978 resultados para Celso Fernandes Campilongo


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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the causative agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). The presence of immunostimulating factors or concurrent infections seems to be crucial for PMWS development. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a potent immunological activator and has recently been suggested to enhance PCV2 replication in vitro. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of different LPS products on PCV2 in vitro replication of pulmonary macrophages (PMs), and on the potential ability to trigger PMWS in cesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived (CDCD) PCV2-inoculated piglets. In vitro studies using two different PCV2 isolates (Stoon-1010 and 1452/3) showed the presence of PCV2 antigen within the cytoplasm to a variable degree; PCV2 Stoon-1010 was barely detectable (


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Near-infrared diffuse tomography was used in order to observe dynamic behaviour of flowing gases by measuring the 3D distributions of composition and temperature in a weakly scattering packed bed reactor, subject to wall effects and non-isothermal conditions. The technique was applied to the vapour phase hydrogen isotopic exchange reaction in a hydrophobic packing of low aspect ratio made of platinum on styrene divinyl benzene sulphonate copolymer resin. The results of tomography revealed uneven temperature and composition maps of water and deuterated water vapours in the core-packed bed and in the vicinity of the wall owing to flow maldistribution. The dynamic lag between the near-wall water vapour and deuterated water vapour compositions were observed suggesting that the convective transfer which was significant near the wall at the start, owing to high porosity, was also effective at large conversions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The skin of fish is the first line of defense against pathogens and parasites. The skin transcriptome of the Atlantic salmon is poorly characterized, and currently only 2,089 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) out of a total of half a million sequences are generated from skin-derived cDNA libraries. The primary aim of this study was to enhance the transcriptomic knowledge of salmon skin by using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, namely the Roche-454 platform. An equimolar mixture of high-quality RNA from skin and epidermal samples of salmon reared in either freshwater or seawater was used for 454-sequencing. This technique yielded over 600,000 reads, which were assembled into 34,696 isotigs using Newbler. Of these isotigs, 12 % had not been sequenced in Atlantic salmon, hence representing previously unreported salmon mRNAs that can potentially be skin-specific. Many full-length genes have been acquired, representing numerous biological processes. Mucin proteins are the main structural component of mucus and we examined in greater detail the sequences we obtained for these genes. Several isotigs exhibited homology to mammalian mucins (MUC2, MUC5AC and MUC5B). Mucin mRNAs are generally > 10 kbp and contain large repetitive units, which pose a challenge towards full-length sequence discovery. To date, we have not unearthed any full-length salmon mucin genes with this dataset, but have both N- and C-terminal regions of a mucin type 5. This highlights the fact that, while NGS is indeed a formidable tool for sequence data mining of non-model species, it must be complemented with additional experimental and bioinformatic work to characterize some mRNA sequences with complex features.


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A strong link between research and practice is essential to ensure
that the best available evidence gets into the hands of child welfare
practitioners, who are faced with the daunting task of making decisions
about vulnerable children on a daily basis. In 2007, a group of
senior child welfare leaders in the province of Ontario (Canada) created
a research dissemination model that replicated the worldrenowned
UK program, Research in Practice (http://www.rip.org.
uk). Practice and Research Together (PART; www.partontario.org) is
an Ontario consortium of 45 child welfare organizations whose mandate
is to disseminate research to its member agencies, which include
85% of the local child welfare organizations in the province. Each
member pays an annual membership-fee that is based on its size
(Dill & Shera, 2011). A key factor in PART's success has been its ability
to link its program offerings (i.e., webinars, literature reviews, conferences,
and publications) to issues of real-world relevance to child
welfare practitioners and senior leaders. A central and highly anticipated
program offering is PART's annual conference (learning
event). These conferences bring evidence to bear on practice in priority
areas in child welfare.
On May 31 and June 1 and 2, 2011, PART, in collaboration with the
Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS)
at the University of Ottawa, co-hosted an international conference in
Ottawa that was focused on improving the educational achievement
of young people in out-of-home care (hereafter, in care). Speakers
from five countries – Canada, USA, Germany, Sweden, and UK – presented
the results of their research at the conference. The speakers
addressed three main topic areas: the disadvantaged socio-political
status of young people in care, many of whom do not complete secondary
or post-secondary education; innovative interventions to improve
their educational outcomes; and the effectiveness of tutoring,
which is the most common educational intervention for young people
in care.


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Epidemiological and genetic data support the notion that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share genetic risk factors. In our previous genome-wide association (GWA) study, meta-analysis and follow-up (totaling as many as 18,206 cases and 42,536 controls), we identified four loci showing genome-wide significant association with schizophrenia. Here we consider a mixed schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (psychosis) phenotype (addition of 7,469 bipolar disorder cases, 1,535 schizophrenia cases, 333 other psychosis cases, 808 unaffected family members and 46,160 controls). Combined analysis reveals a novel variant at 16p11.2 showing genome-wide significant association (rs4583255[T], OR = 1.08, P = 6.6 × 10−11). The new variant is located within a 593 kb region that substantially increases risk of psychosis when duplicated. In line with the association of the duplication with reduced body mass index (BMI), rs4583255[T] is also associated with lower BMI (P = 0.0039 in the public GIANT consortium dataset; P = 0.00047 in 22,651 additional Icelanders).


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Inhibition of histone deacetylases may be an important target in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms. This investigator-initiated, non-randomized, open-label phase II multi-centre study included 63 patients (19 essential thrombocythaemia, 44 polycythaemia vera) from 15 centres. The primary objective was to evaluate if vorinostat was followed by a decline in clonal myeloproliferation as defined by European Leukaemia Net. Thirty patients (48%) completed the intervention period (24 weeks of therapy). An intention-to-treat response rate of 35% was identified. Pruritus was resolved [19% to 0% (P = 0·06)] and the prevalence of splenomegaly was lowered from 50% to 27% (P = 0·03). Sixty-five per cent of the patients experienced a decrease in JAK2 V617F allele burden (P = 0·006). Thirty-three patients (52% of patients) discontinued study drug before end of intervention due to adverse events (28 patients) or lack of response (5 patients). In conclusion, vorinostat showed effectiveness by normalizing elevated leucocyte and platelet counts, resolving pruritus and significantly reducing splenomegaly. However, vorinostat was associated with significant side effects resulting in a high discontinuation rate. A lower dose of vorinostat in combination with conventional and/or novel targeted therapies may be warranted in future studies.


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YKL-40 regulates vascular endothelial growth factors and induces tumor proliferation. We investigated YKL-40 before and after treatment with vorinostat in 31 polycythemia vera (PV) and 16 essential thrombocythemia (ET) patients. Baseline PV patient levels were 2 times higher than in healthy controls (P < 0.0001) and 1.7 times higher than in ET (P = 0.02). A significant correlation between YKL-40 at baseline and neutrophils, CRP, LDH, JAK2V617F and platelets in PV patients was observed, as well as a significantly greater reduction of YKL-40 levels in PV patients responding to therapy. YKL-40 might be a novel marker of disease burden and progression in myeloproliferative neoplasms.


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Self-injurious and aggressive behaviours have often been identified as the cause for students’ lack of academic progress, parental distress, health risks and teachers´ low satisfaction levels. Functional analysis has been identified in the research literature as the benchmark of effective treatments for disruptive and/or inappropriate behaviours. The present study was completed with a girl diagnosed with ASD. An experimental functional analysis was conducted identifying the function of self-injurious behaviours and tantrums to be escaping from tasks. A treatment package was consequently put in place integrating several components that aimed at reducing overall levels of inappropriate behaviours. Results showed a clear and meaningful improvement in the student´s overall health and academic progress, as well as in parental involvement, teachers’ satisfaction and school inclusion. These outcomes are discussed in the light of evidence-based experimental procedures based on applied behaviour analysis and more specifically on the functional-analytic literature, which, if put in place consistently, can bring valuable positive changes in the quality of life of individuals with ASD.


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The virulence to insects and tolerance to heat and UV-B radiation of conidia of entomopathogenic fungi are greatly influenced by physical, chemical, and nutritional conditions during mycelial growth. This is evidenced, for example, by the stress phenotypes of Metarhizium robertsii produced on various substrates. Conidia from minimal medium (Czapek's medium without sucrose), complex medium, and insect (Lepidoptera and Coleoptera) cadavers had high, moderate, and poor tolerance to UV-B radiation, respectively. Furthermore, conidia from minimal medium germinated faster and had increased heat tolerance and were more virulent to insects than those from complex medium. Low water-activity or alkaline culture conditions also resulted in production of conidia with high tolerance to heat or UV-B radiation. Conidia produced on complex media exhibited lower stress tolerance, whereas those from complex media supplemented with NaCl or KCl (to reduce water activity) were more tolerant to heat and UV-B than those from the unmodified complex medium. Osmotic and nutritive stresses resulted in production of conidia with a robust stress phenotype, but also were associated with low conidial yield. Physical conditions such as growth under illumination, hypoxic conditions, and heat shock before conidial production also induced both higher UV-B and heat tolerance; but conidial production was not decreased. In conclusion, physical and chemical parameters, as well as nutrition source, can induce great variability in conidial tolerance to stress for entomopathogenic fungi. Implications are discussed in relation to the ecology of entomopathogenic fungi in the field, and to their use for biological control. This review will cover recent technologies on improving stress tolerance of entomopathogenic fungi for biological control of insects.


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Dissertação, Mestrado, Contabilidade e Finanças, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2014


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Relatório, Mestrado, Contabilidade e Finanças, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2014


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O presente relatório, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar realizado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, está dividido em três partes. A primeira parte é dedicada aos estágios em dois contextos, o de Creche e o de Jardim-de-Infância e refere-se aos trabalhos e projetos desenvolvidos, ao percurso profissional, aprendizagens realizadas, dificuldades sentidas e reflexões que daí decorreram. A segunda parte refere-se à componente investigativa “A entrada na Creche e as primeiras interações entre crianças: contributos do educador de infância para uma sociabilidade prazerosa”, apresentando um estudo sobre as interações infantis aquando da entrada na creche e sobre a importância que o educador tem neste processo, favorecendo momentos de interações positivas e mediando os problemas que vão surgindo. O estudo realizado é de natureza qualitativa, centrando-se em observações feitas em creche e na reflexão e discussão assentes nessas observações. A terceira parte, considerações finais, sintetiza o percurso realizado e o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento e crescimento pessoal e profissional.


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Esta investigação teve como objetivo avaliar os impactos pessoais, profissionais, familiares e sociais que o Processo de Reconhecimento, Validação e Certificação de Competências (RVCC) de nível básico causou em indivíduos residentes no Distrito de Évora, que certificaram as suas competências no período 2000-2005. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo em que foi aplicado um inquérito a uma amostra de 149 adultos, com questões relativas às características do adulto na atualidade, ao percurso individual no Processo de RVCC e ao impacto deste no percurso de vida dos adultos. Os dados foram tratados no programa SPSS (versão 20.0) através de uma análise estatística de natureza descritiva. Este estudo mostrou que existiam mais mulheres do que homens a valorizar o Processo de RVCC, e que os seus impactos verificavam-se maioritariamente na dimensão pessoal. Concluiu-se que uma aprendizagem ao longo da vida contribuiu para a valorização pessoal e para o nível de escolaridade dos adultos. ## New Wedding of Qualification in the Alentejo: the assessment of impacts of the RVCC processes on individuals residing in the District of Évora (2000-2005) This research aimed to evaluate the impacts personal, professional, family and social that Recognition Process Validation and Certification of Competences (RVCC) (basic level) caused among residents of the District of Évora, who certified their skills between 2000-2005. This is a descriptive study in which we applied a questionnaire to a sample of 149 adults, with questions relating to today’s characteristics of the adults, their individual path in the RVCC process and the impact of this process on those individuals. The data collected was processed using SPSS (version 20.0) through a descriptive statistical analysis. This study showed that there were more women than men to value the RVCC process, and that the impacts of this process are mostly in the personal dimension. It was concluded that a lifelong learning enhances personal development and educational level of adults. Key words: Adults; Lifelong learning; Recognition Process Validation and Certification of Competences; Adult training.


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Este estudo tem como principal objetivo compreender a complexidade da expressão de preconceitos por parte de professores/as em relação a gays e lésbicas, área em que a investigação parece ser limitada. Neste sentido, procurámos avaliar esta questão com recurso a uma amostra de 204 professores/as de 13 escolas públicas do Distrito de Évora. Na realização deste trabalho, foram aplicados três instrumentos: questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica, Questionário de Discriminação Preconceito Polimorfo (Massey, 2009) e a subescala do Heterossexismo Moderno da Escala Multidimensional de Atitudes em relação a Gays e Lésbicas (Gato, Fontaine & Carneiro, 2012). Os principais resultados encontrados sugerem que o sexo, idade, posicionamentos político e religioso dos/as participantes se encontram relacionados com a expressão de preconceitos em relação a gays e lésbicas.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender as diferenças relativamente ao ciúme nas relações amorosas de adolescentes, tendo em conta o género e a orientação sexual. Para tal, foi criado um questionário (Questionário de Ciúme nas Relações Amorosas Adolescentes - QCRAA) que pretende avaliar aspetos do ciúme presentes em relações amorosas adolescentes - Preocupação, Controlo do Comportamento e Comportamentos de Investigação e Agressão. O QCRAA foi aplicado a 316 jovens, tendo sido comparados os resultados em função do género, da orientação sexual, do nível de ensino e da estabilidade da relação amorosa. Os resultados sugerem que as raparigas possuem mais comportamentos de investigação e agressão, e que os níveis de preocupação nas relações amorosas dos/as jovens variam conforme a estabilidade da relação, sendo mais elevados quando a relação não é estável. Neste estudo serão analisados e discutidos os principais resultados obtidos, bem como as suas implicações para a intervenção psicológica na prevenção da violência nas relações amorosas.