975 resultados para Chelite S resin
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências do Ambiente pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecn
Cryptococcosis is a worldwide disease caused by the etiological agent Cryptococcus neoformans. It affects mainly immunocompromised humans. It is relatively rare in animals only affecting those that have received prolonged antibiotic therapy. The propolis is a resin that can present several biological properties, including antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activities. The standard strain C. neoformans ATTC 90112 was used to the antifungal evaluation. The tests were realized with propolis ethanol extract (PEE) G12 in concentrations from 0.1 to 1.6 mg mL-1. The evaluation of MIC and MFC were done according to DUARTE (2002)5. The inhibitory effect of PEE G12 on the fungal growing was seen at the concentration of 0.2 mg mL-1 and 1.6 mg mL-1 was considered a fungicidal one.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of diterpenoids obtained from the oil-resin of Copaifera reticulata against Aedes aegypti larvae, the principal vector of dengue and urban yellow fever. Four diterpenes were obtained from oil-resin extraction with organic solvents and subsequent chromatographic and spectroscopic procedures allowed to isolation and identification of these compounds as 3-b-acetoxylabdan-8(17)-13-dien-15-oic acid (1), alepterolic acid (2), 3-b-hidroxylabdan-8(17)-en-15-oic acid (3), and ent-agatic acid (4). Each compound was previously dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide, and distilled water was added to obtain the desired concentrations. Twenty larvae of third instars were placed into plastic beckers, containing the solution test (25 mL), in a five repetitions scheme, and their mortality, indicated by torpor and darkening of the cephalic capsule, was recorded after 48h. Probit analyses were used to determine lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC90) and their respective 95% confidence intervals. This study showed that only diterpenoids 1 and 2 exhibited larvicidal properties with LC50 of 0.8 ppm and 87.3 ppm, respectively, revealing the former as the most toxic compound against third instars of Ae. aegypti. Therefore, this compound seems to be an interesting source for new metabolite to be exploited.
To turn wood into a construction material with enhanced properties, many methods of chemical modification have been developed in the last few decades. In this work, mechanical properties of pine wood were chemically modified, compared and evaluated. Maritime pine wood (Pinus pinaster) was modified with four chemical processes: 1,3-dimethylol-4,5- dihydroxyethyleneurea, N-methylol melamine formaldehyde, tetra-alkoxysilane and wax. The following mechanical properties were assessed experimentally: Modulus of elasticity measured statically, stiffness stabilization efficiency in different climates (30 and 87% of relative humidity), modulus of rupture, work maximum load, impact bending strength, compression, tensile and shear strength at indoor conditions (65% of relative humidity). In both types of active principle of modification, cell wall or lumen fill, no significant changes on the bending stiffness (modulus of elasticity) were found. In the remaining properties analysed significant changes in the modified wood-material took place compared to unmodified wood control: - Cell wall modification was the most effective method to achieve high stiffness stabilization efficiency (up to 60%) and also increased compression strength (up to 230%). However, modulus of rupture, tensile, shear and the impact bending strength were reduced by both resins, but in a varying extent, where the N-methylol melamine formaldehyde endured less reduction than 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethyleneurea resin. In the latter, reduction up to 60% can take place. - In the lumen fill modification: tetra-alkoxysilane has no effect in the mechanical properties. Although, a slight increase in shear strength parallel to the grain was found. Wax specimens have shown a slight increase in bending strength, compression, tensile and shear strength as well as in the absorption energy capacity.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
O principal objectivo deste trabalho consistiu na produção de biodiesel a partir de resíduos fornecidos pela Empresa SOCIPOLE, S.A. Esta, forneceu, pastas de gordura (depósito formado nos óleos usados), só aproveitadas pela empresa para a produção de sabões, e resíduo de glicerol proveniente da produção de biodiesel. Com as pastas de gordura, foi feito um estudo onde se variaram alguns parâmetros, tais como: o tipo de reactor, catalisador, temperatura, agitação, tempo de reacção, razão molar gordura:metanol e condições de secagem. O estudo mais pormenorizado foi efectuado com o NaOH, como catalisador. Foram feitos vários ensaios para os tempos de reacção de 30minutos, 1hora e 2horas, a 65ºC e razão molar gordura:metanol 1:6, tendo-se obtido respectivamente 86,7; 88,1 e 87,5% para o teor de ésteres. No caso da resina catiónica forte como catalisador, aparentemente não houve reacção ao fim de 12h, enquanto no ensaio que utilizou o ácido sulfúrico, o teor de ésteres foi de 82,6%, ao fim de 12h com razão molar gordura:metanol igual a 1:11. Quanto à produção de biodiesel a partir do resíduo de ácidos gordos resultante da purificação do resíduo de glicerol, foi feito um estudo preliminar usando diferentes catalisadores, uma resina catiónica forte, ácido sulfúrico e zircónia sulfatada. Este resíduo continha cerca de 60% de ácidos gordos e aproximadamente 39% de ésteres metílicos. Dos três catalisadores usados, o que permitiu obter maior teor de ésteres foi a zircónia sulfatada, tendo-se obtido 82,9% trabalhando a 60ºC durante 18horas com agitação de 230rpm e razão molar ácidos gordos:metanol de 1:12 . O ensaio em que se obteve menor percentagem de ésteres (56,4%) foi com resina catiónica. Com as duas matérias-primas obteve-se sempre um teor de ésteres, no produto final, abaixo dos 96,5% estabelecidos pela Norma Europeia EN 14103. Estes resultados reflectem provavelmente a composição complexa das matérias-primas. As pastas de gordura podem conter compostos não esterificáveis, solúveis no biodiesel, ou mais dificilmente esterificáveis nas condições operacionais usadas. Já o resíduo de ácidos gordos apresenta uma cor escura o que indica a existência de compostos corados, talvez polímeros. Portanto, para se tirar conclusões fundamentadas é necessário fazer análises mais completas das pastas de gordura e do resíduo de ácidos gordos, assim como ao biodiesel produzido de forma a identificar as possíveis contaminações existentes nos produtos com esta proveniência.
A diversificação do uso dos produtos de cortiça exige uma adaptação constante dos processos produtivos utilizados para a transformação deste produto. Este trabalho tem como principal intuito a idealização e investigação de um novo processo de fabrico adaptado a um tipo muito particular de produto, os aglomerados puros de cortiça. Estes, não recorrem a qualquer tipo de aglutinante para assegurar a sua ligação, apenas as resinas contidas na própria cortiça são utilizadas para esse efeito. Analisando os processos de fabrico atuais, verifica-se que, a conceção de geometrias complexas com aglomerados puros de cortiça, só é possível com recurso à maquinação. Este processo gera desperdício e tem uma série de processos que o antecedem, destacando-se a aglomeração prévia numa forma mais simples (bloco paralelepípedo ou cilindro) e o corte numa pré forma. A ideia de se executar uma peça complexa sem recurso à maquinação é o objetivo primordial deste trabalho. Para isso foi construído um molde, com todos os mecanismos auxiliares necessários, à semelhança do que já se faz noutro tipo de indústrias, nomeadamente, do vidro e do plástico. Esse mesmo molde foi submetido a uma série de ensaios para determinação dos parâmetros de enchimento e moldação, tendo-se chegado a uma formulação que garante características atrativas na peça final. A aglutinação do granulado de cortiça revelou-se bastante dependente de três parâmetros: a temperatura aplicada, a humidade do granulado e o grau de compactação aplicado. A industrialização do processo revelou-se também plausível de execução, sendo apenas necessários alguns melhoramentos. A utilização deste tipo de processo revela-se, portanto, atrativa para grandes séries de peças, conseguindo-se elevada reprodutibilidade das mesmas com apenas um processo, sem necessidade de procedimentos adicionais de acabamento.
Nos últimos anos, a utilização dos materiais compósitos tem vindo a tornar-se cada vez mais comum em várias indústrias, onde se verifica uma ascensão na procura pelos mesmos. Características como o baixo peso aliado à sua alta resistência e rigidez permitem que estes materiais possuam diversas aplicações em variadas áreas, desde a medicina, aeronáutica, indústria automóvel e aeroespacial, até à indústria eletrónica. Hoje em dia, o uso de desperdícios sólidos de borracha e fibras naturais na produção de materiais compósitos é, mais que uma opção, uma necessidade ambiental. De forma a reduzir as enormes quantidades de desperdícios, foi criado um material compósito constituído por uma resina termoendurecível reforçada com esses dois tipos de desperdícios. Parâmetros de fabrico como a percentagem de borracha, o tamanho das partículas de borracha, a percentagem de fibras de cana-de-açúcar e o comprimento dessas fibras foram variados, com o objetivo de estudar a influência destes dois materiais nas propriedades mecânicas do compósito. Apesar da maior parte dos compósitos serem fabricados na forma de uma peça funcional quase pronta a ser utilizada, por vezes é necessário recorrer à maquinação de furos. Apesar das muitas técnicas de furação existentes, os defeitos resultantes deste processo aplicado aos materiais compósitos são ainda muito comuns. Desses defeitos o que mais se destaca é sem dúvida a delaminação. Trinta e seis provetes de epóxido reforçado com borracha e fibra de cana-de-açúcar foram fabricados e furados, de modo a possibilitar o estudo das propriedades mecânicas do material compósito, assim como a análise da zona danificada durante a furação. Diferentes condições de furação, como tipos de broca e velocidades de avanço diferentes, foram impostas aos provetes de forma a variar o mais possível a zona de dano de uns furos para os outros. Parâmetros como a área de dano ou ainda o fator de delaminação provam ser muito úteis na caracterização e quantificação do dano na zona periférica de um furo. Recorrendo a técnicas de processamento de imagem foi possível obter esses parâmetros. O processamento e análise de imagem pode ser feito através de vários métodos. O método utilizado neste trabalho foi o software MATLAB® associado a ferramentas de processamento de imagem. Depois de feita a análise dos furos foram realizados ensaios de esmagamento a todos os provetes. Este passo permitiu assim avaliar de que forma os parâmetros de furação influenciam a resistência mecânica do material, e se a avaliação realizada aos furos é um método viável para a avaliação da extensão de dano nesses furos.
A 71-year-old man with presumptively treated pulmonary tuberculosis ten years earlier and previous alcoholism presented with adrenal insufficiency. HIV serology was negative. A computerized tomography scan of the abdomen showed enlarged right adrenal. He recovered after emergency treatment with hydrocortisone IV. Right adrenalectomy was performed. Histoplasmosis was diagnosed and the patient was treated with itraconazole, corticosteroid replacement, and discharged with good health.
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Ionic Liquids (ILs) are class of compounds, which have become popular since the mid-1990s. Despite the fact that ILs are defined by one physical property (melting point), many of the potential applications are now related to their biological properties. The use of a drug as a liquid can avoid some problems related to polymorphism which can influence a drug´s solubility and thus its dosages. Also, the arrangement of the anion or cation with a specific drug might be relevant in order to: a) change the correspondent biopharmaceutical drug classification system; b) for the drug formulation process and c) the change the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients’ (APIs). The main goal of this Thesis is the synthesis and study of physicochemical and biological properties of ILs as APIs from beta-lactam antibiotics (ampicillin, penicillin G and amoxicillin) and from the anti-fungal Amphotericin B. All the APIs used here were neutralized in a buffer appropriate hydroxide cations. The cation hydroxide was obtained on Amberlite resin (in the OH form) in order to exchange halides. The biological studies of these new compounds were made using techniques like the micro dilution and colorimetric methods. Overall a total of 19 new ILs were synthesised (6 ILs based on ampicillin, 4 ILs, based on amoxicillin, 6 ILs based on penicillin G and 4 ILs based on amphotericin B) and characterized by spectroscopic and analytical methods in order to confirm their structure and purity. The study of the biological properties of the synthesised ILs showed that some have antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeast cells, even in resistant bacteria. Also this work allowed to show that ILs based on ampicillin could be used as anti-tumour agents. This proves that with a careful selection of the organic cation, it is possible to provoke important physico-chemical and biological alteration in the properties of ILs-APIs with great impact, having in mind their applications.
The contribution of the sternocleidomastoid branch of the occipital artery (superior arterial pedicle - SAP) to the irrigation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) was evaluated in fresh human cadavers by injecting radiological dye and a resin for microvasculature corrosion casts. From its insertion in the mastoid process of the temporal bone, the SCM was divided into superior, medium, and inferior thirds. In most of the SCM, The SAP are formed by two longitudinal parallel branches. In all specimens, the radiological dye injected into the SAP reached or trespassed the middle part of the studied SCM. The SAP was poorly distributed in the lowermost region of the inferior third of the SCM, suggesting the contribution of other arteries or pedicles. The corrosion casts of the microvasculature showed a profuse network of microscopic vessels in those levels where the SAP was detected.
The restoration materials currently used to fill gaps in architectural historical azulejos (e.g. lime or organic resin pastes) usually show serious drawbacks in terms of compatibility, effectiveness and durability. The existing solutions do not fully protect azulejos in outdoor conditions and frequently result in further deterioration. Geopolymers can be a potential solution for azulejo lacunae infill given the chemical-mineralogical similitude to the ceramic body, and also the durability and versatile range of physical properties that can be obtained through the manipulation of their formulation and curing conditions. This work presents and discusses the viability of the use of geopolymeric pastes to fill lacunae in azulejos or to act as “cold” cast ceramic tile surrogates reproducing missing azulejo fragments. The formulation of geopolymers, namely the type of activators, the aluminosilicate source, the amount of water (to meet adequate workability requirements) and curing conditions were studied. The need for post-curing desalination was also considered envisaging their application in the restoration of outdoor architectural historical azulejos frequently exposed to adverse environmental conditions. The possible advantages and disadvantages of the use of geopolymers in the conservation of azulejos are also discussed. Several techniques were used to study the chemical and physical behavior of geopolymers, namely FT-IR, XRD, MIP, SEM-EDS, WDXRF, electrical conductivity, open porosity, bending strength, adhesion strength, water vapour permeability, thermal expansion and hydric expansion. The results indicate that geopolymers are a promising material for restoration of azulejos, exhibiting some properties, such as adhesion to the ceramic substrate, higher than inorganic materials used nowadays, such as aerial lime based pastes.
The present work aimed to assess the early-age evolution of E-modulus of epoxy adhesives used for Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) strengthening applications. The study involved adapting an existing technique devised for continuous monitoring of concrete stiffness since casting, called EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Measurement through Ambient Response Method) for evaluation of epoxy stiffness. Furthermore, monotonic tensile tests according to ISO standards and cyclic tensile tests were carried out at several ages. A comparison between the obtained results was performed in order to better understand the performance of the several techniques in the assessment of stiffness of epoxy resins. When compared to the other methodologies, the method for calculation of E-modulus recommended by ISO standard led to lower values, since in the considered strain interval, the adhesive had a non-linear stress–strain relationship. The EMM-ARM technique revealed its capability in clearly identifying the hardening kinetics of epoxy adhesives, measuring the material stiffness growth during the entire curing period. At very early ages the values of Young׳s modulus obtained with quasi-static tests were lower than the values collected by EMM-ARM, due to the fact that epoxy resin exhibited a significant visco-elastic behaviour.
In this research, five types of polymer repair materials were selected for investigation of the influence of sample shape, deformation rate and test temperature on the mechanical properties determined with an uniaxial tensile test. The results showed the clear effect of measurement conditions on tensile strength, elongation and modulus of elasticity. The highest tensile strength and modulus of elasticity were exhibited by epoxy resin for the filling of concrete cracks, which achieved 1% elongation. The lowest coefficient of dispersion characterized the results of tensile test carried out using dumbbell samples at a deformation rate of 50 mm/min. The effect of temperature varied with the material type.