974 resultados para Church of Christ in Lee (Mass.)


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This study investigated the effect of reduced acetylcarnitine availability on oxidative metabolism during the transition from rest to steady-state exercise. Eight male subjects completed two randomised exercise trials at 68 % of the peak rate of O2 uptake (V̇O2,peak). On one occasion subjects ingested 1 g (kg body mass)&minus;1 glucose 75 min prior to exercise (CHO), whereas the other trial acted as a control (CON). Muscle samples were obtained pre- and 75 min post-ingestion, and following 1 and 10 min of exercise. Plasma glucose and insulin were elevated (P < 0.05), and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) were lower at the onset of exercise in CHO. Acetylcarnitine (CON, 4.8 ± 1.8; CHO, 1.5 ± 0.9 mmol (kg dry mass (d.m.))&minus;1, P < 0.05) and acetyl CoA (CON, 13.2 ± 2.3; CHO, 6.3 ± 0.6 μmol (kg d.m.)&minus;1, P < 0.05) were lower at rest, whereas pyruvate dehydrogenase activation (PDHa) was greater in CHO compared with CON (CON, 0.78 ± 0.07; CHO, 1.44 ± 0.19 mmol min&minus;1 (kg wet mass (w.m.))&minus;1). Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was significantly elevated during exercise in CHO. The acetyl groups increased at similar rates at the onset of exercise (1 min) and there was no difference in substrate phosphorylation as determined from lactate accumulation and phosphocreatine degradation between trials. Subsequently, oxidative metabolism during the transition from rest to steady-state exercise was not affected by prior carbohydrate ingestion. Although exercise resulted in the rapid activation of PDH in both trials, PDHa was greater at 1 min in CHO (CON, 2.36 ± 0.22; CHO, 2.91 ± 0.18 mmol min&minus;1 (kg w.m.)&minus;1). No differences in muscle metabolite levels and PDHa were observed after 10 min of moderate exercise between trials. In summary, at rest, carbohydrate ingestion induced multiple metabolic changes which included decreased acetylcarnitine availability and small increases in PDHa. The prior changes in PDHa and acetylcarnitine availability had no effect on substrate phosphorylation and oxidative metabolism at the onset of exercise. These data suggest that acetylcarnitine availability is unlikely to be the site of metabolic inertia during the transition from rest to steady-state moderate intensity exercise.


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Objective: To examine overweight and obesity in Australian children followed through to adulthood.

Design and participants
: A cohort study of 8498 children aged 7–15 years who participated in the 1985 Australian Schools Health and Fitness Survey; of these, 2208 men and 2363 women completed a follow-up questionnaire at age 24–34 years in 2001–2005.

Main outcome measures: Height and weight were measured in 1985, and self-reported at follow-up. The accuracy of self-reported data was checked in 1185 participants. Overweight and obesity in childhood were defined according to international standard definitions for body mass index (BMI), and, in adulthood, as a BMI of 25–29.9 and ≥ 30 kg/m2, respectively, after correcting for self-report error.

Results: In those with baseline and follow-up data, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in childhood was 8.3% and 1.5% in boys and 9.7% and 1.4% in girls, respectively. At follow-up, the prevalence was 40.1% and 13.0% in men and 19.7% and 11.7% in women. The relative risk (RR) of becoming an obese adult was significantly greater for those who had been obese as children compared with those who had been a healthy weight (RR = 4.7; 95% CI, 3.0–7.2 for boys and RR = 9.2; 95% CI, 6.9–12.3 for girls). The proportion of adult obesity attributable to childhood obesity was 6.4% in males and 12.6% in females.

Conclusion: Obesity in childhood was strongly predictive of obesity in early adulthood, but most obese young adults were a healthy weight as children.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the corporate codes of ethics (CCE) that are put in place by companies in Taiwan and Turkey.

Design/methodology/approach – This study examines the use of CCE among the top companies in Taiwan and Turkey. It is a replication of a study performed in Australia, Canada and Sweden and a follow-up study.

Findings – The empirical findings show many similarities with top companies in Australia, Canada and Sweden, but more importantly identify key differences distinctly unique to each of the two countries under investigation. Statistical analysis suggests that the implementation, communication and benefits of CCE are paramount to Turkish companies operating in a domestic environment where the aspiration to participate globally and join the European Union is high, whereas in Taiwan it is low in favor of more traditional business practices (similar to the Chinese concept of guanxi) that focus on individual relationships in favor of formalized regulatory frameworks (such as CCE).

Originality/value – This study makes a complementary contribution to the accumulated knowledge in the area of CCE, particularly given the cultural and historical differences these countries possess in comparison to each other and those previously studied and documented in the literature.


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This chapter was originally prefaced with an audio-visual presentation showing key scenes from Martin Scorsese’s film, The Last Temptation of Christ, cut to the folk hymn, ‘Go Tell Everyone’, which is reproduced below. The video segued into a short duologue, which dramatised the ambiguity inherent in God’s call. The presentation concluded with the same hymn accompanied by images of the poor, the marginalised and the powerful.


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Chemical substances that induce larval settlement have been the focus of many gastropod studies due to the importance of wild stock recruitment and production within aquaculture facilities. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), GABA analogs, and GABA-mimetics associated with certain crustose coralline algae (CCA), are known to induce larval settlement in commercial abalone (Haliotis) species, and other gastropods. Furthermore, mucus secreted from these gastropods has been shown to induce larval settlement, but the stimulatory components of mucus have not been thoroughly investigated. We now present data confirming that GABA is the settlement-inducing effector molecule contained within abalone mucus. To do this, we initially generated anti-GABA for use in immunoenzyme and immunofluorescent microscopy. Using these techniques GABA was identified in the nerves and epithelial cells of the foot, including mucus. Dried mucus samples subject to HPLC analysis revealed a mean concentration of 0.68 mM GABA after sample rehydration. The presence of GABA in these samples was confirmed by time-of-flight mass spectroscopy (TOF-MS). In addition, GABA was detected in the mucus of several abalone species and other gastropods by immunocytochemistry. Subsequent bioassays using both dry and fresh mucus strongly promoted induction of larval settlement.


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Early Methodist laypeople often described their conversion experiences in terms of seeing the suffering of Christ. This article considers this theme within early Methodist culture by examining the relationship between sight, suffering, and spiritual transformation in the hymns of Charles Wesley. Many of Wesley's hymns depict the suffering of Christ in evocative detail, encouraging the singer or reader to imagine and respond to this suffering in particular ways. I argue that Wesley presents the sight of Christ's suffering as having profound transformative power, at the heart of Christian experience. In doing so he constructs Methodist spirituality in a way that draws upon both the ancient Christian tradition of Passion devotion and contemporary eighteenth-century convictions about the power of the sight of suffering.


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High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with tris(2,2-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) chemiluminescence detection methodology is reported for the determination of the atypical antipsychotic drug quetiapine and the observation of its major active and inactive metabolites in human urine and serum. The method uses a monolithic chromatographic column allowing high flow rates of 3mL min&minus;1 enabling rapid quantification. Flow injection analysis (FIA) with tris(2,2-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) chemiluminescence detection and HPLC time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) were used for the determination of quetiapine in a pharmaceutical preparation to establish its suitability as a calibration standard. The limit of detection achieved with FIA was 2×10&minus;11 mol L&minus;1 in simple aqueous solution. The limits of detection achieved with HPLC were 7×10&minus;8 and 2×10&minus;10 mol L&minus;1 in urine and serum, respectively. The calibration range for FIA was between 5×10&minus;9 and 1×10&minus;6 mol L&minus;1. The calibration ranges for HPLC were between 1×10&minus;7–1×10&minus;4 and 1×10&minus;8–1×10&minus;4 mol L&minus;1 in urine and serum, respectively. The quetiapine concentrations in patient samples were found to be 3×10&minus;6 mol L&minus;1 in urine and 7×10&minus;7 mol L&minus;1 in serum. Without the need for preconcentration, the HPLC detection limits compared favourably with those in previously published methodologies. The metabolites were identified using HPLC-TOF-MS.


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Exercise during growth may increase peak bone mass; if the benefits are maintained it may reduce the risk of fracture later in life (1). It is hypothesised that exercise will preferentially enhance bone formation on the surface of cortical bone that is undergoing bone modeling at the time (2). Therefore, exercise may increase bone mass accrual on the outer periosteal surface during the pre- and peri-pubertal years, and on the inner endocortical surface during puberty (3). An increase in bone formation on the periosteal surface is, however, more effective for increasing bone strength than medullary contraction (4). While exercise may have a role in osteoporosis prevention, there is little evidential basis to support this notion. It is generally accepted that weight-bearing exercise is important, but it is not known how much, how often, what magnitude or how long children need to exercise before a clinically important increase in bone density is obtained. In this thesis, the effect of exercise on the growing skeleton is investigated in two projects. The first quantifies the magnitude and number of loads associated with and in a moderate and low impact exercise program and non-structured play. The second project examines how exercise affects bone size and shape during different stages of growth. Study One: The Assessment of the Magnitude of Exercise Loading and the Skeletal Response in Girls Questions: 1) Does moderate impact exercise lead to a greater increase in BMC than low impact exercise? 2) Does loading history influence the osteogenic response to moderate impact exercise? 3) What is the magnitude and number of loads that are associated with a moderate and low impact exercise program? Methods: Sixty-eight pre-and early-pubertal girls (aged 8.9±0.2 years) were randomised to either a moderate or low impact exercise regime for 8.5-months. In each exercise group the girls received either calcium fortified (-2000 mg/week) or non-fortified foods for the duration of the study. The magnitude and number of loads associated with the exercise programs and non-structured play were assessed using a Pedar in-sole mobile system and video footage, respectively. Findings: After adjusting for baseline BMC, change in length and calcium intake, the girls in the moderate exercise intervention showed greater increases in BMC at the tibia (2.7%) and total body (1.3%) (p ≤0.05). Girl's who participated in moderate impact sports outside of school, showed greater gains in BMC in response to the moderate impact exercise program compared to the low impact exercise program (2.5 to 4.5%, p ≤0.06 to 0.01). The moderate exercise program included -400 impacts per class, that were applied in a dynamic manner and the magnitude of impact was up to 4 times body weight. Conclusion: Moderate-impact exercise may be sufficient to enhance BMC accrual during the pre-pubertal years. However, loading history is likely to influence the osteogenic response to additional moderate impact exercise. These findings contribute towards the development of school-based exercise programs aimed at improving bone health of children. Study Two: Exercise Effect on Cortical Bone Morphology During Different Stages of Maturation in Tennis Players Questions: 1) How does exercise affect bone mass (BMC) bone geometry and bone strength during different stages of growth? 2) Is there an optimal stage during growth when exercise has the greatest affect on bone strength? Methods: MRI was used to measure average total bone, cortical and medullary areas at the mid- and distal-regions of the playing and non-playing humerii in 47 pre-, peri- and post-pubertal competitive female tennis players aged 8 to 17 years. To assess bone rigidity, each image was imported into Scion Image 4.0.2 and the maximum, minimum and polar second moments of area were calculated using a custom macro. DXA was used to measure BMC of the whole humerus. Longitudinal data was collected on 37 of the original cohort. Findings: Analysis of the entire cohort showed that exercise was associated with increased BMC and cortical area (8 to 14%), and bone rigidity (11 to 23%) (all p ≤0.05). The increase in cortical bone area was associated with periosteal expansion in the pre-pubertal years and endocortical contraction in the post-pubertal years (p ≤0.05). The exercise-related gains in bone mass that were accrued at the periosteum during the pre-pubertal years, did not increase with advanced maturation and/or additional training. Conclusion: Exercise increased cortical BMC by enhancing bone formation on the periosteal surface during the pre-pubertal years and on the endocortical surface in the post-pubertal years. However, bone strength only increased in response to bone acquisition on the periosteal surface. Therefore the pre-pubertal years appear to be the most opportune time for exercise to enhance BMC accrual and bone strength


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This study investigated the present state of IT policy implementation in relation to music education. The current status of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in music curriculum in primary schools in Hong Kong has been assessed to provide references and recommendations for enhancing the state of integration, and for subsequent and sustainable development.


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An ideal artificial bone is expected to grow together with other natural bones with aid of osteoblast cells and to fade out into other natural bones at the same rate of restructuring natural bone. Magnesium is thought to be one of candidate materials, since it has a potential to enhance natural bone growth and to homogenize the implanted artificial bodies with natural bone. In the present study, we are concerned with the formation of trabecular pattern in the natural bone to consider how to reconstruct this pattan in the artificial bone made from magnesium. For that purpose, a series of experiments were perfonned to observe the chemical behavior of dipped magnesium plate and cellular magnesium in Hank's solution. A magnesium specimen is annealed at 773 - 803 K for various periods in an atmosphere to homogenize its microstructure. Mass change of magnesium is estimated by immersing it in Hank's solution. It is well known that magnesium is easily corroded by chlorine ion. Both x-ray diffraction and energy dispersed x-ray analyses were carried out in order to identify a reaction product and its chemical composition. Mass of a magnesium specimen, which was annealed at 803 K for 32.4 ks or 14.4 ks, increases after immersing it into Hank's solution for 4.5 18 Ms (1255 h). Furthermore, the cellular magnesium, which was annealed at 803 K for 1.8 ks, fanned a reacted layer with around 80 μ in thickness and it contained Mg, Ca, P, and a little bit of CI.


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Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) was used to investigate correlations between the molecular changes and postcuring reaction on the surface of a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A and diglycidylether of bisphenol F based epoxy resin cured with two different amine-based hardeners. The aim of this work was to present a proof of concept that ToF-SIMS has the ability to provide information regarding the reaction steps, path, and mechanism for organic reactions in general and for epoxy resin curing and postcuring reactions in particular. Contact-angle measurements were taken for the cured and postcured epoxy resins to correlate changes in the surface energy with the molecular structure of the surface. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the ToFSIMS positive spectra explained the variance in the molecular information, which was related to the resin curing and postcuring reactions with different hardeners and to the surface energy values. The first principal component captured information related to the chemical phenomena of the curing reaction path, branching, and network density based on changes in the relative ion density of the aliphatic hydrocarbon and the C7H7O+ positive ions. The second principal component captured information related to the difference in the surface energy, which was correlated to the difference in the relative intensity of the CxHyNz+ ions of the samples. PCA of the negative spectra provided insight into the extent of consumption of the hardener molecules in the curing and postcuring reactions of both systems based on the relative ion intensity of the nitrogen-containing negative ions and showed molecular correlations with the sample surface energy.