desempeño en un curso de cálculo. El estudio reveló que ellos eran capaces de construir imágenes de la variable dependiente de una función que cambia simultáneamente con el cambio imaginado de la variable independiente, y en algunas ocasiones eran capaces de construir imágenes de la razón de cambio para intervalos contiguos del dominio de una función. Sin embargo, al parecer, tuvieron dificultad para formar imágenes de una razón cambiante de manera continua y no pudieron representar con exactitud o interpretar los puntos de inflexión ni la razón creciente y decreciente para funciones asociadas a situaciones dinámicas. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el currículo y la instrucción deberían aumentar el énfasis en el cambio que debe darse en los alumnos de una imagen coordinada de dos variables que cambian simultáneamente a una imagen coordinada de razón de cambio instantánea con cambios continuos en la variable independiente para funciones asociadas a situaciones dinámicas.
La estructura conceptual de las razones trigonométricas, como la de cualquier concepto de la matemática escolar, se caracteriza por las estructuras matemáticas involucradas, las relaciones conceptuales y las relaciones de representación. De esta manera, en esta comunicación presento el análisis sobre los hechos, conceptos y estructura conceptual del campo conceptual, y las destrezas, razonamientos y estrategias del campo procedimental de las razones trigonométricas.
El texto que sigue es un comentario sobre un libro de FW Lawvere y SH Schanuel de publicación reciente pero con una beca de gestación, que contiene una experiencia concreta introducción de conceptos de la teoría categorías del estadio temprano de enseñanza de las matemáticas. El comentario incluye cumbre de análisis comparativo de este experiencia actual con la protagonizada por PJ Hilton en el año 70. La diferencia entre ambas propuestas explican términos de la evolución general de la teoría a lo largo de la segunda mitad del presente siglo, particularmente en el último cuarto.
Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) is a toolkit designed to automate as much as possible of the process of parallelising scalar FORTRAN 77 codes. The toolkit combines a very powerful dependence analysis together with user supplied knowledge to build an extremely comprehensive and accurate dependence graph. The initial version has been targeted at structured mesh computational mechanics codes (eg. heat transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)) and the associated simple mesh decomposition paradigm is utilised in the automatic code partition, execution control mask generation and communication call insertion. In this, the first of a series of papers [1–3] the authors discuss the parallelisations of a number of case study codes showing how the various component tools may be used to develop a highly efficient parallel implementation in a few hours or days. The details of the parallelisation of the TEAMKE1 CFD code are described together with the results of three other numerical codes. The resulting parallel implementations are then tested on workstation clusters using PVM and an i860-based parallel system showing efficiencies well over 80%.
Given a relation α (a binary sociogram) and an a priori equivalence relation π, both on the same set of individuals, it is interesting to look for the largest equivalence πo that is contained in and is regular with respect to α. The equivalence relation πo is called the regular interior of π with respect to α. The computation of πo involves the left and right residuals, a concept that generalized group inverses to the algebra of relations. A polynomial-time procedure is presented (Theorem 11) and illustrated with examples. In particular, the regular interior gives meet in the lattice of regular equivalences: the regular meet of regular equivalences is the regular interior of their intersection. Finally, the concept of relative regular equivalence is defined and compared with regular equivalence.
The aim of this work is to improve retrieval and navigation services on bibliographic data held in digital libraries. This paper presents the design and implementation of OntoBib¸ an ontology-based bibliographic database system that adopts ontology-driven search in its retrieval. The presented work exemplifies how a digital library of bibliographic data can be managed using Semantic Web technologies and how utilizing the domain specific knowledge improves both search efficiency and navigation of web information and document retrieval.
Kurzel(2004) points out that researchers in e-learning and educational technologists, in a quest to provide improved Learning Environments (LE) for students are focusing on personalising the experience through a Learning Management System (LMS) that attempts to tailor the LE to the individual (see amongst others Eklund & Brusilovsky, 1998; Kurzel, Slay, & Hagenus, 2003; Martinez,2000; Sampson, Karagiannidis, & Kinshuk, 2002; Voigt & Swatman; 2003). According to Kurzel (2004) this tailoring can have an impact on content and how it’s accessed; the media forms used; method of instruction employed and the learning styles supported. This project is aiming to move personalisation forward to the next generation, by tackling the issue of Personalised e-Learning platforms as pre-requisites for building and generating individualised learning solutions. The proposed development is to create an e-learning platform with personalisation built-in. This personalisation is proposed to be set from different levels of within the system starting from being guided by the information that the user inputs into the system down to the lower level of being set using information inferred by the system’s processing engine. This paper will discuss some of our early work and ideas.
With emergence of "Semantic Web" there has been much discussion about the impact of technologies such as XML and RDF on the way we use the Web for developing e-learning applications and perhaps more importantly on how we can personalise these applications. Personalisation of e-learning is viewed by many authors (see amongst others Eklund & Brusilovsky, 1998; Kurzel, Slay, & Hagenus, 2003; Martinez, 2000; Sampson, Karagiannidis, & Kinshuk, 2002; Voigt & Swatman, 2003) as the key challenge for the learning technologists. According to Kurzel (2004) the tailoring of e-learning applications can have an impact on content and how it's accesses; the media forms used; method of instruction employed and the learning styles supported. This paper will report on a research project currently underway at the eCentre in University of Greenwich which is exploring different approaches and methodologies to create an e-learning platform with personalisation built-in. This personalisation is proposed to be set from different levels of within the system starting from being guided by the information that the user inputs into the system down to the lower level of being set using information inferred by the system's processing engine.
This paper details the prototyping of a novel three axial micro probe based on utilisation of piezoelectric sensors and actuators for true three dimensional metrology and measurements at micro- and nanometre scale. Computational mechanics is used first to model and simulate the performance of the conceptual design of the micro-probe. Piezoelectric analysis is conducted to understand performance of three different materials - silicon, glassy carbon, and nickel - and the effect of load parameters (amplitude, frequency, phase angle) on the magnitude of vibrations. Simulations are also used to compare several design options for layout of the lead zirconium titanate (PZT) sensors and to identify the most feasible from fabrication point of view design. The material options for the realisation of the device have been also tested. Direct laser machining was selected as the primary means of production. It is found that a Yb MOPA based fiber laser was capable of providing the necessary precision on glassy carbon (GC), although machining trials on Si and Ni were less successful due to residual thermal effects.To provide the active and sensing elements on the flexures of the probe, PZT thick films are developed and deposited at low temperatures (Lt720 degC) allowing a high quality functional ceramic to be directly integrated with selected materials. Characterisation of the materials has shown that the film has a homogenous and small pore microstructure.
This, the second edition, adopts a critical and theoretical perspective on remuneration policy and practices in the UK, from the decline of collective bargaining to the rise of more individualistic systems based on employee performance. It tackles the conceptual issues missing from existing texts in the field of HRM by critically examining the latest academic literature on the topic. [Taken from publisher's product description].
[Book Contents] Introducing Employee Reward Systems; Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks; The Legal, Employment Relations and Market Context; Base Pay Structures and Relationships; Pay Setting, Composition and Progression; Variable Pay Schemes; Benefits; Pensions; Non-Financial Reward; Rewarding Directors and Executives; International Reward Management; Employee Reward within HRM.
Over latest decade, Reverse Logistics (RL) has gained more and more attention from both industry and academia. In the past, most research on RL has been focused on automobile, electronic waste, computer, paper, package and package material. There is very little research and practice on drug recycling. Nevertheless, it is vital important to properly dispose expired drug because of hazardous contain which may harm to people and environment. In China, public awareness of the harmfulness of expired drugs is still very low and very few efforts have been made to recycle drugs. Therefore, this research aims to build up a conceptual framework to indentify factors of influencing drug recycling in China, from scratch borrowing from existing literature and industry practices in other recycling areas. This framework helps in designing reverse logistic (RL) network and also can provide a useful reference tool for policymakers at the local and national level. Furthermore, a primary research is planed to validate the framework and RL network.