984 resultados para Bloch, Eugénie


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Searches are presented for heavy scalar (H) and pseudoscalar (A) Higgs bosons posited in the two doublet model (2HDM) extensions of the standard model (SM). These searches are based on a data sample of pp collisions collected with the CMS experiment at the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 8 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.5 fb(-1). The decays H -> hh and A -> Zh, where h denotes an SM-like Higgs boson, lead to events with three or more isolated charged leptons or with a photon pair accompanied by one or more isolated leptons. The search results are presented in terms of the H and A production cross sections times branching fractions and are further interpreted in terms of 2HDM parameters. We place 95% C.L. cross section upper limits of approximately 7 pb on sigma B for H -> hh and 2 pb for A -> Zh. Also presented are the results of a search for the rare decay of the top quark that results in a charm quark and an SM Higgs boson, t -> ch, the existence of which would indicate a nonzero flavor-changing Yukawa coupling of the top quark to the Higgs boson. We place a 95% C.L. upper limit of 0.56% on B(t -> ch).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Understanding the geographic and environmental characteristics of islands that affect aspects of biodiversity is a major theme in ecology (Begon et al. 2006; Krebs 2001) and biogeography (Cox and Moore 2000; Drakare et al. 2006; Lomolino et al. 2006). Such understanding has become particularly relevant over the past century because human activities on continents have fragmented natural landscapes, often creating islands of isolated habitat dispersed within a sea of land uses that include agriculture, forestry, and various degrees of urban and suburban development. The increasingly fragmented or islandlike structure of mainland habitats has critical ramifications to conservation biology, as it provides insights regarding the mechanisms leading to species persistence and loss. Consequently, the study of patterns and mechanisms associated with island biodiversity is of interest in its own right (Whittaker 1998; Williamson 1981), and may provide critical insights into mainland phenomena that otherwise could not be studied because of ethical, financial, or logistical considerations involved with the execution of large-scale manipulative experiments.


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The following trematodes are part of a collection made by the author at Suva, Fiji in 1951. 1. Prosorhynchus squamatus Odhner, 1905 is believed to be distinct from P. crucibulus and most other species in the genus on the basis of its oval-shaped rhynchus. It thus remains, as originally, the type species of the genus. 2. Prosorhynchus thapari n. sp. is described from Plectropoma maculatum (Bloch) from Suva, Fiji. The "P. facilis (Ozaki, 1924)" of Nagaty (1937) is considered to be a synonym. 3. Neidhartia polydactyli n. sp. is described from Polydactylus plebius (Bonnaterre) from Suva, Fiji.


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Feedback stabilization of an ensemble of non interacting half spins described by the Bloch equations is considered. This system may be seen as an interesting example for infinite dimensional systems with continuous spectra. We propose an explicit feedback law that stabilizes asymptotically the system around a uniform state of spin +1/2 or -1/2. The proof of the convergence is done locally around the equilibrium in the H-1 topology. This local convergence is shown to be a weak asymptotic convergence for the H-1 topology and thus a strong convergence for the C topology. The proof relies on an adaptation of the LaSalle invariance principle to infinite dimensional systems. Numerical simulations illustrate the efficiency of these feedback laws, even for initial conditions far from the equilibrium. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The analysis of spatial relations among objects in an image is an important vision problem that involves both shape analysis and structural pattern recognition. In this paper, we propose a new approach to characterize the spatial relation along, an important feature of spatial configurations in space that has been overlooked in the literature up to now. We propose a mathematical definition of the degree to which an object A is along an object B, based on the region between A and B and a degree of elongatedness of this region. In order to better fit the perceptual meaning of the relation, distance information is included as well. In order to cover a more wide range of potential applications, both the crisp and fuzzy cases are considered. In the crisp case, the objects are represented in terms of 2D regions or ID contours, and the definition of the alongness between them is derived from a visibility notion and from the region between the objects. However, the computational complexity of this approach leads us to the proposition of a new model to calculate the between region using the convex hull of the contours. On the fuzzy side, the region-based approach is extended. Experimental results obtained using synthetic shapes and brain structures in medical imaging corroborate the proposed model and the derived measures of alongness, thus showing that they agree with the common sense. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O presente artigo descreve o primeiro relato de larvas de Eustrongylides sp. em Hoplias malabaricus Bloch, 1794 (Characiformes: Erythrinidae) no Estado de Rondônia, Amazônia Ocidental, Brasil, sendo mais um parasita com a possibilidade de contaminar humanos no Estado.


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[ES] El jurel dentón Pseudocaranx dentex (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) es una especie habitualmente asociada al entorno de instalaciones comerciales de engorde de doradas Sparus aurata L., 1758 y lubinas Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758) en jaulas flotantes en las islas Canarias. Con el objetivo de conocer el potencial de esta especie para la acuicultura se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de su ciclo reproductivo anual. Durante un año se han recogido muestras de gónadas, evaluado variables morfométricas a partir de especímenes salvajes y registrado los valores de temperatura y fotoperiodo en el momento de los muestreos. Los análisis macroscópicos y microscópicos realizados de las gónadas, junto con la determinación mensual del índice gonadosomático (IGS) y del factor de condición (FC), han servido para establecer el ciclo anual de maduración de esta especie. El estadio de vitelogénesis avanzada fue observado entre mayo y noviembre, sugiriendo un prolongado periodo de desove para esta especie en aguas de las islas Canarias.


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[ES] Apertura a cargo del Excmo. Sr. Presidente del Gobierno de Canarias. Lectura del resumen de la Memoria del curso 2008-2009 por la Secretaria General de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Lección inagural "La interpretación del negocio jurídico" a cargo del Dr. D. Ignacio Díaz de Lezcano Sevillano. Reconocimiento al personal de la ULPGC por sus años de servicio. Entrega de la Medalla de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria a D. Lizardo Martell Cárdenes. Discurso del Dr. D. José Regidor García, Rector Magnífico de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Programa musical con obras de Elgar, Massenet, Bloch y Saraste, interpretadas por Carlos Alberto Parra (violín) y Juan Francisco Parra (piano)


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For an infinite field F, we study the integral relationship between the Bloch group B_2(F) and the higher Chow group CH^2(F,3) by proving some relations corresponding to the functional equations of the dilogarithm. As a second result, the groups involved in Suslin’s exact sequence 0 → Tor^1(F^× ,F^×)∼ → CH^2(F,3) → B_2(F) → 0 are identified with homology groups of the cycle complex Z^2(F,•) computing Bloch’s higher Chow groups. Using these results, we give explicit cycles in motivic cohomology generating the integral motivic cohomology groups of some specific number fields and determine whether a given cycle in the Chow group already lives in one of the other groups of Suslin’s sequence. In principle, this enables us to find a presentation of the codimension two Chow group of an arbitrary number field. Finally, we also prove some relations in the higher Chow groups of codimension three modulo 2-torsion coming from relations in the higher Bloch group B_3(F) modulo 2-torsion. Further, we can prove a series of relations in CH^ 3(Q(zeta_p),5) for a primitive pth root of unity zeta_p.