996 resultados para Comisión CE


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Toda persona se encuentra permanentemente involucrada en procesos negociadores de diferente índole, por lo que negociar adquiere vital importancia. Utilizando como ejemplo el caso de la Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur (CPPS) y la definición más amplia de inteligencia: "gestión de información” (Kahn 2009, p. 4), la presente Tesis se centra en determinar la importancia y utilidad de la aplicación del análisis estratégico, a través del proceso o Ciclo de Inteligencia en las negociaciones internacionales, como un instrumento que permita negociar sobre la base de intereses reales y facilite la toma de decisiones. En este contexto, se analizará, a manera de ejerció, la utilidad de la inteligencia estratégica en el caso de las negociaciones que tengan lugar para la ampliación del área de influencia de la CPPS en la Cuenca del Pacífico Sur: ¿es posible obtener y determinar elementos que permitan negociar y tomar decisiones sobre la base de inteligencia estratégica? y, como resultado de este análisis, prever posibles escenarios y generar alternativas a éstos, así como sentar un precedente para futuras negociaciones. Al respecto, cabe acotar que los riesgos en las negociaciones son inherentes a su naturaleza y no pueden ser eliminados; no obstante, valerse de la aplicación del proceso de inteligencia es una manera de minimizarlos. La presente tesis demostrará que el uso de inteligencia puede ayudar a generar técnicas para construir estrategias. Por lo tanto, es capaz de proveer ventajas reales y dar un carácter más científico al proceso negociador; así como de brindar asesoramiento a los responsables de la toma de decisiones.


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El profundizar desde el Ecuador en el poco explorado campo de la justicia transicional y el derecho penal internacional es una labor necesaria, actual y relevante, partiendo de la problemática a la cual se enfrentan una gran cantidad de países del globo al intentar brindar verdad, justicia y reparación a las numerosas víctimas de violaciones de derechos humanos sufridas durante dictaduras y regímenes autoritarios. En este contexto, la expedición en Ecuador de una Constitución garantista en 2008, la labor de la Comisión de la Verdad Ecuador con su Informe Final presentado en 2010, y la reciente actividad judicial emprendida por la Fiscalía General del Estado marcan un hito en el ámbito nacional en cuanto al respeto y garantía de los derechos humanos. Pese a lo anterior, estos avances son apenas los primeros pasos de un largo y arduo camino. Este libro pretende contribuir de forma crítica, con elementos teóricos y prácticos, al debate doctrinario sobre las comisiones de la verdad, la judicialización de las graves violaciones de derechos humanos y los crímenes de lesa humanidad, con especial referencia a la experiencia ecuatoriana, sin dejar de lado los valiosos aportes de otros países.


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The bifunctional carbamoyl methyl sulfoxide ligands, PhCH2SOCH2CONHPh (L-1), PhCH2SOCH2CONHCH2Ph (L-2), (PhSOCH2CONPr2)-Pr-i (L-3), PhSOCH2CONBu2 (L-4), (PhSOCH2CONBu2)-Bu-i (L-5) and PhSOCH2CON(C8H17)(2) (L-6) have been synthesized and characterized by spectroscopic methods. The selected coordination chemistry of L-1, L-3, L-4 and L-5 with [UO2(NO3)(2)] and [Ce(NO3)(3)] has been evaluated. The structures of the compounds [UO2(NO3)(2)((PhSOCH2CONBu2)-Bu-i)] (10) and [Ce(NO3)(3)(PhSOCH2CONBu2)(2)] (12) have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Preliminary extraction studies of ligand L-6 with U(VI), Pu(IV) and Am(III) in tracer level showed an appreciable extraction for U(VI) and Pu(IV) in up to 10 M HNO3 but not for Am(III). Thermal studies on compounds 8 and 10 in air revealed that the ligands can be destroyed completely on incineration. The electron spray mass spectra of compounds 8 and 10 in acetone show that extensive ligand distribution reactions occur in solution to give a mixture of products with ligand to metal ratios of 1 : 1 and 2 : 1. However, 10 retains its solid state structure in CH2Cl2.


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Assessment of the risk to human health posed by contaminated land may be seriously overestimated if reliant on total pollutant concentration. In vitro extraction tests, such as the physiologically based extraction test (PBET), imitate the physicochemical conditions of the human gastro-intestinal tract and offer a more practicable alternative for routine testing purposes. However, even though passage through the colon accounts for approximately 80% of the transit time through the human digestive tract and the typical contents of the colon in vivo are a carbohydrate-rich aqueous medium with the potential to promote desorption of organic pollutants, PBET comprises stomach and small intestine compartments only. Through addition of an eight-hour colon compartment to PBET and use of a carbohydrate-rich fed-state medium we demonstrated that colon-extended PBET (CE-PBET) in- creased assessments of soil-bound PAH bioaccessibility by up to 50% in laboratory soils and a factor of 4 in field soils. We attribute this increased bioaccessibility to a combination of the additional extraction time and the presence of carbohydrates in the colon compartment, both of which favor PAH desorption from soil. We propose that future assessments of the bioaccessibility of organic pollutants in soils using physiologically based extraction tests should have a colon compartment as in CE-PBET.


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The incorporation of ekphrastic evocations of photographs into fictional works is a growing trend charted by (mostly) literary and (occasionally) art critics interested in the effect of their inclusion in a narrative. What has emerged as a veritable affinity of photography with literature has produced a fertile interdisciplinary critical discourse around areas of intersection between visual and verbal. With regard to short fiction, the photograph is often subject to investigation as analogy, the photograph and the short story being considered metonymically related with regard to form and effect. This notion of a structural equivalence between short story and photograph is one stressed by author/photographer Julio Cortàzar, concerned to highlight the quality of intensity he ascribes to both forms, which he saw as ‘cutting out a piece of reality’ in order to ‘breaking out’ into a wider one. Given Annie Saumont’s oft-cited admiration of Cortàzar’s work it is unsurprising that in her own writing – of stories themselves often classed, in their elliptical density, as verbal snapshots – she should take an interest in photographs and/or photographers. This article seeks to explore and analyse different values Saumont ascribes to what was paradoxically described by Barthes as ‘invisible’, in that what we see when viewing a photograph is, (often treacherously), ‘ pas elle qu’on voit’: never, or never solely, the actual object itself …