993 resultados para Bioplastics,disposal,composting,lca
Calcium carbonate, a pharmaceutical excipient, is widely used as diluent in solid dosage forms. It is also used as a base for medicinal and dental preparations, a buffering and dissolution aid for dispersible tablets, a food additive and a calcium supplement. Egg shells are a rich source of mineral salts, mainly calcium carbonate, which corresponds to about 94% of the shell. Layer farms produce large amounts of shells, whose final disposal poses a challenge from the environmental standpoint. This work was designed to evaluate the physicochemical and thermal properties of calcium carbonate obtained from egg shells. The findings indicated that calcium carbonate from egg shells can be used as an alternative pharmaceutical excipient.
This study is done to examine waste power plant’s optimal processing chain and it is important to consider from several points of view on why one option is better than the other. This is to insure that the right decision is made. Incineration of waste has devel-oped to be one decent option for waste disposal. There are several legislation matters and technical options to consider when starting up a waste power plant. From the tech-niques pretreatment, burner and flue gas cleaning are the biggest ones to consider. The treatment of incineration residues is important since it can be very harmful for the envi-ronment. The actual energy production from waste is not highly efficient and there are several harmful compounds emitted. Recycling of waste before incineration is not very typical and there are not many recycling options for materials that cannot be easily re-cycled to same product. Life cycle assessment is a good option for studying the envi-ronmental effect of the system. It has four phases that are part of the iterative study process. In this study the case environment is a waste power plant. The modeling of the plant is done with GaBi 6 software and the scope is from gate-to-grave. There are three different scenarios, from which the first and second are compared to each other to reach conclusions. Zero scenario is part of the study to demonstrate situation without the power plant. The power plant in this study is recycling some materials in scenario one and in scenario two even more materials and utilize the bottom ash more ways than one. The model has the substitutive processes for the materials when they are not recycled in the plant. The global warming potential results show that scenario one is the best option. The variable costs that have been considered tell the same result. The conclusion is that the waste power plant should not recycle more and utilize bottom ash in a number of ways. The area is not ready for that kind of utilization and production from recycled materials.
Tämän työn tavoitteena on luoda kuva yritysten kuljetusvirroista ja varastointiratkaisuista Pohjois-Euroopassa. Päätutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin verkkopohjaista kyselyä, jolla pyrittiin keräämään tietoa Suomen, Ruotsin ja Viron suurimpien yritysten logistisista ratkaisuista. Kyselytutkimus toteutettiin yhteistyössä Tallinnan teknillisen yliopiston sekä Jönköpingin yliopiston kanssa. Toimivat kuljetusjärjestelmät ovat nykyään elintärkeitä, sillä ne luovat edellytykset talouden kasvulle ja hyvinvoinnin lisääntymiselle. Myös akateemisessa tutkimuksessa on havaittu, että yritysten todellisista toiminnoista ja luvuista tulisi saada lisää tietoa. Tässä työssä kerättiin ja analysoitiin tietoa yritysten kuljetusyksiköistä, kuljetusmuodoista, kuljetuskustannuksista, kuljetusvirroista eri maiden välillä, varastointiratkaisuista sekä kabotaasikuljetusten ja rikkidirektiivin vaikutuksista. Kirjallisuus- ja kyselytutkimuksen perusteella puoliperävaunu ja kumipyöräkuljetukset ovat Pohjois-Euroopan suosituimmat kuljetuskeinot. Kyselytulosten mukaan varsinkaan suomalaiset yritykset eivät juuri käytä rautatiekuljetuksia, eikä rautatieyhteyttä pidetty tärkeänä varastojen sijainnista päätettäessä. Kuljetusvirrat Kiinan ja Euroopan välillä suuntautuvat Kiinasta Eurooppaan päin. Kiinasta tuleva kuljetusvirta tulee todennäköisesti pysymään vahvana myös tulevaisuudessa. Venäjän ja Euroopan väliset kuljetusvirrat suuntautuvat kyselytulosten perusteella Euroopasta Venäjälle päin. Pohjois-Euroopassa yrityksillä on käytössä pieniä ja keskikokoisia varastoja sekä suurempia jakelukeskuksia. Tulevaisuudessa varastot vaikuttaisivat keskittyvän hieman suuremmiksi yksiköiksi. Kyselytutkimuksen mukaan kabotaasikuljetukset ovat laskeneet ainakin joidenkin yritysten maantiekuljetusten kustannuksia. Rikkidirektiivin puolestaan odotetaan nostavan merikuljetusten hintoja sekä yritysten kuljetuskustannuksia huomattavasti.
The aim of this work was to perform the microbiological and physicochemical characterization of surimi made from waste of piramutaba filleting. The results of physicochemical characterization of the waste and surimi were: moisture (76.37 and 79.11%), total lipids (5.35 and 0.74%), proteins (14.92 and 10.79%), ash (3.03 and 2.35%), pH (6.9 and 7.4), caloric value (109.15 and 77.86 kcal.g-1), and water activity (both 0.98), respectively. The results of the levels of total volatile bases were 7.29 mgN/100-1 g (waste) and 7.01% carbohydrate (surimi). The values of total lipids and proteins were reduced during the preparation of surimi, probably due to successive washes during the processing. Waste and surimi were examined microbiologically and are in compliance with required parameters. The results show a loss of red (a* parameter) and yellow (b* parameter) color. On the other hand, the L* parameter (lightness) increased after the processing of surimi. It can be concluded that piramutaba waste can be used for surimi preparation and as a source of nutrients for human consumption, providing an alternative use of these wastes avoiding their disposal polluting the environment.
Fried foods are widely consumed in Brazil and their quality depends on the oil or fat they are fried. Qualitative (physical chemistry indices) and quantitative measurements (fry-life oil or fat until disposal, oil turnover, type of oil or fat and amount and type of fried foods) and associations were performed. We applied a structured form and collected 60 mL of frying oil or fat in each of the 70 fried food stands of 15 street-fairs in Goiânia, Brazil. All samples were suitable in the quantity of free fat acids (<0.9% oleic acid), one was inadequate to peroxide value (>10 mEq/kg) and 1/3 was unsuitable to polar compounds (<25%). The majority (62%) use temperature up to the allowed (180 ºC). Approximately 250 units of products are fried in at least one day in 42% of the fried food stands. Soybean oil is used in the majority (94%) of fried food stands and the fry-life is of 6 hours (60%) or a day of work/sale. The nonconformity of the content of total polar compounds in fried foods had significant association with frying time and the conformity of acidity had significant relationship with frying time by a chi-square test. All other associations were not significant. A fry-life of oil or fat up to 6 hours can avoid the excess of polar compounds in the frying medium and protect the quality of fred foods.
The physical and chemical alterations in palm oil during continuous industrial par frying of breaded chicken snacks were evaluated using a pseudo first-order kinetic model. The acidity index, refractive index, concentration of polar compounds, viscosity, color, and absorbance (232 and 268 nm) of 238 samples of the frying oil collected during 26 days of production were analyzed. For all of the analyses, the results of the oil were below the limits recommended for oil disposal, indicating that the processing conditions were safe and that under these experimental conditions the oil remained suitable for frying. The linear regressions were significant for refractive index, content of polar compounds, and lightness (L*). The content of polar compounds was determined using a cooking oil tester, and it had the best fit to the proposed model and can be used as an effective index for monitoring palm oil during the continuous par frying of breaded chicken snacks. The high turnover rate of the oil was important for maintaining the oil in good running conditions.
Climatic impacts of energy-peat extraction are of increasing concern due to EU emissions trading requirements. A new excavation-drier peat extraction method has been developed to reduce the climatic impact and increase the efficiency of peat extraction. To quantify and compare the soil GHG fluxes of the excavation drier and the traditional milling methods, as well as the areas from which the energy peat is planned to be extracted in the future (extraction reserve area types), soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes were measured during 2006–2007 at three sites in Finland. Within each site, fluxes were measured from drained extraction reserve areas, extraction fields and stockpiles of both methods and additionally from the biomass driers of the excavation-drier method. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), described at a principal level in ISO Standards 14040:2006 and 14044:2006, was used to assess the long-term (100 years) climatic impact from peatland utilisation with respect to land use and energy production chains where utilisation of coal was replaced with peat. Coal was used as a reference since in many cases peat and coal can replace each other in same power plants. According to this study, the peat extraction method used was of lesser significance than the extraction reserve area type in regards to the climatic impact. However, the excavation-drier method seems to cause a slightly reduced climatic impact as compared with the prevailing milling method.
Työn tavoitteena oli tehdä elinkaariarviointi (LCA) prosessiteollisuuden sekoittimelle Helmix HF-80 ja analysoida LCA-tulokset, vaikutus ilmaston lämpenemisen potentiaalin (GWP) suhteen, sekä tutkia GWP-vaikutuksen pienentämisen mahdollisuuksia. Tutkittavan sekoittimen mahdolliset käyttökohteet ovat sellu- ja paperiteollisuus, raskaiden jätenesteiden käsittely, sekä muut teollisuusalueet, joissa käytetään tämän tyyppisiä laitteita. Työssä on muun muassa käsitelty sekoitusprosessit, sekoituslaitteiden tyypit, niiden rakenteiden ominaisuudet, käyttötarkoitus, toimintaperiaatteet, sekä sellu- ja paperi-teollisuudessa käytettävien sekoittimien yleiskatsaus. Työssä on myös kuvattu elinkaariarviointi (LCA) -menetelmä ja sen käyttötarkoitus. Tärkeimmistä tuloksista voi mainita sen, että sekoittimen (ilman säiliötä, sähkömoottoria ja vaihteistoa) kokoelinkaaren ilmastonlämpenemisen potentiaali (GWP) on noin 750 000 kg CO2-Equiv. Sekoittimen tuotanto- ja kierrätysaikana syntyy vain 1200 kg CO2-Equiv. ja suurin osa 748 000 kg CO2-Equiv. johtuu sähköenergian kulutuksesta käytön aikana. Käyttöajan vaikutusta voisi pienentää arvoksi 0 kg CO2-Equiv. käyttämällä pelkästään uusiutuvaa energiaa. Jos tuotantoaikana käytetty energia myös korvataan uusiutuvalla energialla, niin GWP-arvo koko elinkaaren aikana laskee arvoon 1006 kg CO2eqv., mikä on vain 0,13 % saaduista tuloksista. Suurin osa tästä arvosta liittyy sekoittimen materiaalin, tässä tapauksessa ruostumattoman teräksen tuotantoon.
A large amount of fly ash is produced in power plants and a big fraction of it ends up as waste to landfills. Disposal of fly ash to landfills is expensive for power plants due to for example waste taxation. However fly ash can utilized in different applications. Possibility of utilizing fly ash can be increased by granulation which also removes the dustiness problems of ash. This Thesis deals with the prerequisites for commercialization of a new granulation technique, tube granulation. Tube granulation technique utilizes water, calcium oxide in fly ash plus carbon dioxide and heat from flue gas. This Thesis determines the necessary auxiliary equipment for tube granulation, approaches for process dimensioning and implementation of the granulation process into a continuous power plant process. In addition, the economic benefits of tube granulation are examined from the user’s perspective. A continuous tube granulation process requires the following auxiliary systems to function: ash system, water feed system and flue gas system. Implementation of tube granulation system into a power plant process depends on the specific power plant but a general principle is that fly ash should be obtained to the granulator as fresh as possible and flue gas should be taken from the pressure side of a flue gas fan. Dimensioning of the process can be examined for example in terms of degree of filling and residence time in the granulator or in terms of granule drying. Determining the optimal dimensioning parameters requires pilot tests with the granulator.
Olkiluodon ja Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksilla syntyvä käytetty ydinpolttoaine tullaan kapseloimaan ja loppusijoittamaan Posiva Oy:n kapselointi- ja loppusijoituslaitoksella, joka rakennetaan Olkiluotoon. Käytetyn polttoaineen käsittelyssä on huomioitava säteilytyöhön liittyviä säteilysuojelunäkökohtia. Kapseloinnissa ja loppusijoituksessa käsitellään vaarallisia säteilylähteitä, joista merkittävimmät ovat käytetty ydinpolttoaine ja täyden loppusijoituskapselin röntgentarkastuslaitteisto. Posivan laitosten käyttötoiminnalle muodostetaan tässä diplomityössä säteilysuojelun vaatimusmäärittely. Kapseloinnin ja loppusijoituksen säteilytyövaiheet käsitellään yksitellen säteilysuojelun näkökulmasta. Työvaiheille määritetään tarpeelliset säteilysuojelutoimenpiteet ja työvaiheiden suorittamisen säteilysuojeluvaatimukset. Molempien laitosten valvonta-aluejärjestelyjä ja säteilyolosuhteiden vyöhykejakoa tarkennetaan. Työssä määritetään vyöhyke- ja aluerajoilla vaadittavat säteilysuojelutoiminnot sekä kontaminaationhallinnan laatuvaatimukset. Työssä käsitellään myös operatiivisen säteilysuojelun toimenpiteiden laatuvaatimuksia ja tarvittavaa säteilysuojelun sisäistä ohjeistoa. Työn tuloksena on kapselointi- ja loppusijoituslaitoksen käyttötoiminnan operatiivisten säteilysuojelutoimenpiteiden kuvaus. Kapselointi- ja loppusijoituslaitosten säteilysuojelua toteutetaan käyttövaiheen työnsuunnittelulla, operatiivisilla säteilysuojelutoimilla ja rakenteellisin keinoin. Työntekijöiden säteilyannokset minimoidaan välttämällä oleskelua kohonneen säteilytason alueilla. Kapselin röntgentarkastuslaitteiston käytön säteilyturvallisuus on varmistettava ja laitosten käyttötoiminta ei saa aiheuttaa työntekijöille sisäistä säteilyannosta. Useista työvaiheista ja käyttötoiminnan poikkeustilanteista on tehtävä jatkoanalyyseja työntekijöiden säteilysuojelun näkökulmasta.
This master’s thesis examines the effects of increased material recycling on different waste-to-energy concepts. With background study and a developed techno-economic computational method the feasibility of chosen scenarios with different combinations of mechanical treatment and waste firing technologies can be evaluated. The background study covers the waste scene of Finland, and potential market areas Poland and France. Calculated cases concentrate on municipal solid waste treatment in the Finnish operational environment. The chosen methodology to approach the objectives is techno-economic feasibility assessment. It combines calculation methods of literature and practical engineering to define the material and energy balances in chosen scenarios. The calculation results together with other operational and financial data can be concluded to net present values compared between the scenarios. For the comparison, four scenarios, most vital and alternative between each other, are established. The baseline scenario is grate firing of source separated mixed municipal solid waste. Second scenario is fluidized bed combustion of solid recovered fuel produced in mechanical treatment process with metal separation. Third scenario combines a biomaterial separation process to the solid recovered fuels preparation and in the last scenario plastics are separated in addition to the previous operations. The results indicated that the mechanical treatment scenarios still need to overcome some problems to become feasible. Problems are related to profitability, residue disposal and technical reliability. Many uncertainties are also related to the data gathered over waste characteristics, technical performance and markets. With legislative support and development of further processing technologies and markets of the recycled materials the scenarios with biomaterial and plastic separation may operate feasibly in the future.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia mekaanisia käsittelylaitteita ja -prosesseja kaupalliselle sekajätteelle ja selvittää mahdollisen laitoshankkeen kannattavuutta case-yritykselle. Jätehuollon yritykset ovat jatkuvan muutoksen alla kasvavien keräys- ja käsittelykustannusten takia, joka vaatii säästöjen etsimistä. Sekajäte sisältää arvokkaita kierrätysraaka-aineita ja näiden erottelu voisi luoda lisäarvoa alentuneina hävityskustannuksina ja lisääntyneinä myyntituottoina. Työssä selvitettiin kaupallisen sekajätteen koostumusta lajittelukokeen ja muiden sekajätetutkimusten avulla. Mekaanisia käsittelylaitteita tutkittiin kirjallisuuden ja case-esimerkkien kautta. Laitoshakkeen kannattavuutta arvioitiin taulukkolaskentamallin avulla. Laitosvaihtoehtoja tarkasteltiin 10-30 tuhannen tonnin kapasiteetin välillä. Laskelmien ja kirjallisuustutkimuksen pohjalta kannattavimpana vaihtoehtona nähtiin SRF kierrätyspolttoainetta valmistava laitos. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen ja case-laitosten pohjalta luotiin kaksi investointiskenaariota, joille laskettiin taulukkolaskentamallin avulla yksikkökustannukset, nettonykyarvot ja sisäiset korot. Kustannusaineisto oli peräisin case-yritykseltä ja muista laitostutkimuksista. Kannattavuuslaskelmien mukaan skenaario 2, jossa SRF-tuotannon lisäksi eroteltaisiin sekalaisia muoveja, on kannattavampi. Skenaarioiden 1 ja 2 kriittiset pisteet olivat noin 15,3 ja 13,6 tuhatta tonnia vuodessa. Kumpikaan skenaarioista ei kuitenkaan ole kannattava case-yrityksen omilla vuotuisilla kuormilla (10 000 tonnia). Lisää käsiteltävää jätettä tulisi hankkia ulkopuolisilta yrityksiltä taloudellisesti edullisen vaakamaksun avulla. Skenaarion 2 ongelmaksi kuitenkin muodostuu sekalaisten muovien poistuminen SRF:n komponenttina, mikä vaikuttaa SRF:n markkinoitavuuteen tehollisen lämpöarvon alenemisen takia.
Posiva Oy’s final disposal facility’s encapsulation plant will start to operate in the 2020s. Once the operation starts, the facility is designed to run more than a hundred years. The encapsulation plant will be first of its kind in the world, being part of the solution to solve a global issue of final disposal of nuclear waste. In the encapsulation plant’s fuel handling cell the spent nuclear fuel will be processed to be deposited into the Finnish bedrock, into ONKALO. In the fuel handling cell, the environment is highly radioactive forming a permit-required enclosed space. Remote observation is needed in order to monitor the fuel handling process. The purpose of this thesis is to map (Part I) and compare (Part II) remote observation methods to observe Posiva Oy’s fuel handling cell’s process, and provide a possible theoretical solution for this case. Secondary purpose for this thesis is to provide resources for other remote observation cases, as well as to inform about possible future technology to enable readiness in the design of the encapsulation plant. The approach was to theoretically analyze the mapped remote observation methods. Firstly, the methods were filtered by three environmental challenges. These are the high levels of radiation, the permit-required confined space and the hundred year timespan. Secondly, the most promising methods were selected by the experts designing the facility. Thirdly, a customized feasibility analysis was created and performed on the selected methods to rank the methods with scores. The results are the mapped methods and the feasibility analysis scores. The three highest scoring methods were radiation tolerant camera, fiberscope and audio feed. A combination of these three methods was given as a possible theoretical solution for this case. As this case is first in the world, remote observation methods for it had not been thoroughly researched. The findings in this thesis will act as initial data for the design of the fuel handling cell’s remote observation systems and can potentially effect on the overall design of the facility by providing unique and case specific information. In addition, this thesis could provide resources for other remote observation cases.
This thesis investigated whole body glucose disposal and the adaptive changes in skeletal muscle carbohydrate metabolism following 28 d of supplementation with 1000 mg R(+)-lipoic acid in young sedentary males (age, 22.1 ± 0.67 yr, body mass, 78.7 ± 10.3 kg, n=9). In certain individuals, lipoic acid decreased the 180-min area under the glucose concentration and insulin concentration curve during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) (n=4). In the same individuals, lipoic acid supplementation decreased pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase activity (PDK) (0.09 ± 0.024 min"^ vs. 0.137 ± 0.023 min'\ n=4). The fasting levels of the activated form of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDHa) were decreased following lipoic acid (0.42 ± 0.13 mmol-min'kg'^ vs. 0.82 ± 0.32 mmolrnin'^kg"\ n=4), yet increased to a greater extent during the OGTT (1.21 ± 0.34 mmol-min'kg"' vs. 0.81 ±0.13 mmolmin"'kg'\ n=4) following hpoic acid supplementation. No changes were demonstrated in the remaining subjects (n=5). It was concluded that improved glucose clearance during an OGTT following lipoic acid supplementation is assisted by increased muscle glucose oxidation through increased PDHa activation and decreased PDK activity in certain individuals.
In light of the fact that literature on toxicity of heavy metals in non-acidified
freshwater systems is sparse, this project was initiated to conduct an environmental
assessment of Lake Gibson. Chemistry of soils from adjacent areas and vineyards in the
region provide a comparative background database. Water quality determinations were used
to identify and highlight areas of environmental concern within the Lake Gibson watershed.
A Shelby Corer was used to obtain 66 sediment cores from Lake Gibson. These were
sectioned according to lithology and color to yield 298 samples. A suite of 122 soil samples
was collected in the region and vicinity of Lake Gibson. All were tested for metals and
some for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). Evaluation of the results leads to the
following conclusions:
1. Metal concentrations ofAI, Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Fe and Zn in soils from the Niagara
Region are well below background limits set by the Ministry of the Environment
and Energy (MOEE) for provincial soils.
2. There is a spatial and depth difference for some of the metals within the various
soils. The Cr, Ni and Pb contents of soils vary throughout the region (p