984 resultados para Cape


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Esta monografia foi elaborada com o intuito do aprofundamento, aperfeiçoamento e o conhecimento académico, pesquisando um tema que contribuísse, de alguma maneira, para a melhoria da área em questão. Também teve a intenção de contribuir na análise da inter-relação entre a auditoria interna e externa numa perspetiva de complementaridade. Procura-se, na presente monografia, proporcionar uma reflexão sobre a relação existente entre a auditoria interna e a auditoria externa. Para tal, realizaram-se pesquisas bibliográficas sobre os principais conceitos, âmbito, métodos, objetivos, funções e procedimentos, normas pertinentes à auditoria interna e externa, relação entre as duas auditorias, complementaridade e cooperação entre elas e auditoria interna e externa na prevenção e deteção de fraudes. Paralelamente foram elaborados dois questionários enviados a 6 empresas que têm departamentos de auditoria interna retiradas do universo das empresas com departamento de auditoria interna e a 2 empresas que fazem auditoria externa nessas empresas, a atuarem no mercado caboverdiano durante o ano de 2013, com o objetivo de verificar a relação entre a auditoria interna e a externa, através da opinião dos auditores internos e cruzamento com a opinião dos auditores externos, a fim de verificar, efetivamente, como estabelecer essa relação. De posse desses elementos, o objetivo geral apresentado pode ser comprovado pela conclusão de que se pode estabelecer uma relação entre auditoria interna e externa e a mesma pode ser de complementaridade. This monograph was developed with the aim of deepening, improvement and academic knowledge, by researching a topic that would contribute in some way to improve the topic in question. It also intended to contribute to the analysis of the inter-relationship existent between the internal and external audit and the notion that both complement each other’s work. This monograph attempts to provide a reflection on the relationship between internal audit and external audit. For this purpose, a library research was conducted on key concepts, scope, methods, purpose, function and procedures, relevant standards for internal and external audit, the relationship between the two audits, complementarity and cooperation between them, and internal and external audit in the prevention and fraud detection. In parallel, we prepared two questionnaires that were sent to 6 companies that have an internal audit department that are part of the universe of companies with internal audit department; and to two companies that make external audits to the companies mentioned above and that operate in the Cape Verdean market during the year 2013. The objective was to verify the relationship between internal audit and external by reviewing the opinion n of internal auditors and to intersect that with the opinion of external auditor in order to verify effectively, how to establish this relationship. With these elements, the overall goal presented can be substantiated by the finding that a relationship establish between internal and external audit and this relationship can be complementary.


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Se houve um tempo em que eram as empresas as mais preocupadas em dotar os seus empregados com um determinado leque de competências técnicas, pela via da Formação Profissional, para se tornarem cada vez mais competitivas, hoje torna-se crucial para qualquer país poder determinar o grau de empregabilidade dos diversos cursos de formação profissional realizados pela sua população activa, de modo a optimizar a inserção dos seus cidadãos no mercado de trabalho. A presente investigação visa analisar a empregabilidade a partir de um caso nacional, em que uma escola de formação profissional, inserida numa empresa – a Cabnave – vem desenvolvendo um modelo de formação, que para além de estar directamente relacionado com a sua própria actividade, encontra-se ligado a vários sectores da actividade económica de Cabo Verde, particularmente ao da indústria Mecânica e Metalomecânica. O estudo contém dois principais momentos. Um primeiro, no qual se procedeu à contextualização e fundamentação do tema, com base em bibliografia nacional e internacional, e enfoque nos seguintes assuntos: o sistema de ensino em Cabo Verde, mais concretamente a via do ensino secundário técnico; a formação profissional; e o mercado de trabalho em Cabo Verde. Num segundo momento desenvolveu-se um Caso de Estudo, para se determinar o grau de empregabilidade dos diplomados da Escola de Formação Profissional da Cabnave, que seguiram uma carreira em áreas profissionais diferentes do curso realizado, recorrendo-se à aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra final de 80 inquiridos, e à interpretação dos resultados, através dos métodos de análise estatística Descritiva e Correlacional. Das conclusões resultantes da análise das respostas obtidas, chama-se a atenção para o facto de a maioria dos diplomados partilharem de uma opinião positiva relativamente à empregabilidade dos cursos que frequentaram, independentemente de os mesmos terem ou não conduzido a uma profissão directamente ligada ao sector da Mecânica e MetalomecânicaIf at one point companies used to be the ones that were the most concerned with providing specific technical skills to their employees, through professional education, as to become more competitive, it is today highly important for every country to determine the level of employability of the numerous professional education programs pursued by its active population, so as to increase citizens’ chances to enter the labor market. The present research aims to study the concept of employability, with focus on a national case, a school of professional education which integrates the company Cabnave, and has been developing an educational model that, in addition to responding to the company’s own needs, is also connected to Cape Verde’s various economic sectors, notably the Mechanics and Metalworking industry. The study consists of two main parts. A first one where, based on national and international bibliography, the theme is contextualized, with closest attention to the following subjects: the Cape Verdean education system, especially vocational education in secondary schools; professional education; and the labor market in Cape Verde. In the second part, a Case Study is conducted, in order to determine the level of employability of those who were trained by Cabnave’s School of Professional Education, but have pursued a career in a different professional field. Therefore, a questionnaire was submitted to a sample of 80 respondents, and the correspondent data was analyzed and interpreted, with the use of Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Analysis. One of the conclusions deriving from the survey results is that most of the School’s trained graduates have a positive view of the employability of the programs they have pursued, independently of whether they continued to work in the Mechanics and Metalworking industry


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Most stereotypes about Africans and their descendants started with colonialism in the fifteenth century. The encounter between Africans and Europeans facilitated the creation of myths and stereotypes about the colonized peoples, which were made effective through the naturalization of differences. The relationship between skin color and slavery developed to produce a racialized system of forced labor on which colonialism depended for its survival. Stereotypes functioned to legitimize colonial authority by building the notion that the colonizer ruled over the colonized because of an innate superiority. Therefore, stereotyping is an effective "discursive strategy" (Bhabha) based on fixity and repetition with the aim of controlling the other. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and José Evaristo D’Almeida O Escravo both denounced the evils of slavery in the United States of America and Cape Verde respectively, claiming for the end of the institution. However, they are both ambivalent towards slaves and blacks, being unable to envisage social equality for the two races. Both authors construct their black characters as stereotypical others, but they depict the light-skin characters as superior both culturally and physically. The bi-racial characters are portrayed as the ones who possess beauty and intelligence as an inheritance from their European ancestry, while blacks are relegated to the margins. We need to consider, however, that slavery in Cape Verde had different characteristics from its counterpart in the United States of America. In Cape Verde the Africans outnumbered the Europeans and that circumstance favored miscegenation and the emergence of forms of mixed culture, which came to be seen as positive and natural. In the United States of America miscegenation was regarded as a taboo since early. And even after Emancipation, “the one-drop rule” made the offspring of an African descendant black, however 'white' he or she might be.


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O principal objetivo de um Planeamento de Experiências reside essencialmente na procura de relações entre variáveis e na comparação de níveis de fatores, recorrendo ao tratamento estatístico dos dados recolhidos. A utilização de blocos no Planeamento de Experiências é fundamental, pois permite reduzir ou eliminar a variabilidade introduzida por fatores que podem influenciar a experiência mas que não interessam e/ou não foram explicitamente incluídos durante o planeamento. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados do estudo e investigação dos Planos em Blocos Incompletos Equilibrados (BIBD), Planos em Blocos Incompletos Equilibrados com repetição de blocos (BIBDR) e Planos em Blocos Incompletos com blocos de diferentes dimensões (VBBD). Exploramos algumas propriedades e métodos de construção destes planos e ilustramos, sempre que possível, com exemplos. Tendo como base o planeamento em blocos, apresentamos uma aplicação dos BIBDR na área da Educação com o objetivo de comparar cinco domínios do pensamento algébrico de uma amostra de alunos do 1º ano do ensino superior em Cabo Verde. Para a análise dos dados da amostra foi utilizado o software R, versão 2.12.1. Pudemos constatar que existem diferenças significativas entre alguns dos domínios do pensamento algébrico, nomeadamente entre os domínios da Generalização da Aritmética e Tecnicismo Algébrico com os restantes domínios. Recomendamos a escolha de uma amostra mais representativa constituída por alunos de todas as instituições superiores de Cabo Verde.


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This work contributes to an understanding of how the existence of multiple ethnic- cultural belongings in the political community concurs with the maintenance of a socially cohesive and politically united community. Considering the immigration reality in Portugal, we tried to identify the bonds that link immigrants to the political community and how those bonds can be mobilized to integrate immigrants in a common living project inside the national territory. Methodologically, this investigation is based in a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the policies and measures applied in Portugal in the immigration sphere, as well as the results of the empirical work we carried out with two immigration groups (Brazilians and Cape Verdeans) living in Lisbon’s metropolitan area, and the answers to a survey we sent to immigrant associations. The results of this research revealed the existence of a certain political ambivalence concerning the immigrant integration process, which expresses itself to a certain degree in the way national citizens and immigrants appraise the immigrant contribution to Portuguese society. The prevailing and blurred idea states that immigration expenses don’t make up for the benefits, and that is likely to influence the mutual relationship established between the two. Despite the existence of objective situations of social and economic disparity and despite a feeling of discrimination shared between immigrants, it is possible to identify a progressive citizenship universalization and the formal acceptance of immigrant religious and cultural traditions, even though the Portuguese parliament does not reflect such diversity. Thus, we perceive the possibility of warranting specific ethnic and cultural minority rights without the ethnicization or culturalization of political representation, and the general standards that serve as a backbone to the national political community might be enough to warrant that protection. Notwithstanding, some signs suggest that immigrant access to public sphere might not be easy, and this might have repercussions in the visibility and in the public discussion of demands, with outcomes on the type of integration policies Portugal applies.


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Neste trabalho abordamos a intervenção nativista de alguns intelectuais africanos de Cabo Verde com o objectivo de clarificar o seu significado e alcance político. Apesar do seu empenho na defesa dos cabo-verdianos contra a opressão colonial portuguesa, aqueles intelectuais não conseguiriam gerar um movimento anti-colonial capaz de conduzir a colónia à independência, mas deixaram às novas gerações um legado político e cultural que lhes permitiu assegurar a luta pela preservação da sua identidade nacional e, finalmente, alcançar a emancipação de Cabo Verde da dominação colonial.


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abstract: Cape Verde is a country of bilingual characteristics, where coexist two languages: the mother tongue – the Creole of Cape Verde (CCV) or the Capeverdian Language (LCV) and the Non Maternal language – the Portuguese that is the official language and, therefore, the language used in the process of education and learning. This situation generates conflicts so much to linguistic level as to cultural level. The two languages presents some lexical resemblances, what drives, many times, to misconceptions and linguistics errors that complicate children in the learning, in particular, of reading that constitute the base for the learning of others knowledge. The learning of reading, in the Non Maternal language, requires a development of the oral language in Portuguese Language, which stimulates the reasoning of the child through playful exercises and cognitivists and construtivists approaches. In this way, the competences of phonological processing in the acquisition of the competences of reading are important for the discrimination of written text and favor the learning and the development of reading. The child, through the discovery, begins to elaborate concepts in the way to obtain a relation with the written language, by functional form. Adopting a methodology of case study and through questionnaires, direct observation and collect of documentary information, this dissertation presents and analyzes connected aspects to the literacy of capeverdian children in the beginning of the schooling and to the learning of reading as basic support for the learning of Non Maternal language. The subsidies collected by the study, presented in this dissertation will contribute for the education progress of reading and, also, for implement successfully the learning of reading of the students, developing to practical of reading and the expectations in uncover the multiplicity of the dimensions of experience in that domain and contribute for a relative comprehension of written and reading modes.


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The process of changes that have been taking place in contemporary world reaches undoubtedly to the public sector. The quest for a new public management, that seeks to provide quality and effective services to the citizens, has been the target of contemporary State. Within this framework, the study of people inside publics organizations becomes strategic. Knowledge is generated, processed, and communicated at great speed, taking society to adopt new approaches. In order to meet the challenges of the new millennium, organizations must thing more of people and, above all, they must be more concerned with creating incentives that can motivate their collaborators to achieve not only the objectives of the organization but also personal objectives of each individual, since there is no point in gaining profit and having productivity if the organization do not develop policies and practices that focus on the human being. Motivation implies accomplishment feelings and professional recognition, expressed by means of executing tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging and meaningful to the job. The truth is that the adoption of a public management focused on quality requires changes in organization culture, requiring mainly motivation, which leads to efforts, dedication, persistence, and commitment. This work is intended to research motivation as a tool to achieve productivity and excellence in the performance of activities in Cape Verdean Public Administration. To achieve the aim of this work, a bibliographical research on Human Resources Administration as well as different theories related to work motivation in organizations was conducted. The inquisitive method was used based upon a written questionnaire aimed at obtaining data referring to motivation of Public Administration workers.


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This research project has as main objective the design of a project to raise awareness and environmental education in the area of prevention of the urban waste production by focusing on the presentation of a methodological proposal to incorporate this theme in the Course Curriculum of the Basic Education in Cape Verde. The study aimed beyond the project design, the preparation of a guide and a set of activities, instruments to be used by the educational community and more directly by the teachers of the Basic Education (EB) of Cape Verde for knowledge construction in study area and promove the development of skills of those teachers in terms of planning activities for waste prevention. The realized work included visits to various sources of information considered relevant, the application and validation of some activities in the population testing process using the technique of participant observation. This research involved the collaboration of the educational community of Praia namely the BE teachers, Pedagogical team teaching and Promoters of the new BE Curriculum. The study made a contribution in the view of the definition of the methodology of the work project and the assessment tool in order to reflect on the work process and its subsequent correction / improvement of future operations. We also present a proposal of monitoring and evaluation instrument of the project which will be applied during the implementation phase. Its use will enable the school community to improve their practices and will facilitate the involvement of the educational community taking into consideration an environmental sustainability


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In the present study we are going to analyze the development of the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation in relation to national groups (Portuguese as ingroup and Cape-Verdeans, Brazilian and Chinese as outgroups) in Portuguese children with ages between 6 and 10 years (60 participants with 6/7 years and 60 participants with 9/10 years). The first aim of this research was to examine whether the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation changes according to the age groups. We started from the idea that the age groups would show ingroup preference. However in relation to negativity outgroup it was expected to be less evident. The second aim of this study was to examine if the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation would be relatively independent, or if they would be related to each other, so that positive perceptions of national ingroup were associated with negative perceptions of national outgroups (in particular, Cape-Verde, Brazilian and Chinese). In a nut Shell, the results confirmed the hypotheses, and in both age groups, the children showed ingroup preference, the negativism of the outgroup was less obvious in the Brazilian group but not in the others (Cape-Verdeans and Chinese). Regarding the relation between the preference for the ingroup and the negativity of the outgroup we realized that these are relatively independent. As a result, we found that the ingroup favoritism is not related with outgroup derogation, it means that, positive perceptions of the ingroup are not related with negative perceptions of the outgroups.


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The traditional analysis of tourism, having in mind only its economic impacts has been shown to be reductive and insufficient to explain the numerous and versatile modifications these can and will stimulate in a society at many levels, e.g. socially, culturally, politically and in the environment. The complexity of touristic activities and the insufficient measuring instruments that can provide exact data about these, gives terrain to the emergence of myths and value judgments around the effects in countries where tourism is a reality. This study aims at understanding how the impacts of tourism are grasped by the local community in Sal island – Cape Verde – convinced as we are that a quality and sustainable touristic offer can only be done by trialing the population, and involving them in the planning, managing and monitoring processes. The analysis of the perception of the impacts of touristic activities by the population tells us a lot about the levels of satisfaction of such communities towards the way in which the touristic development has been carried out in their surroundings. This study has been made through the inquiry of 231 locals, by means of a questionnaire, that showed that the population in this island has a very clear conscience of the impacts of tourism in their day-to-day lives. Conclusions drawn are that the negative economic and social impacts are greater than the positive; the cultural and environmental impacts are not so significant, and that the people feel that their voice has not been heard in what planning touristic activities is concerned. Nevertheless, they have high expectations regarding tourism as a way of ameliorating their life conditions. The inexistence of a linear behavior of impacts of touristic activities in the receptive countries and a perfect and adjustable model for tourism development make these countries delineate new politics aiming at the sustainability and the creation of conditions that help them monitor and mitigate its negative impacts.


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The research presented here aimed to analyze the processes of integration of Cape Verdeans immigrants descendants of living in the neighborhood of Talude, Town of Unhos, Municipality of Loures. To analyze the central object of research - the process of integration of descendants of migrants in the neighborhood of Talude we tried to answer the following questions, which reflect the objectives of the research:  What are the paths of socialization the descendants of immigrants: at the family, at school, in employment, in the neighborhood and in other activities?  What is the influence of gender relations in the processes of integration of descendants?  What are the perception the of immigrants descendants living in the neighborhood of Talude in relation to how they are viewed by residents of the Town residents in the neighborhood? And the people or society in general? And what influence these perceptions have in their process of integration? This study consists in two parts: the design of the survey, which is depicted on the reason for the choice of topic, the definition of the topic, research objectives, the method that was used in the course of investigation and the framing of the issue. In the second part, the analysis of data in different pathways: family, neighborhood, school, labor market, in other activities, the influence of gender and image(s). As a general conclusion we can say that there are several factors that contribute to the identification of immigrant descendants (there are no apparent factors that predominate) and the images they have of themselves and the Portuguese society in general are diverse.


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The main purpose of an Experimental Design resides mainly in the search for relationships between variables and in comparing levels of factors, using statistical treatment of collected data. The use of blocks in Experimental Design is essential because it allows reducing or eliminating the variability introduced by factors that can influence the experience but are not of main interest and/or were not explicitly included during experiments. In this work we present the results of the study and research of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (BIBD), Balanced Incomplete Block Designs with repeated blocks (BIBDR) and the Incomplete Blocks Designs with blocks with different dimensions (VBBD). We explore some properties and construction methods of such designs and illustrate, when possible, with examples. Based on Block Designs, we present an application of BIBDR in Education, with the aim of comparing five domains of algebraic thinking in a sample of 1st year students of higher education in Cape Verde. For the analysis of sample data, the software R was used, version 2.12.1. We observed that significant differences exist between some of the domains of algebraic thinking, especially among the domains of Generalization of Arithmetic and Algebraic Technicality with the remaining areas. For a more representative sample, we recommend a bigger sample consisting of students from all higher institutions of Cape Verde.


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A extracção de areia nas praias do mar, nas bacias hidrográficas e nas encostas montanhosas, tem sido prática de muitas famílias cabo-verdianas. A Praia de Calhetona foi uma das que nos últimos anos sofreu degradação significativa, em função da apanha clandestina de areia, sem qualquer plano de extracção, destinada a construção civil. A extracção de areia, para vender ou para a autoconstrução, é efectuada em família por indivíduos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino, de baixa renda ou sem profissão remunerada. O processo de extracção de areia na Praia de Calhetona teve o seu ponto alto nos anos 80, diminuindo consideravelmente com a escassez de areia e implementação do Decreto – Lei nº 69/97, de 3 de Novembro, que visava disciplinar a exploração de inertes nas praias. Em face da pesquisa feita, baseada no estudo de caso, ficou expresso que os inquiridos implicados na actividade de extracção clandestina de areia correm riscos elevados para obterem lucros reduzidos. Quem efectivamente beneficia são os camionistas que compram esse inerte e o vendem pelo dobro do preço. Qualquer actividade de exploração de recursos naturais causa impactes sobre o espaço de actuação. No caso da Praia de Calhetona, observa-se o recuo da linha de costa, a quase ausência de areia e a desertificação de propriedades nas suas proximidades, para além dos impactes negativos sobre o turismo, a função balnear e a desova de tartaruga. Apesar de tudo, constata-se uma consciência generalizada dos impactes ambientais causados pelos inquiridos, os quais, no entanto, alegam que a extracção de areia é uma das alternativas para garantir a sobrevivência individual e das suas famílias.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca.